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Carpetbagging weasel faced smarmy little bitch, Ted Cruz

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17 hours ago, YGIFS said:

Haven't had it a long while, but I thought Shiner Blonde was a pretty good beer.  To keep it on thread topic, "Shiner Blonde" was what a dozen dudes I know called Heidi Cruz's butthole.  Boy would eye...

Shiner Blonde was pretty good. Think you can only get Blonde Light now. The green-labled Kolsch was the absolute best. I think it was rebranded as something else and might've disappeared completely. "Kosmos"??? is good but I think you can only get one at a time in a 6-pack variety pack that has a bunch of shit I don't want.


2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

I haven't been a beer drinker for a hot minute, but if Shiner is now trash, what are the cool beers? Just any local micro brew?

In Dallas, my local brew of choice is Peticolas Golden Opportunity and most Peticolas products. They only self-distribute and last I heard you could only find it within 38 miles of the brewery in the Design District. Great beer. Great people.

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Haven't seen the study Rafael is complaining about, but I have been reading some other health related/longevity related articles/newsletters and I have seen this two per week maximimum recommendation come up.  The first time was dealing with steps towards reducing your chances at neurodegenerative diseases.*

from a newsletter that summarzied this study ("Association between healthy lifestyle and memory decline in older adults: 10 year, population based, prospective cohort study")



Research suggests that a few lifestyle changes can slow down memory decline and keep you mentally sharp.

Scientists followed more than 29,000 people over a 10-year period and found that those who prioritized their wellness by regularly exercising, eating a balanced diet, not smoking, and consuming alcohol in moderate amounts didn’t decline like those who didn't embrace healthy habits.

Participants who followed a healthy lifestyle had a 30 percent lower risk of memory decline compared to those who did not.

What’s more interesting is that even people who were genetically predisposed to cognitive problems, dementia, or Alzheimer’s (because they were carriers of the APOE ε4 gene, which increases risk) had lower rates of decline if they engaged in healthy lifestyle behaviors.

If you’re looking to keep your brain sharp, the super-agers had a few common traits:

75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.

Social contact twice per week

Engaging in a mentally-challenging activity twice per week

No smoking or alcohol


There's this "Nordic Nutrition Recommendations" that says


Alcohol: Since no safe limit for alcohol consumption can be provided, the recommendation in NNR2023 is that everyone should avoid drinking alcohol. If consuming alcohol, the intake should be low

Everywhere I see that article discussed people get bogged down in the meat argument, and seem to skip the no alcohol recommedation. 

Now, I write this as someone who really enjoys good beer pretty often, including some last night.  But I don't think I'm ignorant of the risks I am taking.  It seems from a layman's point of view  quite obvious that if the goal is long term health/mental vitality then avoiding alcohol altogether is the safest bet.    Next safest is now the two per week at most recommendation that seems to be gaining popularity.

So not sure what Rafael is all upset about.  If you want to keep getting fatter and unhealthier go right ahread.  Although perhaps not being from this planet makes him immune to the delterious effects of an unhealthy diet.  

*not sure we would recognize any mental decline on his part.


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1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:


Let me get this straight:

Some scientists employed by the federal government studying the health effects of alcohol recommend that you probably should keep it to two beers or less per week, and a god damned senator from the largest red state in the US goes full moronic meltdown and in some kind of performance video claims the libs are going to take away beer while awkwardly "drinking" a beer? Do I have that right?


Federal scientists need to recommend senators from red states not shoot themselves in the head.




i saw someone on twitter say that they should recommend only eating one lithium battery per week.

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Slow day so I read some more.  Not only is it not a Biden thing, it is not even necessarily a sure thing at all:



Dr George Koob — who admits enjoying a couple of glasses of Chardonnay a week — said he was watching Canada's 'big experiment' with interest. 

'If there's health benefits, I think people will start to re-evaluate where we're at [in the US],' he told DailyMail.com.



So forgetting the sensationalist headline, the Doctor is saying we could move towards the two drinks a week max as a recommendation.   Wow, sure is worth getting fake angry over.

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40 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

So not sure what Rafael is all upset about.  If you want to keep getting fatter and unhealthier go right ahread.  Although perhaps not being from this planet makes him immune to the delterious effects of an unhealthy diet.  

Well, he's fat as fuck and dumb as shit so he's not immune to the effects.

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Does anyone not believe that it's better to not drink vs moderation vs heavy drinking?

And someone is a snowflake if they freak out if a govt health org says that you should minimize your drinking for your long term health. No one is making it illegal to drink more, they're just educating people on your behavioral effects.

My dad who drank heavily and smoked most of his life, spends most of his days waiting for diaper changes and is fairly unaware of his situation. Whatever behavior it would take, to not end up in his position at 80, is the one I want to take.

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34 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

And Tech. Had to stay up late to see it, but all three shit the bed against “inferior” opponents. Ted Cruz’s oozy shittiness covers a lot of ground.

Lulz.  I missed that too.  I spent the first half of the day keeping an eye on plumbers who couldn't solve my problem (but installed two new hot water heaters, because money).  By the end of our game I was fairly deep into a 12-pack.  The rest of the night is blurry.

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I think he might have been at an Astros playoff games that they won, but I think it was in NY or Boston and he got booed by the entire stadium.  I could be wrong though.


Edit, it was during the ALCS last year at Yankee stadium and the Astros did win. He then went on to get booed at the Astros World Series parade and had a fan chunk a white claw at him.

Edited by kevwun
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A lot of people assume the popular version of "The Human Centipede" is really what happened.  That three separate people were fused together to form one contiguous anus.  What this timeline presupposes is what if all three assholes were actually just one Ted Cruz?  

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39 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

Not just that, but on the sidelines. Both Venables and the AD had to make official comments making it clear they weren't aware/didn't support the rape enabler being there and that it would be "dealt with."

For realz?  Would love to see the link to that so I can send it some annoying Baylor fans I live near.  And also some cartel fixers I know.  

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