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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.


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If you have to try that hard at this point maybe your dad is a piece of shit, not trying to be offensive but just because it's your dad doesn't mean the same barometer that exists for everyone else doesn't count for him. 


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10 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

if you come at pete with “reports”, pete will eat your lunch on twitter and make you say thank you. 

One of the greatest subtle jabs there is "if you're encountering a problem."  Elmo is encountering no problems with disaster relief.  He's sitting around like jabba the hutt on some $25,000 leather couch snorting ketamine and scratching his shriveled balls with a phone in one hand.

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2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Never change, media.


Oh please, they are still bitching about her lack of interviews. CNN, MSNBC, 60 Minutes coming up next week, podcasts, etc. She has the Univision town hall next week too

Last I checked, CNN hasn’t confirmed what they’re going to do on October 23 but they have a chance to have Harris to themselves for 90 minutes uninterrupted  since Trump said no

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1 minute ago, Js1 said:

Oh please, they are still bitching about her lack of interviews. CNN, MSNBC, 60 Minutes coming up next week, podcasts, etc. She has the Univision town hall next week too

Last I checked, CNN hasn’t confirmed what they’re going to do on October 23 but they have a chance to have Harris to themselves for 90 minutes uninterrupted  since Trump said no

They have to write about something.

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11 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Me too.  I saw the headline, and was about to send it off to my Vietnam Vet father (who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, though to be fair to my dad, he is voting for the R, not the guy behind it (never voted Dem, not even 1963)). I am working on him and my mom to either hold their noses and vote for Kamala (I would put that at a 5% chance) or to stay home (45% chance at the moment).  I do not have a lot of hope, and if they vote for Trump, that will irrevocably damage my relationship with them. For those that think this is a hyperbole, Trump hates women and was totally cool taking away our right to bodily autonomy. It is shocking to me that my dad, who told me growing up that I could be anyone I wanted to be, would vote for a misogynist like Trump, who is totally cool with relegating women to the same place they are in enlightened places like Afghanistan under the Taliban or Saudi Arabia (i.e. as little more than property).

Similar dynamic here. Dad is a Vietnam veteran who served 27 years in the Marines, and has gone hard core Trumper. Except my mom is now full on Democrat. GW drove her from the Republican Party and she’s never voted GOP since.

It bottles my mind how my dad has gone MAGA when (1) Trump shits all over vets, and (2) his granddaughter is gay. But it’s futile talking reason with an 80-year-old boomer.

At least he knows better than to talk politics around us anymore. And I’m his son, so I love him.

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24 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

It is shocking to me that my dad, who told me growing up that I could be anyone I wanted to be,

Observation apropos of nothing, but I was raised this way, too.  My mother wasn't a "libber" back in the day, but she was a smart, tough, educated farm girl and I was not raised to think in any way less of women.

Yes I am guilty of engaging in casual misogyny, mostly for the lulz, but I have become conscious of it and try to refrain, because deep down inside I just don't do the whole female inferiority thing.  Overall, I find most racism and other ism so repugnant as to be laughable and a good source of humor, but now realize that engaging in that humor adds to the problem.

My grandparents were FDR democrats all the way, on both sides.  Dad chose the GOP in a government or poli sci class at SMU after the war when he and another guy were assigned to attend a precinct meeting and Dad went to the Republican one on a coin flip.  Mind you, this was the era of Eisenhower Republicans.  My Mom retained a pretty liberal streak most of her life, but I think they mostly voted Republican.  She didn't like Nixon on a "personal level" and felt vindicated by Watergate.  Dad abhorred racism and ism more generally, seeing it as bullying the downtrodden.

My parents didn't live to see Trump, but I think they would have hated his guts despite being affluent whites that benefitted greatly from the post-war era and also voted mostly GOP most of the time.

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1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:

Oh and we have the opportunity to get this too.


Fun fact: in 2016 Democrats had a favorable map, a presidential candidate who would have exceptional coattails in South and Central Texas and possibly could have pulled even in the house. They were nevertheless unable to file candidates and contest enough Republican seats for control or pulling even in the Texas House to be a mathematical possibility. In 2020 they did, and then talked up a bunch of internal polling that supopsedly showed that they were on pace to take both the house (by a lot) and Senate (by one seat). They ended up not taking a single seat and gaining one seat in the senate (they expected 4-5).

I fully expect that in 2024 Democrats in Texas will once again hope in one hand while shitting in the other.

Edited by Bozo_Casanova
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6 minutes ago, Pancho said:


nothing like “we are triaging swing state senate races” to show how confident the GOP is.

That GOP firm yesterday had Harris +3 and Rosen +8

The map is shrinking for the GOP

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31 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

I know. And no offense taken. I wrestle with it myself. I have gotten grief on here for refusing to step foot in Texas until I have no choice (work related), but the shit Republicans have done in Texas and in other states is personal for me and for a lot of other women and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

It's been tough coming to terms that my only sibling is racist and xenophobic. This is someone I deeply loved.

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Around me the shift has been to "it's not the person, it's the policies". Oh, ok. The democrats' policies are so horrific that you just have to vote for a convicted felon who has promised to be a dictator. So horrific these last four years have been.... stock market up, economy improving every year, more jobs, unemployment down, crime down..... Can't risk more of that. Gotta vote for the evil conman. No choice.

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5 minutes ago, Red Five said:

Around me the shift has been to "it's not the person, it's the policies". Oh, ok. The democrats' policies are so horrific that you just have to vote for a convicted felon who has promised to be a dictator. So horrific these last four years have been.... stock market up, economy improving every year, more jobs, unemployment down, crime down..... Can't risk more of that. Gotta vote for the evil conman. No choice.

Yeah the policies….are pretty horrifically awful too. That says a lot of what they’ll put up with for “lower taxes”

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I'm the opposite of some of y'all. My complicated relationship w/ my 79 YO dad has improved slightly due to his hate from Trump. Full disclosure, when I was a 7 YO in '76 I asked him if he was voting for Carter or Ford (yeah, I was an advanced nerd at a young age). His response was "none of your damn business." That's when I discovered a valuable family tenet: you keep your politics to yourself.

I know his wife voted for W and Romney and suspect he followed suit due to being at the "I got mine, fuck you" stage of his boomer cycle. He's been retired in CO for 20+ years and bitches about legal weed and "those damn bicycle lanes they're putting up everywhere." So I was very pleasantly surprised 4 years ago when he offered up how despicable he thought Trump was and how important it was for Biden to win. 

Unfortunately, my oldest sister whom I've loved and admired my entire life seems to have been brainwashed after being married to an Air Force veteran for almost 40 years. Again, we don't discuss politics but she's dropped a few hints on occasion that make me cringe and fear that they might be more than just GOP, but GQP. We talk weekly but only see one another every few years or so. I'm turning a blind eye to that one because I don't want my worst suspicions to be confirmed.

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41 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Oh please, they are still bitching about her lack of interviews. CNN, MSNBC, 60 Minutes coming up next week, podcasts, etc. She has the Univision town hall next week too

Last I checked, CNN hasn’t confirmed what they’re going to do on October 23 but they have a chance to have Harris to themselves for 90 minutes uninterrupted  since Trump said no

Scanning that article, it seems to point out what Harris is doing exactly right.  Targeting her efforts at swing states and less so on national platforms, where she's already won.  Moderating what could be used by Trump as extreme-left positions.

Author seems to be a chainsaw progressive.

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Yeah the policies….are pretty horrifically awful too. That says a lot of what they’ll put up with for “lower taxes”

Pssst….they’re not “putting up with” the shittiness….they actually like it. The “lower taxes” bit is just cover for how shitty they really are.

That’s the thing that’s so hard for all of us to come to grips with: that 47% of our fellow countrymen, including friends and dear family members, are irredeemably awful human beings. We used to look at Nazi Germany and ask how could that happen, and now we know “oh….it happened because of people like my brother/father/mother/friend.”
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7 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

I'm the opposite of some of y'all. My complicated relationship w/ my 79 YO dad has improved slightly due to his hate from Trump. Full disclosure, when I was a 7 YO in '76 I asked him if he was voting for Carter or Ford (yeah, I was an advanced nerd at a young age). His response was "none of your damn business." That's when I discovered a valuable family tenet: you keep your politics to yourself.

I know his wife voted for W and Romney and suspect he followed suit due to being at the "I got mine, fuck you" stage of his boomer cycle. He's been retired in CO for 20+ years and bitches about legal weed and "those damn bicycle lanes they're putting up everywhere." So I was very pleasantly surprised 4 years ago when he offered up how despicable he thought Trump was and how important it was for Biden to win. 

Unfortunately, my oldest sister whom I've loved and admired my entire life seems to have been brainwashed after being married to an Air Force veteran for almost 40 years. Again, we don't discuss politics but she's dropped a few hints on occasion that make me cringe and fear that they might be more than just GOP, but GQP. We talk weekly but only see one another every few years or so. I'm turning a blind eye to that one because I don't want my worst suspicions to be confirmed.

What is it about the gotdam USAF that breeds fundagelical subgeniuses?  Is it AFA being in Colorado Springs?  Chicken, egg?

Is it something about the nature of combat flying?

It is my sense that naval aviators have less of this tendency and more aligned with the military generally. 

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3 hours ago, kevwun said:

My grandpa got his Purple Heart by having his hip broken by shrapnel from artillery.  He had to spend the night in a foxhole with 2 dead buddies until the medics got to him the next day.  So it’s really neat that Trump gave himself one.

Yeah, my cousin has two, one for taking a bullet in the Middle East and one after a training jump went sideways (actually upside down) and he had to cut himself free from a parachute line which had wrapped around his ankle.  He almost lost that foot.  But neither seems as horrific as a nicked ear, possibly by a bullet. /s

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15 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

What is it about the gotdam USAF that breeds fundagelical subgeniuses?  Is it AFA being in Colorado Springs?  Chicken, egg?

Is it something about the nature of combat flying?

It is my sense that naval aviators have less of this tendency and more aligned with the military generally. 

That's a damn good question. My sister's husband was an NCO and retired as a 1st Sgt after close to 30 years. He's not vocal about his politics at all and is a fabulous human so I'm still holding out hope for the both of them.

My wife's brother, OTOH, graduated from USAFA and retired as a--say it along w/ me--Lt Col and thinks Rush, Hannity, Trump, et al were put on earth by a divine being. He almost died due to COVID because he wasn't going to be forced by Southwest Airlines to get vaxxed. Again, he generally keeps his thoughts to himself but he definitely contributed to the brain mush poisoning of his parents. His twenty-something daughter and son have helped him  to temper his nutjob opinions some as they've made it clear that they're not following him down that path & if he wants to be part of their lives he needs to make better choices. Damn proud of those youngsters.

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12 hours ago, TexArcher said:

It's been 8 years of this, and I know I ought to be well beyond the surreal shock phase, by my god, these people, man.  Nothing is off limits.  Nothing is sacred.  No one outside their circle matters.  And they'll do absolutely anything for power and money.

It's all so disgusting and embarrassing.  And people I used to respect have fallen for it.  God dammit.

My husband and I were just talking about this after seeing the video of tfg getting the Purple Heart. I’m so goddamned embarrassed of this fucker, I just can’t with his supporters. As soon as I know they are a supporter I lose all respect for them. I recently found out my nephew is leaning toward voting for him. I wish I didn’t know that. 

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3 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

My husband and I were just talking about this after seeing the video of tfg getting the Purple Heart. I’m so goddamned embarrassed of this fucker, I just can’t with his supporters. As soon as I know they are a supporter I lose all respect for them. I recently found out my nephew is leaning toward voting for him. I wish I didn’t know that. 

I’m so glad my nephew doesn’t turn 18 until November 7 😂

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41 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

It is my sense that naval aviators have less of this tendency and more aligned with the military generally.

Easily one of my most liberal friends is an ex-Navy pilot

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29 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Yeah, my cousin has two, one for taking a bullet in the Middle East and one after a training jump went sideways (actually upside down) and he had to cut himself free from a parachute line which had wrapped around his ankle.  He almost lost that foot.  But neither seems as horrific as a nicked ear, possibly by a bullet. /s

My Uncle Donnie, who was a bad ass in the joint Canadian-US First Special Service Force (the Devil’s Brigade was a unit that was trained in Alpine Mountain fighting, and as ski troops, paratroopers and skilled demolition men) was paralyzed from the waist down when shrapnel from a German 88 severed his spine at Enzio.  


But I don’t think he ever suffered the horror of nicking his ear with his fingernail.   

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My husband and I were just talking about this after seeing the video of tfg getting the Purple Heart. I’m so goddamned embarrassed of this fucker, I just can’t with his supporters. As soon as I know they are a supporter I lose all respect for them. I recently found out my nephew is leaning toward voting for him. I wish I didn’t know that. 

He is a man utterly without honor.

Seriously, imagine you were running for office, and some veteran offered you ANY of his decorations/medals. Isn’t the ONLY answer you could give be “I’m honored by your offer, but these belong to men and women like you who earned these in service to our country. You have no respect.”
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46 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

That's a damn good question. My sister's husband was an NCO and retired as a 1st Sgt after close to 30 years. He's not vocal about his politics at all and is a fabulous human so I'm still holding out hope for the both of them.

My wife's brother, OTOH, graduated from USAFA and retired as a--say it along w/ me--Lt Col and thinks Rush, Hannity, Trump, et al were put on earth by a divine being. He almost died due to COVID because he wasn't going to be forced by Southwest Airlines to get vaxxed. Again, he generally keeps his thoughts to himself but he definitely contributed to the brain mush poisoning of his parents. His twenty-something daughter and son have helped him  to temper his nutjob opinions some as they've made it clear that they're not following him down that path & if he wants to be part of their lives he needs to make better choices. Damn proud of those youngsters.

The USAFA was overrun by evangelicals many, many years ago. It was widely reported.

The man I most respected in my life, (five DFCs, and he turned down his Purple Heart because he viewed his injury as a mere nuisance compared to those of his brethren,) graduated from the Naval Academy but served in the Air Force, because, as he told Eisenhower, “the runways are so much longer.”

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2 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Me too.  I saw the headline, and was about to send it off to my Vietnam Vet father (who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, though to be fair to my dad, he is voting for the R, not the guy behind it (never voted Dem, not even 1963)). I am working on him and my mom to either hold their noses and vote for Kamala (I would put that at a 5% chance) or to stay home (45% chance at the moment).  I do not have a lot of hope, and if they vote for Trump, that will irrevocably damage my relationship with them. For those that think this is a hyperbole, Trump hates women and was totally cool taking away our right to bodily autonomy. It is shocking to me that my dad, who told me growing up that I could be anyone I wanted to be, would vote for a misogynist like Trump, who is totally cool with relegating women to the same place they are in enlightened places like Afghanistan under the Taliban or Saudi Arabia (i.e. as little more than property).

Well to be fair, no one voted D in 1963.

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1 hour ago, Red Five said:

Around me the shift has been to "it's not the person, it's the policies". Oh, ok. The democrats' policies are so horrific that you just have to vote for a convicted felon who has promised to be a dictator. So horrific these last four years have been.... stock market up, economy improving every year, more jobs, unemployment down, crime down..... Can't risk more of that. Gotta vote for the evil conman. No choice.

I think it’s a good time to remind these “policies not person” people that we don’t live in a direct democracy; we have real people who are elected to represent us. Their character matters more so than a specific policy. Remember, it’s a “republic, not a democracy.”

Nevermind that if your values and policies lead you to this degeneracy, your values and policies are rotten to the core.

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2 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Me too.  I saw the headline, and was about to send it off to my Vietnam Vet father (who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, though to be fair to my dad, he is voting for the R, not the guy behind it (never voted Dem, not even 1963)). I am working on him and my mom to either hold their noses and vote for Kamala (I would put that at a 5% chance) or to stay home (45% chance at the moment).  I do not have a lot of hope, and if they vote for Trump, that will irrevocably damage my relationship with them. For those that think this is a hyperbole, Trump hates women and was totally cool taking away our right to bodily autonomy. It is shocking to me that my dad, who told me growing up that I could be anyone I wanted to be, would vote for a misogynist like Trump, who is totally cool with relegating women to the same place they are in enlightened places like Afghanistan under the Taliban or Saudi Arabia (i.e. as little more than property).

You CAN be anyone you want to be unless you wanna be equal.

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