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1 hour ago, UcancallmeSurly said:

Urbs wife looks like Les Miles.. come to think of it, Les’s wife looks like Urbs.

Urban Miles & Les Meyer may be banging each other's doppleganger...

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1 hour ago, Bruh Man said:

top story on espn.com rofl. fuck ohio state.

If I remember correctly, Texas signed a deal with Nike for 15 years and $250 Million....tOSU  came behind us, signing a contract with Nike for 15 years and $252 Million....just had to have a bigger contract...don't remember Alabama's contract....but we did OK...point is tOSU definitely has an eye on the Horns.

1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Did something happen the night he was at the scrip club w the wifebeater?  I read the ESPN story and it's missing a punchline.  Is going to a strip club a big deal for a football coach?  I honestly have no idea wtf I'm missing.  I expected some big revelation the way ESPN literally has this at the top of their list on 'Top Headlines'...

The story in relation to Zack Smith or any other staff member has never really been about frequenting a strip club in itself.  It's the wisdom of taking high school coaches and paying for them, as well as trying to expense the trip as a business expense at a state funded institution.  Herman's implication is simply sex appeal for clicks.


3 hours ago, Parliament said:

OK. I spent a half hour on the phone with my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister. (No pics.) She has followed the Urban Meyer saga closely. And she knows Title IX, as she is subject to it as well.

Shocking to me, she says Urban Meyer should not have been fired and she's happy with the outcome. No objective person sets the #metoo bar as high as my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister, if she's satisfied, maybe I can be as well.

A point she makes (and I won't argue it) is Title IX is built to protect victims, not punish offenders, and the UM/ZS saga is in a HUGE gray area. If CS were a university employee as well, this woulda gone much differently. You can bet that gray are will get fixed soon.

I am a guest on this board and I won't poop on it with any kind of an opinion of my own. Rather I will continue to do what I have tried to do; convey objective facts as best I can, and then keep my mouth shut.

Carry on. God Bless Surly Horns.

Selective outrage is common among your sister’s demographic group. 

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If it is OK with a liberal, Democrat, carpet-munching, armpit hair growing sister, well then it's A-OK with me. Zach Smith should be re-hired immediately! 

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1 hour ago, Revolution512 said:

Makes me think they believe Herman started this shit storm for them.

I think Meyer just want some to trash Herman every chance he gets.

Fuck urban. Sanctimonious lowlife piece of shit. 

On 8/26/2018 at 3:34 PM, ernest_t_bass said:

I don't think this one is over.  I think this will get plenty of play.

Dan Wetzel reporting that there are also text messages between Meyer and his agent the day after Meyer was initially suspended that featured the agent telling Meyer he was sending two women over to Meyer’s home (“Laura and Colleen”) and “they anticipate that they will need 4 hours with your phone.”  I am having a hard time understanding what two women would need to have four hours to do on Urban Meyers' phone.






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1 hour ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

Dan Wetzel reporting that there are also text messages between Meyer and his agent the day after Meyer was initially suspended that featured the agent telling Meyer he was sending two women over to Meyer’s home (“Laura and Colleen”) and “they anticipate that they will need 4 hours with your phone.”  I am having a hard time understanding what two women would need to have four hours to do on Urban Meyers' phone.






You go Urban!  I wonder if he shares the videos with Zach?  I just hope they turn the phone sideways.

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46 minutes ago, Bigbend1812 said:

Lolz at this non-story.  Sorry to say this is today’s  journalism.   Oh no, a strip club.    Who wrote this shit, Chip?   FCB and OSU.

Just wait until the "journalist" decide to uncover Herman once ate at In-N-Out, while in Houston, as opposed to Whataburger, ohh what scandals these bastards find..! 😏


Writing a strip club off as a business expense is dumb even if you do take a high school coach with you.  Not very Mensa.  Regardless, I was expecting some aspect of this story to be Herman knew of the allegations and didn't tell Meyer or report via Title 9 so if this is the worse that they got big deal. 

What's sad is you have the national media using the headline for clicks on their sites and then they have their reporters all tweet or say its no big deal.  If it's no big deal then perhaps you assclowns can get your editors to change the headline to cover some of the more important aspects of the dump like Meyer and his attempt to destroy evidence in an investigation into misconduct that he alleges he did nothing wrong. 

44 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

Just wait until the "journalist" decide to uncover Herman once ate at In-N-Out, while in Houston, as opposed to Whataburger, ohh what scandals these bastards find..! 😏

Houston doesn't have In-N-Out you dumb sonofabitch. 

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3 minutes ago, Katfid54 said:

Houston doesn't have In-N-Out you dumb sonofabitch. 

Maybe I should have extrapolated as such: While Hermon was as head coach of Houston Cougar High... 

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So,did he expense it or try to expense it and was turned down? The yahoo article says no, then why was the receipt in the OSU file?
More importantly any pics of this colleen and other skank that needed 4 hours with Meyers “phone”?

10 hours ago, Parliament said:

OK. I spent a half hour on the phone with my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister. (No pics.) She has followed the Urban Meyer saga closely. And she knows Title IX, as she is subject to it as well.

Shocking to me, she says Urban Meyer should not have been fired and she's happy with the outcome. No objective person sets the #metoo bar as high as my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister, if she's satisfied, maybe I can be as well.

A point she makes (and I won't argue it) is Title IX is built to protect victims, not punish offenders, and the UM/ZS saga is in a HUGE gray area. If CS were a university employee as well, this woulda gone much differently. You can bet that gray are will get fixed soon.

I am a guest on this board and I won't poop on it with any kind of an opinion of my own. Rather I will continue to do what I have tried to do; convey objective facts as best I can, and then keep my mouth shut.

Carry on. God Bless Surly Horns.

How has this complete load of bullshit not been negged to Bolivia and back?

8 hours ago, texasstrong12 said:


Most of the ESPN folks like Eaves are saying it's a non-story and just Ohio State trying to deflect. From what I've seen on Twitter, most of the national media thinks Ohio State is a complete joke for doing this. 

Yet ESPN and the National media keep putting TH's name in the headline of the non story.


Uh, ESPN. Herman is not the individual under investigation for lying, destroying evidence, and a subsequent cover up. Why put Herman’s name on the front page lacking anything other then a night out clubbing with other coaches?

It reeks of yellow journalism. Intended to do nothing more then attempt to shift blame anywhere other then where it is. You know, on the wife beater. And his lying, cover up former boss.

11 hours ago, Parliament said:

OK. I spent a half hour on the phone with my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister. (No pics.) She has followed the Urban Meyer saga closely. And she knows Title IX, as she is subject to it as well.

Shocking to me, she says Urban Meyer should not have been fired and she's happy with the outcome. No objective person sets the #metoo bar as high as my liberal, Democrat, feminist, college professor sister, if she's satisfied, maybe I can be as well.

A point she makes (and I won't argue it) is Title IX is built to protect victims, not punish offenders, and the UM/ZS saga is in a HUGE gray area. If CS were a university employee as well, this woulda gone much differently. You can bet that gray are will get fixed soon.

I am a guest on this board and I won't poop on it with any kind of an opinion of my own. Rather I will continue to do what I have tried to do; convey objective facts as best I can, and then keep my mouth shut.

Carry on. God Bless Surly Horns.

So your sister is a liberal and a dumbass...not surprised.

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  • Fuck You 4
1 hour ago, deech said:

Writing a strip club off as a business expense is dumb even if you do take a high school coach with you.  Not very Mensa. 

Was personal funds... ZS didn't even ask for reimbursement... basically just a hey our coaches went to a strip club type foot note

Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, MirrOlure said:

Somewhere up there I predicted OSU would pull something like this. As I recall, I was scoffed at.

I always believed in you.

Edited by ClubWhatever
7 hours ago, Born Burnt said:

I hope he punched an employee for flashing the horns down while he was there.

They gave the horns down to a OSU coach??

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, BERT said:

They gave the horns down to a OSU coach??

Well, not exactly. Herman was only at the club because he wanted to talk to Vince Young about taking the Texas coaching job. The employee was flashing the horns down at VY, but Herman thought the employee was doing the shocker sign at him. And Herman wanted no part of it.

Edited by Born Burnt
Just now, Hornius Emeritus said:

... he was sending two women over to Meyer’s home (“Laura and Colleen”) and “they anticipate that they will need 4 hours with your phone.”  I am having a hard time understanding what two women would need to have four hours to do on Urban Meyers' phone.

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking these two women were IT wizards send to scrub that phone clean with bleach (no CR).  But you are wrong.  It's nothing so sinister or criminal.  They were sent to film an extended "women romancing each other" movie using the camera on his phone.   It's just one of the perks of being a HC at such a premier institution of higher learning.

2 hours ago, deech said:

Writing a strip club off as a business expense is dumb even if you do take a high school coach with you.  Not very Mensa.  Regardless, I was expecting some aspect of this story to be Herman knew of the allegations and didn't tell Meyer or report via Title 9 so if this is the worse that they got big deal. 

What's sad is you have the national media using the headline for clicks on their sites and then they have their reporters all tweet or say its no big deal.  If it's no big deal then perhaps you assclowns can get your editors to change the headline to cover some of the more important aspects of the dump like Meyer and his attempt to destroy evidence in an investigation into misconduct that he alleges he did nothing wrong. 

I guess I’m missing something but where has it been stated that Herman wrote the visit off as a business expense? Or is that not even what you’re implying?


If high school coaches want to go to a strip club on someone else’s dime, sometimes that’s what you’ve got to do to close a deal. I’m sure they’re not the first college recruiters that they’ve gotten to do this for them but they’re probably the only ones dumb enough to expense it.


its not like they were taking high school kids to the club. It’s not like Herman was cheating on/beating on his wife. This is a nonstory that some are trying to turn into a story to deflect from the fact that UM and ZS are shitbags. I’m sure if you asked UM, he’d tell you ZS was a saint during his days in Florida but Tom Herman came along and corrupted him by taking him to strip clubs.

3 minutes ago, bernorange said:

I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking these two women were IT wizards send to scrub that phone clean with bleach (no CR).  But you are wrong.  It's nothing so sinister or criminal.  They were sent to film an extended "women romancing each other" movie using the camera on his phone.   It's just one of the perks of being a HC at such a premier institution of higher learning.

Entitled “Romancing the Phone.”

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11 hours ago, Mez2 said:

I once went to the strip club with a fellow poster here, the only difference is that neither one of us beat our wives on the side

Did you buy him one beer? 

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1 minute ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

If someone asks Herman about it in the postgame presser he’s going to go apeshit on them and it’ll be glorious.

WRong.  He will repeat what he said before.  "I'm not talking about things that happened at another program."  Even though he does that all the time with football stuff.


Wake me when Ohio State starts having adults run their institution of higher learning. The whole disclosing that Tom Herman went to the titter with Smith reeks of what I have to deal with when one of my kids does something wrong, they will then turn around and tell on the other about something they did 2 weeks ago like drop an f bomb or something which is usually immaterial to the issue at hand. And of course I call them out on their bullshit. I get it when a 10 year old does it, but I have zero tolerance for supposedly college educated adults doing it. 

And I would be careful as a rival school having my coaches or minions like Taylor Hamm making a big deal about the strip club thing. If I was ever asked that question as a parent or listened to a coach make that claim about a rival school, my immediate response would be "And your coaches have never done that?". If they said no, I'd call whoever making that claim a liar to their face - doubly so if they were Baylor coaches.. 

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1 minute ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

If someone asks Herman about it in the postgame presser he’s going to go apeshit on them and it’ll be glorious.


2 minutes ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

If someone asks Herman about it in the postgame presser he’s going to go apeshit on them and it’ll be glorious.

That is the most uninteresting story about a $600 trip to a strip club I have read. 

7 minutes ago, CowtownHorn said:

So at about 6am, the Herman story was about 3rd down the list on the ESPN headlines. Get to work, check again, and it’s all the sudden back on top. WTF?

Yet on the NCAA headlines, it’s 3rd. Main page it’s 1st.


5 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

Dan Wetzel reporting that there are also text messages between Meyer and his agent the day after Meyer was initially suspended that featured the agent telling Meyer he was sending two women over to Meyer’s home (“Laura and Colleen”) and “they anticipate that they will need 4 hours with your phone.”  I am having a hard time understanding what two women would need to have four hours to do on Urban Meyers' phone.


This is sorta hilarious because Herman and Meyer share the same agent - Trace Armstrong.

45 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

I guess I’m missing something but where has it been stated that Herman wrote the visit off as a business expense? Or is that not even what you’re implying?

I thought someone posted above that Smith had done that and that was the issue with the strip club visit.  Someone else corrected that notion. 

1 hour ago, alincoln said:

No expense reports were submitted for scrip club visit.  Smith spent $600 of his own money.  


I have been a strips clubs in Columbus, not very good. 600 dollars would go a long way

42 minutes ago, CowtownHorn said:

Yet on the NCAA headlines, it’s 3rd. Main page it’s 1st.


Who the hell goes to espn for their news? Thought it was abandoned with the crap rollout avfew yrs ago 

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