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As y'all can tell, I have a thing for urban horses...


Went back to an abandoned church in Kashmere Gardens I had seen awhile back.  I get tired of fighting wasps the rest of the year when going into these places.  I think I am getting too old to be climbing through windows in the ghetto.



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Damn, somebody just up and abandoned a perfectly good church. Some value in a lot of those furnishings in there. Saw a guy with a truckload of pews years ago that he'd salvaged, he was selling them to the lady that runs the shabby chic store downtown (not Joann Gaines). Got a good bit for each of those. I don't think they were quite as long as the ones in your picture though, more easily adaptable to be repurposed if they're shorter I think. Nice wood either way though. 

On 12/10/2020 at 4:13 PM, Patricio Swayze said:

As y'all can tell, I have a thing for urban horses...


Went back to an abandoned church in Kashmere Gardens I had seen awhile back.  I get tired of fighting wasps the rest of the year when going into these places.  I think I am getting too old to be climbing through windows in the ghetto.




Urban Horse...good band name.

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A couple more, one from my last work trip when borders temporarily sort of opened. 


And one from my last serious hiking trip in late spring. I love that you can see basically all the way across the country from where I am standing “Slovak Paradise” to the tiny but stunning High Tatra range in the distance.




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So I got those 3 rolls of film and I guess I am mostly disappointed.  Well, I knew I was not going to get many back from the pinhole camera after I accidentally exposed the film.  Plus, it is tough to compose with the pinhole, so this was mostly a practice roll.  I shot a roll of JCH Streetpan in the Yashica and I am still not sure how I feel about that film.  I am not sure I will buy it again.  I just received 2 rolls of Ferrania P30 and already loaded it into the AE-1.  The last roll was Dubblefilm's Apollo color film.  I like the results for the most part regarding tone.





Canon AE-1 / Apollo





Yashica / JCH Streetpan





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As y'all can tell, I have a thing for urban horses...
Went back to an abandoned church in Kashmere Gardens I had seen awhile back.  I get tired of fighting wasps the rest of the year when going into these places.  I think I am getting too old to be climbing through windows in the ghetto.

You post a lot of these and they’re awesome. Really interesting. How common are abandoned churches like this and where do you see them (urban and rural)? What about other abandoned places? How long til the vandals come? How long til nature reclaims? Just curious. Appreciate y’all posting your pics.

You post a lot of these and they’re awesome. Really interesting. How common are abandoned churches like this and where do you see them (urban and rural)? What about other abandoned places? How long til the vandals come? How long til nature reclaims? Just curious. Appreciate y’all posting your pics.


Yeah, abandoned churches are common. Especially the small ones. The big cathedrals, not so much. Those are found more in the rust belt and NE. Most of the churches i shoot here in texas are rural, but that last one is urban. I was shocked it hadn’t been vandalized. And speaking of that, it is hard to say with vandals. They last one was in a rough part of town and I would have thought it would have been vandalized already, but not so much. Usually the scrappers are first and they tear a place apart.

It’s surprising how fast nature starts to take things back. This also depends on location. But even after 1 year, nature usually starts creeping in. 5 years in Texas is a lot of growing seasons.

Thanks again.
Posted (edited)

So while we are on churches, I found two today.  Unfortunately, the first one had collapsed.  It did create an interesting shot, but I wish I few pews were left behind.  The second church had an amazing exterior that was collapsing.  Would have been a great black and white photo if the owners had not stuck a prefab building in front of it as an addition (like an entry).  So I just shot the interior.  The last couple of shots are random interiors of abandoned houses I came across.  I am really happy with the TV/flag shot (even though there is some weird stuff going on).








Edited by Patricio Swayze
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Went birding with my pops today.  He had got a great shot of a white-tailed hawk earlier, so we went to go find it again.  I had never seen one.  Although we found the pair and a juvenile, they stayed far from us.  I got a couple of shots, but need to go back and wait them out.






And other stuff...



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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

Went birding with my pops today.  He had got a great shot of a white-tailed hawk earlier, so we went to go find it again.  I had never seen one.  Although we found the pair and a juvenile, they stayed far from us.  I got a couple of shots, but need to go back and wait them out.






And other stuff...




Patrick and Doug O ... have you been to Anahuac? Holy Cow.  There were hundreds of thousands of snow geese (among many other birds) in one place. They would all take to the sky at once and then land again, over and over.  I've never seen a spectacle like that. The sound was incredible. 

Edited by Hornius Emeritus
2 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


Patrick and Doug O ... have you been to Anahuac? Holy Cow.  There were hundreds of thousands of snow geese (among many other birds) in one place. They would all take to the sky at once and then land again, over and over.  I've never seen a spectacle like that. The sound was incredible. 

I haven't.  My Pops has though.  He is more a bird guy than I am.  I enjoy it, but its not my main focus.  I have been down to Smith Oak Sanctuary in High Island though.  Very cool spot, especially for Roseate Spoonbills.  A lot of birders from around the world visit that sanctuary.

Posted (edited)

Might as well purge a few before the year is up. Didn't realize it had been that long, but life and 2020 keeps interrupting my photo stuff.























Edited by DougO
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Patrick and Doug O ... have you been to Anahuac? Holy Cow.  There were hundreds of thousands of snow geese (among many other birds) in one place. They would all take to the sky at once and then land again, over and over.  I've never seen a spectacle like that. The sound was incredible. 
Anahuac is amazing. In addition to the giant flocks of snow geese, there are at least a dozen duck species, many raptors (in my early birding days i saw white-tailed kite, peregrine falcon and probably 10+ northern harriers in a few hours), dozens of waders and plenty of smaller perching birds like vermillion flycatcher. Not to mention otters and gators. I would recommend it to anybody in the Houston or East Texas area, in the winter especially. It's also both walkable and drivable.

I've never been to any of the big state parks to take bird photos. I'd like to go, but it's tough without having a traveling companion with similar interests and the patience to spend a lot of time hiking and searching. I stay pretty much within a 30 mile radius and just go out a couple of hours at a time.


Another of the White-tailed Hawk.


I have decided to self publish another book.  I have chosen most, maybe all the photos already and did a couple of layouts and got feedback from a few people.  Unfortunately, print on demand is not cost effective, but since I don't have a publisher, it is what it is.  I am trying to keep it around $50 for hard cover and might do a soft cover version to lower the price.  More people than I thought expressed interest.  Honestly if half of them actually come through and buy it, I will be stoked.

Here are couple of pages from the layout:



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^^^Looks like we took a similar roadtrip.  I recently (late November) took a 3-week trip through northern NM, northern AZ, southern UT and SW Colorado hitting multiple national parks.  Perhaps my photo below is of the same sunset in Flagstaff?




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^^^Looks like we took a similar roadtrip.  I recently (late November) took a 3-week trip through northern NM, northern AZ, southern UT and SW Colorado hitting multiple national parks.  Perhaps my photo below is of the same sunset in Flagstaff?

My photo was sunrise in Flagstaff this morning. We got a sunset heading out of Flagstaff the other day which was incredible. Looked like the mountains were on fire.
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Happy New Year, shutter fucks! I started 2021 off right by formatting a card with a shit load of pics that I hadn't transferred to my hard drive yet so I'm super pumped!! Did it while "organizing" my stuff, which makes it sting that much more. Oh well, lesson learned. My DAM process has been lacking anyway so that's one of my new year's resolutions - get into a flow and stick with it. 2nd resolution is to make more photos and take less pictures. 3rd photo resolution is to continue to play with the post processing aspect of things. For me it's a wholly separate function and I need to change that, so that it becomes part of a plan. Hoping that I'll progress enough this year to where when I'm making a photo I'll be keeping in mind what exactly it may need in post. One can dream, right? As it is right now I'm just taking a shitload of pics, skimming thru them later, identifying ones that look aight and then doing some ham handed tweaking. So, with that said here's my last tweak from 2020. Bamboo forest, Cameron Park.


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There are a lot of free photo recovery tools that can probably save all or most of your formatted photos on that card. The one that comes with sandisk cards is pretty good, there are several freeware programs that work.

Posted (edited)


ETA: Shot at 10K ISO, 1/1000s f4 with the f2.8 Nikon 180mm that @DougO loaned me a year and a half or so ago. I found a vantage point down on the floor of the arena that I had not previously discovered but all the action was at the other end of the arena. The long focal length + crop sensor +modern ISO is the only way this shot happens in available light, at least for me. I think I'll just have to learn to embrace the ugliness. I was talking to one of the pros who shoots these things regularly and they told me there's an arena in Katy that has modern LED lighting and uses a light-ish gray dirt that kicks some light back up. Really makes a difference they said and the shots from there aren't just all some variety of shades of brown.


Edited by El Diablo
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