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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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3 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

1) You may not realize this, but subsidizing oils and gas through uncaptured external cost prevents price discovery. It’s a form of socialism and the fundamental cause of environmental disaster in the Soviet Union, because in a system with no private ownership of capital, there’s no such thing as “external cost”.

2) Tucker Carlson’s book did a great job of separating the gullible from their money. Not much else.

3) speaking as a fellow Episcopalian, the religious insults are unbecoming and demeaning of our mutual faith.

What religious insults that I have apparently made are you referring to? I made a joke about fucking Ocasio, I didn’t see where I was insulting anyone’s faith 

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44 minutes ago, mdmost said:

Iconolast doesn't know how to process this. 

Painting Tucker as some sort of white nationalist racist hate monger who is in lockstep with all things Republican is ridiculous. The reason he is my favorite on Fox is because, like me, he is vehemently anti-neocon and criticized W for the moronic Iraq War. Seriously, read Ship of Fools. He gives credit to environmentalists for cleaning up pollution and improving the air and water we breathe. He rightfully skewers the leftist virtue signaling and religious like orthodoxy that must be adhered to. Unfortunately for you mdmost, this type of nuance goes over your head.

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Yes, when I think of someone who is big on appreciating nuance, you are exactly who I picture. And I'm sorry, when you or any author uses the term "virtue signaling" it tells me to go ahead and ignore you. 

Edited by mdmost
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3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

(rolling) Yeah, she'd just be reciprocating the "donations" to the Clinton Foundation.....  (eyes).

You are more than welcome to reveal your inside information about the Clinton Foundation, but given the fact that it is rated extremely highly based on tax return audits, you should probably be careful about just how far you wade out into the conspiracy pool.

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17 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Painting Tucker as some sort of white nationalist racist hate monger who is in lockstep with all things Republican is ridiculous. The reason he is my favorite on Fox is because, like me, he is vehemently anti-neocon and criticized W for the moronic Iraq War. Seriously, read Ship of Fools. He gives credit to environmentalists for cleaning up pollution and improving the air and water we breathe. He rightfully skewers the leftist virtue signaling and religious like orthodoxy that must be adhered to. Unfortunately for you mdmost, this type of nuance goes over your head.

It is possible for someone to be a white supremacist while not being a neoconservative.  See Pat Buchanan.  

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What religious insults that I have apparently made are you referring to? I made a joke about fucking Ocasio, I didn’t see where I was insulting anyone’s faith 

Other than explicitly accusing people who want an aggressive policy approach to the environment of violating the 1st and 2nd commandment? How is that not an insult?
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3 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

 No instead we have him undermining the 1st amendment, undermining the rule of law, undermining faith in our elections, and undermining our relationships with our closest allies. But thank god about that Clinton foundation, we dodged a bullet there

How is he undermining the first amendment, cause one dumbass can't ask questions?

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58 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

You are more than welcome to reveal your inside information about the Clinton Foundation, but given the fact that it is rated extremely highly based on tax return audits, you should probably be careful about just how far you wade out into the conspiracy pool.

Russia owns all of our Uranium! She sold it to them! I read it!

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

You are more than welcome to reveal your inside information about the Clinton Foundation, but given the fact that it is rated extremely highly based on tax return audits, you should probably be careful about just how far you wade out into the conspiracy pool.

OnBoard has my curiousity piqued.

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1 hour ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Other than explicitly accusing people who want an aggressive policy approach to the environment of violating the 1st and 2nd commandment? How is that not an insult?

As you are aware our denomination and other mainline denominations have withered over the years and have lost lots of people. The cultural elites of this country used to be bound by mainline Protestantism. That’s a thing of the past. I’m not saying caring about the environment is worshipping another God or engaging in idolatory. In fact, being stewards of the earth as we are commanded to be in our God given dominion over it means that we should take care of it. Conservation of environment was started by Republicans. The issue is where to draw the line. The issue I have is not with protecting the environment. It’s the stridency of the climate change warriors 

Edited by Iconoclast Texan
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4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

God’s not real. We should take care of the planet so we don’t make it uninhabitable and fucking die. Quit believing in fairy tales and use some critical thinking.

Is this what meth does to the brain?

I’m reporting you. That was 7years ago asshole and I have been clean and your adding nothing fuckface. You sure seem to want to have someone suck your dick. Find a whore 

Edited by Iconoclast Texan
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Cool. You advocated shooting people at the border on this board. Couple that with your racism/bigotry and I’m fine with where I stand. You’re an awful human being and bring nothing of value to any discussion being had. You’re worse than a troll. You’re disingenuous, irrational, and unable to understand basic concepts of our governmental structure. It’s why all you get is ridicule. You’ve shown you cannot have a rational discussion so now many on the board are treating you as such.

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As you are aware our denomination and other mainline denominations have withered over the years and have lost lots of people. The cultural elites of this country used to be bound by mainline Protestantism. That’s a thing of the past. I’m not saying caring about the environment is worshipping another God or engaging in idolatory. In fact, being stewards of the earth as we are commanded to be in our God given dominion over it means that we should take care of it. Conservation of environment was started by Republicans. The issue is where to draw the line. The issue I have is not with protecting the environment. It’s the stridency of the climate change warriors 

You’re the one out accusing people of heresy, chief.
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21 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

I’m reporting you. That was 7years ago asshole and I have been clean and your adding nothing fuckface. You sure seem to want to have someone suck your dick. Find a whore 

Reporting for what? Did you or did you not stop sucking dick for meth?

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30 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

 In fact, being stewards of the earth as we are commanded to be in our God given dominion over it means that we should take care of it. Conservation of environment was started by Republicans. The issue is where to draw the line. The issue I have is not with protecting the environment. It’s the stridency of the climate change warriors 

My favorite part of the Bible is where Jesus says, "Follow all of my commands, but only up to a certain point. If it's going to hurt Exxon's 4th quarter profits, then please don't listen to me."

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1 hour ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

As you are aware our denomination and other mainline denominations have withered over the years and have lost lots of people. The cultural elites of this country used to be bound by mainline Protestantism. That’s a thing of the past. I’m not saying caring about the environment is worshipping another God or engaging in idolatory. In fact, being stewards of the earth as we are commanded to be in our God given dominion over it means that we should take care of it. Conservation of environment was started by Republicans. The issue is where to draw the line. The issue I have is not with protecting the environment. It’s the stridency of the climate change warriors 

does tucker have a solution about the increased irrelevancy of mainline protestantism or is he just urging folks to join him in being mad about it

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3 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

That’s a start. He also seems to be a big fan of the German phrase of lugenpresse, a favorite phrase of someone else who worked to undermine his nation’s press. 

His freedom of speech was not violated by the government, and CNN is still able to go to the press meetings. If he didn't act like a child then he still would have been able to go in there. Yeah, the second part of your sentence is agreeable, I'd call it disingenuous than fake. 

That's the problem with his bombastic ass self. Trump is as disingenuous as they are like the caravan, the press, and most things he says. He blows them out of proportion and when he's called out he just lobs insults.

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33 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

His freedom of speech was not violated by the government, and CNN is still able to go to the press meetings. If he didn't act like a child then he still would have been able to go in there. Yeah, the second part of your sentence is agreeable, I'd call it disingenuous than fake. 

That's the problem with his bombastic ass self. Trump is as disingenuous as they are like the caravan, the press, and most things he says. He blows them out of proportion and when he's called out he just lobs insults.

But he doesn’t get to choose who gets to cover him and who doesn’t. That’s up to cnn. If they didn’t like his performance then they are the ones to decide to remove him. Just because the president doesn’t like the questions or style doesn’t mean he can deny access. 

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43 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

His freedom of speech was not violated by the government, and CNN is still able to go to the press meetings.

The First Amendment is not just freedom of speech, bud.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


If he didn't act like a child then he still would have been able to go in there.

He didn't act like a child. He respectfully stood and asked questions. It's the WH aide and Trump that acted like children.

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49 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

The First Amendment is not just freedom of speech, bud.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

He didn't act like a child. He respectfully stood and asked questions. It's the WH aide and Trump that acted like children.

I itried to look if they could or couldn't, and found this.

But if the 89-year-old Thomas had insisted on remaining, could the White House have forced her out of the press corps?

Probably not.



So probably he can or can't? 

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3 hours ago, BillyGoatHill said:

She should apply some of her same logic that she proposes for "medicare for every person in the country".........."JUST PAY FOR IT"!

No problem... just stop paying for stupid shit like an over the top military budget.  Cut their budget to fucking zero for one year and we can pay for a lot of shit for decades.  Then put the military budget back to 75% or whatever it is today.

Plan ahead mother fuckers.

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1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

No problem... just stop paying for stupid shit like an over the top military budget.  Cut their budget to fucking zero for one year and we can pay for a lot of shit for decades.  Then put the military budget back to 75% or whatever it is today.

Plan ahead mother fuckers.

Same for medicare,medicaid, and social sucurity as well as military and ill hop on that

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