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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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13 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Sounds like this means more to y’all than it does to me. But thanks, I guess.

I don’t subscribe to Twitter and I’d be perfectly happy if no one ever embedded a tweet. I’d be perfectly happy if it didn’t exist. Twitter has its uses but I think it’s been a net negative to American society. I hate it that it’s been forced upon me, particularly by the worst President ever who used it constantly. But at least I know how to embed a tweet.

Just trying to help. 😛

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13 hours ago, SKJ said:

Holy shit... I just watched ol lyin Ted's opening statement at Jackson's confirmation hearing... what a pathetic,  pathetic man. 

Does he even believe the shit he says?  I mean,  it's obvious he purposefully says them,  but do you really think he believes them? Or is it all some kind of  ruse?

No, and the fact he doesn't makes him an even more craven piece of shit. 

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On 3/12/2022 at 6:22 PM, WhatTheBuck said:

It’s because no one wants to see your nipples through your shirt. 

Or chest hair.  Ask Immamac.

On 3/22/2022 at 3:26 PM, elfenix said:

that was just the officer, straight out of central casting, coming up to old lyin' ted, and, with tears in his eyes, profusely thanking cancruz for fighting for them, tirelessly, every single day.

You know that officer hugged him off camera too.

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21 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

I thought about recommending a new name for this thread….but, upon further review, I think “Ted Cruz is a piece of shit” is perfect!

every time i open the CR and scan the thread titles, as soon as my eye lands on this one i hear a pavlovian voice in my head say 'yep'.

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4 minutes ago, speed817 said:

We, the Asian delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being Asian.



Followed by:

  • We, the Asian man delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being Asian man.
  • We, the man human delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being man human.
  • We, the human mammal delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being human mammal.
  • We, the mammal vertebrate delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being mammal vertebrate creature.
  • We, the vertebrate sentient creature delegation, deny Ted Cruz's declaration for being vertebrate sentient creature.
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It’s a crying shame that the Senator representing the second most populous state in the Union is not required to have anything close to a record of accomplishment in order to be re-elected. It’s enough for him just to be against liberal stuff.

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27 minutes ago, Satchel said:

It’s a crying shame that the Senator representing the second most populous state in the Union is not required to have anything close to a record of accomplishment in order to be re-elected. It’s enough for him just to be against liberal stuff.

That's the R's only reason for being, and so Cruz's longevity would make sense.

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2 hours ago, Satchel said:

It’s a crying shame that the Senator representing the second most populous state in the Union is not required to have anything close to a record of accomplishment in order to be re-elected. It’s enough for him just to be against liberal stuff.

It’s not even liberal stuff, it’s being against a caricature of liberal stuff. What he rails against isn’t even real most of the time. I do not understand how we have wound up with two completely separate realities in this country. 

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8 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

It’s not even liberal stuff, it’s being against a caricature of liberal stuff. What he rails against isn’t even real most of the time. I do not understand how we have wound up with two completely separate realities in this country. 

When you ain't got nothing....

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53 minutes ago, South Austin said:

15 points if Jesus says anything about gun control.

Isaiah 2:4

He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

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In case I missed this being posted:

Ron Perlman has slammed Ted Cruz’s line of questioning for Ketanji Brown Jackson at one of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

The Texas senator posed a question to Ms Brown Jackson on critical race theory, a buzzword for the country’s conservatives, at Tuesday’s hearing by asking if she believed babies were racist.

He specifically pointed to a book called Antiracist Baby by Dr Ibram Kendi and highlighted an illustration depicting a child with a header that said one should “confess when being racist”.

Soon after the hearing, Perlman hit out at Mr Cruz.

“Hi Ted, Ron here,” the actor said in a video posted on Twitter.

“Listen, I know how tempting it is to appeal to the real lowest form of humanity here in the United States, the bottom feeders, people who pride themselves on hatred and un-education and inability to read and inability to understand the difference between true patriotism and the bulls*** you’re selling.


And ended with "Go fuck yourself"

Edited by AnTiM
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Isaiah 2:4
He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Oh, there’s no doubt, if Jesus actually showed up today, he’d be run out of town as a pussy libtard commie. Maybe crucified, even.
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5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, there’s no doubt, if Jesus actually showed up today, he’d be run out of town as a pussy libtard commie. Maybe crucified, even.

i've thought for a while now that the Democrats should openly embrace this.  Dem candidates should have campaign shirts and stickers that say "Jesus Is A Liberal" and support it with scripture.  try to take that card away from Republicans who run as the party of Jesus and religion.  and confront Republicans/MAGA on the issue instead of giving it away.  and just generally piss them off about it.

but i think Dems are too scared to claim Jesus because so many Dem voters aren't Christian or aren't religious at all.  but claiming Jesus as a liberal doesn't exclude people of other faiths (or no faith).  it just means we're not gonna let a bunch of hypocritical assholes who don't stand for anything in the Bible coopt Jesus.  there's still plenty of room for others. 

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24 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

i've thought for a while now that the Democrats should openly embrace this.  Dem candidates should have campaign shirts and stickers that say "Jesus Is A Liberal" and support it with scripture.  try to take that card away from Republicans who run as the party of Jesus and religion.  and confront Republicans/MAGA on the issue instead of giving it away.  and just generally piss them off about it.

but i think Dems are too scared to claim Jesus because so many Dem voters aren't Christian or aren't religious at all.  but claiming Jesus as a liberal doesn't exclude people of other faiths (or no faith).  it just means we're not gonna let a bunch of hypocritical assholes who don't stand for anything in the Bible coopt Jesus.  there's still plenty of room for others. 

Those dumbasses actually think the Jesus of the bible would castigate homosexuals and approve oppressing them, maybe even exterminating them. Most of the sanctimonious "Christians" are completely phony and barely know a god damn thing about their purported religion. I wish there actually was such a thing as an afterlife just so they can all burn forever in their ultimate FAFO hell. 

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51 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Raphael should be vulnerable as hell with numbers like these:


43% disapprove.  5% don't know, 13% are neutral.  When you factor in the facts that 1) Republican voters are more motivated to turn out in Texas, because they are showing up to fight communism, pedophilia, and the stealing of our precious bodily fluids under a pizza parlor, and 2) undecided or neutral voters break (R) at a 3-1 rate here, because habits and reasons and pizza parlors and whatnot, he wins by 5 points.  At least.  Maybe more.  Because you ain't no commie, is ya?

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51 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

i've thought for a while now that the Democrats should openly embrace this.  Dem candidates should have campaign shirts and stickers that say "Jesus Is A Liberal" and support it with scripture.  try to take that card away from Republicans who run as the party of Jesus and religion.  and confront Republicans/MAGA on the issue instead of giving it away.  and just generally piss them off about it.

but i think Dems are too scared to claim Jesus because so many Dem voters aren't Christian or aren't religious at all.  but claiming Jesus as a liberal doesn't exclude people of other faiths (or no faith).  it just means we're not gonna let a bunch of hypocritical assholes who don't stand for anything in the Bible coopt Jesus.  there's still plenty of room for others. 

The dirty little secret is many of these conservative firebrands we see bloviating in the media are themselves closet atheists, and a smaller but growing number are out and proud.

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1 hour ago, Hookah Horns said:

Those dumbasses actually think the Jesus of the bible would castigate homosexuals and approve oppressing them, maybe even exterminating them. Most of the sanctimonious "Christians" are completely phony and barely know a god damn thing about their purported religion. I wish there actually was such a thing as an afterlife just so they can all burn forever in their ultimate FAFO hell. 

Most evangelical "Christians" know as much about the Bible as most GOP Congressmen know about the Constitution.

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Someone braver than I really does need to record themselves in various Bible Belt public spaces dressed as Jesus and simply repeating Jesus attributed statements very loudly, only changing them to modern language. Then hold up a sign with the biblical reference every time someone challenges them. For example: 

"It's physically impossible for rich people to get into Heaven!"

As soon as someone calls them a fucking socialist, which is guaranteed to happen, just hold up a sign that says Matthew 19:24.

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4 hours ago, Satchel said:

The dirty little secret is many of these conservative firebrands we see bloviating in the media are themselves closet atheists, and a smaller but growing number are out and proud.

As I said above, they may believe some of it, but they know that stupid people believe all of it. So keep saying it, keep getting money, keep getting votes, and fuck everything else.

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3 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

Someone braver than I really does need to record themselves in various Bible Belt public spaces dressed as Jesus and simply repeating Jesus attributed statements very loudly, only changing them to modern language. Then hold up a sign with the biblical reference every time someone challenges them. For example: 

"It's physically impossible for rich people to get into Heaven!"

As soon as someone calls them a fucking socialist, which is guaranteed to happen, just hold up a sign that says Matthew 19:24.

It’s not impossible. It’s just harder than a camel passing through the eye of a needle. 

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