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The WAY too early June Presidential Debate thread

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11 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

Yes hammer him with WWIII. We’re closer to nuclear than at any time since 1962.

Why are you MAGA types such fucking cowards and why does Putin scare you!?  Seriously, get a spine, you should be ashamed of yourselves, the Republicans of the 1980s would be mortified at the thought of how scared you all are of Russia.



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Just now, Bozo_Casanova said:

I think it’s 50/50 Biden is the nominee, and until 2 hours ago I thought that was a sucker bet.

Replacing him can not be worse that what we saw tonight and him losing. It just cant. Democrats need to be bold (lol) and shake things up. Biden needs to step down from the candidacy tomorrow

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