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Texas Wide Receivers 2024 Prediction Game: Call Your Shot

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There's been a lot of discussion and speculation in the fall camp thread about what the receiver rotation will look like this year. I propose that we have a season-long prediction contest to have a little fun with it, put our money where our mouths are, and support TOF all at the same time.


  • Predict the total regular season receiving yards for each of our presumed top 6 receivers: Silas Bolden, Isaiah Bond, Johntay Cook, Matthew Golden, DeAndre Moore, and Ryan Wingo.
  • Post-season yards don't count, only the 12 regular season games.
  • Receiving yards only, no rushing or return yardage.
  • All other receivers, tight ends, and backs are not part of the contest.
  • Entry fee $50 per person. End-of-season winner gets half the pot, TOF gets half.
  • Entries due by August 30.





I am 100% making this up as I go along. If one of the big brains around here comes along and finds a big hole in the formula, this is all subject to change.

Final scores will be based on the total (absolute value) percent difference between predicted and actual yardage for all 6 receivers. Say you predict that DeAndre Moore will have 700 yards this year. Then he actually ends the season with 900. Your score for Moore would be abs( (700-900) / 700 ) * 100 = 28.6.

So your total final score that we use to determine the winner would be 28.6 plus the same calculation for each of the other 5 receivers. Lowest score wins.

Finally, I'll give a 10% final score bonus for getting all 6 in the correct order. In other words, if you have the final order correct, your final score will be (calculated score * 0.90).

I'll post a running leaderboard every week after the game.


Lastly, to get the ball rolling, here's my prediction. Consider this the first entry:

  1. Bond 800
  2. Bolden 500
  3. Cook 475
  4. Wingo 450
  5. Golden 400
  6. Moore 200


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