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Barkley ultra 2024


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17 humans had ever finished it since 1989. The final 20+ mile loop usually starts about 48 hours in, complete by hour 60. First out on final lap picks clockwise or ccw. They go alone, into the pre-dawn darkness. Alternating clockwise and ccw, so they can't just follow each other. First person out choose cw, so #2 was ccw, #3 cw, #4 ccw. Clockwise is considered mildly better.

Jared and Jasmin (who became the only woman to complete 4 loops minutes before) came in about the same time. They are both taking a rest, on the clock. So, next runner gets to go clockwise. Jared has finished multiple times before, one of the very few to have done so.

See at about min 3:


Final 3 mins of 60 hour race:

fwiw the 2012 documentary is free online.


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