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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

Well nobody now, you spoiled it...jerk!  ;)  

But a half-ass decent moderate Republican that is less of an asshole than Cruz (basically, the lowest bar imaginable) gets just a few hundred thousand Democrats to vote him/her in 2030 and Cruz slinks away in shame, his wife leaves him, his daughters at majority age disowns him, and he kills himself.  Just takes a little, shred of logistical organization.  That's it, that's all.  Game over.  We have, in our grasp, the ability to have one of the worst pieces of human shit to walk to Earth to lose his office of power and kill himself outta shame.  But yeah, you folks have to vote for the 2030 local DA's race.  Super proud.  Good effort.  

This is completely non-sensical. It's the fault of Democratic primary voters that Cruz will win because they won't vote for an imaginary moderate Republican that is not even in a race?

I actually went to look up Cruz's primary challengers. The literally don't even have photos. But please, tell me how it's the fault of those voting in Dem primaries.


2 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Beto got within 3% after saying something like hell yeah we are coming for your ar15s 

That was not in the Senate campaign. That was in the presidential primary a couple of years later.

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5 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Beto got within 3% after saying something like hell yeah we are coming for your ar15s 

Yeah, he said that running for president after he lost to Cruz. If he’d aid that against Cruz he’d have lost by 15. 

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4 minutes ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

This is completely non-sensical. It's the fault of Democratic primary voters that Cruz will win because they won't vote for an imaginary moderate Republican that is not even in a race?

I actually went to look up Cruz's primary challengers. The literally don't even have photos. But please, tell me how it's the fault of those voting in Dem primaries.


That was not in the Senate campaign. That was in the presidential primary a couple of years later.

Ignore Lobo. He jerks off to his Texas senate election fan fiction and posts it almost as often as he posts about Heidi Cruz’s fidelity. 

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1 hour ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

Rafael is trying to attach an amendment to a major aviation policy bill that would allow politicians to zip through airports out of sight of us normal peons.  I wonder what his motivation is for that.  


What a pussy. 

Edited by BrickHorn
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Nobody said it was their fault, overly sensitive person.  I just said there is a clear path to a final solution to the Cruz question is a few hundred thousand primary voters from the Democratic party go a different route.  They don't have to, Cruz supports are asshats, just saying there's another way.  Nobody is blaming you.  Just indicating there could be an alternative out to getting rid of Ted, that's all.  Use your literacy skills for once.  

But yeah, "Holland" and "Rufus." ???  Not gonna get a lotta votes based on those names alone, imagine the horror of their actual photos.  

I am a simple man.  You use the mechanisms available to you to defeat the cunt in front of you.  The panacea can be left for later.  I'm all in on Joe Biden again in 2024 to defeat Donald Trump or better yet-make DJT dead.  And then it's on the next thing.  And the thing after that.  No fucking Beto or Wendy Davis or whoever the fuck else is gonna beat Ted in a 2024 or 2030 general.  So you kneecap him at the primary with somebody just 5% less cunty.  And then you deal with that person in kind after that.  And so on.  And so on.  And so on.  You bury the shit sandwich in front of you in business, politics, or crime.  That's just how I was raised.  You put the piece of shit in front of you to sleep and wake up tomorrow to bury the one after that.  Once you get a taste for hurting bad people, it's a tough high to kick.  But goddamn, it's super fucking fun while it's gleaning.  Once you've seen somebody truly defeated, when they're truly alone.  When their family has abandoned them and they know their jig is up.  That look on their face.  It's better than a coke-fueled threesome in Vegas.  There is no rush like it.  That's what I wish for Ted.  And I think it's possible in the next cycle.  And the icing will be him taking his own life.  

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3 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Ignore Lobo. He jerks off to his Texas senate election fan fiction and posts it almost as often as he posts about Heidi Cruz’s fidelity. 

Wouldn't it technically be her "infidelity" not "Fidelity." ??  Or we talking mutual funds here? But yeah, go ahead with your Allred strategy.  Throw all you can afford behind him and lemme know how it goes.  One fucking loss after another is just never enough for you guys and your warchest.

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On 2/3/2024 at 1:41 PM, YGIFS said:

Wouldn't it technically be her "infidelity" not "Fidelity." ??  Or we talking mutual funds here? But yeah, go ahead with your Allred strategy.  Throw all you can afford behind him and lemme know how it goes.  One fucking loss after another is just never enough for you guys and your warchest.

Since fidelity is a matter of faithfulness, it can be that or a lack thereof. Sort of like when referencing your glass, it can be empty or full. 

Edited by SydneyCarton
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Ted Cruz wants lawmakers to get security escorts through America’s airports

The Texas Republican — infamously 
photographed by a gawker while en route to Cancún in 2021 — is proposing a bill amendment that would offer lawmakers a dedicated security escort at airports, along with expedited screening outside of public view. That could make it much less likely that the politicians’ comings and goings would become fodder for embarrassing news reports and late-night comedy mockery.


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On 1/23/2024 at 3:39 PM, Blotto said:

In support of Briskets counterpoint, she's got some war hammers. 





On 1/23/2024 at 3:39 PM, Blotto said:


Basically Ann Coulter with tits. I guess she's running for DA in west texas next. 





On 2/3/2024 at 1:19 PM, Bullneck said:

Two observations:

  • She was a pretty necessary part of his point and didn't seem to lunaticky,
  • She needs a nose job.  


She has a nose?

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Ted Cruz wants lawmakers to get security escorts through America’s airports

The Texas Republican — infamously photographed by a gawker while en route to Cancún in 2021 — is proposing a bill amendment that would offer lawmakers a dedicated security escort at airports, along with expedited screening outside of public view. That could make it much less likely that the politicians’ comings and goings would become fodder for embarrassing news reports and late-night comedy mockery.

This pussy already has a police escort walking to/from his gate at any airport.
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5 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I called his Houston office the other day to voice opposition to this amendment.  I had two points:

1. The additional cost for federal, state and local governments.  I pointed out that the part of small government should want less regulation and less expense.

2.  The elitism.   

Before I finished saying "my second reason for opposing this the elitist attitude..." before the young woman I was speaking to get really, really hostile. 

Up to this point, I had made this about the amendment and not what a sniveling piece of shit she works for.   I reminded her that I me reasons were straight forward and especially #1 was fair and logical.   I could tell she was ready for me to make some kind of Cancun joke but I abstained.   

So in conclusion, Ted Cruz and his staff continue to be pieces of shit.


Unpossible.  Cruz employes the best people... like this guy...


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19 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I called his Houston office the other day to voice opposition to this amendment.  I had two points:

1. The additional cost for federal, state and local governments.  I pointed out that the part of small government should want less regulation and less expense.

2.  The elitism.   

Before I finished saying "my second reason for opposing this the elitist attitude..." before the young woman I was speaking to get really, really hostile. 

Up to this point, I had made this about the amendment and not what a sniveling piece of shit she works for.   I reminded her that I me reasons were straight forward and especially #1 was fair and logical.   I could tell she was ready for me to make some kind of Cancun joke but I abstained.   

So in conclusion, Ted Cruz and his staff continue to be pieces of shit.


I'm impressed you actually got someone on the line

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3 minutes ago, safe sex said:

I'm impressed you actually got someone on the line

The local offices usually pick up the phone.   The D.C. number always goes to voicemail.   I called that one after talking to Madchen Goebbels and left a fairly sarcastic/snarky message.   Like I often do.  

2 minutes ago, royiv said:

Same. I've never had someone answer at his office.

The best is calling the ones in Tyler and McAllen.   Those people often have no clue what their asshole boss is up to.

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30 minutes ago, texasdago said:

Unpossible.  Cruz employes the best people... like this guy...


Think about this:  Aaron says shit like this, serves at the pleasure of an asshat like Ted Cruz, and helps ferry him to Steiner Ranch from HOU airport when he's at "home in Houston" because his family fucking hates Ted.  But Aaron was disgusted with Ken Paxton's office and couldn't stand working for him anymore.  That's how fucking awful Ken Paxton is.  Ted Cruz is like a moral highground for people in that line of work now.  JFC, how the fuck did we get here as a state?  This place used to mean something...

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5 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Think about this:  Aaron says shit like this, serves at the pleasure of an asshat like Ted Cruz, and helps ferry him to Steiner Ranch from HOU airport when he's at "home in Houston" because his family fucking hates Ted.  But Aaron was disgusted with Ken Paxton's office and couldn't stand working for him anymore.  That's how fucking awful Ken Paxton is.  Ted Cruz is like a moral highground for people in that line of work now.  JFC, how the fuck did we get here as a state?  This place used to mean something...

You know, though, if you read enough history books (before they get banned) you start to realize that, no, this place has always been like this.  


This book does a nice job of showing how crazy politics first proliferated in Texas.

Also, as I read through this book I realize that lots of Texans have traditionally acted like a bunch of POS when it comes to Mexicans...


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28 minutes ago, safe sex said:

I'm impressed you actually got someone on the line

Well, the MLB and college football seasons are done, and Texas doesn't have any team playing in the Super Bowl, so his staff has a lot of time on their hands since they're not trying to find that douchebag sporting tickets, and they're not otherwise engaged in any meaningful governing. 

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I'm sure he'll be at Final Four or some shit if the University of Houston makes it (which it looks like they could certainly do) and fuck it up for them.  

He's just the "Family Fucking Circus" of politicians.  There in the bottom of the right, just waiting to suck.  

There are politicians that just think they're adored by everyone like Trump.  

There are ones who know people hate them but deflect/insulate themselves like Abbott.  

But there are really are ones that get off on the hate.  They absorb the negative energy to keep plowing through the fact that even their own family fucking hates them.  Ted is that type.  He just goes to this shit to be ridiculed at this point because the only thing that reminds me he's alive.  Because Love & Purpose, the shit that keeps the rest of us going, has long since passed him by.  

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3 hours ago, Js1 said:

How about, if you feel you need separation from the "masses," you have to pull it from your office budget? or campaign funds. 

Those funds are tied up buying his books in order to make NYT Best Sellers list. 

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On 2/3/2024 at 1:31 PM, FirstTimeCaller said:

This is completely non-sensical. It's the fault of Democratic primary voters that Cruz will win because they won't vote for an imaginary moderate Republican that is not even in a race?

I actually went to look up Cruz's primary challengers. The literally don't even have photos. But please, tell me how it's the fault of those voting in Dem primaries.


That was not in the Senate campaign. That was in the presidential primary a couple of years later.

Lobo's been on this awhile and it's one of the dumber examples of Murc's law I've ever seen.

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Well, I'm an asshole but our first clue that we are not dealing with serious primary opponents is they can't upload a photograph to the election website.  But y'all do you.  Rock the vote, turn out the base, turn Texas blue...whatever else.  Been working out swimmingly so far.  I want him outta office more than most.  It's just in my nature to find the most painful route as opposed to the most, "Hey, maybe something will happen today" approach.  

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21 minutes ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

No word on gravy swallowing...windowpane blazers need to die again.


Hey Ted, did he remind you of how unattractive your wife is and that your dad helped kill JFK? And did he address you as Senator Cruz, or Lyin’ Ted?

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Give Cruz credit on this one---You know how gifted you have to be to make Donald Trump look like the svelte and charming one in a photograph?  

Sorry, did I type "gifted"?  

I meant to type "girthed."  

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2 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Give Cruz credit on this one---You know how gifted you have to be to make Donald Trump look like the svelte and charming one in a photograph?  

Sorry, did I type "gifted"?  

I meant to type "girthed."  


45 looks like a Weeble-Wobble.

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1 hour ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

No word on gravy swallowing...windowpane blazers need to die again.


Purposely trying to make these guys look in shape.

They’re using a wide angle lens holding the phone over their head to try and get these fat fucks to not look like Jaba the hut.

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On 2/12/2024 at 9:30 AM, elfenix said:

if trump publicly told ted that he needed to take a shit, would ted immediately open his mouth wide or would he suggest they go to a restroom?

there’s no room ….



houston has some very nice mens shops. Hit a couple, buy multiple outfits that FIT. It’s fucking simple you dumb ass 

Edited by tx 3 putt
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18 minutes ago, TeeDubya said:

male FUPA, or his Depends are bunching up.


8 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

Some day you will find me, caught beneath the pantslide

Of a shit filled adult diaper on a ride

10-1 that it’s no longer a mushroom anymore but a full on buried penis.

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