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senseless gun violence


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if we already have a thread then please move this post there. if not, this can serve as a catch-all for the senseless gun violence which just about defines this country. let it be known that the stated intent of this thread is to mirror those for bad cops and rapey clergymen, aka a place to post and discuss these news events, and NOT a place to argue about the 2A. 

i’ll start us off with this horrifying story of a wanna-be cop murdering a 17 year old kid because the kid “wouldn’t comply with my commands”. this story is just insane, and yet it’s not a one-off. so damn maddening.



  • Rage+1 1
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That's an awful story. False imprisonment of multiple people, probably racially motivated (so federal civil rights violations, as well), whatever crime constitutes making deadly threats, and of course the murder charges for following through on those threats.

Hope that 51-year-old wanna-be never sees the outside of a prison.

What an absolutely senseless tragedy.

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A pair of new(ish) case precedents being set the last several years all around the country. 

Some version of:

"Slowly reach for/drop your weapon and then raise your hands above/behind your head."

-But I don't have a weapon!

"You're not complying!"  (opens fire, person had no weapon on them)

Some version of:

Good guy raises gun to person in threatening manner.  Other person is unarmed and panics so attempts to strike the gun holder or grab their gun to protect themselves.  Gun holder views this as an affront to his safety so they open fire on the unarmed person, claiming self-defense.  The twisted version of this is you order pizza, amazon, or grubhub to your door.  Delivery shows up, you shoot them claiming they were behaving in an erratic fashion and you felt threatened they were going to break into your home.  All of these scenarios will only add up to a few dozen murders per year, but isn't one enough?  

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, 'stache said:

That's certainly some police work there, Lou.



In a related story, the founders of the True Texas Project commented “I don’t condone the actions, but I certainly understand where they came from" and "You're not going to demographically replace a once proud, strong people without getting blow-back."

I mean, they said that about the El Paso Wal-Mart shooter, no reason they wouldn't say it here.

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