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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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20 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:


you can't help yourselves

Trump was swept into office as a pushback upon the divisiveness of Harry Reid and Barrack Obama

mid terms turned out perfectly for Trump with these four United States of by God America hating bitches..pushing the party further left and forcing the only Dems with a chance to come along for fear of being labled "racist"

Keep doing you and we will keep Trump ensconsed 

You are enabling the very thing that you hate....but the Republicans are "self-unaware".

The pushback was against a black president followed by a hated female candidate.  Bigotry was the main driver.   That’s what swept trump into office.  

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4 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:

1. run out of shit to say

2. Ad hominem. 



3 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:


You don't agree with my politics and have no real substance in opposition,.....so just attack me personally.




27 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:



Trump was swept into office as a pushback upon the divisiveness of Harry Reid and Barrack Obama

mid terms turned out perfectly for Trump with these four United States of by God America hating bitches..pushing the party further left and forcing the only Dems with a chance to come along for fear of being labled "racist"

28 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:



You are enabling the very thing that you hate....but the Republicans are "self-unaware".



4 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:

it's actually painfully obvious and exactly why the reality that you refuse to recognize is the ....you know....reality. 

Whoa.  And that's just from this page.  

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you can't help yourselves
Trump was swept into office as a pushback upon the divisiveness of Harry Reid and Barrack Obama
mid terms turned out perfectly for Trump with these four United States of by God America hating bitches..pushing the party further left and forcing the only Dems with a chance to come along for fear of being labled "racist"
Keep doing you and we will keep Trump ensconsed 
You are enabling the very thing that you hate....but the Republicans are "self-unaware".

Snowflake snowflake snowflake

Look at the baby cry

Somebody called racism racist, stop being accurate or I'll keep being racist!
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So lemme take a shot at this... Tom’s entire argument for how trump got elected boils down to him being incapable of making his own decisions. After all the Dems forced him into this. 

It really shouldn’t be surprising. Based on his posting history someone should be making all of his decisions for him. You know, a doctor.

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57 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:


Trump was swept into office as a pushback upon the divisiveness of Harry Reid and Barrack Obama 

Holy fuck you’re a dummy racist. Think someone needs a diaper change! Lol, you racist olds are funny when sundowning.

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2 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

Not true at all.  But, then again, you are a Russian bot.

"Whenever we say 'nationalism,' the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler. You know, he was a national socialist, but if Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine."

- Candace Owens

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7 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:



everytime you dorks get pissed at the orange idiot, remember this and where you are and why no one is voting for you. 

nobody wants this shit.


be better. 

A whole lot more people vote for Democrats than Republicans.

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12 hours ago, David Dennison said:

A whole lot more people vote for Democrats than Republicans.

nobody is voting for that shit, dude.

Pelosi knows it, Biden knows it, Sanders knows it and you fucking know it.

Go there at your own peril and continue to fuck shit up for the rest of us.

I didn't know that you could do worse than Hillary, but by God....you are trying.

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2 hours ago, Fondren & Main said:

Well, Candace Owens just excoriated her and “the squad” regarding the ICE “concentration camps”.

Well, Candace Owens is a professional liar and pot-stirrer.

I've seen the footage.  Video don't lie.  And fuck literally everyone who's justifying the conditions those people are in.

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6 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:



everytime you dorks get pissed at the orange idiot, remember this and where you are and why no one is voting for you. 

nobody wants this shit.


be better. 

I assume that you are talking about their impeachment stance. Their 4 districts do. That is who they are speaking to and advocating for. And as one of them said in the interview, at first 67% of Americans were against impeaching Nixon and then within a few months, that changed to somewhere in the 20s of percent against. They are students of history and they are voting what their constituents want. That is it. How is that not being better? That is their job.

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8 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:



everytime you dorks get pissed at the orange idiot, remember this and where you are and why no one is voting for you. 

nobody wants this shit.


be better. 


8 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:

remember when y'all were calling Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan "racists?"....

yeah...that was cool. 


7 hours ago, TtomTerrific said:

nobody is voting for that shit, dude.

Pelosi knows it, Biden knows it, Sanders knows it and you fucking know it.

Go there at your own peril and continue to fuck shit up for the rest of us.

I didn't know that you could do worse than Hillary, but by God....you are trying.

Aw, bet someone has a wicked hangover today. Or finally got his meds so he can take some responsibility for his racist mumblings and stop blaming everyone else for his bigoted preferences. Senile racists are a hoot! lulz. Keep’em coming, hot takes from the demented everyone! Saved for a laughter, come everyone and point at the guy who shit himself last night! Lolololololololl. 

so to keep it on topic, any other good or funny news about aoc? Or are racists/republicans still obsessed and lying about everything related to her?

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3 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

We should achieve world peace through militarily conquering all who oppose us. Those on the left disagree with my plan and call it an extreme right idea, therefore they must think that achieving world peace is a right wing extremist idea...

Is that how this works?

That post when you don't know how analogies work.

"Hmm, let's see. AOC is attempting to obfuscate the big bad evil big picture (SOCIALISM WILL KILL US ALL I TELL YOU!!!) by pointing out all of the good sounding smaller pieces of the puzzle which individually don't seem bad at all.

Here, I shall post an analogy from the other side of the political perspective where I achieve the good big picture by evil means. Yes, this is perfect. I have compared an evil big picture achieved by taking small good steps with a good big picture achieved by taking small evil steps. I am a genius."

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No, I am just trying to illustrate the point that there is a difference in the means and the goal. She listed a bunch of goals, some of which is stuff that pretty much everybody would agree with. Let's take a living wage and labor rights, since most Americans probably agree that people should be able to have a living wage and not be taken advantage of by their employer. However there are lots of disagreements and ideas on how to achieve that. Those on the left say raise the minimum wage and unions. Those on the right say that raising the minimum wage will cause employers to automate or cut hours in addition to increasing inflation and negating the minimum wage hike. They say market manipulation and regulations are preventing employers from paying more. And of course there are ideas on how to achieve that goal all throughout the spectrum. So simply stating the goal instead of the means by which one plans to achieve it is meaningless and bordering on dishonest.

I generally like what AOC has been up to and am grateful for much of what she has done, especially bringing attention to what is happening on the border, but let's try not to be misleading with what we say.

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8 minutes ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

No, I am just trying to illustrate the point that there is a difference in the means and the goal. She listed a bunch of goals, some of which is stuff that pretty much everybody would agree with. Let's take a living wage and labor rights, since most Americans probably agree that people should be able to have a living wage and not be taken advantage of by their employer. However there are lots of disagreements and ideas on how to achieve that. Those on the left say raise the minimum wage and unions. Those on the right say that raising the minimum wage will cause employers to automate or cut hours in addition to increasing inflation and negating the minimum wage hike. They say market manipulation and regulations are preventing employers from paying more. And of course there are ideas on how to achieve that goal all throughout the spectrum. So simply stating the goal instead of the means by which one plans to achieve it is meaningless and bordering on dishonest.

I generally like what AOC has been up to and am grateful for much of what she has done, especially bringing attention to what is happening on the border, but let's try not to be misleading with what we say.

You think that conservatives agree that people should be able to have a living wage? Bless your heart.

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2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

You think that conservatives agree that people should be able to have a living wage? Bless your heart.

If you read Engels' The Condition of the Working Class in England you will find that employers actually pay their employees handsomely when they are free to do so without gubbinet interference.  

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16 hours ago, Fondren & Main said:

Well, Candace Owens just excoriated her and “the squad” regarding the ICE “concentration camps”.  

I know I know I am a racist.  I’ll show myself out while you jerk each other off and talk about how smart you all are and how dumb we all are that disagree with you.

Did you just try the "a black person agrees with me therefore I can't be racist" argument?  Because that's racist.  

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58 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

If you read Engels' The Condition of the Working Class in England you will find that employers actually pay their employees handsomely when they are free to do so without gubbinet interference.  

What the everluvin' fuck?

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2 hours ago, Fozzz said:

If you read Engels' The Condition of the Working Class in England you will find that employers actually pay their employees handsomely when they are free to do so without gubbinet interference.  

That book was written in 1845.

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1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

. . . and was an inspiration for Marx.  Forget it, he's rolling.

Right.  The irony of a right wing capitalist quoting Engels, presumably to imply that government should stay out of business since corporations want to pay workers well out of the kindness of their corporate hearts (I mean sweatshops aren't a real thing, right?) is just amazing.  Or it's C- trolling.  The right wing is so collectively stupid these days that it can be hard to tell.

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Just now, jimmyjazz said:

It doesn't need to be said, because it wasn't a joke.

Well, the book isn't a joke.  It's quite good actually and gives a flavor for what life is like when you really take the chains off capital.

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