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2024 Presidential Election Thread - Let's keep the party going.


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On question after question, the poll finds that voters don’t seem to have any major reservations about her. A majority say that she’s honest and intelligent; that she brings the right kind of change and has the temperament to be president; and that she has a clear vision for the country. A majority doesn’t think she’s too far to the left, either: Only 44 percent of likely voters say she’s too liberal or progressive, compared with 44 percent who say she’s not too far either way and another 6 percent who say she isn’t progressive enough. We didn’t need to ask whether voters thought she was too old to be an effective president.

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Ok.  So probably had the ritzy fundraiser scheduled first.  Flight gets delay, you're way late to the fundraiser, you have a choice, and you chose a handful of rich people over an arena of commoners.  

Hosted by a group of Dental Floss Tycoons.
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5 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

RE: Internal polling?  From the NYT article that was shared by Cactusflinthead:



I think it’s pretty obvious their internal polling is ass. He’s lashing out and flailing and looks awful. He knows they lost all momentum 

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9 hours ago, Tuco said:

Shit, somebody forgot the drum roll.  It wouldn't have been really funny with a drumroll.  That way people would have noticed it was a joke.  


I got you. 


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3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Chef’s kiss



People around Trump describe him as "knocked off his bearings" by Harris.

Trump refers to Harris as a "bitch" in private.

Trump megadonors are being consumed by infighting over limited funds.

⁠Donors repeatedly asked Trump to remove JD Vance from the ticket, this is now confirmed.

Trump loves what JD has been doing recently and thinks his rally schedule is helping.

Trump's pollsters are now saying that Harris' numbers will probably keep improving through the DNC. They previously predicted only a few weeks of a bump for her at the start of the race.

He's fucked and he can't find a way out. 

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4 minutes ago, immamac said:

He's fucked and he can't find a way out. 

I actually am loving this. NYT with 3 punches at Trump - bad polling, campaign in disarray story and them reporting about the false helicopter story and him threatening to sue

I don’t trust the NYT not to both sides this again by tomorrow, but for today, they seem to be doing something productive 

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Fucking LOL at Trump attacking Miriam Adelson as a RINO through a staffer (after her $18m in ads via her Super PAC) because Ike Perlmutter was butthurt about something with a rival super PAC he backs 

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8 hours ago, TexEx15 said:

It was one thing to read but it’s another to hear it.


His pleading for Biden will lead to epic mockery at the Democratic Convention.


6 hours ago, C-Man said:

Doubling down on ChopperGate. 

"What the fuck did you do now," my wife wanted to know.


2 hours ago, Js1 said:

On question after question, the poll finds that voters don’t seem to have any major reservations about her. A majority say that she’s honest and intelligent; that she brings the right kind of change and has the temperament to be president; and that she has a clear vision for the country. A majority doesn’t think she’s too far to the left, either: Only 44 percent of likely voters say she’s too liberal or progressive, compared with 44 percent who say she’s not too far either way and another 6 percent who say she isn’t progressive enough. We didn’t need to ask whether voters thought she was too old to be an effective president.

Half the country, or less, doesn't even know who Walz is yet. Big bump in the polls incoming and I can't believe (well, yes I can) Trump has advisors stupid enough to think Harris wouldn't get a post-convention bounce. (Trump prefers to hire people dumber than him or extremely subservient.)


39 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1416130/share-of-us-respondents-who-consider-themselves-taylor-swift-fans-age/#:~:text=Share of U.S. respondents who,fans in 2023%2C by age&text=According to the results of,or older stated the same.


This doesn’t include kids who can’t vote, but her biggest chunk of fans are millennials. News flash, they can vote. She’s been performing for almost 20 years. Women who were teenagers when she sang country have literally grown up with her. 

Anecdotal: my wife is 43, my sister in law is 45, and they went to see Taylor together. And my SiL has been signing her to her 7 year old for awhile now. Her fans are introducing their kids to her dude. Did you think her endorsement last election was a big nothing-burger? Then why the fuck is the right so triggered?

Yep. I'm anxious to see how many get on the call, how many volunteer, and how many donate. It'll probably be the first time donating or volunteering for many of them. Women under 50 are uniting for Kamala and fired up, except of course for the nutty trad wives.

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50 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1416130/share-of-us-respondents-who-consider-themselves-taylor-swift-fans-age/#:~:text=Share of U.S. respondents who,fans in 2023%2C by age&text=According to the results of,or older stated the same.


This doesn’t include kids who can’t vote, but her biggest chunk of fans are millennials. News flash, they can vote. She’s been performing for almost 20 years. Women who were teenagers when she sang country have literally grown up with her. 

Anecdotal: my wife is 43, my sister in law is 45, and they went to see Taylor together. And my SiL has been signing her to her 7 year old for awhile now. Her fans are introducing their kids to her dude. Did you think her endorsement last election was a big nothing-burger? Then why the fuck is the right so triggered?

She's huge with women in general, perhaps not boomer women but every other generation she is. 

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1 minute ago, TexArcher said:

Okay, I'll say it.

All this pronouncing Trump dead in the water makes me a little nervous.

I can't even point to exactly why.  Maybe it's because it sounds too much like 2016?  Maybe I'm afraid that public overconfidence from Dems might lead to some folks staying home, thinking it's in the bag?

I just don't think it's in the bag.  Some of this bump is likely to be temporary and there is a long way to go, and potentially a lot of fuckery between the polls now and the voting booths.

I'm still concerned, dudes.


As you should be. Turnout is still what matters. We need to keep the pedal to the floor. Their side will still show up, even if they are depressed. They will see it as their last chance (which it probably is). Now is our time to crush them. 

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Just now, TexArcher said:

Okay, I'll say it.

All this pronouncing Trump dead in the water makes me a little nervous.

I can't even point to exactly why.  Maybe it's because it sounds too much like 2016?  Maybe I'm afraid that public overconfidence from Dems might lead to some folks staying home, thinking it's in the bag?

I just don't think it's in the bag.  Some of this bump is likely to be temporary and there is a long way to go, and potentially a lot of fuckery between the polls now and the voting booths.

I'm still nervous.

Absolutely. Millions will still vote for him, and with the EC anything can happen. So far, it appears that Harris and Walz understand this and are saying this over and over. Keep the pressure on until the day after the election. Run through the finish line. 

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2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Okay, I'll say it.

All this pronouncing Trump dead in the water makes me a little nervous.

I can't even point to exactly why.  Maybe it's because it sounds too much like 2016?  Maybe I'm afraid that public overconfidence from Dems might lead to some folks staying home, thinking it's in the bag?

I just don't think it's in the bag.  Some of this bump is likely to be temporary and there is a long way to go, and potentially a lot of fuckery between the polls now and the voting booths.

I'm still concerned, dudes.


I don't think anyone is overconfident about anything. I think people are going for the jugular. It's not a business is taken care of narrative it's a snuff out evil until it goes away narrative. 

Trump being dead in the water is obvious. Have you seen him? He's completely flailing and unhinged. He's got supporters jumping ship like rats from a sinking vessel. That doesn't mean we have stopped firing on the ship, make sure the ship goes down and there are no rafts. 

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Nobody's taking this lightly or truly thinks this is "in the bag." The EC by itself guarantees fuckery will still be in effect. But the undeniable facts at this point is that the Dems are killing it organizationally, they have a clear message for the American people, and their ticket is a combination of inspirational, aspirational, and relatable people. 

Ain't nobody going to take Trump and the MAGAts lightly until he's room temperature.

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4 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Okay, I'll say it.

All this pronouncing Trump dead in the water makes me a little nervous.

I can't even point to exactly why.  Maybe it's because it sounds too much like 2016?  Maybe I'm afraid that public overconfidence from Dems might lead to some folks staying home, thinking it's in the bag?

I just don't think it's in the bag.  Some of this bump is likely to be temporary and there is a long way to go, and potentially a lot of fuckery between the polls now and the voting booths.

I'm still concerned, dudes.


Some optimism for you: In 2016 people thought Hillary would win because it was impossible for someone like Trump to win. It just didn't happen. There were too many gaffs, too many scandals. But people weren't generally jazzed or enthusiastic about voting for Hillary. I don't think you see that sort of voter apathy again. People now know Trump can win if they don't vote. And people want to vote for Kamala. 

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3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

Okay, I'll say it.

All this pronouncing Trump dead in the water makes me a little nervous.

I can't even point to exactly why.  Maybe it's because it sounds too much like 2016?  Maybe I'm afraid that public overconfidence from Dems might lead to some folks staying home, thinking it's in the bag?

I just don't think it's in the bag.  Some of this bump is likely to be temporary and there is a long way to go, and potentially a lot of fuckery between the polls now and the voting booths.

I'm still concerned, dudes.


The excitement for Harris/Walz dwarfs what the 2016 ticket had.  I voted 3rd party in 2016, this time I'm donating to the POTUS candidates and volunteering at a Harris phone bank.  

And Trump 2024 is an old, miserable fuck. 

But as Biff said, the turnout has to be there. 

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Just now, immamac said:

Trump being dead in the water is obvious. Have you seen him? He's completely flailing and unhinged. He's got supporters jumping ship like rats from a sinking vessel. That doesn't mean we have stopped firing on the ship, make sure the ship goes down and there are no rafts. 

Yeah, but he's been flailing and unhinged the whole time.  He definitely spiraling on a personal level, but I don't think that means he can't win.  He's still capable of pressing the right buttons on camera, as we saw in the debate.

I guess my main concern is this: I've said all along that I believe Trump still has a silent voting bloc that does not show up in the polls, but will show up on election day, again.  And I just don't trust young liberals to show up at the same level.  I think this election may be as simple as voter turnout, and there are things Republicans can and will do to interfere with that, compounding the natural laxness of a couple of generations behind us.

This should be a W.  But I just can't feel too good about it yet.  Trump is cagey and willing to fight dirty, and Democrats have blown layups before.


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