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7 hours ago, Bevojoe said:

I don’t know how this will play out, but it’s a PR mess for tOSU and Meyer even if nothing else happens 

Neither the school admin or Meyer seem to care about that at all.

15 hours ago, Sock Drawer said:

First, I hope Urbie gets canned, from both moralistic and Longhorn-centric points of view.

What I’m about to say is in no way intended to be a defense of either osu or Meyer, but rather is intended to introduce a different perspective into the discussion. We’ve spent a lot of the last 30 pages trying to one-up each other in our condemnation of domestic violence. Reminds me of the Rapelor thread—we just had to prove that we loathed rape and rape enablers more than the last poster did. Gimmie that torch and pitchfork.

Before we get our hopes up too high that Urbie’s coached his last game at osu, let’s take the facts of the osu situation out of the CFB arena and put them in the real world—say, in the business world. Let’s say that Urbie owns and manages a first-class CPA firm with a Fortune 500 company or two as clients. Let’s further say that he has a rising star CPA working for him who specializes in leveraged buyouts and picking over the bones of the acquired firm, starting with looting the employees’ pension fund. Reprehensible? Oh, yeah.

If the rising-star CPA actually beats his wife (which may be a question of fact not yet completely answered with any degree of certainty at osu) and if the police “investigate” and end up filing no charges, what do you think the chances are that Urbie has even one ounce of pressure to fire the guy? The incident did not involve the guy's work or his workplace; it would be considered completely a part of his private life. If no arrests or indictments arise therefrom, does anyone actually believe that the guy’s job would be in jeopardy—let alone Urbie’s?

Let’s further assume that Urbie’s incorporated, with a board of directors he answers to. What do you think the chances are that either Urbie or any member of the board would be even slightly motivated to fire a proven producer for a non-work related incident?

There’s a real world out there, folks. It ain’t always pretty and it ain’t always fair. Now feel free to get up on your moral high-horse and fire away; I’ll even hand you the torches and pitchforks. But, as much as I'd like to see it, Urbie ain't going anywhere.

God, you JUST DON'T GET IT. We were all raised to look down our noses at OU and Texas A&M for cheating. Then in the 80s it was everyone else, not just those two reprobate programs, although they exceeded expectations with their shenanigans in 1988 and 1989. We were pretty arrogant to begin with, and then we got the chance to really signal our virtue on message boards when Penn State and Baylor came along. That felt real good, because there was no limit to how over-the-top we could get in prescribing punishments, like "shut the entire University down!" and how good it felt by comparison since our University never did anything wrong ever and when it did always did the correct thing in reaction to its wrongdoing immediately.

Now we've kind of scorched off our taste buds so everything tastes the same. Zach Smith is accused of abusing his wife. That tastes like Peachy Paterno to me, fucking KILL THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT THEM OUT. Your call to fire Urban for not firing an assistant in spite of all the circumstantial evidence us sportses fans got access to doesn't go nearly too far enough, although I commend you for at least trying to overreact. 

I am hoping we can get Ohio State kicked out of the AAU, maybe the continental United States. Someone's guilty of something over there, I can see it from here.

9 hours ago, Goodman said:

Give me a fucking break. 1st, sock fucked up by using private vs a public sector organization as a comparison - fail. Urbs is a State employee, likely the highest paid one. Fanaticism dictates moral corruption, which a Public employee should be held responsible for. Not firing the pos in 2015 is the fireable offense. Do not try and tell me that his boss did not let him fire the pos, Urban decided to keep him for 3 years and only fire him when he could not keep the news quiet. This after 9 years of abusive behavior to his wife. Go fuck yourself!

I think it's pretty clear that any of the information we have access to that would in any way defend Meyer is a bunch of fucking made-up bullshit concocted by people with a vested interest in something something whereas all the information we believe about how guilty Smith and Meyer are is beyond reproach. I get sick of having to explain that to people and telling them to fuck off (and to go read Deadspin) when they dont immediately agree. 

16 hours ago, Sock Drawer said:

First, I hope Urbie gets canned, from both moralistic and Longhorn-centric points of view.

What I’m about to say is in no way intended to be a defense of either osu or Meyer, but rather is intended to introduce a different perspective into the discussion. We’ve spent a lot of the last 30 pages trying to one-up each other in our condemnation of domestic violence. Reminds me of the Rapelor thread—we just had to prove that we loathed rape and rape enablers more than the last poster did. Gimmie that torch and pitchfork.

Before we get our hopes up too high that Urbie’s coached his last game at osu, let’s take the facts of the osu situation out of the CFB arena and put them in the real world—say, in the business world. Let’s say that Urbie owns and manages a first-class CPA firm with a Fortune 500 company or two as clients. Let’s further say that he has a rising star CPA working for him who specializes in leveraged buyouts and picking over the bones of the acquired firm, starting with looting the employees’ pension fund. Reprehensible? Oh, yeah.

If the rising-star CPA actually beats his wife (which may be a question of fact not yet completely answered with any degree of certainty at osu) and if the police “investigate” and end up filing no charges, what do you think the chances are that Urbie has even one ounce of pressure to fire the guy? The incident did not involve the guy's work or his workplace; it would be considered completely a part of his private life. If no arrests or indictments arise therefrom, does anyone actually believe that the guy’s job would be in jeopardy—let alone Urbie’s?

Let’s further assume that Urbie’s incorporated, with a board of directors he answers to. What do you think the chances are that either Urbie or any member of the board would be even slightly motivated to fire a proven producer for a non-work related incident?

There’s a real world out there, folks. It ain’t always pretty and it ain’t always fair. Now feel free to get up on your moral high-horse and fire away; I’ll even hand you the torches and pitchforks. But, as much as I'd like to see it, Urbie ain't going anywhere.

Meh, if those Fortune 500 clients got wind of the situation and decided to take issue with it, the whole unit could get canned if the clients demanded it.

13 hours ago, Shmitty said:

Want to know what the worst thing about all of this is?  Having that annoying Ohio State fightsong over and over in my head  

How is that a bad thing..?

11 hours ago, Bevojoe said:

I don’t know how this will play out, but it’s a PR mess for tOSU and Meyer even if nothing else happens 

Yes... Especially with all the other scandals at Ohio State wrestling/ Indiana gymnastics (I think) and of course, Penn State... Oops, Michigan State stuff too...

If anything, I now have more respect for Michigan & Northwestern as I don't remember hearing this stuff of those schools over the last couple decades or so...

3 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

God, you JUST DON'T GET IT. We were all raised to look down our noses at OU and Texas A&M for cheating. Then in the 80s it was everyone else, not just those two reprobate programs, although they exceeded expectations with their shenanigans in 1988 and 1989. We were pretty arrogant to begin with, and then we got the chance to really signal our virtue on message boards when Penn State and Baylor came along. That felt real good, because there was no limit to how over-the-top we could get in prescribing punishments, like "shut the entire University down!" and how good it felt by comparison since our University never did anything wrong ever and when it did always did the correct thing in reaction to its wrongdoing immediately.

Now we've kind of scorched off our taste buds so everything tastes the same. Zach Smith is accused of abusing his wife. That tastes like Peachy Paterno to me, fucking KILL THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT THEM OUT. Your call to fire Urban for not firing an assistant in spite of all the circumstantial evidence us sportses fans got access to doesn't go nearly too far enough, although I commend you for at least trying to overreact. 

I am hoping we can get Ohio State kicked out of the AAU, maybe the continental United States. Someone's guilty of something over there, I can see it from here.

Umm, but if all this happens kicking a majority of schools out of the AAU or playing competitive sports, who is left to compete..? Just parts of the ACC/ PAC & Ivy League..?

4 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

I think it's pretty clear that any of the information we have access to that would in any way defend Meyer is a bunch of fucking made-up bullshit concocted by people with a vested interest in something something whereas all the information we believe about how guilty Smith and Meyer are is beyond reproach. I get sick of having to explain that to people and telling them to fuck off (and to go read Deadspin) when they dont immediately agree. 

Man, you have to be a bit more flexible in thought, not all is just a black or white issue, sometimes there are shades of grey, or even pink..! #BeBendableInThought


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what is the target end date for "this is going to take 2 weeks".  or, rather, what was the first day that was said?

Probably Friday, August 31 late at night. Then they can quietly announce the committee cleared Urban of all wrongdoing and hope the full day of games on September 1 gives college football fans other stuff to talk about.
21 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:


Probably Friday, August 31 late at night. Then they can quietly announce the committee cleared Urban of all wrongdoing and hope the full day of games on September 1 gives college football fans other stuff to talk about.


Doubt it will take that long and they're going to get a shitstorm from the shports media whether they announce it live on ESPN and Fox News or try to bury it in a press release about Meyer rescuing some kittens from rape by pitbull. Oddly enough Ohio State seems to have motivations other than "what will make the news media and fans of other CFB programs happy" which I don't really get. I watch 2 or 3 of their games a year on TV. I demand satisfaction. 

18 hours ago, A’Dam Psycho said:

Has Herb commented on this situation at all yet? I mean he called us a “cesspool” for firing a historically bad coach who lost to Kansas. 

Haven't seen a response to this, but yes, the declarer of cesspools has weighed in on this.  On the ESPNU XM channel he gives his quoted opinion about every 15 minutes in a commercial loop, where he declares (paraphrasing) that "The Urban Meyer he knows, would NEVER have kept Zach Smith on the staff if he had been AT ALL AWARE of the photos with the bruises and cuts.  Not the Urban Meyer he knows."

tl;dr - Herbie thinks Urban is a saint.  No way he did anything wrong.

46 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:


Probably Friday, August 31 late at night. Then they can quietly announce the committee cleared Urban of all wrongdoing and hope the full day of games on September 1 gives college football fans other stuff to talk about.


I think you are right...

25 minutes ago, jinx said:

Haven't seen a response to this, but yes, the declarer of cesspools has weighed in on this.  On the ESPNU XM channel he gives his quoted opinion about every 15 minutes in a commercial loop, where he declares (paraphrasing) that "The Urban Meyer he knows, would NEVER have kept Zach Smith on the staff if he had been AT ALL AWARE of the photos with the bruises and cuts.  Not the Urban Meyer he knows."

tl;dr - Herbie thinks Urban is a saint.  No way he did anything wrong.

If he said anything different, and Urban stays, it damages not only his relationship with the current coach of his alma mater but also hurts ESPN in gaining "exclusive" interviews...

2 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

Doubt it will take that long and they're going to get a shitstorm from the shports media whether they announce it live on ESPN and Fox News or try to bury it in a press release about Meyer rescuing some kittens from rape by pitbull. Oddly enough Ohio State seems to have motivations other than "what will make the news media and fans of other CFB programs happy" which I don't really get. I watch 2 or 3 of their games a year on TV. I demand satisfaction. 


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McMurphy update:


Former Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley declined comment Friday about a 2009 domestic violence arrest of former UF graduate assistant coach Zach Smith

Ohio State coach Urban Meyer, who coached at Florida from 2005-10, said in a statement last week he followed “proper reporting protocols … by elevating the issues to the proper channels” at Florida related to Smith’s 2009 arrest.

Foley, through a UF spokesperson, declined comment on whether Meyer provided him and UF officials any information about Smith’s arrest, and, if so, what was discussed and any disciplinary action.

Officials who were at Marshall and Temple, where Zach coached after leaving Florida and before joining Ohio State, have previously commented about what they knew before hiring Smith.

Foley, however, refused comment through a UF spokesperson about what he knew about Smith’s arrest in 2009.

Ohio State fired Smith on July 23, hours after I reported Smith’s history of domestic violence incidents while he was an assistant at UF and Ohio State.

In 2005, Zach Smith joined Florida’s staff as a quality control coach. In 2009 as a graduate assistant at UF, Smith was arrested for aggravated battery on a pregnant female – his wife Courtney Smith was 10 weeks pregnant. He coached the 2009 season before going to Marshall.

Courtney Smith told me she dropped the charges in 2009 after being pressured by Hiram de Fries, then a member of Meyer’s staff. de Fries, who has known Meyer since the mid 1990s, has been described by Meyer as his life coach. de Fries’ current job at Ohio State is “special assistant to the head coach.”

“He (de Fries) said ‘if you don’t drop the charges, Zach will never coach again,’ ” Courtney said.

In a 2007 interview with the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, de Fries, who has been on Meyer’s staffs at Utah, Florida and Ohio State, said about Meyer: “His beliefs align with mine. We believe in the same things.”

After Zach Smith coached the 2009 season at Florida, Smith was hired at Marshall by coach Doc Holliday, a former Florida assistant under Meyer. Holliday was not at UF when Smith was arrested and Marshall athletic director Mike Hamrick had no knowledge at the time of Smith’s arrest.

“When he was hired at Marshall (in 2010), no one was aware of anything that has surfaced here recently," Hamrick told the Charleston Gazette-Mail. "Before we hire anybody in the athletic department, they have to go through the university's background check. If there would have been anything along those lines, that would've appeared. I can tell you that we've looked at it, and his background check showed nothing that would've given us any indication that there was any issue, which seems to appear today.

“If we had seen any sign of this behavior, we would've never hired him as a coach.”

After one season at Marshall, Smith was hired in 2011 at Temple by coach Steve Addazio, a former Florida assistant under Meyer. Addazio is currently the head coach at Boston College.

“While an assistant coach at Florida in 2009, I was aware that there was an issue in the personal life of Zach and Courtney Smith,” Addazio said in a statement. “I did not know specifics, and I knew the matter was in the hands of university personnel and that the couple was involved in counseling.

“As a husband, father and coach, I have zero tolerance for domestic abuse. There is no place in our program at Boston College for any member of our staff involved in domestic violence.”

After one season at Temple – and less than three years after his 2009 arrest – Smith was hired as wide receivers coach by Meyer at Ohio State in December of 2011.

Since my Aug. 1 report that Meyer knew about Smith’s alleged 2015 domestic violence incidents, the university launched an investigation. On Aug. 3, Meyer admitted he lied about having no knowledge of the 2015 incidents, saying he was not “prepared” to answer questions from the media at Big Ten Media Days.

Smith, 34, had been on Meyer’s staffs at Florida and Ohio State for nearly one-third of his life, until he was fired July 23 after my initial report about Smith’s history of domestic violence issues.

Ohio State said it hopes to have its investigation completed within two weeks, around Aug. 15.



From a  former Ohio State basketball player:


But adding in context very much changes things. I can’t ignore that O’Brien was fired because he gave $6,000 to a Serbian prospect who was dealing with a personal hardship and never went on to play for Ohio State. I can’t ignore that Bruce won more than 75 percent of his games and that Cooper posted four straight double-digit-win seasons, yet both were fired because they didn’t win enough. I can’t ignore that Tressel resigned in the wake of Tattoogate, a scandal that had no victims, and that Matta was let go only because he couldn’t sustain the unprecedented level of success that he had established over an entire decade. I’m not saying that these coaches should have kept their jobs. Coaches at other programs have been fired for much less. I’m just saying that when you step back, think about what led to each of these departures, and compare those reasons with Meyer’s handling of the accounts involving Zach and Courtney Smith, it’s hard to rationalize Meyer returning to the Ohio State sideline. Should he keep his job, I’m not sure how it can be interpreted as anything other than Ohio State expressing that the one thing it values most within its athletic department is winning.


Ie, Ohio State regularly fires coaches for far less.

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

what is the target end date for "this is going to take 2 weeks".  or, rather, what was the first day that was said?

Whenever they finish concocting up the “evidence” that urban did report all of this to the AD and it’s the AD’s fault for not sending it on.

49 minutes ago, Parliament said:

From a  former Ohio State basketball player:


But adding in context very much changes things. I can’t ignore that O’Brien was fired because he gave $6,000 to a Serbian prospect who was dealing with a personal hardship and never went on to play for Ohio State. I can’t ignore that Bruce won more than 75 percent of his games and that Cooper posted four straight double-digit-win seasons, yet both were fired because they didn’t win enough. I can’t ignore that Tressel resigned in the wake of Tattoogate, a scandal that had no victims, and that Matta was let go only because he couldn’t sustain the unprecedented level of success that he had established over an entire decade. I’m not saying that these coaches should have kept their jobs. Coaches at other programs have been fired for much less. I’m just saying that when you step back, think about what led to each of these departures, and compare those reasons with Meyer’s handling of the accounts involving Zach and Courtney Smith, it’s hard to rationalize Meyer returning to the Ohio State sideline. Should he keep his job, I’m not sure how it can be interpreted as anything other than Ohio State expressing that the one thing it values most within its athletic department is winning.


Ie, Ohio State regularly fires coaches for far less.

He's what we call down in these parts "Not a Friend of the Program."


Its from Thursday because I'm a little behind the times, so sorry if repost, but Urbsie can't even have contact with staff/players...

Urban Meyer cut off from contact with players, coaches during investigation


By Bill Landis, cleveland.com

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State football coach Urban Meyer is not permitted any contact with players, coaches or staff members while he's on paid administrative leave pending a university investigation. Additionally, Meyer does not have access to any university-issued communication devices or his school email account.

Meyer is also not permitted on campus property, which includes the Woody Hayes Athletic Center and the football offices.

Christopher Davey, Ohio State's associate vice president for university communications, confirmed the parameters of Meyer's leave to cleveland.com on Thursday.


23 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:


That’s a pretty good article.

What I get from the article is her point in explaining how fans of Ohio State must find a way to have an acceptable scapegoat, as to keep the football team "functionally whole"...

16 minutes ago, TheRealRonWeaver? said:

Jeff Snook tweeting that Coach Herman was McMurphy’s tipster? Not on Twitter—can anyone confirm?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's starting to take hold on social media now.

Posted (edited)

This was mentioned when the story broke on one of the tOSU sites, but it was Michelle Herman that was identified as the leaker.  Courtney Smith was the leaker, but any way to drag Herman into this to cast him as a bad guy is an interesting tactic for ol' Urbz.

BTW, Jeff Snook is Urban's personal propagandist and was the person who initiated the blame-and-discredit-the-victim campaign within the last week, including the stories about Courtney Smith's Mom.    This is all very targeted, all very manipulative, and all pretty fucking sick.

Edited by SizzleChest
  • Like 2

The sharks turn on each other and College football may be truly interesting again...

26 minutes ago, texasstrong12 said:

Urban shouldn't have been making enemies with that shit in his closet. Urban made it a point to randomly call out Herman/Texas last year so my thoughts are "karma is a bitch". 



heh, heh, heh, fuck u urban

19 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:


teri1997 593 posts

23 minutes agovia Mobile

One would think that if you had worked hard at OSU as coordinator and that had enabled you to get a great HC job and salary setting your family up for life, that you would be appreciative!

Posted (edited)

In the grand scheme of things, WGAF about the messenger, unless it was false?


Evidently, Urban grossly miscalculated Tom's willingness to fight back.

Edited by slorch

This is serious bidness, Texas. Batten down the hatches. Ohio neckbeards in Devo coveralls are scrambling to their silos mom's basements to fire off lacerating intertron commentary, from which your psyches will never recover, if, say, you ever happen to think much about Ohio.

  • Haha 2

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