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5 hours ago, RollLeft said:

Should come under firefighter services.  Earn that raise dude.

Agree 100%.  These guys are heros right?  Prove it mf’er.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, crash_davis said:

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

How the fuck are those guys so calm?  The A/C in my office kicked on while I was watching that and I about jumped out of my fucking chair

How the fuck are those guys so calm?  The A/C in my office kicked on while I was watching that and I about jumped out of my fucking chair


Home sick today. Tired of shutting my brains out, took some Imodium and decided to go for a walk along some mountain bike trails. I see something green about eye level in thicket about 5 feet from the trail. I was hoping it would be a Rough Green Snake, but it was just a green anole. But I see something about a foot away also catching some rays. Probably a 2 foot copperhead. I have never seen one this high in a tree. Couldn’t get a good pic because of the shadows and there was no need to disturb him.


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I like how Swayze just strolls outside his house and finds these fuckers everywhere. You're the lighthouse keeper on snake island, aren't you? 

Well, I did live in Brazil. But for obvious security reasons I can’t confirm the location.

My experience with copperheads is they have a rather easy going temperament. I have handled them on several occasions (no, not with my hands), and I haven’t seen one strike. Cottonmouths are rather bitey though. Hell, almost all the water snakes in Texas are rather bitey.

Looks like a rat snek. Good snek. Just pick it up and put it somewhere else to do rat snek things.


I saw one yesterday. Unfortunately it was moments from death after being run over.



That sucks. The one in the FB post looks like a black rat snek. They get a bad rap due to their size and how mean they can look, but they really are one of man’s best friends.

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This cold front kind of screwed up the snake hunt today.  Still though, found 7 snakes.  My first Speckled Kingsnake as well, although it was a rough looking juvenile.  Others were Cottonmouth, Ribbon, Rough Earth Snake, and Texas Ratsnake.





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Speckled kingsnake. A great find.

Yep, first for me. It was a juvenile and was a bit rough around the edges, but I was stoked. The guy that I went with said the ones down in Galveston have a great burnt orange color to them. I said I need to go.

Only disappoint was no hognose or ringneck snakes.
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Friday was a beautiful day, and I made the two and a half hour drive to the old home place in Young County for some spring cleaning.  We're going to re-purpose one of Granddad's old deserted sheds, and it was a mess.  After removing all the junk, I started the scooping/sweeping/ cleaning phase of the operation.  All that remained on the floor was an ancient, gold spray-painted three unit shelf.  As I was sweeping around it, I noticed an old ski rope curled underneath the bottom shelf-maybe two inches off the ground.  "Strange" thought I-"I don't remember putting a ski rope there".  Out of monkey curiosity, I poked the rope with the end of my broom-and it began to move.  Again, I thinks:"Must be one of our friendly rat snakes".  The head emerged, revealing a broad, plated, triangular shape that looked oddly like a diamondback rattlesnake.  "Shit" says I, and I jumped away.  I had the presence of mind to pull the shelving unit over with me as I moved.  My dynamite crate full of antique glass telephone line conductors went crashing to the floor, shattering this way and that, and I gave not a fuck.  I learned years ago not to enter that barn without a farm implement nearby, and my trusty hoe was leaning near the door.  The snake was trying to exit from under the shelf, and looked enormous,  I beat the shit out of it with my hoe, smashing the head and eventually breaking the handle.  Then, I fetched a nearby shovel, carried the still writhing snake out in to the grass, and finished the job.  The crotalid, dead but still writhing, measured sixty three inches, and appeared to be in a family way.  I love snakes as much as the next guy, but that snake, in that barn, less than sixty yards away from the yard where my dogs and grandkids play-is going to die every time. I'm getting a little sick of rattlesnakes.  



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Damn.  I get why it died.  Not gonna lecture anyone that kills a venomous snake at a residence or whatever.  But I am not sure which is more upsetting, an incredible specimen dead or the destroyed antique glass telephone line conductors.  Boil the head for me and send me the skull.

1 hour ago, Patricio Swayze said:

I finally found an Eastern Hognose today.  He promptly puffed up and then shit himself, threw up his toad lunch and then played dead.





Fucking pussy snek !!!

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