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Help finding my old Texas driver's license number


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I had a license there in 2019/2020, but then moved out of state and have no record of it. I've called DPS/DMV and every number listed and can't get through to them. I can't request any info without the number. I've tried my insurance company, Mychart with my doctor in Austin and looked everywhere in my digital world for it. Can't believe I don't have a copy, but I don't. 

I just need the number, nothing else. Any suggestions on how to get it? 

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Doctor's office probably doesn't make it available in mychart but I bet they have a file copy somewhere if you can wait for them to find it.

Did you buy / lease a car in that window?  if so, call the dealer. Again probably won't be quick but they'll get it eventually.

Open a bank account around that time? New job? 

Fill out this form on Texas DPS website (skip the DL number field) and explain in the questions section your dilemma.


Good luck!!


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Ha, the dad of a close friend of mine growing up use to be an ophthalmologist but is 90 and retired about 25 years ago. When my son's girlfriend had an issue with her eye, I gave him a call because I still remembered his home phone number. And he diagnosed it correctly over the phone.

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