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2 hours ago, Captain Ron said:


About that....



PROOF EXCLUSIVE: Elon Musk’s Many Years As An Illegal Immigrant
This carefully researched and sourced series investigating Musk’s immigration status from 1988 through his receipt of US citizenship in 2002 reveals shocking new details about the world’s richest man.


38/ When he was 14 or 15, Elon Musk came to the United States with his brother Kimbal and his father Errol, who—as Elon well knew—had been involved in the illegal transnational gem trade for many years.

Illegal Zambian emerald mines had made the family rich in the early/mid-80s. 
39/ I have a book chapter on these mines coming out soon at PROOF—so stay tuned for that—but the upshot is that these several illegal, Apartheid-era Zambian mines were as grotesque as you would expect. Poor Black laborers—not just poorly treated but *cheated* to enrich the Musks. 
40/ The Zambian laborers were paid *pennies* for *literal emeralds*. But there’s no reason to think Errol minded; he’s a known racist (see below).

But that’s not all; all Walter Isaacson’s biography of Musk confirms, he comes from a *long line* of bigots.
41/ All of which is to say, Elon’s people were the *bad* South Africans—the ones who are understandably bogeyman in the history books because it is *exactly* what they deserve.

And while it’s one thing to be an unrepentant racist, it’s *next-level* to run *racist emerald mines*. 
42/ It’s not just that Elon visited one of these mines and so knew of their existence. It’s not just that he knew the family had gotten rich off them. It’s not just that he knew his father was a smuggler and a criminal. It’s not just that he knew this smuggling was international. 
43/ It’s that Elon wanted *in*. 
44/ One thing to understand about Musk is that his sole motivators are a) money, b) receiving the love he never got from his dad and that his mom was often too busy to offer. *Everything* he has ever done is explained by this, *including* his high-profile save-the-world projects. 
45/ Elon wants to engage in projects he thinks might save the world—or at least can be framed that way—because he believes such projects can make him rich and make him adored. The details? Like labor rights? These are trifles, because they do not make him money or bring him love. 
46/ The same goes for the regulations he thinks Trump will get rid of, the responsibility to be honest in business that he bought Twitter and denigrates media so he can decimate, and the anti-media kick he’s been on for years to defuse coverage of him being... well, a bad person. 
47/ But that’s adult Elon. I’m now speaking of kiddie Elon: a South African child and grandchild of racists, bullied at school, with *no idea* how he would realize his dream of feeling love and making money. As to the latter, he thought perhaps if he went into game development... 
48/ ...but then, no—there was no money in that. So Elon realized that the solution was to *get rich first* and *then* figure out how to find love. (Who knows, perhaps after getting rich he could overpay by $22 billion for a social media platform and find his first friends there?) 
49/ All this was in Elon’s head when he and Kimbal took emeralds from their dad’s possession as he slept during a smuggling trip to America and went to the city to sell the illegal gems themselves. It worked—and it was a blast. They made thousands. And Elon wanted to do it again. 
50/ *No one* is claiming that Elon thought being an illegal gem smuggler was a longterm get-rich plan. But he *did* think America was the place to get rich; he *did* pitch his dad on going to America to sell his ill-gotten gems; and he *did* think that could bring him seed money. 
51/ So if you wonder why a big Esquire profile on Elon says he came to Canada from South Africa when he was *19* and did so solely to go to college—when the truth is that he showed up at *16* and didn’t go to college for a year—now you start to understand the reason for the lies. 
52/ Elon has made very, very clear—basically, watch any interview with him, but his 2013 SXSW one is a good place to start—that he *never* believed in getting a formal education if you had another way to get rich.

It’s actually anathema to his philosophy to see things otherwise. 
53/ Did 16 year-old Elon show up in America with gems to sell? We don’t know. Was his plan to have his dad bring them to him once he’d settled in? We don’t know. What we know is he arrived in June of 1988 and didn’t show up to any college for study until *well over a year later*. 
54/ And here’s where the lies start.

More lies than I’ve ever seen in the biography of any famous person, and folks... I’m a three-time bestselling Donald Trump biographer and presidential historian.

When I say Elon’s 1990s timeline is strewn with lies, *boy* do I mean it. Wow. 
55/ According to Queen’s University (Canada) records and publications, Elon was in Kingston from fall 1989 to fall 1991. In order to get credit (as it were) for partially educating him, the school calls him a “‘94”, but don’t be fooled—Elon was gone by 1991. 1994’s a red herring. 
56/ This creates the first of *many* problems for Musk, as he doesn’t appear at Penn (in Philadelphia, PA, USA) until 1992—as a transfer student. So we have somewhere between a 3-month and 1-year gap in Elon’s life history, at a time (again) he saw his education as superfluous. 
57/ Keep in mind, folks, that this is the *second* lengthy gap in our knowledge of Elon’s whereabouts in just a period of 48 months (from June 1988 through Summer 1992). Those gaps, in total, could amount to *two years* of no one knowing where this would-be gem smuggler was at. 
58/ But if you thought things got *less* confusing once Elon arrived at Penn, you’d be wrong. Why? Because he seems to have spent his time there focusing on making money via side gigs—and we actually have *no idea* how many credits he still needed to get his undergraduate degree. 
59/ But I’m *understating* the confusion. Despite claiming to have been at Penn from 1992 until purportedly moving to California in 1995, PROOF has Elon *on video* saying that in the “early 1990s” he was working in “Palo Alto” at the game development company Rocket Science. Huh? 
60/ And lest you think Elon is saying he worked in Palo Alto from 1991 to 1992—his *second* “lost year” since arriving in North America—no, that’d be incorrect. Because Elon is clear in saying that he was at Rocket Science when he applied to Stanford... in 1995.

What the *hell*? 
61/ So exactly *when* was Elon even *in residence* at Penn—and what the hell he was doing there—in the 1990s?

One thing he was *not* doing? Getting a degree. He left in 1995 with no degree, though presumably he’d had 3 years to do 2 years of coursework. He got his Penn degree... 
62/ ...in 1997, but under dubious circumstances: it was after he’d gotten millions in investments in California; some reports suggest strings were pulled for him by rich donors; and Penn recognized him as getting degrees in *two* departments, one of which *hadn’t been his focus*. 
63/ Some of you will think there’s some strange conspiracy theory being spun here, but nothing could be farther from the truth. This is all *very* basic realpolitik: in 1997, the degree-less Musk couldn’t get an H-1B visa to make good on VCs’ investments *without* a Penn degree. 
64/ By 1997, Elon had 2 years’ of Queen’s credits and *some* amount of Penn credits—we’ve no idea how many, but he was there (maybe?) from 1992 to early 1995, so it wouldn’t have been so hard to cobble together an agreement to give him a degree once it seemed he’d be a big deal. 
65/ What *is* clear is this: Elon didn’t care about getting a degree. He screwed around at Penn, left with no degree, and showed up to finagle one *only* when his investors required it because he couldn’t—as he has since admitted—stay in America without the degree-required H-1B. 
66/ And here’s where we have to talk about Elon Musk being an illegal immigrant.

For *years*. 
67/ Esquire seems to suggest that by December 1994 Elon was already working on his Penn thesis—which presumably didn’t require him being onsite at Penn. Elon himself implies he was in California for all of 1995 but *also* in the “early 1990s.” Here’s how we might square all this: 
68/ If we remember that—as Elon has himself admitted—his entire Penn career was merely a ruse to retain legal immigration status in the U.S. as he sought ways to get rich that didn’t involve illegal gem-smuggling and sales, we understand that Elon could have taken many terms off. 
69/ Certainly, one way to show up at Penn in 1992 needing only 4 terms of credits to graduate but then having to show up in 1997—5 years later!—to beg for special dispensation to get a degree is to repeatedly take terms off to go do other stuff elsewhere, for instance California. 
70/ Without access to Elon’s Penn records, however, we can only judge from his *actions* precisely when he became terrified that he was losing (or had lost) his legal immigration status. And the *latest* date this could have happened for him was in 1994. Here’s how we know that: 
71/ In his 2013 SXSW interview, Elon famously lied and said that when he applied to Stanford in 1994 he *already had* an undergraduate degree and had *already used* that undergraduate degree to get an H-1B visa.

In fact he had neither the degree nor the visa.

So that’s telling. 
72/ What it suggests is that Elon has anxiety about what his immigration status was in *1994*, so much so that he would tell easily disproven (and pretty wild) lies in public about it. Given that foreign students have 6 months to leave America after finishing a course of study... 
73/ ...this could suggest that after showing up at Penn in 1992, Elon had done all the work he planned to do there by early 1994—exactly the moment he *should* have been finishing up his degree, but somehow hadn’t—such that by fall 1994 he was an illegal immigrant... and knew it. 
74/ This makes some sense, as Penn would’ve brought Elon in as a Queen’s transfer (putting aside the lost year Elon had doing who knows what who knows where, though he implies he was working illegally in California from 1991 to 1992) expecting him to need 2 years to get a degree. 
75/ By 1994, then, it would’ve become clear to Penn that this kid had exactly the view he has since said he had: money matters, not education. So it would be no surprise if the two parted ways then. But by late 1994 that would have left Elon in California as an illegal immigrant. 
76/ The *quickest* way for Elon to resolve his illegal immigrant status in 1994—whether or not he’d previously worked illegally in California from 1991 to 1992—would have been to *regain* his student status at a school near where he was already working on getting rich.

77/ And this is *precisely* why Elon has told so many lies about Stanford. Specifically, he says he applied, was admitted, enrolled, and left the program after two days to go back to trying to do the only thing (besides finding love) he has ever cared about: getting filthy rich. 
78/ But documents from the time show that *almost all of that sequence of events* publicly detailed by Elon is *untrue*.

Was Elon *admitted* to Stanford for graduate study? Yes, he was.

*That* part is true.

But was it under false pretenses? That’s a great question. To explain: 
79/ When Elon applied to Stanford in late 1994, he didn’t have an undergraduate degree—indeed he was *years* from getting his—so it’s not clear how he could *possibly* have enrolled in the program. Did he falsely imply to Stanford that he had (or could get) a Penn degree by 1995? 
80/ We don’t know this. What we *do* know is that Musk applied to Stanford in bad faith—as a ploy to paper over his illegal status in the U.S. with a gestural graduate-school application that could never be perfected *because he hadn’t met the prerequisites to go to the school*. 
81/ This is why we got the 2013 SXSW lie: Musk claiming he had a Penn degree and H-1B visa in 1994. Because that’d make his Stanford application seem valid—both in terms of him having the prerequisites to matriculate at Stanford and (therefore) the application *not* being a ruse. 
82/ But it *was* a ruse. It was—arguably—an immigration scam, as the man who filed the application was an illegal immigrant who knew he didn’t have the prerequisites to attend the program he was applying for, and wasn’t *going* to have them, he just needed a credible paper trail. 
83/ But the question of whether Musk actually *lied* as part of this ruse is a fascinating one. Would Stanford admit to a highly competitive PhD program someone who *neither* had an undergraduate degree *nor* had represented that they *would* have one by 1995? It seems unlikely. 
84/ (To be clear, I suggest that Elon Musk had no intention of getting his Penn degree by 1995 not just because he didn’t do so in the event—not just because of his statements opposing degree-seeking—but because at the time he would’ve needed to be at Penn finishing his degree... 
85/ ...he was *in fact* living and working two jobs in California that meant a great deal to him, with no evidence having been provided by him—to this author’s knowledge—either in public or private about a present plan to *abandon* California for Pennsylvania in 1995. Indeed... 
86/ ...by 1995 it’s clear that Elon and Kimbal had figured out that the money they wanted was to be had in California, and had begun their early work on Zip2. Anyone who knows Elon Musk’s biography knows he was *not* going to return to the Atlantic region in 1995 for any reason.) 
87/ All this explains why, per published Stanford University records and communications, the school *admitted* him in 1995 but *he never enrolled*.

He never *could* have enrolled because he lacked the prerequisites to actually attend the program he applied to...and he knew that. 
88/ But the lie Elon tells about Stanford—that he was enrolled for 2 days, when Stanford says he *never enrolled*—is key. And perhaps you can now see why.

*If* Elon had enrolled for 2 days, it would’ve meant he was *qualified* for the program, and it was not an immigration scam. 
89/ What Elon did with the Stanford University scandal was actually a little clever: he *pretended* that the question was whether he’d been *admitted* to Stanford so that he could bat down that straw man (an argument of his own creation) via a letter from a prospective professor. 
90/ In the much-ballyhooed letter, the professor states how much he *wished* he could’ve worked with Elon, but understood Elon was making a different choice. And this is consistent with Stanford saying that it *admitted* him but that he *chose* to never enroll (as he *couldn’t*). 
91/ What Elon had created for himself by fall 1995 was a paper trail of kinda-sorta intending to stay in the U.S. to study—though it was an impossibility due to him having *flamed out* at Penn. It was flimsy as hell—and clearly (we now know) a running joke between him and Kimbal. 
92/ So the evidence as it stands now is that Elon *may* have been an illegal worker in the U.S. in 1991-1992, and *clearly* became an illegal immigrant in the United States sometime in 1994. He created a paper-based flurry of bullshit in 1995 to make investors think he was legal. 
93/ And this is where the 2013 Milken Institute interview with Elon and Kimbal comes in—in which Kimbal says that in 1995 both he and Elon were in California *well aware* that they were illegal immigrants while they were asking American investors to give them millions of dollars. 
94/ To be very clear, Elon *chose* to be an illegal immigrant because he was—let’s be candid—a greedy little f*cker.

Which is fine, in a way—entrepreneurs often are—but let’s all understand that Elon *could* have tried to finish his Penn degree and thereafter enroll in Stanford. 
95/ The problem is that all this makes Elon *exponentially* less empathetic an illegal immigrant than almost *anyone* coming over the southern border—people he openly detests.

Why do I say this? Well, consider the following:

1) Elon was already rich when he arrived in America. 

2) Elon could have finished his degree at Queen’s but chose not to out of greed.
3) Elon disappeared into the ether *twice* in his first 48 months in North America—possibly for two years—without any explanation of what he was doing (and *some* fear it could’ve been illegal). 

4) Elon got the enormous gift of admission to Penn and squandered it contemptuously—seeking side hustles to make money rather than finishing up his undergrad, ultimately messing his own situation up so badly and irretrievably he just ditched Penn altogether sometime in 1994. 

5) While at Penn, Elon was motivated solely by greed for more than he already had.
6) When he became an illegal immigrant, instead of doing anything honest to remedy his situation—like returning to Penn—he filed a frivolous application with Stanford to create a flimsy alibi. 

7) After leaving Penn and Stanford in the lurch—knowing he’d now been an illegal immigrant for at least a year—Elon kept not just working illegally in America but begging for millions of dollars from American investors.
😎 Kimbal implies they hid their status from investors. 

9) Elon waited until a degree-requiring H-1B visa was a *business necessity* to get his *first* post-high school degree, with ongoing reports suggesting that strings were pulled to make it happen—meaning Elon had *really* been screwing around at/with Penn in 1992 and 1993. 

10) By the judgment of the average unbiased person, then—even a Republican—we would deem Elon a college dropout with no real degrees who milked his illegal immigration status to fool American investors into giving him millions and millions of dollars under false pretenses. 
102/ And critically, we would add to this that all of the foregoing was a scheme orchestrated by a *greedy bigot* who was already wealthy through his family when he began it. *And* we would have to add that he has lied ruthlessly about this scheme for over three decades. *And*... 
103/ ...we would have to ask—only because apparently no one has ever looked into it—whether Elon ever lied about any of this, and/or instructed anyone else (like Kimbal) to lie about any of this, on federal forms. It’s a question we must ask now that taxpayers give Elon millions. 
104/ *And* we would have to ask whether these decades of very clumsy lies create an opportunity for a foreign national to *blackmail* Musk with documents proving the truth—a possibility that would turn this powerful American defense contractor into a major national security risk. 
105/ *And*—to top it all off!—this greedy man who was an illegal immigrant for between 3 and 5 years before finally becoming a citizen in 2002 (and did he lie on any federal forms to get that status?) now spends his days *demonizing* poor nonwhites fleeing violence and poverty... 
106/ ...and *engages* in this demagoguery—the coup de grâce of a 35-year scam!—in order to ensure that the border crisis *isn’t* solved, but so that he can (a) retain his federal contracts, (b) get even closer to power via Trump, and (c) exercise his native anti-nonwhite bigotry. 
107/ Compare all this to a mother and child fleeing likely death or injury in a war-torn country who escape north from Central America at enormous and prolonged danger in order to enter America and work hard to create a good life for themselves.

Who would *you* rather deport? 



  • Hook 'Em 5
  • Rage+1 2
22 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Actually, it's hardcore MAGA country.  May have more MAGA voters there than most any other state.  Sure, they're slightly outnumbered by non pieces of shit (well, at least they're not pieces of shit for THAT reason....I mean, some of 'em are fucking Dodgers fans, so definitely pieces of shit), but there are still many millions of them.

CA is the most populous state so yes but you don't see a whole lot of them in Bakersfield, Stockton, or Escondido. You see them in MAGA hotbeds such as Santa Monica, Cupertino, and Santa Barbara. 

Now why is that? Either these customers have admittedly bought into EVs are going to save the world and can't see the graft of the movement or deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, they support the man himself. 

21 hours ago, HenryJames said:


Did not conform to the prevailing political orthodoxy?

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So they are going to fight for this woman to get her job back when the post she got fired for is too offensive for them to post without blurring it and covering it with a disclaimer? 

  • Hook 'Em 5

I hate Elmo as much as any other libtard but business is business. There’s no comparable EV in the MY or M3 price range, period. And startups that sell 10k cars a year and shit don’t count. Also, they’re giving me ~$5k more for my trade in than anyone else. 

I’ve only owned Toyotas for the last 20 years or so. My expectations are pretty low, I’m ready to refuse delivery if there’s any noticeable issues. As for other potential issues, Austin has like 85 Tesla locations, so it’s not like I’ll need to go 2 hours if/when it needs warranty service.

I also really like stuff like the button turn signals, overall performance, dog and sentry mode, and the sound system of the long range is by far the best on the market <$50k. Tho, I hate the lack of a drive mode shifter. 


  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I hate Elmo as much as any other libtard but business is business. There’s no comparable EV in the MY or M3 price range, period. And startups that sell 10k cars a year and shit don’t count. Also, they’re giving me ~$5k more for my trade in than anyone else. 

I’ve only owned Toyotas for the last 20 years or so. My expectations are pretty low, I’m ready to refuse delivery if there’s any noticeable issues. As for other potential issues, Austin has like 85 Tesla locations, so it’s not like I’ll need to go 2 hours if/when it needs warranty service.

I also really like stuff like the button turn signals, overall performance, dog and sentry mode, and the sound system of the long range is by far the best on the market <$50k. Tho, I hate the lack of a drive mode shifter. 


say what excuse me GIF by Originals

7 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

There’s no comparable EV in the MY or M3 price range, period.

Polestar 2


Hyundai Ioniq 5/6

Mustang Mach-E

Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volvo aren’t far off in their pricing

22 hours ago, Hefeweizen said:

There is nothing that can make that piece of shit look better.  We saw one rolling through Pebble Beach and everyone was pointing and laughing at it.  It looks like a big unfinished Pinewood Derby car to be honest.


  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Like 2
24 minutes ago, Captain Ron said:

Polestar 2


Hyundai Ioniq 5/6

Mustang Mach-E

Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volvo aren’t far off in their pricing

Sooo fuckin' close to justifying billionaire defended, but I think it's more that the person didn't do their research rather than being like "fuck it, MAGA hat on wheels but now I gotta flimsily justify it."

  • Haha 1
8 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I hate Elmo as much as any other libtard but business is business. There’s no comparable EV in the MY or M3 price range, period. And startups that sell 10k cars a year and shit don’t count. Also, they’re giving me ~$5k more for my trade in than anyone else. 

I’ve only owned Toyotas for the last 20 years or so. My expectations are pretty low, I’m ready to refuse delivery if there’s any noticeable issues. As for other potential issues, Austin has like 85 Tesla locations, so it’s not like I’ll need to go 2 hours if/when it needs warranty service.

I also really like stuff like the button turn signals, overall performance, dog and sentry mode, and the sound system of the long range is by far the best on the market <$50k. Tho, I hate the lack of a drive mode shifter. 


Just don't drive an EV...you're not going to make a difference anyway.

  • Hook 'Em 1
35 minutes ago, BurntOrange&amp;White said:

Just don't drive an EV...you're not going to make a difference anyway.

Well, not with that attitude you're not. 

1 hour ago, BurntOrange&amp;White said:

Just don't drive an EV...you're not going to make a difference anyway.


1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

EVs are vastly superior 

I agree with Biff. EVs are vastly superior. My wife and I both drive Rivians now though. F Musk, F Tesla. 


  • Hook 'Em 2
Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, hornian said:


I agree with Biff. EVs are vastly superior. My wife and I both drive Rivians now though. F Musk, F Tesla. 


I agree Rivians are sick....they actually look great and seem like good quality. Fuck Elon....


The early returns on the Hyundai Ionic 6 look great too.


If I were getting an EV truck it's 100% Lightning(the full size truck aspect) over cybertruck.




Edited by BurntOrange&White
  • Hook 'Em 1
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

Polestar 2


Hyundai Ioniq 5/6

Mustang Mach-E

Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volvo aren’t far off in their pricing

Polestar 2 - Small company, slower than the M3, doesn't have Sentry or dog mode. I also think they're ugly. Here's a few more things about it that suck: 

"Visibility is terrible. The view from the rearview mirror is awful and you can only see a small sliver of back glass. The front view is about like a normal sedan and not nearly as open as the M3. The interface is no intuitive and hard to find basic settings. Cruise control only works in increments of 5mph and temperature can only be set to even numbers. There is a large hump in the rear middle seating area that makes is uncomfortable for anyone riding in that position. The center console area is bulky and not well thought out. Acceleration feels sluggish compared to the M3. The quality of the interior seems cheap (cloth seats and easily scratched up plastic). Quality/Resolution of the cameras is not great (definitely not high definition). There is a 360 degree view, but it looks like crap."

VW ID4 - Small, ugly and slow as shit. Looks and drives like a minivan. 

Hyundai Ioniq 5/6 - Ewww, it's still a Hyundai. Styling is also odd compared to the M3. 

Mustang Mach-E - Ugly hatchback that's costs more than M3 to get the performance, where do I sign? 

Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volvo aren’t far off in their pricing - They are 10-15k more for the performance models. 


I haven't bothered checking, but it's likely most if not all of the above don't save all your settings for the entire car in an app so you can have it setup exactly the same in any car. Their cars might suck, but the Tesla app is unquestionably the best car app. 

Same with the dog, remote camera, and dashcam recording modes. I'm sure a few of them have something similar, but not quite the same level. 

Also, heated and ventilated front seats with a touchscreen for the rear passengers. 

Edited by totallynotabuttpirate
Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:


I love the replies. A bunch of "Hope it gets fixed soon!" and "At least it's telling you there is a problem!" from the Musketeers. 


The good news is Netflix still works on the instrument panel. 

Edited by BrickHorn
  • Haha 4
1 hour ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

Polestar 2 - Small company, slower than the M3, doesn't have Sentry or dog mode. I also think they're ugly. Here's a few more things about it that suck: 

"Visibility is terrible. The view from the rearview mirror is awful and you can only see a small sliver of back glass. The front view is about like a normal sedan and not nearly as open as the M3. The interface is no intuitive and hard to find basic settings. Cruise control only works in increments of 5mph and temperature can only be set to even numbers. There is a large hump in the rear middle seating area that makes is uncomfortable for anyone riding in that position. The center console area is bulky and not well thought out. Acceleration feels sluggish compared to the M3. The quality of the interior seems cheap (cloth seats and easily scratched up plastic). Quality/Resolution of the cameras is not great (definitely not high definition). There is a 360 degree view, but it looks like crap."

VW ID4 - Small, ugly and slow as shit. Looks and drives like a minivan. 

Hyundai Ioniq 5/6 - Ewww, it's still a Hyundai. Styling is also odd compared to the M3. 

Mustang Mach-E - Ugly hatchback that's costs more than M3 to get the performance, where do I sign? 

Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volvo aren’t far off in their pricing - They are 10-15k more for the performance models. 


I haven't bothered checking, but it's likely most if not all of the above don't save all your settings for the entire car in an app so you can have it setup exactly the same in any car. Their cars might suck, but the Tesla app is unquestionably the best car app. 

Same with the dog, remote camera, and dashcam recording modes. I'm sure a few of them have something similar, but not quite the same level. 

Also, heated and ventilated front seats with a touchscreen for the rear passengers. 

Tesla design is stale as fuck and the interiors feel cheap.

  • Hook 'Em 1
5 minutes ago, royiv said:

Tesla design is stale as fuck and the interiors feel cheap.


This and they're ugly as fuck, every single one of them is god damn rolling eye sore

  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Haha 1
53 minutes ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

Forgot to add there's a whole industry of 3rd party accessories for Teslas. You can modify/customize almost anything, no other EV comes close. 

You can modify the huge strapon with MAGA stickers elon is fucking you with

  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Haha 6
42 minutes ago, royiv said:

Tesla design is stale as fuck and the interiors feel cheap.

Yea, keep fucking that old chicken. The M3 "Highland" has a solid to good interior. These guys are anything but Tesla fanbois. There's plenty of shit to hate about Teslas, but they a least improved on the interiors. 


24 minutes ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I have no idea why you guys are so tough on Elon, he's just asking questions trying to get to the truth.  

Maybe if you defend Elon enough in his pursuit of the “truth” you’ll get to the bottom of his shaft. 

  • Haha 2
  • Drool 1

I realize I'm a week or so late, but I just saw the Don Lemon interview.  

What a thin-skinned little baby.  

I mean, has Elon done an interview in the last year where the smallest bit of pushback or criticism doesn't cause a toddler-esque pouting tantrum? 

He just defaults back into self-congratulations and canned-answer platitudes about saving free speech.  Then he runs off to tweet damage-control messages or to attack the interviewer.  He seems utterly incapable of defending his choices (especially around censorship vs enabling racist/offensive content) in any real-time conversations.  

He should have YEARS of experience articulating a coherent viewpoint around topics that are DEFINITELY going to come up over and over again.  Nope.   

  • Hook 'Em 4
28 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

He should have YEARS of experience articulating a coherent viewpoint around topics that are DEFINITELY going to come up over and over again.  Nope.   

28 minutes ago, Paul Wesley said:

He just defaults back into self-congratulations and canned-answer platitudes about saving free speech.  Then he runs off to tweet damage-control messages or to attack the interviewer.  He seems utterly incapable of defending his choices (especially around censorship vs enabling racist/offensive content) in any real-time conversations.  

His followers think this is what an “alpha male” is like.  Dude is weak when anybody pushes back even just a little bit.

He’s exactly the kind of guy that gets upset that Grimes left him or that she has a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or that another billionaire’s ex-wife is out donating her share of the money to good causes.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Updawg said:

Finally saw the cyber truck in real life yesterday and today. Damn thing is huge and hideous. Can’t believe someone would buy it

I fuckin saw one in Port O'Connor this morning! Just about gave me whiplash doing a double take seeing it parked next to a clapped out RV lol

Edited by Captainant

I was talking to a friend last night about Elon and his accomplishments and contributions to society. I’m firmly in the camp of having the unlimited access to capital he has had he has actually been relatively unsuccessful on everything except spacex and the majority of what he’s doing is just extreme subsidies from the government for early revenue coupled with seemingly bottomless pools of equity investment from institutional and retail morons. I maintain that everyone would think he was a genius if he wouldn’t shitpost on the internet. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I have no idea why you guys are so tough on Elon, he's just asking questions trying to get to the truth.  

You have to be trolling. Nvm you're trolling,

Edited by Brian Fantana
10 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

Forgot to add there's a whole industry of 3rd party accessories for Teslas. You can modify/customize almost anything, no other EV comes close. 


9 hours ago, BurntOrange&amp;White said:

You can modify the huge strapon with MAGA stickers elon is fucking you with


7 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I have no idea why you guys are so tough on Elon, he's just asking questions trying to get to the truth.  

You are totally a butt pirate.

  • Haha 3
Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

Forgot to add there's a whole industry of 3rd party accessories for Teslas. You can modify/customize almost anything, no other EV comes close. 

Then how come they all look exactly the same?


Edited by Homercles
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7 minutes ago, Homercles said:

Then how come they all look exactly the same?

He didn’t say they did anything, did he?  That fucking tent thing still makes me chortle.


 And I agree that it looks huge because of its geometry.  The fact that it has a micro bed is just gravy.

7 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

I have no idea why you guys are so tough on Elon, he's just asking questions trying to get to the truth.  


Now tell us the one where OJ is looking to find the real killer

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