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Just got bloodwork back.

Blood sugar is 114 or pre diabetic.

If you read the other topics on this board you will see that I am under a tremendous amount of stress rigjt now:

Possible divorce.

Closing my business 

Looking for new job at 57

Possible sale of 2 properties.

Dad died last year and i need to care care if some things there.

Kids in house 16 to 18...not sure what to expect.

Been getting 3 to 5 hours sleep the last 2 weeks.

So I imagine my numbers are going to be elevated.

I already excercise and  could only lose 10 lbs max.

No sodas or sugary drinks in my life.

Cut out bananas, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal?

Any ideas on the effect of stress?

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10 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

Just got bloodwork back.

Blood sugar is 114 or pre diabetic.

If you read the other topics on this board you will see that I am under a tremendous amount of stress rigjt now:

Possible divorce.

Closing my business 

Looking for new job at 57

Possible sale of 2 properties.

Dad died last year and i need to care care if some things there.

Kids in house 16 to 18...not sure what to expect.

Been getting 3 to 5 hours sleep the last 2 weeks.

So I imagine my numbers are going to be elevated.

I already excercise and  could only lose 10 lbs max.

No sodas or sugary drinks in my life.

Cut out bananas, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal?

Any ideas on the effect of stress?

Don’t know but I have a similar situation so interested in replies.

Recent annual physical had glucose within normal ranges at 94 but my A1C was 5.7 just outside the normal range. My doc labeled this as prediabetic. The only advice I got was to eat healthier and exercise more. I’ve been relatively sedentary lately. And put on about 10 lbs this year.

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:59 AM, jimmyjazz said:

Update:  wife is on Jardiance (once a day) and metformin (full dose, half each twice a day).  We don't have a useful A1C number yet but her blood sugar is routinely in the mid-100 range, which is a massive improvement.  She had gained "weight" over the years, going from tiny (when I met her) to classic 50 YO mom bod, but it turns out a bunch of that was just inflammation.  The reduction in said inflammation is astonishing -- she's not down to her dating weight yet but she's getting close enough that I'm starting to worry about getting my own shit together.  Dammit.


On 7/9/2024 at 12:23 AM, tx 3 putt said:

Her dr hasn’t told her diabetes type or A1C ? 

how is that even possible ?

Once you start treatment of Type 2 diabetes, either thru diet control, or meds, it is very typical for A1c to drop dramatically for a long time, even several years. Keeping up with good eating habits delays more aggressive treatments. Weight loss is also dramatic. I lost 25 pounds and I wasn’t that overweight to begin with. I was only 10 pounds overweight.

Doctors often won’t test for type1/2 if the diabetes develops later in life because the treatments are similar. I found out after 20 years that I was actually type 1/2, not type 2, after a doctor looked at my strange sugar charts and suspected something and ran blood tests. 

On 7/17/2024 at 3:55 PM, Horn of Gabriel said:

If she's on metformin it's 99.999% gonna be Type 2.   Which was always going to be anyway considering her age and genetics and the population at large.  9 out of 10 diabetics are Type 2.  Type 2 usually presents later in life, and can be managed via diet and lifestyle - sometimes even eliminating the need for drugs, but not always.  Type 2 is strongly genetically typed, so your kids will need to look out for it.  Certain populations (Native American, Hispanic) are more susceptible.  Type 2 you usually still make your own insulin, just your body becomes less and less sensitive to it.  Drugs like metformin can increase your sensitivity, as can weight loss and changing your diet.  Most Type 2's don't require supplemental exogenous insulin, but those who can't/won't make the lifestyle changes might require it.  Type 2 is where the diabeetus memes come from. :/  

Type 1 (formerly "juvenile") diabetes typically presents in childhood/teens, but over the past few decades later incidences in life have become more common.  I was diagnosed Type 1 at 29 years old, and didn't have symptoms until that year.  Type 1 is not strongly genetically typed, my kids have only a ~3% elevated chance of getting it because I have it.  They don't know the cause of Type 1, it's an autoimmune condition and theories range from a virus to environmental to stress.  Regardless in Type 1 your body attacks your insulin producing cells and kills them off so as someone said upthread you must take exogenous insulin - as I do via an insulin pump.  My insulin sensitivity however is fine, I just don't make any.

as per above there is now type 1/2 as well. 

28 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

Just got bloodwork back.

Blood sugar is 114 or pre diabetic.

If you read the other topics on this board you will see that I am under a tremendous amount of stress rigjt now:

Possible divorce.

Closing my business 

Looking for new job at 57

Possible sale of 2 properties.

Dad died last year and i need to care care if some things there.

Kids in house 16 to 18...not sure what to expect.

Been getting 3 to 5 hours sleep the last 2 weeks.

So I imagine my numbers are going to be elevated.

I already excercise and  could only lose 10 lbs max.

No sodas or sugary drinks in my life.

Cut out bananas, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal?

Any ideas on the effect of stress?

I’ve seen huge positive impacts to meditation. Tried it myself dozens of time but couldn’t get hooked. The people that do have incredibly positive experiences dealing with stress. 10% Happier is an interesting book. 

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Weird followup -- our health insurance has hooked her up with a group that is "taking control" of her treatment.  Not all bad, she gets the continuous glucose monitor + smart watch for free, which would ordinarily be $450 per month.  BUT, they demanded she go off the Jardiance.  She tried it, her blood sugar immediately spiked from the low 100s to mid-high 100s, depending on time of day.  It really upset her.  I kept telling her to go back on the Jardiance, and yesterday she buckled and did it.  Wham, blood sugar back to the low 100s.  She's just not ready.  I have no idea how this will play out regarding the continuous monitor, they might stop provding it, but I don't care.  I'll either pay for it, or more realistically she can just go back to the old school blood measurement from her finger tip.  I seriously doubt she needs to do that 6X per day in perpetuity.

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