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Stuffed Jalapenos my way....


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Your results may vary.  So, this is how I do it.  I use a pair of scissors to cut my thick cut bacon length wise.  I favor the smaller peppers, and an entire piece of pig is just too much for the wrap process.  Gut the peppers of the fibrous dividers and seeds of course.  Most of the time, I mix in some crushed pecans with my cream cheese.  I have been known to use chunk pineapple, apple or other fresh items.  I start by placing one end of the bacon over the open (where the stem once was) end of the pepper wrapping it under and sticking it with a toothpick.  Then I wrap towards the pointy end of the deliciousness and toothpick it near to the end as possible.  Cook in the air fryer or BBQ pit and enjoy.

So, if you gotta a better idea, ingredient, or way let's hear it.  Share your ideas.  Here some pictures if the process is clear as mud for your enjoyment.  Picture of the beans for tonite just to make you hungry.  BWHAHA...







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