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Bernie Sanders 2020 Watch


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@bad_teammate Not sure if you'll catch this, but if you aren't familiar with Phillip Agnew he's a surrogate who has been in a few Bernie videos, most notably one where he talked to a bunch of PoC in Miami (or maybe South Florida in general) and he helped moderate it. Nina Turner is awesome, but it's so clear he's going to be going on to bigger things.


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  On 1/25/2020 at 2:48 AM, GSU&UT said:
[mention=880]bad_teammate[/mention] Not sure if you'll catch this, but if you aren't familiar with Phillip Agnew he's a surrogate who has been in a few Bernie videos, most notably one where he talked to a bunch of PoC in Miami (or maybe South Florida in general) and he helped moderate it. Nina Turner is awesome, but it's so clear he's going to be going on to bigger things.

Holy shit, he is good. You're right.

Very excited to see these kinds of crowds out there for surrogates while Bernie is in DC.
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Christ, imagine the difference between a 30k-strong Bernie rally with every type of American holding hands and swearing to fight for the rights of the marginalized versus a 30k-strong Trump rally with all white people howling about dishwasher regulations and genocide.

It's like something out of a poorly-written movie where the screenwriter feels like you are so dumb that it might as well have "GOOD GUY" and "BAD GUY" in subtitles under each candidate.

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Fantastic op-ed from wonderful Texan Liz Bruenig - Bernie Will Have to Fight Dirty


Ms. Teachout’s essay is sober and specific, tracing Mr. Biden’s history of legislative activity that happened to favor the interests of his major donors. Mr. Biden’s campaign was infuriated by the op-ed. But instead of backing Ms. Teachout — or simply keeping his head down and forging ahead with ground efforts in Iowa — Mr. Sanders made a point of apologizing to Mr. Biden and denouncing the essay. “It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way. And I’m sorry that that op-ed appeared,” Mr. Sanders said on CBS News on Monday.

What Mr. Sanders could have said — should have said — is that Ms. Teachout’s piece was remarkably restrained and that much more worrying evidence could be adduced to call Mr. Biden’s ethics into question.


Contrast that with the sort of material then-Senator Barack Obama aired against Mrs. Clinton in 2008 — claiming, for instance, that she would say anything to get elected, that she didn’t tell the truth, that she was a “corporate lawyer sitting on the board of Walmart ” — and Mr. Sanders’s forays into offense in 2020 appear quite mild.

That is because they are. But Mr. Sanders can’t afford mildness, or a steady habit of capitulation. The critical distinction between Bernie Sanders and the donor-driven, suborned, anti-democratic politics he hopes to overthrow is his greatest virtue, and his strongest appeal. But for that distinction to be more than an abstraction, Mr. Sanders will have to illuminate the contrast between the way he practices politics and the way his opponents do. This will mean running attack ads, devoting stump time to his opponents’ unsavory histories and standing behind surrogates who do the same. The financial capture of Washington that he rightfully detests is real, and it is manifest in his opponents. He will have to own that, or risk campaigning hobbled. There isn’t any way around it; the logic that demands it is inscribed into every speech Mr. Sanders makes.


Bernie is too god damned nice.

He interrupted his own time during a debate to defend Hillary's inappropriate use of a private e-mail server.
He made a joke out of Warren's unprofessional post-debate snub and played it off for cameras to make Warren look less petty.
He apologizes for shit he has no business apologizing for.

And he gets zero credit for it. He is extremely nice and plays exactly the way Dems say you should, but he is demonized by them anyway.

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  On 1/25/2020 at 1:35 PM, bad_teammate said:

Fantastic op-ed from wonderful Texan Liz Bruenig - Bernie Will Have to Fight Dirty

Bernie is too god damned nice.

He interrupted his own time during a debate to defend Hillary's inappropriate use of a private e-mail server.
He made a joke out of Warren's unprofessional post-debate snub and played it off for cameras to make Warren look less petty.
He apologizes for shit he has no business apologizing for.

And he gets zero credit for it. He is extremely nice and plays exactly the way Dems say you should, but he is demonized by them anyway.


Bruenig is young, intelligent, a huge Bernie and DSA advocate, and was just hired by the New York Times as an opinion writer. 

I know you love to harp on the establishment and their anti-Bernie rhetoric, but they are weaker and less influential now. The left is gaining power quickly within the the media world.




Edited by Hank Kingsley
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  On 1/25/2020 at 1:35 PM, bad_teammate said:

Fantastic op-ed from wonderful Texan Liz Bruenig - Bernie Will Have to Fight Dirty

Bernie is too god damned nice.

He interrupted his own time during a debate to defend Hillary's inappropriate use of a private e-mail server.
He made a joke out of Warren's unprofessional post-debate snub and played it off for cameras to make Warren look less petty.
He apologizes for shit he has no business apologizing for.

And he gets zero credit for it. He is extremely nice and plays exactly the way Dems say you should, but he is demonized by them anyway.


He’s winning over voters that way. Dem Inc. is showing its age, and a new paradigm is coming. Don’t worry about their tactics until they start working. 

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  On 1/26/2020 at 5:05 AM, triplehorn said:
He didn't go with her estimate.  But then he had nothing, got defensive, and sounded like kind of a jerk.  it was a cringe inducing fail.
How long did he even have to formulate an answer before she interrupted?

This is a huge problem with gotcha journalists. Ask a loaded question and interrupt any answer that isn't exactly what you're looking for.

Voters hate these people for a reason.

"cringe inducing fail"

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  On 1/26/2020 at 5:05 AM, triplehorn said:

He didn't go with her estimate.  But then he had nothing, got defensive, and sounded like kind of a jerk.  it was a cringe inducing fail.


The reporter would not understand the economics of it. It isn’t difficult but she didn’t bother to learn to core subject let alone the nuance. A lot of people do that. Short attention spans and looking for confirmation of their feelings on a subject. 

corporate media fails the electorate - fact 

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we have a shortage of health care providers and assistants for provision of elderly care with the coming Silver Tsunami. 

and a jobs guarantee included in the green new deal would be the silver bullet for those worried about the issue. 

Edited by washparkhorn
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  On 1/26/2020 at 7:26 AM, triplehorn said:
he should know his material backwards and forwards and expect it before their lips move.  instead he pulled a "i'm rubber and you're glue" number.  just awful.
He does know his material very well, but the combined cost of every proposal over 10 years is not something he can't be reasonably expected to keep track of.

Name a candidate who could accurately predict the cost of all of their ideas over a decade.

A president isn't a king. At their strongest, they tell Congress they want and Congress hashes out the specifics.

Bernie is happy to talk about all this. It's been the focus of every single debate. In the last debate, when it came up and dragged on, the candidates and audience were annoyed because it's been beaten to death.

He's not scared of this conversation, but he doesn't put up with bullshit like being interrupted when he's trying to answer the question. And I love that about him.

Let him talk and he will answer. He's answered this a dozen times. (skip to 5:40 if you want only that specific question answered)

"GIVE ME A NUMBER RIGHT NOW!" is not a demand worth caring about. I don't want him focused on that because the purpose of that question is to begin an argument about how 100% coverage is too big and that some people just don't deserve to live.

Democrats have spent 20+ years falling for this horseshit and we need to follow Bernie's lead.

"It will cost precisely fuck you dollars. We are going to provide comprehensive healthcare for every single person in this country."
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Volunteer Slack buzzing about some volunteers being redirected away from Iowa/NH phonebanking to March states.

- Is internal polling so good that the campaign thinks a 1st or 2nd finish in Iowa/NH is a lock?
- Is internal polling so bad that they campaign thinks Super Tuesday is their only shot?
- Are there just too many volunteers overall so their Iowa/NH calls are saturated?

I've been talking to Iowans and whatever the hell you call NHers so much it's going to be weird to hear new accents. I'm so used to how "MAGA!" sounds in Iowanese.

Hopefully I get to talk to some hot Cali babes about Bernard.

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  On 1/27/2020 at 1:27 AM, GSU&UT said:

Yeah I've heard multiple Bloomberg ads on the radio here in Georgia. It's clear so much of his polling is due to ad space in states where people aren't even thinking about their primary yet.


He's outspent the field by 15x and his RCP average is 7%.

Fuck this guy.

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I was given calls in California tonight. Only 20% even picked up and half of those wereediate hang ups or "oh God no" reactions to hearing about politics.

Definitely not as engaged as Iowans.

Had to break it to a disappointed lady that Kamala is no longer running and clearly was not a Bernie fan (polite about it). A guy deciding between Trump and Warren and was going to base it on who seemed like more of a serious adult. A handful of Bros who were excited to talk. One just kept talking about all the polling.

Zero Rogan discussion.

One guy just said he wasn't following but would go with the candidate who wanted the best health care and I actually did some convincing there (rare to get that opportunity). Conversion rates are low on the phone. Probably near zero on text. Canvassing is #1, but I'm not travelling anywhere to do that. Houston is too far from anywhere.

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I don't just want to shit on your regular everyday Americans that are probably much more worried about bills and debts than I am, but what kind of paint-huffing person are you to be deciding between Trump and Warren on the basis of who is more serious?

Even in this election do we have an enormous very disengaged population.

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