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[Special Moderation] Why I'm unenthusiastic enough not to vote this cycle.


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This thread is for people who want to put thoughts of why they don't really fit or aren't enthusiastic or excited about either parties platform. 

These aren't discussion threads, they are more observational. That's not to say some discussion won't happen in them, but this isn't a circle jerk rallying thread this is a thread to put your thoughts. So less back and forth, but building on other opinions/positions is fine. 

This is also not a thread for you to come in and tell everyone why they are stupid there are other threads for that.  

A few rules:

1) No clarifying questions that involve justification are allowed. (Example: I am pro life/choice cannot be clarified by "but what about a woman's rights" but can be clarified by "are there any exclusions to that position")

2) No "fact checking" or any other discussion around the stated reason why. This isn't a thread to pursuade or dissuade people, it's why you are excited. 

3) No negging of other candidates as a valid reason why. (Example: "I'm voting for xxx because I hate yyy") 

4) No tweets/social/regurgitated shit, all content must be your own thoughts. Summarizing or referencing specific legislation from .gov or 1st party citations is allowed. 

5) Posters who post more than 5 times per page will be removed from the discussion or have their comments removed. Exception being if you are just adding content or expanding on thought. 

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  • immamac pinned and unpinned this topic

I'm not unenthusiastic enough not to vote, but I am near completely burned out on politics.

The hyperbole/dishonesty being at 11 is extremely off putting.

I heard a comment on talk radio this morning that somewhat crystalized my apathy/cynicism.  "It used to, in the recent past, be disqualifying if a candidate didn't pay withholding taxes on a nanny".  Seems quaint.

^unsure if that violates #4 please nuke post if so and my apologies.

  • Hook 'Em 5
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