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13 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

Maybe I’m the only one but I think the Kylo Ren character is terrible. Way too over dramatic and over done, trying too hard to be deep, and nothing about him draws me in in any way. It probably doesn’t help that the dude that plays him completely reminds me of Keanu Reeves, who might be the worst actor to ever earn a paycheck.





12 hours ago, PilotsError said:

If you want to attract female viewers, you create characters like Hans solo. Sarcastic bad boys.

Rey sells better to the 8 year old girls crowd than Han.  

The prequels and sequels were made for 8 year-old wish fulfillment.

8 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

This rarely ever works for movies. The best thing Star Wars could do is create new villains. Maul was great. Kylo is fine. 

Watch the YouTube video Dutchrudder posted and apply that generally to iconic villains.
Iconic villains are great because they're foils to the hero and exist as a mysterious, creeping malevolence always threatening to destroy the good.
Featuring the villain forces them into a protagonist role, which requires a lot of baggage and explaining things about the character, which ruins the mystique.

Besides, there are only a few ways to go with these 'villain as the hero' movies:
1) you can play it for laughs or make it meta. Think later Freddy Krueger and Jason movies, American Psycho, anything from Tarantino
2) you can make it really dark, like Taxi Driver, Devil's Rejects, Hannibal, The Shining, etc. but the problem there is that Vader would need to be a psycho, which he's not
3) you can make Vader a tragic figure, like Frankenstein, Darkman, The Fly, or Maleficent, but this creates a sympathetic villain. Lucas already tried this and failed. It's the hardest to pull off and has never been done with a recurring character. 

As for me, I like Vader and Boba Fett and every other villain being mysterious badasses. I don't need or want to know what they eat for breakfast, what underwear they prefer, or why they are the way they are. They exist, and they're awesome. That's enough.

Yeah.  I think a lot of people don’t appreciate that mystery is so important in movies or more generally that less is more on non-protagonists   

Anton Chigur is an absolute question mark.  The Seven villain doesn’t even make an appearance until the movie is in the last act.  Emperor Palpatine is nothing more than a malevolent decaying smile for Episodes V and VI.  You only see quick flashes of the alien in Alien.

The more understood they are, the less reason your brain has to worry.  


As I reflect a little, the flipside of all that is that I like Kylo Ren and I don’t like Darth Maul, despite the over focus on Ren and the mystery behind Maul.  But I think that could be more because Ren is supposed to be a will-he / won’t-he kind of bad guy instead of the pure evil so more screen time is needed, and Maul was the baddie in a dumb movie and himself came off as a huge miss as this cheesy super scary guy with a nonsense weapon. 

22 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

The characters in the new trilogy are straight out of a YA novel or a Power Rangers movie. 

Rey is the serious leader with hidden talents, but she's secretly lonely. She's eager to find her destiny! And her true family!
Finn is a former stormtrooper that quit when a friend died, but this lovable #2 attaches to everyone and everything really, really quickly.
Poe is a plucky secret operative pilot with a hatred of 'bad guys' who happens to be an eternal optimist. 

It took me a while to figure out why I didn't connect with them. There's not a lot of emotional depth here. There's rarely a solemn emotional moment where you feel the weight on their shoulders outside of Han's death, which seemed contrived. Same problem the OT had, except the OT did a hammy job of trying to force it.

That's when I realized that I was watching a kid's movie. One made for kids aged 9-15 or thereabouts. Just like the prequels.

Poe was supposed to die in the first one but then they realized they cast Oscar Isaac

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8 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

Poe was supposed to die in the first one but then they realized they cast Oscar Isaac

Also they realized John Boyega doesn't get the ladies' panties wet.  Need a bad boy, can't kill off Poe and Han in the same movie.


Poe should have died.  Leia and Han should have died.  Finn should have died.  The first order should have died.  The resistance should have died.  Mag or whatever the lady yoda stand in should have died.  Rose, Phasma, Dorn should have died. 

  Ren and Rey are the only parts of the new movies I enjoyed.  And I liked Luke in TFA because I thought they handled him how they should with all the parts of the OT.  As some revered piece in the background.  Then they go and make him pretty meh immediately in the TLJ.  

Posted (edited)

I've traditionally been against the angry "Me MAN, Hate FEMINIST Star Wars" hot takes.  Having said that, Carrie Fisher is dead.  Putting her in 9 for more than the first 2 minutes to kill her is stupid.  The Last Jedi was an objectively terrible movie.  The only thing that redeems vis-a-vis 1-3 it is the quality of the acting is generally better than the preequals.

I'm very, very close to putting this on my "Eh, I'll watch it On Demand" list.

Edited by Bateshorn

I forget the poster on the old site who used this analogy but it was 100% nut on perfect: SW is now like being in an HOA. It's required by deed and you only go to the meetings on the off chance that you could miss something that's critical to know, but mostly you just walk away pissed off at the time & money you're wasting.

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On 7/28/2018 at 7:44 PM, Red Five said:

I was just thinking, there is no one left for Lando to reunite with. They're all dead. Good work Disney. 


Maybe he shows up for a Thelma and Louise style send off with Leia in the Millenium Falcon?

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23 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

2) you can make it really dark, like Taxi Driver, Devil's Rejects, Hannibal, The Shining, etc. but the problem there is that Vader would need to be a psycho, which he's not
3) you can make Vader a tragic figure, like Frankenstein, Darkman, The Fly, or Maleficent, but this creates a sympathetic villain. Lucas already tried this and failed. It's the hardest to pull off and has never been done with a recurring character. 

All we know about Vader between Hayden Christiansen (or they could do it to leave it open for a retconned prequel reboot) and Episode IV are a few scenes from Rebels and Rogue One. Maybe he is a complete psychopath, living in an obsessed rage over his wife’s death with a pain that doesn’t decrease with time, but rather grows and fuels his hate for everyone including Palpatine and even himself. All that changes leading into ESB, when he learns that Luke exists and his warped mind is somewhat rebooted. 

But for the purposes of the Vader movie, it could be 90 minutes of the most violent force and light saber wielding carnage ever imagined and reveal his hate for and enslavement by Palpatine. He could definitely have psycho tendencies. 


If someone wants a Vader movie, there's good source from the current and previous run of Darth Vader comics. Just be sure to keep delivering the devastating burns.




  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

But for the purposes of the Vader movie, it could be 90 minutes of the most violent force and light saber wielding carnage ever imagined and reveal his hate for and enslavement by Palpatine. He could definitely have psycho tendencies. 

The only way I could see this working is if they did something like the old Bronson Death Wish movies or Dirty Harry or something where Vader goes around killing gangsters and criminals and other baddies for the Empire. It would be tough watching him mow down freedom fighters, puppies, and orphans for an hour and a half.

7 hours ago, Viper said:

If someone wants a Vader movie, there's good source from the current and previous run of Darth Vader comics. Just be sure to keep delivering the devastating burns.




There are some good Vader stories outside of the movies. The Kieron Gillen graphic novels were pretty good.

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

I've traditionally been against the angry "Me MAN, Hate FEMINIST Star Wars" hot takes.  Having said that, Carrie Fisher is dead.  Putting her in 9 for more than the first 2 minutes to kill her is stupid. 

Agreed on Carrie.  They have to do something for the fans, but they risk overdoing it.

As for the feminism shit, outside of Episode IV and V, the rest of the movies mostly exist to sell toys at the end of the day.  Those butthurt over the casting don't realize they aren't the target audiences, and those upset at the movie writing might want to check out later Clone Wars seasons, and the Rebels series.

I think the older Star Wars fans will finally get what we want with the Star Wars TV series form Jon Favreau.  From what I've heard, its not not quite at Star Trek Discovery levels of adult-oriented material, but it's definitely for the hardcore fans.

On 7/28/2018 at 8:14 AM, GhostOfTomJoad said:

It's gonna be a B-/C+ movie as per usual. Good luck creating a coherent plot explaining Leia's death with unused footage from the other 2 movies. At best there will be shots in the can looking forlornly into space & muttering Kylo Ren's name. Plus a flashback with Han.


You forgot lens flare.  Lots and lots of lens flare.

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

But it's just fanboi speculation. She just got a 3 year extension. I'd like him to have a more active role in development like Feige. 

There should be a lot coming out this weekend with Celebration in Chicago. Hoping to get a IX and The Mandalorian trailers.

Edited by mdmost
On 7/30/2018 at 9:16 PM, atomheartbevo said:

Agreed on Carrie.  They have to do something for the fans, but they risk overdoing it.

As for the feminism shit, outside of Episode IV and V, the rest of the movies mostly exist to sell toys at the end of the day.  Those butthurt over the casting don't realize they aren't the target audiences, and those upset at the movie writing might want to check out later Clone Wars seasons, and the Rebels series.

I think the older Star Wars fans will finally get what we want with the Star Wars TV series form Jon Favreau.  From what I've heard, its not not quite at Star Trek Discovery levels of adult-oriented material, but it's definitely for the hardcore fans.

Didn’t the toys sell like shit?

Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

Didn’t the toys sell like shit?

Rey action figures for $3.75 (and I’ve seen Rose action figures for $1.50)  

A-Wing fighters with a pilot for $16

Yeah, not the best-selling   And if you go to a discount/clearance store like Tuesday Morning, some of them have massive amounts of Star Wars stock   Which is great for my kid who doesn’t give a shit about the movies (we haven’t let him watch the newer ones)   

Sales, or lack thereof, is probably why Hasboro is brining back the original molds and figures from the 70s.  Those plus original vehicles still sell apparently, and Hasboro is crowd-funding some “new” sets, which are of classic vehicles that never made it into production   

Hell, they just brought out a massive Jabba’s Sail Barge recently , for $600 (third parties have it well over a thousand)   



Edited by atomheartbevo
Posted (edited)

I mean something in the minute or so range. So yeah not a full give you the story trailer but more a teaser like we got for Force Awakens. 

Edited by mdmost
28 minutes ago, oSuJeff97 said:

Seems a little early for a full trailer.  I think we would normally get the teaser trailer around Celebration then a full trailer maybe in October or so.

I think we will get something special - more than a teaser.  They are not going to pass up the new Avengers movie.   That is way too many eyeballs to ignore.  

9 minutes ago, mdmost said:

I'm going to go ahead and assume the new girl will be the one the internet hates this round. Just a hunch.

Nah, we all learned we are not supposed to fight what we hate...just save what we love.  I'm sure it will go well.

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Posted (edited)

Seems they go on a quest that involves the destroyed Death Star which is funny because I think JJ had something like that in mind when he was thinking up what to do on TFA.



Edited by mdmost
Posted (edited)

And that title after they just spent all of the last piece of trash saying "throw away the past, anybody can use the Force, blah blah blah blah" . 

Fucking dipshits....just call it "Return of Lens Flair and Too Much Fan Service"



(sufficient bitching for you MDMost?)

Edited by Surly Bevo
Posted (edited)

Ha. I love that TLJ still makes some of you twist off. Maybe everyone's a Skywalker after this movie. I've maintained for a while that it should've been one vision/writer for the entire saga. JJ/Kasdan should've written all 3 movies. 

Edited by mdmost
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