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They are voracious, omnivorous predatory lizards that can live in a variety of habitats, but we can’t know what is going to happen or how intense this invasion is going to become until the effects are upon us,” Texas A&M professor Lee Fitzgerald told Reuters.

Takes one to know one 


buried the lede


Florida man wielding live gator chases people in convenience store


A man in Jacksonville, Fla., brandishing a live gator chased people in a convenience store where he was purchasing beer, video of the strange episode shows.

The man, whose identity has not yet been confirmed, walked into the store holding the gator with his right hand. The animal’s mouth appeared to be taped shut, video posted by WTLV shows.

“Ya'll ain't out of beer, are you?” the man asked while walking toward the front counter.



I wonder how many iguanas are needed to take down a full size tegu lizard. 

Or how many tegus vs one python?

These are the shows that need to be made.

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