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[DOOM THREAD] 2024 Presidential Election Thread - Oh. My. God. We may be fucked.


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1 minute ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Well you can't make people run for President and I don't believe that any of the alternatives who have been proposed are inclined to do so.


If Biden announced today that he isn't running, you would immediately have a swarm of democratic candidates. Including probably everyone being discussed here, with the exception of Michelle Obama. 

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50 minutes ago, Goredho said:

I get that the building's engulfed in flames, Fire Marshall Grandpa is fumbling with the fire hose trying to figure out which end to hold and that you and the Democratic party are telling us no one else more capable can take the fire hose from Grandpa to attempt to put out the fire.  Because Grandpa was elected Fire Marshall and there are no contingencies for replacing him when he inevitably got too old to perform and so we all just have to be patient with him as we're incinerated.

That is a bullshit and unacceptable answer.

This is a great analogy.  We don't want the old Fire Marshall that is fumbling with the fire hose, but the other choice is to make the Fire Marshall the guy that lit the fucking building on fire and chanted let's burn this motherfucker to the ground and when we are done let's light all the rest of the buildings on fire also.  I choose the old guy and hope that he hires some firemen that no what the fuck they are doing, but that's just me.   Yes, I get this about switching Biden out but that isn't going to happen in my opinion for reasons already stated. 

Edited by Beantown Express 2.0
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21 minutes ago, Foosters said:


You're right -- I shouldn't jump to conclusions! I'm sure Thursday night was the very first time Biden has struggled cognitively. Biden's inner circle, the white house, and party officials probably had zero inkling this was a possibility. To this point, they thought Biden was the poster boy for mental acuity... Biden taking the fewest interviews of any modern sitting president is just a funny coincidence. 

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1 minute ago, ATXhorn17 said:

You're right -- I shouldn't jump to conclusions! I'm sure Thursday night was the very first time Biden has struggled cognitively. Biden's inner circle, the white house, and party officials probably had zero inkling this was a possibility. To this point, they thought Biden was the poster boy for mental acuity... Biden taking the fewest interviews of any modern sitting president is just a funny coincidence. 

That's . . . not what you said?

You said that he's checked out and there's a shadow government running things and lying to the American People. What you've posted above has nothing to do with your original post. 

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To berate a Lobo iteration, Biden's strongest asset is he has put very, very capable and smart people into high levels of his staff, cabinet, and administration.  They are the ones boosting the economy, improving health, invigorating our infrastructure, backfilling weapon systems to our NATO allies to assist Ukraine, crippling China, improving our environmental quality while boosting hydrocarbon E&P, all while trying to make housing and education better.  Most of you are smart people, you know that you're not voting for a person, you're voting for the administration they will deploy from Fed Chair to Sec. of Defense to EPA Chief to Asst, Sec, of Labor,  But the paradox is Joe can't run on his team's success because it makes him look disconnected and incapable.  Trump's attrition rate and incapability of his team is laughable.  I'd start punching there.  

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It may not look good at this point, but the "Overreact" is crazy as pointed out. The below is why Biden can still win as Newsweek points out. We just need to make sure everyone knows Trump keeps saying he's going to eliminate the constitution and take over as dictator. He will be just like Stalin. 

Biden Campaign Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling - Newsweek


Supreme Court Just Gave Joe Biden New Protection: Lawyer - Newsweek

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2 hours ago, Skipper said:

Too many Cloak Room regulars still whistling past the graveyard.  Much like Trump, Biden is flat out not fit for office.  Certainly not another 4 year term.  The decline has been significant.  The clear result for those that think neither is fit for office is more votes for RFK or people just not showing up.   I don't think Biden can recover.  

Some of y’all need Jesus and a lesson on identifying fascist concern trolling. The quoted post is a prime example of the latter. 

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48 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

What is the name of this Hail Mary?

Pete, Kamala, Gavin, Josh, Gretchen (Go Green Go White) there's a shitload and I realize it most certainly will be Kamala. 

Anyone who can address an abortion question by not pivoting to immigration. Anyone who can succinctly point out the structural barriers the republicans are building and want to build into democracy.  

Literally everyone one who was going to vote for Biden anyway will support them, literally everyone who was supporting Biden will be more energized by them, and literally every independent who is on the fence will think they are a better alternative than Biden.

Was my fantasy two years ago, is my fantasy now, and is only a fantasy.


Edited by The Original Greaser Bob
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12 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Some of y’all need Jesus and a lesson on identifying fascist concern trolling. The quoted post is a prime example of the latter. 

Be on the lookout today for all the concern trolling and bot accounts spreading more disinformation. 

Biden is old/senile/not running the country
Watch out for the bait and switch for Newsom, Hillary, Pete, etc. - it was the DNC plan all along to keep legitimate challengers like Bernie from running
Project 2025 is overblown
Vote third party, it's the only way to end the duopoly and both parties are the same
Never would have been in this mess if everyone voted for Bernie in 2016, he'd be finishing up his second term


Parks And Rec Spinning GIF

Edited by Js1
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I guess the way I look at this is as if we were playing for the national championship.  Quinn has taken us there, but he breaks his throwing hand before the championship. He's still a better quarterback than the other guy, and Texas is still embued with more cosmic goodness, and hasn't he won all the games until now?

But the betting odds drop since we've got no more passing game. Ohio State are still the scumbags they always were.

So are we not going to give Manning or ANY of the other reserve quarterbacks a chance?  And aren't our odds going to go up with all of those alternatives?

Are you disagreeing with the premise or are you just thinking we are all trolls for discussing it, because discussing it makes it worse?

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1 minute ago, The Original Greaser Bob said:

I guess the way I look at this is as if we were playing for the national championship.  Quinn has taken us there, but he breaks his throwing hand before the championship. He's still a better quarterback than the other guy, and Texas is still embued with more cosmic goodness, and hasn't he won all the games until now?

But the betting odds drop since we've got no more passing game. Ohio State are still the scumbags they always were.

So are we not going to give Manning or ANY of the other reserve quarterbacks a chance?  And aren't our odds going to go up with all of those alternatives?

Are you disagreeing with the premise or are you just thinking we are all trolls for discussing it, because discussing it makes it worse?

If you're talking about giving Manning a chance that's one thing. If you're talking about pulling a random guy out of the crowd who you've never seen throw a football because he looks pretty that's a completely different thing. 

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2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

If you're talking about giving Manning a chance that's one thing. If you're talking about pulling a random guy out of the crowd who you've never seen throw a football because he looks pretty that's a completely different thing. 

And after the starter throws an interception early in the game. Massive overreactions still ongoing I see. 

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29 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Be on the lookout today for all the concern trolling and bot accounts spreading more disinformation. 

Biden is old/senile/not running the country
Watch out for the bait and switch for Newsom, Hillary, Pete, etc. - it was the DNC plan all along to keep legitimate challengers like Bernie from running
Project 2025 is overblown
Vote third party, it's the only way to end the duopoly and both parties are the same
Never would have been in this mess if everyone voted for Bernie in 2016, he'd be finishing up his second term


Parks And Rec Spinning GIF

I'd argue that your first point isn't disinformation, but aside from that, who are you talking to?

I haven't seen anyone here floating the idea that voting 3rd party is the answer, nor that Project 2025 is "overblown". 

As for Bernie, I do think Bernie would beaten Trump in 2016, because a lot of Bernie bros were just looking for change to the status quo, and ended up gravitating to Trump.  But I certainly don't think he was the best candidate the Dems could have run...IE he's older than Biden.

But sitting Presidents with June approval ratings under 40% haven't fared well historically...Biden is sitting at 37%.  


Ignore it at your own peril.

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15 minutes ago, 'stache said:

And after the starter throws an interception early in the game. Massive overreactions still ongoing I see. 

If Quinn's completion percentage is sitting at 37% through early October with our WR corp, I'm definitely going to be calling for Manning to play against ou.

If that's overreacting, then so be it...

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3 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

If Quinn's completion percentage is sitting at 37% through early October with our WR corp, I'm definitely going to be calling for Manning to play against ou.

If that's overreacting, then so be it...

To be clear, you would prefer that Kamala Harris be the candidate? Because I don’t know how many who also want to replace Biden would agree with you, but I know many wouldn’t.

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3 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Funny how that happened when you resumed posting here.

When you have your meltdown on election night wondering how the F this happened, just don't forget those you label a 'fascist' for having the audacity to tell you it was going to happen if he's not replaced.  Douchebag.

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1 minute ago, Skipper said:

When you have your meltdown on election night wondering how the F this happened, just don't forget those you label a 'fascist' for having the audacity to tell you it was going to happen if he's not replaced.  Douchebag.

How do you replace him if he doesn't want to be replaced?

That's what we're dealing with. It's a massive problem.

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5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

How do you replace him if he doesn't want to be replaced?

That's what we're dealing with. It's a massive problem.

Someone should be working overtime to convince him and frankly to convince Newsome to risk what is probably a much easier path in '28.  It's a terrible situation but it's the hand they were dealt by not making a tough decision 18 months ago (assuming this steep decline was recognized within his inner circle).  As it stands now, Trump is going to win barring a miracle (death, incapacity or somehow an even worse cognitive decline moment).   

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1 minute ago, immamac said:

It's Biden or Kamala Harris. Stop being idiots. There is no outside option from the existing ticket, it's entirely too late and the power of the incumbent office is not something you can just toss aside. 

You forgot to mention Oprah.  I believe she is next in line after Biden.

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12 minutes ago, Skipper said:

Someone should be working overtime to convince him and frankly to convince Newsome to risk what is probably a much easier path in '28.  It's a terrible situation but it's the hand they were dealt by not making a tough decision 18 months ago (assuming this steep decline was recognized within his inner circle).  As it stands now, Trump is going to win barring a miracle (death, incapacity or somehow an even worse cognitive decline moment).   

I'll ask again, who are you voting for? You have a habit of dropping in here every few months to lecture the posters of Surly on how the Democratic party should be doing things. I assume its because you're a passionate Dem?

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3 minutes ago, Foosters said:

I'll ask again, who are you voting for? You have a habit of dropping in here every few months to lecture the posters of Surly on how the Democratic party should be doing things. I assume its because you're a passionate Dem?

I'll reluctantly vote for Biden only because it's Trump.  I would have voted for Haley or certainly a Romney over this version of Biden in an alternate universe.   I don't think Biden is fit for another term after the debate debacle.   I'm voting for him solely because his "team" has done a decent job but another term would basically be the equivalent Otto and Alicent running everything for Viserys at the end of Season 1 of House of the Dragon (for those that watched).   The Republican party is a lost cause and a threat to democracy.  I'm critical of the Dems because it was up to them to strategize a way to keep power and it appears they have blown it. 

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1 minute ago, Skipper said:

I'll reluctantly vote for Biden only because it's Trump.  I would have voted for Haley or certainly a Romney over this version of Biden in an alternate universe.   I don't think Biden is fit for another term after the debate debacle.   I'm voting for him solely because his "team" has done a decent job but another term would basically be the equivalent Otto and Alicent running everything for Viserys at the end of Season 1 of House of the Dragon (for those that watched).   The Republican party is a lost cause and a threat to democracy.  I'm critical of the Dems because it was up to them to strategize a way to keep power and it appears they have blown it. 

Joe Biden should have never been the nominee in 2020. That's how we got here.

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15 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Joe Biden should have never been the nominee in 2020. That's how we got here.

He was relatively fine in 2020 and I think at the time the best shot at beating Trump.  Look at debate footage from 2020 compared to last night.  It is night and day.  I mean it's not surprising to see that level of cognitive decline. He's old and it is natural.  But do we really think signs weren't there to his inner circle for the past 18 months?  

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20 minutes ago, Skipper said:

I'll reluctantly vote for Biden only because it's Trump.  I would have voted for Haley or certainly a Romney over this version of Biden in an alternate universe.   I don't think Biden is fit for another term after the debate debacle.   I'm voting for him solely because his "team" has done a decent job but another term would basically be the equivalent Otto and Alicent running everything for Viserys at the end of Season 1 of House of the Dragon (for those that watched).   The Republican party is a lost cause and a threat to democracy.  I'm critical of the Dems because it was up to them to strategize a way to keep power and it appears they have blown it. 

Appreciate it. I think criticism of Biden and Dems is perfectly reasonable. 

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1 minute ago, Skipper said:

He was relatively fine in 2020 and I think at the time the best shot at beating Trump.  Look at debate footage from 2020 compared to last night.  It is night and day.  I mean it's not surprising to see that level of cognitive decline. He's old and it is natural.  But do we really think signs weren't there to his inner circle for the past 18 months?  

The point is, this problem was completely foreseeable.

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23 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Joe Biden should have never been the nominee in 2020. That's how we got here.

He was the best way to extract the malignant tumor that was Donald Trump.  Then the Democratic Party had four years of sitting in the chemo chair to come up with a way to get healthy again, and fucked it all up.  

Party in-fighting this close to the convention is not a great look, but neither is Joe.  Anything, anything at all to defeat Trump is all that matters.  If that means Newsom takes one for the team, or Joe snorts an 8-ball before his acceptance speech and dies in late January, or Pete has to eat some pussy to look masculine...whatever the fuck it takes.  

The calendar of trials and grifts, as I've said, is slowly killing Trump.  But the calendar is eerily hanging over Biden.  Not age, but in terms of when to make a move to protect the Republic.  

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