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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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On 12/28/2021 at 1:17 PM, Brisketexan said:

Saw something about that…disagrees with her dad on most things….and she came out as bi.

I seriously feel for his kids. To have one of the most hated shitheels in the world for a dad is a helluva burden.

Yeah, it's one thing to have that public asshole as a father, but he could still be sweet and doting once he comes home.  Lots of daughters of politicians have to live that life, and most make it out okay.  But he's also a completely unlikeable prick in real life too.  And he's getting worse.  He started out as just vanilla narcissistic asshole, but he's become actually evil and cruel.  Unlike many enablers of asshole men, his daughters seem to have some backbone (don't know where they got it from)..and won't be the type to one day tell the cameras/journalists, "You don't know what he's like at home.  He's sweet and kind."  I doubt that day ever comes.  

As to the other post about Trump's kids.  Tiffany hates him.  Don, Jr. used to hate him, still does...but Don's not the total idiot some make him out to be...carrying that name and that water...the young man can write his own ticket with about 35% of the nation for the rest of his life---he'll exploit that if he can stay outta prison.  Barron doesn't seem to want much to do with him...they're rarely in the same state at the same time.  Eric does seem to genuinely want his affection and will do anything to get it, including jail.  And Ivanka?  Well...that's complicated.

Back to Ted Cruz...what's the dipshit's final fuckup gonna be for the end of 2021?  Which cartoon character or CRT novella protagonist will be pick a fight with on his way out?  

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Trump Adviser Worried He’s Not Getting Enough Credit for Trying to Ruin American Democracy

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro details the “Green Bay Sweep” he organized with “over 100 congressmen” to keep Trump in office

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Trump Adviser Worried He’s Not Getting Enough Credit for Trying to Ruin American Democracy

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro details the “Green Bay Sweep” he organized with “over 100 congressmen” to keep Trump in office

IOW, the GQP is now comprised of democracy hating traitors, and we were Mike Pence away from a coup. This is who the modern GOP rolls. They are all either racist/nativist shitbags, mind numbingly stupid, or indescribably gullible and ignorant.

There are - now - no other categories.
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Sometimes, life just hurls you straight showbiz over the plate.  Tell that nice old broad Happy New Year from all of us down here at the precinct.  

Happy 2022 to all you motherfuckers...except Ted Cruz.  

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Ted is out there talking impeachment in a "the Democratic Party make us do it. All their fault" kind of way. As in they 'weaponized' impeachment.

O RLY Ted?

Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced that he is of the opinion that the Republican party could bring impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden, should the GOP win control of the House again in the mid terms.

During his own Podcast, titled “The Verdict,” Cruz said “I do think there is a chance of that,” reasoning that “Whether it’s justified or not… the Democrats weaponized impeachment.”

Cruz continued, “They used it for partisan purposes to go after Trump because they disagreed with him. And one of the real disadvantages of doing that… is the more you weaponize it and turn it into a partisan cudgel.”

“You know what’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” Cruz urged.

“I said at the time when we had a Democratic president and a Republican House, you can expect an impeachment proceeding. That’s not how impeachment is meant to work, but I think the Democrats crossed that line,” the Senator added.

Expanding on exactly what the GOP would seek to impeach Biden on, Cruz said “I think there are potentially multiple grounds to consider for impeachment.”

“I think there will be enormous pressure on a Republican House to begin impeachment proceedings,” Cruz said, adding “Probably the most compelling is the utter lawlessness is President Biden’s refusal to enforce the border — his decision to just deify immigration laws and allow 2 million people to come in here unimpeded in direct contravention of his obligation under Article 2 of the Constitution to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. That’s probably the strongest grounds right now for impeachment, but there may be others.”

“And because Democrats decided this is just another tool in the partisan war chest, I think there is a real risk that turnabout will be fair play,” Cruz further emphasised.


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5 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

During his own Podcast, titled “The Verdict,” Cruz said “I do think there is a chance of that,” reasoning that “Whether it’s justified or not… the Democrats weaponized impeachment.”

What are you, six years old? They did it so we can do it now!

Also, Trump could/should have been impeached more times than he was. The dems did the bare minimum there. On tape trying to make Georgia change their vote count comes to mind. 

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12 minutes ago, Hookah Horns said:

Definitely feels like we're overdue for a sham impeachment. 

Ted has no flair for the dramatic though. Laptop? Boring. Laptop with top secret mumblety jumblety or porn. Slightly less boring.

Something with Biden's classic car collection? Now we're talking.

I want Bond car type technical devices, men in tuxedos,  women in low cut dresses, and intrigue on the train from DC to Delaware involving a dining car.

If you're going to waste taxpayer dollars, obstruct justice, travel to Cancun while your constituents are dying, obstruct more justice, waste more taxpayer dollars, then for heaven's sake, at least have a sense for lifestyles of the rich and famous that isn't all low rent gilt and stale cigarettes. Platinum or go home.

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8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

This is how treasonous the GQP is: Ted fucking Cruz is not treasonous enough for them.

Let that sink in.

Ted Cruz, the guy who casually mentioned a few days ago that, yeah, if the GOP wins the house in 2022, they'll probably go ahead and impeach Biden. For something. Whatever it is. Yeah, that Ted Cruz.

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2 hours ago, Satchel said:

We have to find somebody to run against his sorry ass. He’s beatable.

2 minutes ago, bluto said:

Wow @ just how much this soundbite stirred up texags. Damn 6 page thread and counting

There was nothing that required him to call them terrorists.  Nothing. He could have spoken of the tragedy and said we need to heal as a nation and that the Democrats need to meet the Republicans halfway.  Nope, he flat out called them terrorists.  

There are meltdowns all over the internet on this. Pick a random Republican forum and people are swearing they’d vote for a Democrat over Cruz.  Cruz blew up the Republican part of the internet.

Him using those words has definitely made him beatable in a statewide election.  That’s the kind of betrayal that MAGA won’t forget or forgive, especially in Texas.  Calling them terrorists - that shits all over Trump and MAGA fans.    He knows a lot more about the committee's findings than most, and maybe it’s damning enough he thinks it’s going to clear a path to the nomination. 

Think about it, he made damn sure that little speech would be everywhere - it wasn’t some little op-Ed or some tweets on a Friday night before a football-heavy weekend.  Congressional floor speech, knowing that Hannity and Tucker would melt down.

He’s a calculating motherfucker, and cold-blooded. I think he’s decided on a couple of things:

  1. Trump ain’t running.  Whether it’s because Trump wants to play kingmaker and just control the money, or Cruz thinks there’s enough damning stuff that’s going to come out, he’s decided Trump ain’t running.  
  2. DeSantis is very beatable next year.  We joke about 60,000+ dead Floridians, and DeSantis’s margin of victory being 30,000 in 2018 against a Black guy, but if DeSantis loses next year, he will never sniff the Presidential nomination.  
  3. DeSantis was his only serious competition.  If he’s decided DeSantis is done, might as well start his Presidential campaign for 2024 by showing moderates that he’s not GQP.   Building up momentum will keep some others from making a run as well.  
  4. He knows that while plenty of rank-and-file Republicans are losing their shit over him calling the Jan. 6’ers terrorists, he is banking on them coming around if he gets the nomination. He doesn’t have to win every state’s primary.  He just has to get enough, and then dare the GQP MAGA types to stay home and let Kamala Harris or whoever easily win.   
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I do not believe he makes that little speech unless he’s got other Republicans, and not just Karl Rove, lined up and getting ready to bash the insurrectionists, and Trump by proxy.  

We will know by this time tomorrow, but I do not believe Ted decided to fuck with MAGA on his own.  

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4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

There was nothing that required him to call them terrorists.  Nothing. He could have spoken of the tragedy and said we need to heal as a nation and that the Democrats need to meet the Republicans halfway.  Nope, he flat out called them terrorists.  

There are meltdowns all over the internet on this. Pick a random Republican forum and people are swearing they’d vote for a Democrat over Cruz.  Cruz blew up the Republican part of the internet.

Him using those words has definitely made him beatable in a statewide election.  That’s the kind of betrayal that MAGA won’t forget or forgive, especially in Texas.  Calling them terrorists - that shits all over Trump and MAGA fans.    He knows a lot more about the committee's findings than most, and maybe it’s damning enough he thinks it’s going to clear a path to the nomination. 

Think about it, he made damn sure that little speech would be everywhere - it wasn’t some little op-Ed or some tweets on a Friday night before a football-heavy weekend.  Congressional floor speech, knowing that Hannity and Tucker would melt down.

He’s a calculating motherfucker, and cold-blooded. I think he’s decided on a couple of things:

  1. Trump ain’t running.  Whether it’s because Trump wants to play kingmaker and just control the money, or Cruz thinks there’s enough damning stuff that’s going to come out, he’s decided Trump ain’t running.  
  2. DeSantis is very beatable next year.  We joke about 60,000+ dead Floridians, and DeSantis’s margin of victory being 30,000 in 2018 against a Black guy, but if DeSantis loses next year, he will never sniff the Presidential nomination.  
  3. DeSantis was his only serious competition.  If he’s decided DeSantis is done, might as well start his Presidential campaign for 2024 by showing moderates that he’s not GQP.   Building up momentum will keep some others from making a run as well.  
  4. He knows that while plenty of rank-and-file Republicans are losing their shit over him calling the Jan. 6’ers terrorists, he is banking on them coming around if he gets the nomination. He doesn’t have to win every state’s primary.  He just has to get enough, and then dare the GQP MAGA types to stay home and let Kamala Harris or whoever easily win.   

Somewhere, Mitt Romney is laughing.

If the Republican party ever gets even close to regaining its senses I think he'll run again.  He voted to convict Trump (the only time anyone has ever crossed party lines to do so) and can point to that if being a "man of reason" ever matters to anyone in the GOP again.

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Don't hold your breath. He's not going anywhere.

Charlie Sykes at The Bulwark has an article out about various pols pivoting from January 6th then and now:

Link: https://morningshots.thebulwark.com/p/what-they-said-then

Ted is running counter to that but not really. Like Rep Greene with two accounts, he's still using personal and official social media to offer up various perspectives. He had a pretty good idea that this would outrage a percentage, cast some doubt (maybe he's not so bad) for others, and give him some breathing room if certain words and deeds arising from events prior to the 6th of January last year come to light. Nothing quite like having a little deniability if video after video surfaces of someone repeating the big lie time after time during a presidential run.

At some point he's going to decide: run for President, or go for McConnell's place. He may have looked at the numbers and knowing that some of his colleagues are not fanbois (so few female GOP senators I'll lump them in as fanbois too) he's hedging his bets perhaps. Because once he declares he wants to run for president, won't stepping back (if he has to withdraw) pretty much mean he's got to head for the corporate lobby position because he's out as Senator?  It's either that or he's looking at this and  thinking 'hey, I like the looks of this'




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6 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Trump ain’t running.  Whether it’s because Trump wants to play kingmaker and just control the money, or Cruz thinks there’s enough damning stuff that’s going to come out, he’s decided Trump ain’t running.  

I said he wasn’t running when he sold off the rights to his D.C. grift hotel.  No fucking way he gives it up if he’s running again. 

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Yep, it's been almost a quarter of a century since the last one.

Meh. You can quibble about the motives behind it but there was sufficient evidence to impeach (and convict).

Even Monica now understands that the power dynamics rendered their “consensual” relationship as anything but. But the real crime was his lying under oath.
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If anything, this tells me that there might be some actual repercussions coming for lawmakers who participated in sowing the insurrection, he being one of the key players. No other reason he would go against the maga base he's been courting for the last 6 years. There is zero chance he would say that without a self-interested motive, and it's not going to help his election campaigns, so it has to be something else, like actual expulsion from the senate or even jail time.

Edited by 'stache
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Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but he's a very skilled politician, which is sort of like being good at insider trading or date rape.  He doesn't part with Trumpers unless he thinks it's politically advantageous to do so.  On the one hand, that's good (if he's right) because it means that Trump and the Trumpers' moment has past.  On the other hand, it's bad because Trump was a purely self-interested clown and an idiot. He did not have the capacity to truly lead the U.S. into an authoritarian regime. Cruz, or someone like him, is not an idiot.  Worst case is that someone who actually knows what they are doing and has the tools takes control of the Republican Party.  That could possibly turn the USA into an actual fascist state.  This is my concern, dude.

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