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Texas hires new Swimming and Diving Coach - Bob Bowman

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My son was a swimmer for Bowman at ASU. Part of Bowman’s second class at ASU.

Prior to and even during/after his time at ASU, my son was a huge fan of UT swimming and Eddie Reese in particular. Would have been his first choice destination, but admittedly he wasn’t a big enough recruit for UT, and even getting onto the ASU team (non-scholarship) sort of surprised us.

Let’s just say that after our experience, we are not fans of Bowman’s “style” and how he deals with people. When we went on the visit, he told us that my son is now “one of HIS guys, and he will always take care of him and treat him right.” As Bowman recruited at a higher and higher level, my son ended up “cut without being cut” from the team going into his senior year. Not the courage to actually cut him, but just sort of treat him poorly and try and make him quit (I know, not that uncommon, lots of coaches are assholes like that). My son is not a quitter, and kept working his ass off to contribute. He (and we as parents) could handle him being cut as long as it was done in a respectful and honest way; that’s just life sometimes. The way it actually happened made it even worse than what would be a difficult thing no matter what (among other things, accusing my son of not taking care of an injured shoulder summer after junior year when in fact the trainers on the team denied him that treatment when he repeatedly requested it, then just saying “oops, guess I was given wrong information”.)

From what my kid tells me based on what he’s learned from friends in the swimming world, pretty much the opposite of Reese in most ways (he does know swimming, and obviously made ASU much better). He’s not sure this style will work as well at a place like UT that isn’t looking for a huge turnaround. I guess time will tell. I can tell you we are not rooting for his success because of our experience.

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Thank you for sharing that information, definitely gives some insight into his style and unfortunately I've read similar accounts elsewhere. I'm hoping he either keeps on Wyatt or brings in an alum like Brendan Hansen to try and maintain some of the Texas culture that Eddie established. 

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Statesman article today.    Candid article.  The writer, Calen Yum,  may have his UT credentials revoked.   Article worth a read.  Excerpts:


Bowman was tough on his student. He created difficult situations for Phelps in low-stakes situations so that he'd be better prepared for the future. For example, cracking his goggles on purpose, hiding them entirely, or arranging for late pickups so that Phelps would have to swim hungry.

“When I think about my grandchildren, I don’t want them being angry at people all the time,” he said. “Then I go back to practice and I’m like, ‘Wow, these kids have a grandpa too. I wonder how he treats them?’ Probably a lot nicer than I used to treat my swimmers," Bowman said in an article by the Associated Press.

Phelps once described him as "intense and insane."

In 2018, texts were acquired by the Orange Country Register that detailed texts sent from Bowman to former Olympic swimmer Caroline Burckle in 2011. They contained what Burckle said were "aggressive" advances that were described as "sexually graphic."

Despite details being sent to then-USA Swimming national team assistant coach Jack Roach and national team director Frank Busch, Bowman wasn't punished. ASU says they weren't aware of the texts before hiring him previously, and the coach apologized for them once it was revealed.

"I regret the exercise of poor judgment in being involved one evening seven years ago with inappropriate communications," Bowman said in a text to The Associated Press.


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