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Plenty of talk on these boards about our immigration policies and activities, impacts, etc.  This post is NOT political.  It's an answer to folks asking "what can I do to help?"  If you don't care, think it's good that we're separating families, etc., groovy -- this isn't the post for you.  But if you're interested in living a little bit of the Gospel of Matthew ("Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."), here's a way to do it:



The US Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement has a total goal of reuniting 1500-2000 children with parents this week in San Antonio. Our sister church, University Presbyterian Church in San Antonio serves these families directly through their Interfaith Welcome Coalition and has reached out to Mission Presbytery congregations to support this effort this week.

Donations needed by Sunday, July 22

There will be a collection box in Rissman Hall of First Presbyterian Church, Austin (on Mesa drive) during Sunday School hour as well as in the Narthex during worship.

Please note, these are the ONLY items needed, please do NOT bring any other items:

·     Gift cards for HEB to buy food for the families (between $20-$50). Please place in envelopes clearly marked with $ amount and quantity of card(s) and tagged with “Compassion400.”

·     Clothes for children ages 6-17. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked with size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency. 

·     Clothes for adults in sizes small and medium. All clothes must be clean or new, bagged and clearly marked with size and gender, and tagged with “Compassion400.”  No loose clothing can be accepted at this time of urgency.                                                     

·     Financial support to temporarily house reunified families in hotels. Donations can be made directly online at ccaosa.org.

And, as is the case with many such efforts, the most usable and important thing is the financial donations -- HEB cards and funds for temporary housing donated to CCAOSA.org (Catholic Charities online -- by the way, the work that Catholic Charities has been doing on this issue has been heartbreakingly beautiful).

If you would like to get a donation to First Presbyterian but can't manage to do it on Sunday, PM me, and we'll figure out a way to coordinate.

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Thanks, Brisket.  Sometimes it's hard to know exactly where to place your money/donations/time/effort etc. and it's all too easy to do nothing but feel bad about things, which obviously doesn't help.  

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