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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

I disagree, people who work civil service in this country are more left of center. Those are the day to day never voted out of office gov't. apparatus folks.  Northern Va. and Washington DC are prime examples of that illustrated by their voting habits.  

Now if you take the nation as a whole including flyover states those % may come back in line with more center of the road at best.

I think more people self identify as center right, but are actually center left.  People put too much stock in single issues.  For example, if you are pro-life, but support the right to gay marriage as well as the ACA or some other single payer healthcare scheme, you are center left.  However, most pro-life people, no matter what their overall views, seem to self identify as center right or even further right.  Sadly, quite a lot of those same pro-life people will also vote against all their other interests as long as a politician claims to be pro-life even though that politician will never deliver anything on abortion.  On the flip side, only a fraction of pro-choice people even consider abortion to be a core voting issue.

As far as gov't employees go, their leaning left shouldn't be surprising.  The right wing has become increasingly anti-government.  It shouldn't surprise anyone that someone with anti-government views isn't looking for a government job.  Big oil companies don't have many true environmentalists working for them either.  Atheists don't usually work for churches.  Etc.

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17 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Oh, no doubt there are crazies all over the spectrum who won't or can't listen to reason. But if you lack the ability to understand that they are probably the outliers then you are probably one of them. 

Our sitting president isn't an outlier. Trump is not smart enough to be reasoned with. He exists within the world of rhetoric and talking points. I'll refer you to his comments earlier today that were full of lies and half-truths and fox and friends references. He's the monkey leading this shit show parade. I don't expect the people who follow him to be more put together than their god emperor.

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3 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Our sitting president isn't an outlier. Trump is not smart enough to be reasoned with. He exists within the world of rhetoric and talking points. I'll refer you to his comments earlier today that were full of lies and half-truths and fox and friends references. He's the monkey leading this shit show parade. I don't expect the people who follow him to be more put together than their god emperor.

Why are you talking about trump supporters? What I responded to was about people in the center who don't really identify with either party and who apparently are all stupid according to a vocal contingent on the left who like shooting themselves in the foot.

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If I had my druthers the Democrats would focus heavily on young voters as well as those who don't tend to turn out.  I get it -- there is some small fraction of 2016 Trump voters who are disenfranchised and prone to changing sides, but unless there's a very efficient way of identifying them, I think it's largely wasted effort to target that demographic.  There are more fertile fields to plow (so to speak).

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4 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

If I had my druthers the Democrats would focus heavily on young voters as well as those who don't tend to turn out.  I get it -- there is some small fraction of 2016 Trump voters who are disenfranchised and prone to changing sides, but unless there's a very efficient way of identifying them, I think it's largely wasted effort to target that demographic.  There are more fertile fields to plow (so to speak).

Younger voters

First or second time voters

THEIR FUCKING BASE OF THE MOST LOYAL VOTING BLOC THEY HAVE, I.E. AFRICAN AMERICANS which they took for granted in 2016 - hence lower turnout in Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee.  Hmmm oh the biggest cities in 3 states they lost that decided the whole god damn thing. 

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6 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

And she knowingly helped trash the sexual assault, and rape victims of her husband...  See how that works ? 

You're defending a woman who said she's for womens rights, and stated quite clearly that all rape victims should be heard, and believed. Unless of course they were her husbands sexual assault and rape victims.  

$100 says she knew about his 26 or so trips to sex slave island as well, but wouldn't say shit because of the dollar gravy train, and power hungry narcissism she has.

The eye-rony of your remarks are hilarious.

I bet you call yourself a Christian too. If so, you’re a fake Christian.

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12 minutes ago, Bookman said:

I bet you call yourself a Christian too. If so, you’re a fake Christian.

I call myself an atheist.

What in the ever living hell does being christian or druid or Frisbeterian have to do with any of this ?  

Separation of church and state is a good plan in my opinion.

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

If I had my druthers the Democrats would focus heavily on young voters as well as those who don't tend to turn out.  I get it -- there is some small fraction of 2016 Trump voters who are disenfranchised and prone to changing sides, but unless there's a very efficient way of identifying them, I think it's largely wasted effort to target that demographic.  There are more fertile fields to plow (so to speak).

no reason to identify or to target these people.  if they haven't figured it out on their own by now, then coming at them with facts, logic, and reason isn't going to work.

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16 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

no reason to identify or to target these people.  if they haven't figured it out on their own by now, then coming at them with facts, logic, and reason isn't going to work.

Lots of them are either voting third party or staying home because their is a vocal contingent of Democrats who scream at them and say they are racist if they don't support all the positions on the democratic platform. Seems like being civil might get their vote.

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1 minute ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Lots of them are either voting third party or staying home because their is a vocal contingent of Democrats who scream at them and say they are racist if they don't support all the positions on the democratic platform. Seems like being civil might get their vote.

I think the non-racists among them might be made of sterner stuff.

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i guess i just don't have a high opinion of people that fall under that category.

to be clear, i'm talking specifically about "the small fraction of disenfranchised trump voters prone to switching sides" who haven't already figured shit out on their own by now.  if you've paid attention, you see what's what.  if your head is buried in the sand, you're not likely to listen to reason anyway.

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11 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Lots of them are either voting third party or staying home because their is a vocal contingent of Democrats who scream at them and say they are racist if they don't support all the positions on the democratic platform. Seems like being civil might get their vote.

This is a lie.

If anything, its those former Republicans who are screaming at Democrats to MODERATE for being too "extreme" for their liking. 

You don't walk into a restaurant and tell the kitchen manager how to cook his menu. 

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3 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

If you can't see that there are already plenty of people who have left the GOP over all of this then it's your head buried in the sand. And the Democrats won't automatically get their votes with the way they have treated them.

Lay down with dogs...

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2 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

If you can't see that there are already plenty of people who have left the GOP over all of this then it's your head buried in the sand. And the Democrats won't automatically get their votes with the way they have treated them.

i know there are plenty, and they are free to make up their mind next year based on their options.

my opinion is that if they choose trump over any of 5-6 dems that have a chance to get the nomination, then they were likely going to vote trump anyway.

i don't think i have any track record online or in real life of mistreatment of these folks.

not sure what mistreatment you're referring to.

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15 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Lots of them are either voting third party or staying home because their is a vocal contingent of Democrats who scream at them and say they are racist if they don't support all the positions on the democratic platform. Seems like being civil might get their vote.

We tried that in 2016 and they voted for Trump. Why would we expect the same approach to yield different results this time?

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5 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

If you can't see that there are already plenty of people who have left the GOP over all of this then it's your head buried in the sand. And the Democrats won't automatically get their votes with the way they have treated them.

They are being very quiet.  

They should tweet now and again.

And if they have spoken out against Trump, etc., but still are being controlled by some fear of the myth of some all encompassing, powerful Democratic Party that hates them, then at some point, fuck 'em.  They are too stupid to count on.



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3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

We tried that in 2016 and they voted for Trump. Why would we expect the same approach to yield different results this time?

Well, HRC called some of them deplorable.  And even though some of them have proven themselves more deplorable than we could have imagined, it's still, you know... 


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5 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

i know there are plenty, and they are free to make up their mind next year based on their options.

my opinion is that if they choose trump over any of 5-6 dems that have a chance to get the nomination, then they were likely going to vote trump anyway.

i don't think i have any track record online or in real life of mistreatment of these folks.

not sure what mistreatment you're referring to.

No, you haven't but the others have already come out. And I didn't vote for the overgrown toddler in the whitehouse. I've voted for more Democrats than Republicans in the last two elections, but I don't see supporting either of the two main parties on the national stage right now.

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1 minute ago, tantric superman said:

Well, HRC called some of them deplorable.  And even though some of them have proven themselves more deplorable than we could have imagined, it's still, you know... 


She called half of his voters deplorable, and spent the entire last month of her campaign reaching out to the other half (suburban white women in particular) rather than shoring up her base. I even thought it was a good strategy at the time because I underestimated how awful the half we thought weren't deplorable were.

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22 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

No, you haven't but the others have already come out. And I didn't vote for the overgrown toddler in the whitehouse. I've voted for more Democrats than Republicans in the last two elections, but I don't see supporting either of the two main parties on the national stage right now.

Both sides.

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1 hour ago, Js1 said:

This is a lie.

If anything, its those former Republicans who are screaming at Democrats to MODERATE for being too "extreme" for their liking. 

You don't walk into a restaurant and tell the kitchen manager how to cook his menu. 



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More like 

convince me to vote against Trump

ok we are putting up anyone but Trump


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13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

More like 

convince me to vote against Trump

ok we are putting up anyone but Trump


Or more like

Convince me to vote Democrat

Trump is the devil!

Yes, we agree, I won't be voting for him. As of right now I will either be voting third party or not at all. Convince me to vote Democrat instead.

See! You love Trump! You voted for him didn't you?

Edited by NotActuallyALonghorn
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26 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

Or more like

Convince me to vote Democrat

Trump is the devil!

Yes, we agree, I won't be voting for him. As of right now I will either be voting third party or not at all. Convince me to vote Democrat instead.

See! You love Trump! You voted for him didn't you?

if trump alone isn't enough to convince you to vote for the democrat, i'm really not sure what to tell you.  i suspect that your economic interests largely align to the stated economic interests of the republican party (which i find to be a lie, but that's a conversation for a different thread).  i suspect that your social interests are not racist or homophobic, but your mind reels when told that the status quo is built upon several centuries of racism both from government and society at large and requires wide ranging solutions to fix (google up george washington slave teeth for an interesting study on that phenomenon).  i think that what you might really want is the republican party lite of bill clinton, but that doesn't appear to be a winning strategy for the democrats anymore. 

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lulz aside, the biggest issue the dems have is discussing their issues.  not a specific issue, but just the fact that dems always think ideas will win out.  all the while, trump is spewing fear and hate.  in 2016, those were very powerful motivators.

i don't hear many dems sell themselves by insulting trump.  maybe they should more often, since "ability to beat trump" is tops among list of things dem/und are looking for.

of course if i had trump's list of accomplishments, i would spew hate too.

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1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

lulz aside, the biggest issue the dems have is discussing their issues.  not a specific issue, but just the fact that dems always think ideas will win out.  all the while, trump is spewing fear and hate.  in 2016, those were very powerful motivators.

i don't hear many dems sell themselves by insulting trump.  maybe they should more often, since "ability to beat trump" is tops among list of things dem/und are looking for.

of course if i had trump's list of accomplishments, i would spew hate too.

They should start calling him and all Republicans racist shitbags.

They won't, but they should.

Edited by David Dennison
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3 hours ago, tantric superman said:

The President is a racist cunt for using the language he did.

How/Why the hell is anyone going into any peripheral issues about this? 

Seems pretty simple.  You either criticize or call out the racism or you don't.

And if you do, just do.  Speaks for itself.

Just days ago, we agreed going after the targeting the frosh reps was not racist when Pelosi did it. Why is it racist when Trump does it?


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4 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

Just days ago, we agreed going after the targeting the frosh reps was not racist when Pelosi did it. Why is it racist when Trump does it?


do you know how to read? cause if you can't tell the difference between his tweets and hers, i don't know what to tell you. 

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4 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

Just days ago, we agreed going after the targeting the frosh reps was not racist when Pelosi did it. Why is it racist when Trump does it?


Well you see  it's.... he's....... they said...... Nancy is.......   IT'S JUST DIFFERENT.................. DAMMIT !!

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1 minute ago, achooloco said:

do you know how to read? cause if you can't tell the difference between his tweets and hers, i don't know what to tell you. 

Yes because hers are cloaked in the liberal limousine speak of the day.  She can't be racist she's a democrat... right ?

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Well you see  it's.... he's....... they said...... Nancy is.......   IT'S JUST DIFFERENT.................. DAMMIT !!

When you tell American citizens to go back where they come from, that’s how it’s different. Don’t be dense.

Just because you have chosen to toe the Republican line no matter what doesn’t mean you have to play stupid, especially when the real thing has gotten you this far.

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Yes because hers are cloaked in the liberal limousine speak of the day.  She can't be racist she's a democrat... right ?

You voted for racism and division. You voted for corruption and incompetence. You voted for dog whistles and deficits, and you’ll do it again next year.
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12 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

Just days ago, we agreed going after the targeting the frosh reps was not racist when Pelosi did it. Why is it racist when Trump does it?


Because Nancy Pelosi didn't tell them to go home to the countries they came from.  

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Ah, I see.   So why did Trump claim that AOC, Pressley, and Tlaib are from another country? 

Oh, he’s not assuming that. He’s assuming that Onboard will go along with it. Kinda like saying Obama is from Kenya.

Trump knows Onboard doesn’t believe that, but guesses he’ll keep his mouth shut and go along, or even defend it or equivocate about it. Seems like a safe bet.

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