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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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Swedes don’t grift from one another and provide a robust community safety net for the same reason penguins and koala bears don’t fuck each other over and give extra food to the group...when everybody looks exaxtly like a relative...you’re nicer to others.  
Ah Sweden, the only country that had eugenics as a national policy. There's a reason everyone loves the same. That's how they wanted it
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Racism in this country  is very clearly one of the main reasons why the welfare state is generally much more generous in Western European countries than in the US.  This has been studied extensively.


 We identify two mechanisms through which racism among American voters decreases the degree of redistribution that would otherwise obtain. In common with others, we suggest that voter racism decreases the degree of redistribution due to an anti-solidarity effect: that (some) voters oppose government transfer payments to minorities whom they view as undeserving. We suggest a second effect as well: that some voters who desire redistribution nevertheless vote for the anti-redistributive (Republican) party because its position on the race issue is more consonant with their own, and this, too, decreases the degree of redistribution in political equilibrium. This we name the policy bundle effect


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13 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Swedes don’t grift from one another and provide a robust community safety net for the same reason penguins and koala bears don’t fuck each other over and give extra food to the group...when everybody looks exaxtly like a relative...you’re nicer to others.  

A flock of penguins will frequently hesitate to enter the water, due to the fear that a predator (shark, sea lion, orca, etc) my be lurking in the water. They will wait until one penguin enters safely, then they all go. If no penguin volunteers to be the first one in, they will begin pushing and shoving one another, until a penguin falls in. If that one doesn't get eaten, then all the others jump in.


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Just now, Fozzz said:




honestly, this narrative that the press gets angry is tiresome. this narrative that the press is saying "they need to work it out" is also tiresome. all i tend to see on the CNN in the background is generally how the vast majority of america don't want a wall and blame trump and the republicans for the shutdown.

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I don’t watch much cable news, but from the bits I’ve heard on the radio I’ve definitely heard a few comments, typically from the conservative talking head that’s required to be on the panel of every show, blaming Democrats for the shutdown. If we were talking about raising tax rates then you bet your ass the MSM would react differently. 

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Just now, Fozzz said:

I don’t watch much cable news, but from the bits I’ve heard on the radio I’ve definitely heard a few comments, typically from the conservative talking head that’s required to be on the panel of every show, blaming Democrats for the shutdown. If we were talking about raising tax rates then you bet your ass the MSM would react differently. 

talking head != press. those guys are paid mouthpieces whose job it is to drive an agenda. half the time, you can even tell they don't even believe the shit they are peddling.

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37 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Swedes don’t grift from one another and provide a robust community safety net for the same reason penguins and koala bears don’t fuck each other over and give extra food to the group...when everybody looks exaxtly like a relative...you’re nicer to others.  

Canada is more diverse than the US, yet it has a stronger social safety net.

California is more diverse than West Virginia, yet it has a stronger social safety net.

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5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Canada is more diverse than the US, yet it has a stronger social safety net.

California is more diverse than West Virginia, yet it has a stronger social safety net.

the diversity/homogeneous argument is simply, at best, a racist dog-whistle. london is extremely fucking diverse, and somehow they manage.

i'll allow arguments of scale, but even then, we have more tax revenue scale with which to work. 

it can be built, it can be done, we just need to make it a priority.

all i hear when people bring up homogeneity, what they are really projecting (to me, and i know i'll get killed for saying this), fuck those lazy minorities. i worked hard for my benefits, and if they worked harder, then they would have no problems with medical care.

that's what i hear. and i'm not sure they know they are saying it. but that's what i'm hearing.

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19 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

talking head != press. those guys are paid mouthpieces whose job it is to drive an agenda. half the time, you can even tell they don't even believe the shit they are peddling.

Listen to NPR then, they constantly have to have both sides presented as if both deserve absolute equal amount of time and weight to give their viewpoints. They've had multiple people regurgitate the "tit-for-tat" line that Pelosi and Trump are playing, even though anyone actually looking at this shutdown knows it's pretty gross to act like Pelosi is doing anything near as bad as what Trump did in helping reveal her travel plans that were supposed to be a secret for security purposes.

I love NPR too, I try to donate to my local affiliate twice a year.

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I’m surprised that Canada is more ethnically diverse than the U.s.   I would think black, Hispanic, Asian, native, and other in this nation approaches 40%+.   Didn’t know that Canada then is minorty majority almost.  Obviously there are homogenous nations that do a poor job in this respect and diverse nations that go a great job.  

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3 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

the diversity/homogeneous argument is simply, at best, a racist dog-whistle. london is extremely fucking diverse, and somehow they manage.

i'll allow arguments of scale, but even then, we have more tax revenue scale with which to work. 

it can be built, it can be done, we just need to make it a priority.

all i hear when people bring up homogeneity, what they are really projecting (to me, and i know i'll get killed for saying this), fuck those lazy minorities. i worked hard for my benefits, and if they worked harder, then they would have no problems with medical care.

that's what i hear. and i'm not sure they know they are saying it. but that's what i'm hearing.


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So wealthy and more educated cities and states provide better social care than poorer/dumber ones?  London and California take better care of their own of all stripes than Brixton and West Virginia?  

Wow, I wonder if that’s why my mom’s family moved from Mexico to Texas to Chicago.  

We may be on to something here.  When I think ethnic diversity and politics, not wealth and education, driving robust social safety and entitlements... I think Uganda and Liberia.  

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2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

I am not exactly tracking what you guys are arguing about wrt to the homogeneity thing, but I don't think that there is anything too controversial about suggesting that racial and ethnic diversity adds a layer of complexity and challenge when designing and implementing a healthcare system. Health beliefs and behaviors are very closely tied to culture, race, and ethnicity. So are social determinants of health. Countries that have really good ROI for their healthcare dollar have figured out how to address these social and behavioral determinants of health.  In fact, one could argue that these "non-healthcare" components are actually more important than the actual healthcare delivery and financing components.  I didn't catch what spun up the little back and forth here, but these issues are important to the discussion, and do challenge the notion that nordic healthcare systems, for example, are transportable to the US with equivalent outcomes. 

Well, yeah. Of course, no one was talking about that. We were talking about taxes. But thanks for making a completely irrelevant point. Kudos. 

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4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Hate's W-L record is fucking STOUT. 

That's not even close to true.  Hate loses on a daily basis and wins a few headline battles now and again.

You know this.  You're just determined to come across as the most nihilist on these forums, which is fucking laughable, given what we know about you.  But hey, carry on, it's good for a laugh.

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3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

What a fine thing for a(n alleged) Christian to say.  Does your wife know you're a hypocrite?

Without a doubt.  She knows many of my other faults as well.  Like the fact that I'm too generous a lover, I spend too much time devoted to my loving family, and not enough time yelling at coaching decisions during Longhorn games, that sort of thing.

Let there be no question -- I'm a TERRIBLE Christian.  Sometimes, I at least try.  Other times, I don't buy any of it.

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1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

"When we are brave enough to puncture the silence on an issue, they will start to move."

God... she's so good.

She's so good.

The Justice Dems rule.



Inspire, be different. Don't engage in an arguing with a lunatic, no matter how right you are it just gives him and his idiot base exactly what they want. THAT is what the country so desperately needs from it's leaders, not more of Trump's a douche and I'm not. Everybody already knows that.   And that was what I was trying to point out in my previous couple of posts. 

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26 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Well, that was a non-response.  Try again.

A non response to a false choice is the only response.

You know this deep down.

Coudn't agree more with the hate/love win/loss response.

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3 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

Or just admit Trump is dumber than her.

Oh, that's what you're fishing for?  My bad.  You should have just said whataboutism, would have save some time.

Ok, Trump's dumber than her.

So, we've got one knucklehead hitting herself in the head with a hammer and the other who likes to juggle live grenades on a unicycle and we're going to fawn over hammer girl?

I mean, since we're doing the binary thing and this is the game then that's your plan?


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21 minutes ago, Cajun said:

Oh, that's what you're fishing for?  My bad.  You should have just said whataboutism, would have save some time.

Ok, Trump's dumber than her.

So, we've got one knucklehead hitting herself in the head with a hammer and the other who likes to juggle live grenades on a unicycle and we're going to fawn over hammer girl?

I mean, since we're doing the binary thing and this is the game then that's your plan?


It's less a case of a binary choices and more a case of what you object to first, with the most frequency, and with the most fervour saying more than your words do.

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You read way too much into that.

Find me the thread here on Surly where the majority of posters are fawning all over the grenade juggler and I'll respond in a way that will make you ever so happy.

And regarding the question of binary false choices, the way Drifter structured his post/question to me in the original response was the very definition of  that.  So in that case, it was in fact not less a case of binary choice.

That's what I was responding to.

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typing skills, no bueno
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10 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

If brisket’s family were to read his posts here, I’d think that they’d want him to see a shrink or possibly committed on temporary psych hold. I hope he doesn’t have access to firearms. Dude has taken a very dark turn.

What would your family think of your posts? I bet they wouldn't at all be surprised you get hard thinking about shooting migrants 

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25 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Let's be clear.  I'm fucking pissed off because I actually give a fuck about people, and am pissed off at seeing them hurt.

Icono is pissed off because we aren't hurting people badly enough, and because he can't get in on the fun of shooting them himself.

My family thinks I'm perfectly fine.  But I'm sure if I start sucking dick for meth they'll step in.


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25 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Let's be clear.  I'm fucking pissed off because I actually give a fuck about people, and am pissed off at seeing them hurt.

Icono is pissed off because we aren't hurting people badly enough, and because he can't get in on the fun of shooting them himself.

My family thinks I'm perfectly fine.  But I'm sure if I start sucking dick for meth they'll step in.

i've seen the immigrant turned nazi goosestepper american before in person. they are scary. icono is one of them. 

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57 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Let's be clear.  I'm fucking pissed off because I actually give a fuck about people, and am pissed off at seeing them hurt.

Icono is pissed off because we aren't hurting people badly enough, and because he can't get in on the fun of shooting them himself.

My family thinks I'm perfectly fine.  But I'm sure if I start sucking dick for meth they'll step in.

Damn, counselor.

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1 hour ago, staboner said:

i've seen the immigrant turned nazi goosestepper american before in person. they are scary. icono is one of them. 

It's a peculiar aspect of human nature- the rags to riches of a Ben Franklin or Paul Ryan, or as Chapelle noted, the one white guy in a black posse. 

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4 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Let's be clear.  I'm fucking pissed off because I actually give a fuck about people, and am pissed off at seeing them hurt.

Icono is pissed off because we aren't hurting people badly enough, and because he can't get in on the fun of shooting them himself.

My family thinks I'm perfectly fine.  But I'm sure if I start sucking dick for meth they'll step in.

Honestly part of me thinks this Icono stuff is a gigantic ruse. There’s no way he could seriously believe a word of what he’s saying.

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1 minute ago, hpslugga said:

Honestly part of me thinks this Icono stuff is a gigantic ruse. There’s no way he could seriously believe a word of what he’s saying.

Maybe.  He did lament the fact that he couldn't drive to the border and murder a bunch of poor people trying to escape hell for a better life (a hell that, funny enough, the United States government perpetrated in the first place).  He may troll the AOC thread and try and laugh about the demons he dumped on the doorstep of PanchoChat.  

But I'm pretty sure he's a fucking lunatic piece of shit.  Though with will tailored Texans jerseys and the respect for black folk who read Financial Times.

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Only clicked on Twitter link and don’t have an account. What income range is was given for that top bracket?   I’m neither a registered republican or Democrat and I would agree with a 70% Bracket if it kicked in a certain level of my choosing.  I “approve” of mandatory sentences, 70% tax brackets, subsidy payments, and defense appropriations so long as I’m not committed to actual reality alongside that shit.  

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9 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Only clicked on Twitter link and don’t have an account. What income range is was given for that top bracket?   I’m neither a registered republican or Democrat and I would agree with a 70% Bracket if it kicked in a certain level of my choosing.  I “approve” of mandatory sentences, 70% tax brackets, subsidy payments, and defense appropriations so long as I’m not committed to actual reality alongside that shit.  

how are you this bad at internet?


Over the weekend, pollsters from the Hill–HarrisX asked voters, “Would you favor or oppose a tax proposal that would apply a 70% rate to the 10 millionth dollar and beyond for individuals making $10 million a year or more in reportable income?” — and 59 percent said yes.


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