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Anyone going to check out Witch Queen in two weeks?

I haven't really played in over two years. I picked up Beyond Light for $20 the other day to check out the campaign and new subclasses. Haven't actually unlocked Stasis yet, just knocked out a handful of missions on my Titan.

I re-read my rant from a couple pages (and years) back. Looks like Bungie is continuing to lean into MMO element. They're adding a weapon crafting system. As well as a leveling system for crafted weapons.

Last Thursday Bungie dropped a 6,000 word TWAB with details about new stuff, changes to old stuff, etc: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50995




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Had a ton of fun with our surly crew, but it’s not as fun without a consistent group to play with.

Spent an embarrassing amount of time on 1 & OG2

Those were actually really fun sessions. My wife would get pissed because I’d wake her up laughing or talking too loud at 3am.
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  • 8 months later...

Lightfall expansion and the beginning of Year 6 of D2 is today. Huge update that will reset light levels, soft and hard caps, completely reworking a ton of the classes and exotics, plus adding a new subclass that looks awesome. Should be fun if anyone else is still playing!


Edited by Dutchrudder
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  • 6 months later...

Lulz... Game breaking crafting bug is getting exploited right now.  You can craft an Ammit auto rifle with an aggressive shotgun frame and it does stupid damage to everything.  Trials, Comp and regular crucible are all "momentum" right now with glitched Ammits one shotting everybody from across the map.  Bungie says they will fix things shortly, but it's thunderdome at the moment.

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