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14 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

Right, he is trying to capitalize on that opportunity by appealing to Trump supporters when he should NOT be a Trump supporter himself. Even if we pretend for a moment that Trump is not beholden to Putin in any way, anyone with any knowledge of Trump would know that he's not meeting in private with him in order to achieve diplomatic success on behalf of the American people. He's doing it because he believes as the Executive he should be able to do anything he wants at any time. He is an authoritarian in every sense of the word.

Rand Paul portrays himself as consistently principled and as a champion of liberty and opponent of executive power. If that's true then he should be a Trump hater himself. Yet he is using that term pejoratively against another to score political points for a single action he wants to take.

That is absolutely spineless and the exact opposite of principled.

Maybe it’s because he received NRA money in the 2016 election cycle and he knows where his bread his buttered

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Rand Paul is the duck billed platypus of libertarian and conservative fusionism. The dude has always been an awkward hodgepodge of ideas. He has been consistent with his stance on diplomacy and it certainly looks nefarious as it currently suits Trump's agenda. I think this is just a case of Rand Paul being a "useful idiot" rather than Rand being in on the scam.

Congressman Justin Amash who identifies as a libertarian, discussed this issue a week ago. Basically Amash reiterated the idea of pushing diplomacy and being open to talks with Russia. However, he said it was clear that something was wrong with the Trump/Putin relationship and we (libertarians) should be skeptical of Trump's motives with Russia. I believe he described Trump's behavior as that of the leader of a vassal state.

Here is the beginning of his thread on Twitter.



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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

this really brings up a philosophical question: can there be a decline if there first was not a rise?


Edited by Bozo_Casanova
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

this really brings up a philosophical question: can there be a decline if there first was not a rise?

Imagine Rand walking down a level street. Rand fails to see open manhole, plummets through.

Rand then declines offers of help from government-funded EMTs because Rand should have been looking out for Rand.

Edited by RDCanecutter
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On 7/24/2018 at 9:27 PM, Ghost of LL said:

And this whole charade that he might vote against Kavanaugh is just soooooo stupid. We all know he’s going to vote to confirm. He’s not going to get any concessions. He’s probably not even asking for any. So what’s the fucking point?

Rand just posted to social media that he will support Kavanaugh:


After meeting Judge Kavanaugh and reviewing his record, I have decided to support his nomination.

No one will ever completely agree with a nominee (unless, of course, you are the nominee). Each nominee, however, must be judged on the totality of their views, character, and opinions.

I have expressed my concern over Judge Kavanaugh’s record on warrantless bulk collection of data and how that might apply to very important privacy cases before the Supreme Court.

In reviewing his record on other privacy cases like Jones, and through my conversation with him, I have hope that in light of the new precedent in Carpenter v. United States, Judge Kavanaugh will be more open to a Fourth Amendment that protects digital records and property.

Of course, my vote is not a single-issue vote, and much of my reading and conversation has been in trying to figure out exactly how good Judge Kavanaugh will be on other issues before the Court.

My conversation with Judge Kavanaugh reinforces my belief that he will evaluate cases before the Supreme Court from a textual and originalist point of view.

I believe he will carefully adhere to the Constitution and will take his job to protect individual liberty seriously.

On issues such as property rights and reining in the administrative state, Judge Kavanaugh has a strong record and showed a deep commitment during our meeting. His views on due process and mens rea show a thoughtful approach to the law and its applications. His views on war powers and separation of powers are encouraging.

Finally, his strong defenses of the First and Second Amendments in landmark cases show someone who isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo and will fight with backbone. Judge Kavanaugh will have my support and my vote to confirm him to the Supreme Court.


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2 minutes ago, bernorange said:

Rand just posted to social media that he will support Kavanaugh:


For a guy who tries to paint himself as a wildcard, Rand may be the most pathetically predictable member of Congress.

28 minutes ago, bernorange said:

Rand just posted to social media that he will support Kavanaugh:


In the least shocking news from Washington since Bill Clinton announced that he did, in fact, have sexual relations with that woman, . . . .


Last month on CNN, Paul said it was a “waste of time” to try to hold Vladimir Putin responsible for election interference. “I think we mistake our response if we think it’s about accountability from the Russians. They’re another country, they’re going to spy on us, they do spy on us, they’re going to interfere in our elections,” Paul said.

“We all do it,” he added on the eve of Donald Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki, drawing criticism for equating the U.S. to Russia.

In recent months, Paul, a longtime skeptic of U.S. intelligence services, has emerged as Trump’s biggest defender against the Russia investigation, even adopting the president’s language to talk about the “witch hunt.” He was also the most vocal defender of Trump’s meeting with Putin, repeatedly saying that he thinks “it’s a good idea for us to have conversation even with our adversaries.”

For his trouble, he got an “atta boy” from the president.


1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

Yeah, those are unbiased reports.  Crimony.

I'll take that as you admitting you're wrong about Ron Paul being a racist, so no reason to be down on yourself.  Give yourself a pat on the back, you've considered evidence that was contrary to your claim and changed course on your opinion!

  • Haha 1
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It's amazing. Nobody cares that we were attacked.

What do you suggest be done? Russians have meddled in elections since before the Internet. So have we. It’s part of the game. We should probably do it more.
  • Fuck You 1
14 minutes ago, American Swindle said:

I'll take that as you admitting you're wrong about Ron Paul being a racist, so no reason to be down on yourself.  Give yourself a pat on the back, you've considered evidence that was contrary to your claim and changed course on your opinion!

His name is on the newsletters.  That's how he feels.


“If you, Senator Paul, are able to raise your voice in defense of Maria Butina, to help at least change her pretrial detention...you would show yourself to be a real man,” Interfax reported Mr. Slutsky as saying. Ms. Butina has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which her lawyer has characterized as “overblown.”

Another Russian lawmaker, Konstantin Kosachyov, reiterated the Russian response to findings by U.S. intelligence agencies that Moscow interfered in the presidential election that brought Mr. Trump to power, and said there would be no such interference in the coming midterm elections.

“There was no interference in 2016 and it makes sense that there won’t be any during the current electoral campaign,” said Mr. Kosachyov, adding that Russia was willing to discuss the issue on an “expert level” to investigate the allegations. The U.S. has rejected several previous entreaties to create a joint body to look into the interference.



What the fuck is this shit? Cool, really awesome of Rand Paul to legitimize these talking points and give them a platform to reach Americans. Doesn’t look like he’s compromised at all - totally normal behavior for US politicians interacting with hostile foreign governments currently attempting to influence the 2018 elections. 

20 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


What do you suggest be done? Russians have meddled in elections since before the Internet. So have we. It’s part of the game. We should probably do it more.


We could try imposing more sanctions and protecting future elections? Or we could invite them to the White House? Which do you think will be more effective at protecting our electoral process?

8 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

We could try imposing more sanctions and protecting future elections? Or we could invite them to the White House? Which do you think will be more effective at protecting our electoral process?


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1 hour ago, Buzzrock said:

What do you suggest be done?

Call Putin out for the POS thug he is every day.  Invest in a massive anti-Putin social media campaign targeted at the Russian population and surrounding areas.  Make him a pariah in his home town and everywhere else across the world. 

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Call Putin out for the POS thug he is every day.  Invest in a massive anti-Putin social media campaign targeted at the Russian population and surrounding areas.  Make him a pariah in his home town and everywhere else across the world. 

Or just do like Clinton did in the 90s and work to get your guy elected President of Russia by funneling millions of dollars to him.  Of course, since it's Putin running the show over there, that'll probably involve a lot of "wet work" to go along with the cash.

6 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


What do you suggest be done? Russians have meddled in elections since before the Internet. So have we. It’s part of the game. We should probably do it more.


You can't let a foreign government meddling in the single most important country in history's elections.  Don't play games with democracy.

37 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

You can't let a foreign government meddling in the single most important country in history's elections.  Don't play games with democracy.



Russia does more than meddle in our elections:

The joint report from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security claims that Russian hackers gained access to computers across the targeted industries and collected sensitive data including passwords, logins, and information about energy generation. While the report doesn’t specify any identifiable sabotage, the intrusion could set up future attacks that do more than just record observations.

The day after the report was released, Energy Secretary Rick Perry told lawmakersat an appropriations hearing that cyberattacks are “literally happening hundreds of thousands of times a day,” and warned that the Department of Energy needs an “office of cybersecurity and emergency response” in order to be prepared for threats like this in the future.

This report is a big deal: It’s the first time the US government has publicly blamed Russia’s government for attacks on energy infrastructure. Explicitly pinning the attack on the Kremlin means that rather than targeting the hackers as individuals, the United States can now respond against Russia as a whole.


54 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Russia does more than meddle in our elections:

The joint report from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security claims that Russian hackers gained access to computers across the targeted industries and collected sensitive data including passwords, logins, and information about energy generation. While the report doesn’t specify any identifiable sabotage, the intrusion could set up future attacks that do more than just record observations.

The day after the report was released, Energy Secretary Rick Perry told lawmakersat an appropriations hearing that cyberattacks are “literally happening hundreds of thousands of times a day,” and warned that the Department of Energy needs an “office of cybersecurity and emergency response” in order to be prepared for threats like this in the future.

This report is a big deal: It’s the first time the US government has publicly blamed Russia’s government for attacks on energy infrastructure. Explicitly pinning the attack on the Kremlin means that rather than targeting the hackers as individuals, the United States can now respond against Russia as a whole.


Thank goodness we have Rick Perry on top of this.  I can sleep easy now.

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9 hours ago, American Swindle said:

I'll take that as you admitting you're wrong about Ron Paul being a racist, so no reason to be down on yourself.  Give yourself a pat on the back, you've considered evidence that was contrary to your claim and changed course on your opinion!

Ron? Is that you? 

13 hours ago, Celery Man said:


Ron Paul responded to the tweet, disavowing it and deleting it.   Are the heads of ESPN all Racists because one of their writers released the article on Jeremy Lin labeled "Chink in the armor"?  


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38 minutes ago, American Swindle said:

If you say so Celery. I mean.... if it doesn't walk like a duck, or quack like a duck, then it must be a duck right?  

Are you saying that Ron Paul doesn't control his own Twitter account?  I mean, maybe.

I kind of feel bad for poor Ron.  Always having to disavow the numerous racist things always popping up under his name that he totally, never has anything to do with.  Just the worst of luck!

23 hours ago, Buzzrock said:



What do you suggest be done? Russians have meddled in elections since before the Internet. So have we. It’s part of the game. We should probably do it more.


I suggest we aggressively pursue any American who had provided any assistance in their attack.  If we are at war with Spain, I don't have a real problem with any Spanish soldier who is shelling me.  I have a major fucking problem if one of my countryman is feeding him coordinates. 

Something that should be done, on the international level, is some sort of guideline/treaties on what is considered cyber warfare and what is not.  That is a significant issue.  Until that time, I'm cool with using diplomatic intimidation (sanctions) to protect our country.  It's not a question of fairness, but rather self preservation. 

Paul has changed less than the political environment.
Rand Paul, like many libertarians, appears admirable when they are the contrarian voice.  If no one really thinks we are going to ditch on NATO, it's perfectly cool for Paul to lob shit-bombs at our allies.  It provokes thought and challenges our assumptions.  When he does it shortly after Trump goes on a fuck-the-world tour in Europe, it's not longer merely academic provocation.  When his views actually have a chance of becoming policy, led by a pro-Russian moron in the White House, we start seriously considering the ramifications and are appalled.  The devil's advocate has value, as long as you don't think the devil will win. 
Has he been saying anything about the ICE detentions and family separations at the border? To me, that would be an opportunity to speak out against government abuses despite Republican blowback.

Rand Paul isn't libertarian though.
2 hours ago, Tom said:

Are you saying that Ron Paul doesn't control his own Twitter account?  I mean, maybe.

I kind of feel bad for poor Ron.  Always having to disavow the numerous racist things always popping up under his name that he totally, never has anything to do with.  Just the worst of luck!

The man is one of the rarities in government that has always fought for individual liberty, free markets, sound money and the Constitution, all things that would help minorities (Ending the War on drugs, Anti-War, Keeping our dollar from being over inflated by government interventions/crony capitalism).  So my point is his actions are counter to the MS narrative of him being racist.  The only thing they had on him was that newsletter, which was written by a staffer for his news letter (debunked from the video I posted above).  He took responsibility for it under his name and disavowed it as he did that tweet.  Sometimes writers or editors let things slip through and I'm sure Ron Paul's twitter/Institute isn't the only media source that has let racist type articles out that were later disavowed and deleted.  Am I wrong? 

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Who declined the most:  Douchowitz, Giuliani, Trump or Rand?   I have to lean Giuliani.  Trump was always a dipshit and has gotten worse.  Rudy was America's mayor and liked by the masses...now he's barely coherent. 

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