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6 hours ago, Patricio Swayze said:

I don’t really know enough about Lightroom to take a stance, but I did try using it a couple of years ago and was utterly confused by it. I am far from a super user when it comes to PS, but it is pretty intuitive to me. I download all my photos to computer, edit them in camera raw, then open in photoshop to save a jpg copy or if I want to do more heavy handed editing (like spot healing or using nik filters). I back up everything to a drive via time machine and a redundant full back up to another drive.

Camera Raw and Lightroom are basically the same. Lightroom just adds a management element.


Ready to shoot some shit with this fella.




It was damn filthy when I got it, but it cleaned up nice.


Trying to shoot through a roll of Tri-X 400 and get it developed to make sure everything looks alright. I’m seeing that Walgreens still does film developing? I suppose I’ll get my first roll done there since it’s just a proof of concept at this point.



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Had my camera and bigass lens in the car when I saw this hawk while I was at a stop sign. I hope the lady isn't pissed that I backed my car up into her side yard to get out to get a shot.


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Great thread.  Reading about some of you (perhaps Swayze) talking recently about shooting film recently got me thinking.   Cruising eBay and shop goodwill i got excited to see that many of the film cameras of my teenage dreams are pretty dirt cheap.

I got a PENTAX Program Plus in the late 80s.  Saved up my money but unfortunately it crapped out on me pretty early on. Film advance wouldn’t work so it’s been in a box for nearly 30 years.  A few days ago I sent it to a guy in TN who repairs old Pentax cameras.  Unfortunately I got bad news. Unrepairable. No voltage to the solenoid that operates the shutter therefore the motherboard is dead. I’m still in mourning. 

any advice on buying used cameras?  My only real local camera shop only has a few film cameras. I want to stick with Pentax because I already have access to a couple of lenses. 135 tele and a fifty. After getting excited about how cheap some of the cameras were on shopgoodwill I decided that eBay might be better. Yeah I may pay a little more but on shopgoodwill there’s zero assurance that the camera works. Just some grainy photos. Is it worth the gamble?  At least on eBay they are described as working often so that if it’s a dud you might have recourse to get a refund.  My plan is to get a Pentax Super Program which I believe to be a good camera with a lot of features but carries  typically lower demand than the ME Super and such.  Hopefully get a bundle with a big zoom and wide angle.  Gotta love how cheap some of these lenses are compared to modern AF stuff

i impulse bid on a Ricoh slr with a Rikonon zoom lens the other day and won. $13 bones plus shipping. Takes Pentax k mount lenses so if the camera works I’m in business. If not I paid $13 for a hopefully usable lens. 

 In the fridge I have 5 rolls of Kodak film from prob 10 years ago so I’ll go be it a try. You guys get developed locally or send off in the mail?  Local Mikes camera asks about $14 to develop a 24 exposure roll. 


You’re right about shopgoodwill being kind of a crapshoot. Some of the listings are better than others, of course. Lot of times the old stuff was just donated because it was old, or likely someone moved or died and they were liquidating old stuff. So with vintage stuff, a lot of the time it is pretty good. Sometimes they do test them, location depending.

They do package the stuff pretty well though I have to say.

I got lucky on my AE-1P being in good working condition. It was pretty filthy but after cleaning it up it looks great. My first roll was of Tri-X 400 and I had it developed and scanned at a local place in FW called Fort Worth Photo Lab.

I think they overcharged me according to the pricing sheet on the website, but I dropped it off on a Sunday and they were done the next day.

I may use them for my slide film but I’m still undecided. Thedarkroom.com has the same prices (if the local place charges me correctly, that is).


I also ordered a few other lenses on eBay. The FDn 28 2.8 and FDn 70-210 F4 Macro.

Speaking of Pentax, I wouldn’t mind an ME Super or a K-1000.

If I like it enough I may dabble in large format 4x5. The Intrepid stuff is pretty cheap.


I have never bought a camera off eBay, but I did buy a 24mm lens for my AE-1. It was as advertised and I use it a lot when shooting film (damn it, need to finish that roll!).

After learning of goodwill, I was about to buy a 135mm for the AE-1, but the price got up to $50 the last time I checked. Which is still cheap, but like you said, o had no assurance that it was in good to great shape.


Anton, you got your Canon on shopgoodwill?  It looks really nice but you said you cleaned it up a lot. That sounds like the type of camera I would have passed on. If it’s dirty, maybe wasn’t care for being the reason. 

Anton, you got your Canon on shopgoodwill?  It looks really nice but you said you cleaned it up a lot. That sounds like the type of camera I would have passed on. If it’s dirty, maybe wasn’t care for being the reason. 

To be fair, the worst part of it didn’t really show in the photos until I really looked over them after I had won the auction. Originally I didn’t look super close cause I was monitoring several of them that ended close together. And the photos were not very great.

Photos from ad:






The back and bottom were clean but the front was super dirty. Nothing that some simple green and isopropyl couldn’t take care of though.

Only picture I took of it dirty after I got it:


It was totally fine inside, though. I also threw a bid on an original chrome nose version of the FD 50mm 1.8 last week and ended up winning it for like $19. It’s not really any better than the one I have, but it looks pretty. I get 3 lenses tomorrow, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.



The seller I bought from on eBay seems pretty good too, if anyone else needs some stuff. They even offer some kind of 6 month warranty (but I didn’t look that close into it).

Fast, free shipping, and gave a 10% discount on 2 or more items in the same camera/mount group. They have modern stuff as well.

They currently have several K1000s, AE-1/programs, OM-1s, FM2s, etc plus a bunch of lenses and medium and large format stuff.



I've bought a Nikon FM3a, Mamiya 645 1000s, Fuji GF670 and Mamiya RZ 67 from ebay. All work quite well. The FM3a and Fuji GF670 pretty much in mint condition.

Given how cheap 35mm film gear can be, I wouldn't limit myself to just a Pentax simply because you own some lenses. Look at other brands. And yes, look at medium format too. The quality can be that much better than 35mm at times.

Posted (edited)

not looking for 'thoughts and prayers' but just posting Bc I think it's an incredible pic. 

Backstory - dad is 2 months into a stage 4 cancer diagnosis (reoccurrence), been largely bed ridden and lost 100 lbs over the year. He's finally realizing and understanding his time is very finite - that's not my interpretation of the pic, the conversations have 'gone there' lately. Captured the image on total accident over tgiving, unedited. 


Edited by bluto
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On 11/16/2018 at 8:09 PM, DougO said:

A few recent fall birds, not crazy about my lens sharpness lately. I think my stuff needs some repair/maintenance attention.






What lens did you use to get these pics?

Nice BTW

Posted (edited)

Got the Ricoh KR-5 Super II I won on a Goodwill auction. Pretty pleased. Clean other than a little corrosion on the screw on battery cover that cleaned up easy. It’s a pretty compact camera with a little more plastic than the premium brands but still seems quite solidly built. ISO only goes up to 1600. It’s got a timer. Shutter speed up to 1/2000. Viewfinder is pretty clear. Simple little LEDs tell you if you are over or under exposed and seems to work. Lens is 35-70 mm zoom that seems have pretty clean glass. Came with several odd Quantaray filters.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Lhorn
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Woodpeckers are tough. You can follow the sound to find them, but they dart around from tree to tree and make it tough, then they're up in the thick of it so you can't get a good view.

I also saw a little downy woodpecker in the same place, but couldn't get a decent enough shot of it. I found a cool little flood zone park in town that was littered with those little warblers. I rarely see that kind of stuff around here.

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Where are you looking, Swayze? If you're in Houston I know a couple good spots for Pileated.

Yeah. I mean, from time to time I go out looking, especially if I am shooting with my pops. Suggestions are always appreciated.

Yea, I know, kind of a niche thing. Edith L Moore nature sanctuary is great for urban wildlife. In addition to woodpeckers, there are plenty of opportunities to photo snakes, possum, raccoons, etc. at close range.

Yea, I know, kind of a niche thing. Edith L Moore nature sanctuary is great for urban wildlife. In addition to woodpeckers, there are plenty of opportunities to photo snakes, possum, raccoons, etc. at close range.

I have been there a couple of times. Really nice park. I was mostly looking for snakes but had no luck. But I will go there again as it’s not too far from my house. I do need to take my dad. Thanks for the reminder.

Awesome shots as always man. I am saying “fuck you rain” and going out tomorrow. No matter what.

Anyone sell their gear to MPB.com? They offered me $530 for my “good” condition Canon 5D ii and 28-135mm lens. It’s in the ballpark of what I had hoped to sell it for.

Awesome shots as always man. I am saying “fuck you rain” and going out tomorrow. No matter what.

Anyone sell their gear to MPB.com? They offered me $530 for my “good” condition Canon 5D ii and 28-135mm lens. It’s in the ballpark of what I had hoped to sell it for.

I sold my 7D to them. It was overall a good experience. They had some poor communication with some questions I had and worked a little slow, but I got paid and it was fair to me.
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I sold my 7D to them. It was overall a good experience. They had some poor communication with some questions I had and worked a little slow, but I got paid and it was fair to me.

Cool. Yeah, seems like they have good reviews. The only problem is good or excellent can be somewhat subjective.
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So far I am really liking this Canon R.  Still getting used to where some of the buttons and wheels are, but isn't bad.  I did get to shoot friday regardless of the weather.  Actually, it didn't start raining until about 3pm.  Checked out an abandoned school and on the way in there was a small screech owl in a tree.  Of course I didn't have my 400mm mounted.  So I scrambled to get it on, and right as I am about to get a shot, it flies off.  Anyways...


Chasing trains...


Then today I went to check out this Bald Eagle that lives near my older brother's house.  The nest is about 250 yards into private property.  So even with the 400mm lens, it wasn't going to be possible to get a good shot.  This is my first time seeing a Bald Eagle in the wild.  Need to go back when I have more time and wait by the water for when it is fishing for dinner.


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A bald eagle is one of my goals for the next year.  Only a few sighted around Lake Belton, but I hear they have some regulars in Waco. Not sure how close you can get though.

That little park I posted some stuff from in my previous post had a kingfisher. I don't think I had ever seen one in Texas before, and this one was at a little park pond next to the city golf course. Didn't get a good shot of it because the park was closing up when I saw it and I only got a couple of quick shots on poor light after it had gotten really cloudy and near sunset. It was kind of a freaky sight to behold.



I don't think I have ever photographed an owl. I hear great horned owls all the time around the house and have sighted them a few times getting spooked out of trees.

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20 hours ago, DougO said:

Every time I look at that kingfisher it reminds me of the Flinstones' record player. I expect to look at me and say, "Ehhhh....it's a living."

Hahaha, damn it, now that is all I am seeing.  If you ever get down Houston way, let me know.  I can point you in the direction of 3 Bald Eagle nests.

Naija, man, I am loving those colors you are getting.  Truly captures the vibe of the islands.

My oldest daughter wanted to go on an "adventure" with papai.  So we went to this really chill train spot.  She loved walking along the tracks.  iphone shot:


Then saw this hawk on the way home.  It was along Antoine, so I just got the truck as close as I could (as I wasn't leaving my daughter alone to get the shot).  Not great, but figured b&w works for the dreary day.


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DougO, Great Shots! I am sure I missed it but what lens you using for those bird shots? Just getting into birds myself, my uncle let me shoot his cannon 500 last weekend at a bird blind around here, holy shit is it bad ass! Want one bad but need to sell a few kidneys first.

2 hours ago, fluff said:

DougO, Great Shots! I am sure I missed it but what lens you using for those bird shots? Just getting into birds myself, my uncle let me shoot his cannon 500 last weekend at a bird blind around here, holy shit is it bad ass! Want one bad but need to sell a few kidneys first.

I'm using the Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 mostly. I have also experimented with the 300/f2.8 with the Nikon 1.7x converter. The latter seems a bit better for long range, but has no VR. The zoom is really best for macro type stuff, closer range subjects, like small birds in trees and stuff.


OK, scratch bald eagle off the list, LOL. I'm going with more reachable goals now. I'm going for the furthest away photo of a bald eagle where you can still tell it's probably a bald eagle. Eat your heart out National Geographic!



I was at the popular local birding spot today after an eagle siting was recorded by a prominent birder yesterday. I got there around 3PM and was messing with lens combinations trying to find the best possible tweak for long range shots. Not much action on the lake, just gulls and ugly common birds. Then the battery dies in my camera and I don't have a back up. I tell myself "yeah, this is when the damn eagle is going to appear, guaranteed." I start heading back to the car and I look up and see a huge raptor, brownish, seems awful big for a red tail. Could it be a female? Then all the gulls start taking off all at once, I knew some shit was up. I look around and I see the male bald eagle soaring over the lake. Well, fuck me. After a couple of minutes they disappeared and I hauled ass back to the house to get another battery. I didn't know if it would be back.

It took me half an hour to get back. It was real quiet. No eagles in the air, I did see an ospry, briefly, right after I showed up. Watched a tern dive for fish for a while, that was kinda cool. Then when I was packing it in I noticed a guy down the road with a scope looking way off. I saw a big oak tree on the other side of the lake and looked it over with the big lens and teleconverter combo and the white bald eagle head stuck right out.

So that's the best I was able to get. Maybe tomorrow.

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