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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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24 minutes ago, Smax said:


Gerrymandering and all his constituents care about is owning the libs, keeping their guns and propping up O&G

There's no gerrymandering the state borders.  They are what they are.  

The rest of that is spot on though.  

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3 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

What is going on here? Are they alleging someone from the govt is going to restrict people to 2 beers a week?

The FDA might update their recs to match Canada's 2 drinks/day.

So of course the right wing fear porn machine turns that in to OMG, the radical leftist are only going to let you have 2 beers a day. Nanny State! Loud Noises!!!!!1!!1!!One!

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9 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

There's no gerrymandering the state borders.  They are what they are.  

The rest of that is spot on though.  

Yes but the state lege and congressional maps are gerrymandered in a way to depress Democrat turnout because you’re either in a district that is 100% going to vote red or blue. No purple districts, no point turning out if you’re a Dem gerrymandered into Wesley Hunt’s district (for example) because your vote won’t matter 

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We've exhausted this internal conundrum on many other threads.  But every single day raises the issue.  There are horrible, horrible people...to the tune of 35% of the electorate that want to see their twisted agenda and worst impulses visited upon their state and the rest of its citizens.  I get it.  We all get it.  It's just part of being a society.  The price we pay to be alive, I suppose.  

But what Trump, and Cruz, and MTG, and now Abbott now force us to inflect upon.........is why, God, why?  Why them?  I don't like it, but I get that people are going to go after the vulnerable, the gay, the immigrant, the downtrodden, the sick, the poor, the weak, the brown, the young, the old, the trans, the impuissant.  But why these pieces of shit?  Why pick these vessels of idiocy and shitiness?  Why them?  You can still have your agenda delivered and laws passed and ignorance embraced, but by people with a modicum of charm or intelligence.  

But as Brisket would say, that's the feature...not the bug.  It's because these people are so openly vile, and dumb, and vitriolic, and ignorant---that so many latched on to them so vigorously.  It's only now with millions suffering a decade of reflection do I now see it.  I gotta start paying attention because the next wave is gonna be even worse and I don't even know where to look, let alone what to look for.  Our prize mistake, folks.  

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7 minutes ago, South Austin said:

I don't know about that.  Ted is pretty fucking textbook cringy.  He just happens to shower more than many of his voters.

I'm not gonna ask how you know his shower regiment so in detail.  You'll tell us when you're ready...

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17 hours ago, HenryJames said:


not only is it cringy and performative, but its so fucking clearly rehearsed.   "ok guys, as soon as i say 'kiss my ass' everyone drink your beer in unison.  oh yeah, the guy interviewing me needs to make sure to drink a non-alcoholic beer as well - nevermind that the recommendation to drink 2 beers per week most likely doesn't give a fuck about non-alcoholic beers."

and shiner should sue the fuck out of him for product defamation.

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All I can beg, borrow, or steal says the front of Ted's leather braided belt has that 90s style foldover knot deal we all did in high school because the teenager of the guy his wife is now being anally fucked by had theirs tied that way in an instagram stalk.  That's how ted rolls.  or folds.  as it were

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2 hours ago, BigOrange1 said:

not only is it cringy and performative, but its so fucking clearly rehearsed.   "ok guys, as soon as i say 'kiss my ass' everyone drink your beer in unison.  oh yeah, the guy interviewing me needs to make sure to drink a non-alcoholic beer as well - nevermind that the recommendation to drink 2 beers per week most likely doesn't give a fuck about non-alcoholic beers."

and shiner should sue the fuck out of him for product defamation.

But he's been to the "Shiner Brewery" in Shiner, Texas. Sure, Jan (Ted).

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22 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

yall defending shiner beer know you're defending a way of life that stopped existing like a quarter century ago, right? shiner is garbage, and it says a lot about the state of beer in the mid 90s when it was the thing to drink.

Beavis And Butthead Ok GIF by Paramount+

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