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Posted (edited)

Picking up where we left off...

Moving from the Pack to the Troop.  Too bad there's not a sewing MB... I'm ready for him to take this up himself.






Monster went on his 1st Troop campout & also his 1st without Scouter Dad along for the trip.  I was hoping he would come back with all his packed stuff & would also make the full hike; they went  on a five miler.

 Here's all the new Boy Scouts minus 2 that went with an adult for an ice run:



& Here's his Patrol - they selected the name of "Cheeto Doritos" (Monster wasn't thrilled with that in the slightest, however I think he needs some adversity in his life & not getting his way & having to wear that name on his shoulder will temporarily be a good thing).  The other new Patrol is "Spec Ops" & they want a crosshairs logo for their Patrol patch.



The one 3rd from R in long, green pants was getting his derp on & apparently he's been selected as APL.  Let's see how well that goes... they are all only 11 or 12, so it's not anything too terribly off for dorktastic behavior.


We have Spring JSN training coming up this Wednesday & then a week after will have the actual event.  We got lucky out here in Sacred Springs & will have the training session closer to us vs. having to drive 45 min.++ over to Kyle.  I'm going to assist the Pack with JSN & hopefully we'll get a decent swell in #'s because only 12 Cubs attended the Spring Fishing Derby.


What's going on with y'all?

Edited by ROFL BOX

I didn't even know a scouting thread existed. Son joined cub scouts this past year as a Weblos I. I personally wasn't thrilled, I'm not into it but he wanted it and his Dad and Grandpa will be doing the camping and outdoor stuff with him. I did Girls Scouts for a few years as a kid but wasn't real gung-ho about it. I do appreciate the skills that the boy has picked up over the last few months. I think it's good for him and he loves it. Was actually a little moved watching the crossing ceremony and the Blue & Gold recently.


Awesome! The time spent with my son doing BSA was some of the best times of my life. His becoming an Eagle Scout really changed his outlook on life and his role in it. Enjoy the ride and always remember to let the scouts lead.

32 minutes ago, Txlc said:

Awesome! The time spent with my son doing BSA was some of the best times of my life. His becoming an Eagle Scout really changed his outlook on life and his role in it. Enjoy the ride and always remember to let the scouts lead.

Troop 101 is definitely a "boy led" group & I've seen this in action over the past few years.  From what I understand, the campout was a good example of this because the SPL & I talked briefly about Monster's participation & performance in the 5 mile hike; they had him as the pace setter due to him being the slowest one out there.  That he completed it is great because that's a requirement for the 1st Class rank.


To those who are new here in this topic, feel free to post up any ?'s y'all might have - someone is bound to have the right answer for you or know where to find it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Currently @ Camporee for Sacred Springs.

We're @ John Knox in Fischer. Wind last night was brutal & destroyed one of my foldng canopies (feet didn't get staked down).


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My son is a Weblos 1.  Sold camp cards last night(sold 14).  Gonna do it again on Thursday which should get him to the 25 required. 

Spring camp out was last weekend but we only went for the day as we had UIL at 7:30 Saturday morning. 

He likes it well enough. 

  • Like 1

Sold out his others to reach the required 25 in about 40 minutes.  

Camp cards are a pretty good deal.

cost 10$

you typically buy them outside the grocery store from the scout.

there is a 5$ off of 50$ spent right away.(assuming you are buying on the way in and would purchase $50

Then there are the other discounts

Mainly you are reinforcing good relations between the community and young boys who are learning to sell, learning how to communicate with strangers in a semi-controlled environment.  Lots of damn fine people out there buying just to make the boys happy, and supporting a good program in Cub Scouts.


  • Like 2

Should be heading to an Eagle C.o.H. today @ 1400.


I think this will be the 1st "official" CoH event for Monster as the 1 prior was just a low-key handing out of the patch & medal (presentation box) @ a Troop meeting & I had earlier posted pics on Shag of a similar mild action @ a Troop meeting I went to when visiting my Dad in Virginia.


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Addendum / edit: pics from the CoH. I attended with a Silver Beaver friend of my Dad's - Jack used to write for Boy's Life & I had posted pics on Shag 1.0 about his collection of Scouting ephemera, he has over 75 different Woggles, 300+ Scouting mugs & so much more. It's all in his basement.b0fc990a1e4891e0716d997dcc365e6b.jpgc2fd6ef985a919541bf16e2a01bd468b.jpg


My son had his Eagle Scout Board of Review on Monday night. Five adult Scouts grilled him for almost an hour about his Eagle Project, Scouting career and future plans for "life."  He was well prepared (I've sat in on several before, so was able to impart some advice) but it was rather nerve-wracking wondering how he was doing in there (parents do not attend).  He did pass and has now joined the Eagle brotherhood. And today is his 18th birthday. Whew, that was close!

If anybody on Da Surls has a Scout coming up on this process, I'm happy to talk you through it. 

  • Like 6

Good on ya, Native.

Know what they call an Eagle who Eagles @ age 14+ 1 day?


Know what they call an Eagle who Eagles 1 day before their 18th birthday?


8 hours ago, Native Horn said:

My son had his Eagle Scout Board of Review on Monday night. Five adult Scouts grilled him for almost an hour about his Eagle Project, Scouting career and future plans for "life."  He was well prepared (I've sat in on several before, so was able to impart some advice) but it was rather nerve-wracking wondering how he was doing in there (parents do not attend).  He did pass and has now joined the Eagle brotherhood. And today is his 18th birthday. Whew, that was close!

If anybody on Da Surls has a Scout coming up on this process, I'm happy to talk you through it. 

Congratulations to you and your son Native.  Mine sat for his 4 days before his 18th last Nov.  Probably gonna wait till school is out and graduation over before we do his Eagle COH.  


Posted (edited)

Went to another CoH today, it's for the Scout in our Troop who I did the roof installation for on his "insanely awesome over the top" bulletin board project @ their church.


Not that I thought the food @ the last one was bad, but this one had Salt Lick Q (sausage, brisket, slaw, beans, tater salad)... I knew it was them by the slaw / tater salad & mustard-y Q sauce.


This particular Scout is aiming towards med school & from what I've seen of him, he's going to be successful.  Has 2 of the High Adventure locations under his belt + Philmont / Tooth of Time & managed to get his BSA Recruiter strip as well.  Also in OA.  Quality Scout all the way around.


In other news, I finally swapped out my red / white Cub Scout #'s for the BSA "unified" version.


Monster is 11 & took the pic in front of this Eagle project, so no real apologies for the out of level issues.

Also, you'll noticed that when I sew on patches, they don't get much chance to come off.











Edited by ROFL BOX
Added pics.

Next up is a larger hook & loop section that goes under the Troop #'s (soft side on the shirt) that will cover the old sticky stuff that left a very visible mark & will also hold a patch for whatever role I take on in the Troop past "Committee".

  • 2 weeks later...

I just put mine and my kid’s names in the hat for Philmont next summer with our troop. He’ll barely be old enough but his next chance to go would be at 17 so we are going to try to knock it out this summer. This is what I got involved with scouts for. The ceremonies, merit badge classes, local campouts, and esprit de corps stuff is all fine but I’m in it for the backpacking and wilderness. Can’t wait!

  • Like 1

I'm getting highly pissed  off @ TapaTalk & my inability to login as that's where 90% or more of my pics came from when on Shag & I am a frequent Tapa user when away from the house & out working.

Next up in my list of grievances is our newfound hassle with posting pics from other sources; it's a crapshoot as to what works & what doesn't.

On 5/2/2018 at 7:59 AM, zork said:


Dropping the word 'boy' from BSA, from Boy Scouts of America.  Guess it is what they had to do if they were going to have both genders.  End of an era it seems.

I guess. There will be some challenges, no doubt, but most of the world (other than the Middle East, it seems) have figured out how to make Scouts co-ed. I have faith we'll figure it out as well. 

Our Troop appears to be the first in our Council to have girls join (2 are in the wings, as they can't really officially join in on the activities until next year). 

6 hours ago, Txzen said:

I guess. There will be some challenges, no doubt, but most of the world (other than the Middle East, it seems) have figured out how to make Scouts co-ed. I have faith we'll figure it out as well. 

Our Troop appears to be the first in our Council to have girls join (2 are in the wings, as they can't really officially join in on the activities until next year). 

From my understanding, ALL Troop level activities will  be 100% gender segregated Troops & if you want to be coed, it has to be within the confines of Venture Crew, Sea Scouts, STEM Lab & for CUB Scouts, you can have a gender integrated Pack however all Dens are gender segregated (unless  you want a fully boy or fully girl Pack that is 100% girls & 100% boys).

8 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

From my understanding, ALL Troop level activities will  be 100% gender segregated Troops & if you want to be coed, it has to be within the confines of Venture Crew, Sea Scouts, STEM Lab & for CUB Scouts, you can have a gender integrated Pack however all Dens are gender segregated (unless  you want a fully boy or fully girl Pack that is 100% girls & 100% boys).

I haven't been following the changes.  Weren't Venture Crews and Sea Scouts already gender integrated? I wasn't familiar with STEM Lab, so I haven't any clue.  Is the cub program the only major change?

Of course, I expect it will gradually become more fully integrated in time.


Latest item:  LDS (Mormons) will be dropping out as Chartered Orgs. effective Dec. 21 2019.

As it is, NO LDS Scouts ever camp in the outdoors.

A Cub Scout age boy CAN go camping, just not with his den or pack, like would be done in Cub Scout packs not sponsored by the LDS church. ... It could be with his immediate family, with extended family, on a ward campout, or even on a “Father's and Son's” camping trip.  But not as any kind of an official Scouting opportunity.

A requirement to receive Eagle Scout is to receive their Camping merit badge & that requires @ least 20 nights.  LDS Scouts have somehow been waivered on this requirement.
That is ONE example of how Scouts BSA has catered to LDS for quite some time now.
I'm not exactly sorry to see them go as an official LDS connection to Scouting.
Additionally, LDS kids of the appropriate age are not precluded from joining any "regular" Scouting organization, so the big difference & why we're taking such a large hit to membership is Mormon kids are REQUIRED to join Scouts & remain part of Scouts until they hit 18 years old (& the next requirement for them is going on Mission).
3 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:

Latest item:  LDS (Mormons) will be dropping out as Chartered Orgs. effective Dec. 21 2019.

As it is, NO LDS Scouts ever camp in the outdoors.

A Cub Scout age boy CAN go camping, just not with his den or pack, like would be done in Cub Scout packs not sponsored by the LDS church. ... It could be with his immediate family, with extended family, on a ward campout, or even on a “Father's and Son's” camping trip.  But not as any kind of an official Scouting opportunity.


Never really worked with any LDS scouts, as their troops were homogeneous.  I know in years past, some LDS troops attended summer camp at LPSR.  Instead of attending Sunday through Saturday, they didn't arrive until Monday. Not sure when this changed.

I did work with two LDS scouters in WoodBadge courses, one a member of a patrol I counselled, another as a fellow course staff member.  Both were good to work with.  The staff member was an especially hard and innovative worker.  The only restrictions I remember them having at that time was they couldn't participate on Sundays (had to be at their own services at home) and they couldn't wear shorts (immodest, I guess.)  Although shorts are part of the standard WB uniform, they were exempted. They were able to camp the same as the rest of us, bar Sundays.

12 hours ago, abuelo gringo said:

They were able to camp the same as the rest of us, bar Sundays.

Did not know about LDS'ers not including camping as part of their Scout programs. Interesting.  Sometimes I like to camp at the bar on Sundays too.  


Clarifications on BSA name and gender issues:

May 3, 2018

The Boy Scouts of America organization name will continue to be Boy Scouts of America. It is not changing.

Reports started circulating on Wednesday, May 2, concerning the update to the Boy Scout program name. That program currently serves boys ages 11 through 17. Beginning February 2019, the Boy Scout program name will change to “Scouts BSA” and will begin serving girls, as well as boys. 

Under the new name of “Scouts BSA,” that program, which is the same iconic program it has always been, will continue to offer Scouting in single-gender troops, through which Scouts – ages 11 through 17 – can work to earn the Eagle Scout rank.

Before, during, and after that program name change, the overall organization name will continue to be Boy Scouts of America.

Both male and female participants in the Scouts BSA program will be referred to as “Scouts,” just as boys now in the Boy Scout program are often referred to as “Scouts.”



You can find more information about the announcement at Scouting Newsroom and Scouting Wire. You can find more details about welcoming girls to Scouting at www.scouting.org/familyscouting


Scouts BSA Troops Will Be Single-gender Troops


Concerning the single-gender troop structure in the Scouts BSA program, it will be as follows:

Troop structure will remain single gender, meaning a Scouts BSA troop will be made up of all boys or it will be made up of all girls. There will be no co-ed or mixed troops. Boys and girls will not be in troops together. Boys will be in troops with only boys, and girls will be in troops with only girls. 

This will take effect during a scheduled launch on February 1, 2019. 

Find more information about Scouts BSA at www.scouting.org/familyscouting.


Cub Scout Dens Will Be Single-gender Dens

The Cub Scout program, which serves youth ages 5 through 10 and had been available to boys since 1930, started serving girls in January 2018 through an Early Adopter program. Cub Scout registration will become available to boys and girls and in all councils starting in the Summer of 2018.


At the Cub Scout level, den and pack structures are as follows:

There will be three types of Cub Scout packs: all-boy packs, all-girl packs and packs that include a mix of girl dens and boy dens. Cub Scout dens will be single-gender: all boys or all girls.

This hybrid model builds on the benefit of a single-gender program while also providing character and leadership opportunities for both boys and girls.

For more information about the Cub Scout program, please visit www.scouting.org/programs/cub-scouts



Yes, girls and boys belong in Scouts


The civilizing lesson I learned at Camp Cherry Valley was that young men are better when there are young women around. The lesson I have learned since is that we shouldn’t allow girls in Scouting because of that, but because everyone deserves the experience of Scouting. At its core, Scouts is a machine for getting children in touch with the young adult inside them through exposure to nature, labor in service and the acquisition of practical skills. Every kid needs this.

I'm not sure I know enough to agree with the first sentence yet (ask me in a year). But I wholeheartedly endorse the ending point.

  • 2 months later...

Well, we're about to start in on a new Scouting "year".  I wasn't able to make Roundtable tonight because I had a repair project going on out here in Drip. 

I've been asked by the District Training Chair to take on a couple of the modules for BALOO that's coming up in December, so I'm going to step in for this & should have a good time doing it.  I enjoy meeting new Scouters & hopefully can impart some of the fun attitude that they can take back to their Packs.

I'm still scheduled for WoodBadge for the 2nd weekend of October @ Tom Wooten / Lost Pines, however a hiccup has come along.  My Dad's ashes internment in Arlington National Cemetery is possibly going to happen in October, however we don't actually have anything confirmed NOR even remotely confirmed... all I know is when my Stepmother called (because she hadn't heard anything @ all), they said "don't hold us to this, but ...maybe... in October.

So I've got my registration for WoodBadge locked in, but then if Arlington happens, I may end up with a short time to book a flight (we're on around 1 week ago that I heard about October) & it could be mid-week, which becomes an issue because my wife doesn't want the kids to miss any school.  Currently looking @ just under $ 1,500.00 for the 4 of us; $ 374.00 per head round trip w/ taxes, fees, etc.  That's the "book it now" flight & on a Wanna Get Away; the "Anytime" fare is $ 625.00 each... LEG.  

That means if I make a guess & get it right (fare noted is for a depart AUS 04 Oct. & return 09 Oct. (would be nice to get "celebrate the lost Italian guy" day in there as a no school bonus), but then that's just a random dart @ this moment.  I asked my Dad's Silver Beaver friend who is in his Council & Jack @ first said that I should keep up with the WoodBadge schedule, but then a day later he called back & said that in talking to his wife, she thought that Dad would want me to attend Arlington, especially because I / me / the family were not able to attend the memorial service in Lexington.

I really hope it doesn't affect WoodBadge (2nd weekend in October) but unfortunately it's just a waiting game right now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  For any of you Shaggers with Kinder or older Elementary aged kids about to go back to school, keep your eyes & ears open for announcements for JSN opportunities @ your schools (Join Scouting Night).  If you are @ a private school that doesn't have a Pack "attached" to you, go online to
http://beascout.org/ & use your zip code to find a Pack near you.  Please remember that you are NOT restricted by your address, your school that the Scout attends nor the religion you do (or do not) practice.  The only issue you might come across is if you have a girl who is interested in Scouts, you will need to find a pack that IS allowing mixed gender Dens or will be a girls only Pack.  I just tried out the website & it's kinda Borked on providing actual results, so hopefully it will be operable for those who go there to check it out.

So... what's up with everyone else this Scouting season?


Timely bump. LSS jr is starting first grade a week from Monday. Meet the teacher is next week sometime. Last year, there wasn’t a kindergarten troop at our elementary so he’s been waiting a year to join scouts. We’ll sign him up at meet the teacher. I wasn’t in scouts growing up so interested to see what it’s going to be like. Hopefully it will be as fun and educational and character building as is portrayed.


We skipped cub scouts and webelos and joined a Boy Scout troop when my kid entered 6th grade. It’s kind of low-priority for my son. He likes it and I love the mentoring he gets from the older boys. But sports often gets in the way and that’s a bigger priority for him. We sometimes go several months without attending a meeting or campout. But he still progresses.  

Tomorrow we head to the Florida Keys for Seabase.  A week of sailing around the Keys, fishing, snorkeling. My kind of camp.




@Chuychanga, if he hasn't been progressing all that fast (has to @ least be 14 & 1st Class for any High Adventure), going to Sea Base will probably get him hopped up & he will come home with a couple of  new Merit Badges (assuming he doesn't already have them). 

Our Troop had a contingent that went to BTSR (Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch) in the Davis Mountains & 1/2 of that group did Calvalcade [6 solid days of horseback riding].  After returning & a week off, another large group & pretty much all of the Calvalcade crew went to Sea Base Bahamas.

My son didn't do summer camp - hasn't ever been, actually, even though I tried to get him to go.  When he saw the pictures & merit badges that were earned, it bummed him out almost to the point of wanting to quit because he didn't feel like he was part of the Troop.  Once he completed his requirements for Scout, that changed things up a bit & he was more excited to get his Scout patch @ the summer Courts of Honor than he was for any other rank in Cubs & I think even more than his AoL.  


LSS, be prepared for the Pack to ask if you (or any new parent, actually) is interested in a position within the Leadership group.  @ A minimum, I suggest Assistant Den Leader.  A lot of people freak out thinking "I'm no teacher" but the program is VERY forgiving & is designed for pretty much everyone to step in as a new  leader with zero experience.


Would love to do something like that ROFL but am worried my business travel schedule will prohibit that level of involvement. I coach his spring and summer baseball teams now and will continue to do so as long as he wants to play. Not sure how much time outside of that I’ll have left with traveling for work. I’ll do whatever I can though with the time I do have available. 


If that's all the penance required for being a sooner, I'll happily take it and move on.  :)  In all seriousness, I'm really looking forward to scouts the next few years.  Think it will be awesome to be a part of it with my son.


Just finished the new YPT and den leader training (before first den meeting).  That took way longer than I expected; probably 4 hours.  This will be our second year and my oldest son will be a Bear.  I have a 4 year old boy also that we took with us on our Lexington trip last year.  I see many many years of scouting in my future, so I decided to get involved with the committee as Pack Trainer last year and Den Leader or assistant this year.  I'm also coaching an i9 basketball team and a soccer team.  My weekends are gonna be crazy.


Elvis, +repped!!

Glad you're involved with the Pack.  The worst is someone who bitches about stuff (whether grumbles to their spouse or to other parents in the Pack) but they aren't willing to put in any  work to make things better or help in any way.

Let me tell you one secret to getting parents involved:  Don't find yourself @ a Pack meeting & generically ask "who can help", go up to a Pack parent & specifically say "Hey, we need ____ for around 4 hours @ ______ event; can you do that?"  Then another task, maybe run the Blue & Gold sign in table, ask someone to handle that one thing, etc.  Do this for all the simple things & you will get some assitance easily.  Chip away @ someone bringing firewood for a campout, another person to run the computers @ Pinewood Derby, someone else for bringing cars back from the end of the race track up to the sorting tables, etc.


That's what worked for me as CM.
PS:  Still haven't heard anything about October, so who the hell knows.


I had an interview Tuesday and the guy and all 5 of his brothers made Eagle, one of them the day before his 18th.  I used your line here and he got a kick out of it.  The dude has 3 sons and not a lick of scouting for any of them.  WTF?

On 4/18/2018 at 8:00 PM, ROFL BOX said:

Good on ya, Native.

Know what they call an Eagle who Eagles @ age 14+ 1 day?


Know what they call an Eagle who Eagles 1 day before their 18th birthday?




@Snacks, we are all pulling for you.

Are you gonna assist & join the Troop Committee?  Also, did Light Snacks get his AoL?


@ Tuesday's Troop meeting, I led 1 of 3 groups in a sewing campaign.  Mine was on needle & thread & how to put velcro onto the back of a patch (for rank swap-outs, assuming the Scout doesn't get too big for the shirt).  I use "Peel and Stick Fabric Fuse" & apply a small patch of it to the back of the patch & that works infinitely better than stick pins.  One of the Scouts had actually sewn on his own Scout rank patch & I was glad to see he took the initiative (his Dad was the Patrol Leader for Monster's AoL year & my Asst. Patrol Leader for their Web1 year... DL for his Bear.


Baseball season is ramping up & the team Monster is on has Monday & Wednesday practice, so our Tuesday Troop meetings appear to be safe for the moment (unless we get a make up game on that night).


Grateful for this thread, and included intel.  We are planning to sign up for Pack 90 Tigers tomorrow night!  A little nervous and don’t know what to expect...I wasn’t a scout but grew up in the woods (hunting, fishing, camping, bushcraft).  Any recommendations on how to balance pace of the program with our own outdoor activities?


I'll never forget my scout "dad" experience 10 years ago.

I took my nephew.  His parents went to a UT/OU game.  I was a good Uncle.

It was all moms and me and a few other guys.

It was at the boy scout camp in Bastrop.

There wasn't really a campfire and cooking.  They had catered BBQ and in the morning they had an oven for sausages, and made chocolate chip pancakes.  I helped make the batter.

That's some St Andrews scout troupe for you.

It was hot dogs and scrambled eggs when I was a kid. 

1 hour ago, BNB said:

I'll never forget my scout "dad" experience 10 years ago.

It was all moms ...

I helped make the batter.

It was hot dogs and scrambled eggs...

You have my attention!  


Just back from Pack 55 recruiting event. My son seems ready to join as a Tiger. Primarily because his friend from school is joining (his friend has older siblings already active).

It was a nice recruiting event hosted at Northwest District Park. We shall see where this leads. I have no scouting experience or background

11 minutes ago, swraith said:

Just back from Pack 55 recruiting event. My son seems ready to join as a Tiger. Primarily because his friend from school is joining (his friend has older siblings already active).

It was a nice recruiting event hosted at Northwest District Park. We shall see where this leads. I have no scouting experience or background

The  program is VERY forgiving.  It is designed for people who have zero educational experience & simply have a desire to be active in their kid's life.  The cool part is that you get to do all the stuff your Scout does, even into Boy Scouts where you can attend High Adventure along with them.


If you have an opportunity to be a Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader, I say go for it.  Or maybe simply join the Pack Committee as an "at large", whatever.  Help run Pinewood Derby... bring firewood to campouts... do @ least ONE THING & you will be appreciated.


Congrats & have fun.

12 hours ago, BNB said:

I'll never forget my scout "dad" experience 10 years ago.

I took my nephew.  His parents went to a UT/OU game.  I was a good Uncle.

It was all moms and me and a few other guys.

It was at the boy scout camp in Bastrop.

There wasn't really a campfire and cooking.  They had catered BBQ and in the morning they had an oven for sausages, and made chocolate chip pancakes.  I helped make the batter.

That's some St Andrews scout troupe for you.

It was hot dogs and scrambled eggs when I was a kid. 

Is your nephew still in Scouts?  That seems like a horrible Pack (back then, anyhow).  Unless the kids raised a shitload of $$ in popcorn sales & that was the reward, I would NEVER do something like that with a Pack I had leadership with.

12 hours ago, Doc Reeves said:

OA Eagle Scout, silver Palm reporting in!


Love the pics! I sure do miss camping and stuff

If you don't have any kids currently in Scouts, have you ever considered being a Scouter for a Troop or even Pack in your area?


No. He's 16 now.  My other nephew is 10.  He's still in scouts, but I haven't been invited to camp with him yet, but he enjoys it, and he is the not smart kid, so the poor guy is going to one of the best public schools and in the troupe there.

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