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49 minutes ago, ROFL BOX said:

If you don't have any kids currently in Scouts, have you ever considered being a Scouter for a Troop or even Pack in your area?

Yeah man. I wish.

got pinched for possession of marijuana when I was 26 so that pretty much flushed that part of my life. 

My greatest regret  


I got it expuncted a few years back but because I took a plea I couldn’t get it expunged and that distinction was important at the time. 

I was basically told I would never be able to serve on a PTA let alone be a part of the Scouts in Texas ever. 

Idk. Maybe stuff has changed now


I have fond memories. I never got into ranks or merit badges (got a few, sure), but if you needed a dude to set up a tent, build a fire, or swim a mile, I  was in.

Our scoutmaster was from Scotland so on our long hikes, as he'd walk back with his "Steady, lads! Joost a mile t'gae!", it would feel like we were on our way through the Khyber Pass and might be ordered to Form Square.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Today I went to the elementary school that the Pack draws from for the "official in school" Join Scouting Night & put stickers on all the kids (ALL... even the girls). 


Went to Round Table tonight & picked up my 2nd knot; this one for the Scouter's Training Award.



I wasn't able to assist the Pack with JSN, but I think the sticker activity helped - my 3rd time doing this & of course Monster is a Boy Scout now.


Also, I'm still scheduled for Woodbadge in 1 month & went to the orientation meeting last weekend.  I'm thinking that with 1 month's notice, Arlington National won't happen over the  Woodbadge weekend.


Webelos Woods for 2018 has been officially announced; the same weekend as my wife's high school reunion (Friday night social, Saturday night dinner / dance).


Guess Monster is going solo this year.

Going with the video game theme this go.


Paid the final amount for Woodbadge.  In the event Arlington comes up, I'm told a full refund can happen (probably minus the CC transaction fee(s) ) because there are around 10 people waitlisted - filling the slot won't be a problem.

  • 3 weeks later...

Started this thread a week ago & the site Borked out on me.  Finishing it up now.


Got back around 1530 a week ago today from an excursion to Camp Eagle out W of Rocksprings.  1,400 acres & we had a grand time.


19 Scouts, 5 of them were 1st Class & above, 4 Webelos & 10 within 6 months of crossing over.  Arrived around 1030 Friday night, heavy downpour.  We managed to get started right as the rain settled out & used my Milwaukee M18 Rocket Tower Light so everyone was able to get set up with a decent amount of visibility.  Everything was extremely muddy & it's always fun getting your tent going right on top of an ant hill you can't see (not me, but 2 other Scouts had this calamity).

Swimming, has a "blob" (I didn't take this pic; it was on the web but is the same as what they have @ this facility)


also has a water slide.  Water was quite cold, but not Barton Springs /Blue Hole cold.  The rain certainly didn't help the temperatures.  Also  has a water slide made of the same kind of material as the blob, but it didn't have a steep enough angle & people kept getting stuck even though it was hosed down.


They also have this insane "mine" area & it's where they dug out Caliche to make roads for the facility.  The mine area is where the kids did their Nerf battle & inside  it, there's a ropes course & the Scouts had a great time with that as well.


It was raining quite heavily & around 2230 when we got there; the last 30 minutes is a ragged Caliche road that's around 10 miles long.  Slow driving, lots of potholes.  By the time we got our paperwork handed in, the rain was a drizzle... a headache, but not as bad as it could be.  I had brought my Milwaukee M18 Rocket Tower light & with 3,000 lumens, everyone was able to get tents set up without as much hassle if using a flashlight in your teeth or a  headlamp.



The Scouts did some orienteering intros & got versed in taking a bearing & following that; the terrain made it quite difficult to zig & zag & then catch up to your exact original point to point line.  If the kids in our group of 5 were older, we might have been able to do leapfrogging but only 5 Scouts were over the age of 15.  The breakdown of the other 13 were 4 Webelos (2 AOL, 2 Webelos 1's) & 9 were within 6 months  of crossing over from Webelos & of that 9, 4 hadn't ever been in Scouts before.  BTW, of these 4 with zero experience, I see great promise in 2 of them - I'm anticipating an Eagle from those 2 as they are very interested in the program & already have 2 merit badges each.

Back to the orienteering... that has me interested in a high end compass & I kinda like this spiffy model right here:


The rain made things muddy, but dry air came in on Saturday (again, 1 week ago) & it wasn't too bad packing up Sunday AM.  I did open up & hang out the tents & sleeping bags, they got a full 6 days of air time.  Surprisingly, I was able to pack both tents up without much hassle (had a friend assist) & everything went back into their proper bags fairly easy.  The tent I used is a Kelty Camp Cabin 4; great space for only me, however I didn't bring a chair in my rush to pack (again, car camping), so I missed out on having an easier time dressing / changing, etc.  It's got a front  height of 6'2", so  plenty  of room to stand & it was fairly easy to get going as a one man operation.  Due to the tapered height, no gear loft but there are pockets in the front upper corners to place a flashlight.


They had showers fairly close by & I was able to get a hot one for Saturday night - that felt good after being soaked Friday night & having to air out my canvas Scout pants all day Saturday.

Moving on, we should have some organized Packs now & if you've got a new Scout, what's going on with your Cubs?

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone been to the Webelos Coyote Xtreme campout at Bovay before? We're going next weekend and I was wondering how different it will be compared to a regular campout at Bovay. 


I used to be an BEAR & a good old BEAR too
But now I've finished BEARING
I don't know what to do
I'm growing old & feeble, I can BEAR no more
So I'm going to work my ticket if I can

Back to Gilwell, happy land, happy land,
I'm going to work my Ticket if I can, if I can
Back to Gilwell, happy land, happy land,
I'm going to work my Ticket if I can!

Back home now after day 6 / weekend 2 of 2.

Now it's Ticket time.  Compared to most, my Ticket will conclude a bit quicker as I hope to have it complete by Blue & Gold (the Ticket revolves around the Pack that I was Cubmaster for).  The hardest part to show measurable results for is diversity as we're a community that is approx. 85% whitey & the next racial group down is Hispanic.  The language barrier is common in this subset & I'm trying to do some bilingual outreach for a Spring JSN or even a JSN through the C.O. because they have a Spanish worship service.  It seems that the only thing these kids do in the community & outside their family organization is playing soccer.

Anyhow, that's my current situation & I'm looking forward to getting this in action.



Checking in here.  Chad Jr.'s school is brand new, and they have no external support mechanisms for the school (no PTA, no Scouts, no Dad's group, etc.), so I'm on the ground floor of all of that. 

The Scouts said they couldn't help us get a pack going until we had a PTA.  Well, we got that Thursday.  So I'm excited to start working on getting a Pack up and running at the school.  I'll let you all know how it goes.



He's in kinder.  The school is currently PreK 4- 2nd grade, but it will eventually go up to 8th grade.  There are some Troops and feeder Packs around, but we want one affiliated with the school.  We're in Circle 10 Council, and we've been in contact with them.  Looking forward to next steps.  


http://CircleTen.org/ ?  Dallas area?


Please remind me / refresh us - do you have any prior Scouting experience?  Also, who @ Council have you been in contact with (i.e. what positions do(es) this person(s) have?)  Unit Commissioner?  District Commissioner?  District Executive?

  • 2 months later...

Despite his serious face here, my boy is super excited about pinewood derby today. He wanted to go with basically the same type of car as last year since we took 2nd in his den and 2nd overall for the pack with his minecraft car. The boy in his den that took 1st last year has been a no show at most of our meeting and events this year so he's convinced he's taking home the trophy this year. I've tried to temper is enthusiasm but he gets his competitiveness from me. 

This year, we made it a little nicer. We sanded all of our edges smooth and I painted it blue so the stickers would stay put. We also spent a lot more time on polishing axles to a mirror shine, breaking in the car with test runs and loads of graphite and I also set it up to rail ride. Since last year was our first, I didn't know what kind of track our pack had so his last car was set up to go straight but luckily they have a nice aluminum track that looks pretty new so hopefully our strategy this year pays off.




  • 2 weeks later...

There must be over a hundred Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts here at the Mabry camp out.  

Based on their agility at night, on a cloudy/moonless night at that, and apparently excellent nightsight, we are good for the zombie apocalypse.  

I’m sure I used to run full-tilt in the dark like that, but it’s still damned impressive.  

6 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

There must be over a hundred Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts here at the Mabry camp out.  

Based on their agility at night, on a cloudy/moonless night at that, and apparently excellent nightsight, we are good for the zombie apocalypse.  

I’m sure I used to run full-tilt in the dark like that, but it’s still damned impressive.  

Pro tip: 

GOLBERG G Premium Highly Reflective Tent Line - Available in 50 or 100 Foot Sizes



  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, & our Scoutmaster is stepping [down / aside] after Blue & Gold.  His son hasn't Eagled yet but is on track for sometime this year & is just now 16, so there is time.  I think Dad has been SM for around 3 years & IMO, he is a great guy for the role.

The current ASM isn't moving "up" because he likes to work more with the Scouts than the parents (even though I think he would be a great SM as well).  The fella taking over the role has no prior Scouting leadership experience, however I think he has a great temperment for it.  When this was announced @ the Troop meeting Tuesday night, the ascendant told me he was going to lean on me for help.  I think that is because I'm into more of the minutiae / fine print & overall nuts & bolts of Scouting rules, regs, etc.  I have no concerns assisting him & do obv. hope for the best.  My only concern (if that is even the right word) is him taking the top spot with no prior Scouting leadership experience.


If your new SM hasn't already,  make sure he is scheduled to take SM Position Specific Training , and review the BSA Sweet Sixteen and Guide to Safe Scouting.  Those three documents really lay out what he needs to do and be aware of when guiding the Troop Leader.  His main interaction should be with the SPL, and the ASMs.  Let the Committee Chair deal with parents.  

On 11/5/2018 at 1:45 PM, ROFL BOX said:

http://CircleTen.org/ ?  Dallas area?


Please remind me / refresh us - do you have any prior Scouting experience?  Also, who @ Council have you been in contact with (i.e. what positions do(es) this person(s) have?)  Unit Commissioner?  District Commissioner?  District Executive?

Sorry Box, I missed this.

Yes, Circle Ten Council.  

I was a Scout from Bobcat to Eagle.  My first real FICA-taking-your-money job was at a BSA summer camp.  But since I earned Eagle, I haven't been active at all.  That was not quite 30 years ago.  So I have a lot of catching up to do.

I've been in touch with our DE, who promptly got a job outside Scouting, and then restarted with the Regional Director.  Since I last wrote, we have the PTA on board as a sponsor and now we're looking at doing our first recruitment night in the next few weeks.  We won't have much time before everyone breaks for summer, but at least we'll be able to get a couple events/meetings in prior to then.



If there is a day Summer camp in your District, a selling item for Spring recruitment is the ability to attend day camp (usually only 3 or 4 days) if you're a registered Scout.  You should also try to get any & all Scouts to attend @ least ONE activity per month - 3 months - over the Summer so the Scout can get the Summertime Activity Award (patch).  Even if it's simply grilling hot dogs in a park, provided y'all get together this is available.


It's a great way too stay in contact with the Scouts & I'm sure the idea is to prevent drifting off & not coming back to the Pack.

For the Pack, it's beneficial to get folks in @ the Spring JSN (Join Scouting Night) & hopefully you can get some leadership now so that once Fall hits, there's a bit of structure already in place.  Once you're an established Pack, your Spring JSN can possibly get you a Lion or Tiger / Bobcat leader as well & carry them through & starting the Fall Scouting year.

What will your role be?  Cubmaster?  Certainly it's a large task to undertake as CM for a new Pack; once it's a rolling thing & maybe into the 2nd or 3rd year, whomever has the role should find that being CM is a lot easier than being a Den or Webelos Patrol Leader.

IMO, a Pack lives & dies on the Committee Chair.  The # 1 focus should be on getting your Charter (or Recharter on an annual basis) going & get those registrations in.  Be sure to ask the DE for assistance on that & the Unit Commissioner if the DE seems to be too green @ it.  Hopefully you have the UC on your short list of people you're in frequent contact with.  Attend Round Table when possible; There's only 4 of them left for this Scouting year.

If there is a day Summer camp in your District, a selling item for Spring recruitment is the ability to attend day camp (usually only 3 or 4 days) if you're a registered Scout.
For the Pack, it's beneficial to get folks in @ the Spring JSN (Join Scouting Night) & hopefully you can get some leadership now so that once Fall hits, there's a bit of structure already in place.  Once you're an established Pack, your Spring JSN can possibly get you a Lion or Tiger / Bobcat leader as well & carry them through & starting the Fall Scouting year.

What will your role be?  Cubmaster?  Certainly it's a large task to undertake as CM for a new Pack; once it's a rolling thing & maybe into the 2nd or 3rd year, whomever has the role should find that being CM is a lot easier than being a Den or Webelos Patrol Leader.

IMO, a Pack lives & dies on the Committee Chair.  The # 1 focus should be on getting your Charter (or Recharter on an annual basis) going & get those registrations in.  Be sure to ask the DE for assistance on that & the Unit Commissioner if the DE seems to be too green @ it.  Hopefully you have the UC on your short list of people you're in frequent contact with.  Attend Round Table when possible; There's only 4 of them left for this Scouting year.

Have y'all decided if you're going to have a Lion Den? (Kinder)  What about a Family Pack (girls)?  If no to either of those, be sure to have answers as to the nearest Pack that they CAN look to for those options.  If there's anything I can do to assist & will take less time than posting  here, send me a PM with your contact info & I'll call.

Congratulations on this patch that you get to wear:

  • Like 1

That's a lot of helpful info ROFLBOX.  I'll make a lengthier response when I have a moment, but I'm definitely going to take all the advice I can right now.  I have a feeling I've jumped into the deep end for sure!


Returned from Buescher State Park for the "Cutthroat Kitchen" campout; the Scouters were served pancake breakfast, grilled cheese lunch & steak kabob dinner.

After breakfast was served to us, the adults hit the 3 trails (3 groups of 2) & placed 3 cards along the trail (each Patrol had their own trail) in a very hidden / semi hidden / very obvious location with a trail map & clues written on there so they wouldn't totally blow past.  This was for the dinner portion; everyone got the same ingredients for lunch & I don't recall how the breakfast parts were decided upon.



Clues like "Don't let the clue stump you" for one that was hidden behind a cut Pine tree stump, etc.



This next pic is the ASM logging where we hid the individual cards.








Once they came back from their hikes (one was 1.53 miles, another around 1.75 & I think the 3rd was 1.8ish), they exchanged the 3 cards for ingredients.  The 1st Patrol to return got their 1st pic of seasonings / sauces; everyone got the same amount of raw material (steak, veggies).
We graded on:

  • overall participation from the various members of the 3 patrols
  • presentation (appearance + their description of what was served, how it was prepared, ingredients, etc)
  • originality
  • taste

Overall scores were a 63, a 51 & a 50.

- Blueberry pancakes (blended into the batter / pancake) w/ bananas arranged in an arc & fresh blueberries dotting the "V" areas where the bananas touched. (winner)

- Strawberry pancakes where the strawberries were reduced in the pan vs. a sugary compote that was squeezed out of a bag + also a banana added side.

- chocolate chip pancakes that were a semi-burn hot mess & sausage that was cut into an asterisk appearing shape (& one of them had some sort of tree shaving that somehow landed on there).  Sided with banana slices & the chunks shown in the pic was described as "brownie" but it seemed more like a piece of chocolate bar with chunks hacked off.



Food was prepared by 2 of the 3 Patrols via the new Chuck Boxes & damn those rigs are sweet.52113315_10218699746834484_8335074239132

(I'm posting some pics that are cross referenced via my post on FB, so please let me know if they doesn't show up).


Lunch (winner pictured) was

- Crisp bread, silky smooth with 2 types of cheese) & pan heated / mapled apple chunks.  (winner)
- Soft bread, looked crisp but maybe they used too much margarine? with pan glazed apples (cored & sliced), a 60 - 40 split with the mapled ones; the better sammich tipped this vote.

- An attempt @ a sorta pizza grilled cheese.  Bread top & bottom, interior with cheese & pepperoni + pizza sauce.  Did not work, was a concoction worthy of 3rd grade cafeteria.  Had peeled & sectioned oranges encircling.  Still ate.



1st place above.






3rd place / still ate pictured.




Dinner was

-Steak kabobs.  Damn near identical scoring for 2; the rice set it off for 1 out of 2 Patrols, 3rd Patrol didn't even show up with rice, had to make a hasty getaway & it took them close to 15 minutes to figure out how to make minute rice.  & Then their meat wasn't just cold, it was Tartare rare.  & After they left & came back with cooked food, they then figured out how to bring us MORE meat & ended up bringing over something like 6 additional servings.

They also made breakfast for us on Sunday, but that wasn't scored.

The winners got "The Golden Spoon" which is a plastic spoon spraypainted gold & had "2019" written with marker.  The spoon is to be placed in the pen slot for the L pocket (rank side).

The stuff done today completed around 90% of the work for the Cooking MB for all who went camping.

. . . . . .

The fellow who is taking the SM reins got to sit in on some SM Conferences, saw how that goes, was there while we had 4 newer Scouts go over stuff so they could check off boxes re: rank advancement to Scout (one of them is a friend of my son & this Scout is now in his 3rd week after deciding to bypass baseball this season).  Another of the "1st year Crossover" Scouts completed his 2nd Class stuff & he was very excited to get that going.

Weather was a big surprise because the forecast didn't call for it to be anywhere near as cold in comparison to what we got. 


On the other side of the reserved spaces area from where our Troop was, apparently there was a Cub Scout Pack from the Sam Houston Council & there were something like 50 Cubs that had ONE single couple set in the middle of the Cubs... I have zero idea how that happened, but I feel for that couple.


All in all, it was a great time.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Had the Spring JSN last night.

I went into the school cafeteria across all the lunches & we "stickered" every kid in there.  I had someone from Pack 4 come out in case we had any interest from girls (our Pack is not a "Family Pack" yet), none showed up.

I also had a fellow from Buda come over for any Hispanic kids & he brought his 2 Scout sons (one is Life & I didn't catch the other's rank but he is OA).  Dad is Venture Crew (he was in the green VC shirt) & I think he probably does Troop stuff as well.  Unfortunately, we didn't have any Hispanic in attendance.

Overall, we got 5 signed & 1 parent said "we will come to a meeting & check it out; I have 2 HS aged boys & I don't know if we will have the time".  Either way, 5 for a Spring JSN is a good number all the way around.

Having some Spanish family participation was one of my Woodbadge ticket goals (we were asked to promote diversity) so I will probably have to revisit that.


Had Blue & Gold + Step Up for Scouts on Saturday Night.  Troop got 4 Webelos Crossovers, all of them had probably every Adventure Pin & I think 2 of them have all of the NOVA / SUPERNOVA pins / patches, etc.

The Pack lost their Committee Chair to the crossover & I'm gonna do my best to support the incoming Chair.  Considering you're lucky to have a Chair that might get 4 years @ best in position, it's kind of difficult to keep a quality unit with that sort of turnover.

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

So last Thursday, we had our initial recruitment night for our Pack.  The elementary school PTA is our sponsor.  

We had 40+ kids sign up (some apps are still trickling in) and 6 adults sign up.  Obviously, we need more adults.  We're evangelizing hard on the parents to get with the program.  The Council is providing the leaders who have signed up already with training, which we are trying to schedule next week.  I'm going to wind up being the Pack Committee Chair.  

The interest from the Scouts is a bit overwhelming given our school is new and covers pre-K through 2 (eventually expanding to 8th grade on a year to year basis).  The Cubmaster and I who initially got the ball rolling are pretty excited about the turn out.  We were concerned we weren't going to meet the minimum number of Scouters/Scouts to get the ball rolling.  So far, we are looking at our first Pack meeting the end of this month,  and shooting for giving out Pine Wood Derby cars the end of May, with the competition the end of June to seal the kids' interest before the summer and so the current pre-K kids (we had a lot show interest, including the Cubmaster's son, but they can't officially be Scouts until June 1) are included.  

Have any of you dealt with setting up accounts for your Scout unit?  We need to do that pronto, but I'd like to hear about any pros/cons to the financial organization your units use and how you got those implemented.  I have a Treasurer lined up who is an accountant, but he's completely new to non-profit and the business side of Scouts (as am I).  We're both Eagles, but haven't been active in a long time (as I'd mentioned previously), so our experience is on the Scout side, not the Scouter side.



What software program are y'all going to use for personnel (Scout) management & tracking?  I was a fan of ScoutBook however the committee chair soured on it for reasons I don't even remotely understand.  She switched over to something like ScoutTrack, but from what I understand Scouts BSA prefers ScoutBook (or @ least I think they give the most support & it's a more seamless system when integrating for rank advancement, printing award orders for your local Scout Shop, etc).


Anyhow, I think getting on board with a software process for Scout information is going to be a paramount decision.  Get in there now & it might make things easier for you.  & Great work for a Spring JSN with that kind of membership to start.

38 minutes ago, ROFL BOX said:

What software program are y'all going to use for personnel (Scout) management & tracking?  I was a fan of ScoutBook however the committee chair soured on it for reasons I don't even remotely understand.  She switched over to something like ScoutTrack, but from what I understand Scouts BSA prefers ScoutBook (or @ least I think they give the most support & it's a more seamless system when integrating for rank advancement, printing award orders for your local Scout Shop, etc).


Anyhow, I think getting on board with a software process for Scout information is going to be a paramount decision.  Get in there now & it might make things easier for you.  & Great work for a Spring JSN with that kind of membership to start.

I didn't realize there were tailored Scouting programs.  We kept all our advancement on a big board.  


I'll have to look into those.  


3 hours ago, Chad Fuck said:

We are so green right now ROFL, you could see the new from space. 


we used scoutbook.  It is pretty good, if you have people at the den level and the org level to update the items respectively.  meaning you should get help and not expect each den leader to have to do everything. 

whatever you use, get your events on the calendar way ahead of time so people can plan.  check with the schools for dates like spring break, UIL competitions, holidays, etc, etc.  

den meetings should be set weekly or every other week on a set day of the week.  the pack should meet once a  month.  including the families is huge at the cub scout level.

good luck.

my boy just crossed over last week.  on to boy scouts!

  • Like 2
13 hours ago, ROFL BOX said:



Get on it right now & stop looking for funny shit to post on the LoL thread.

All things in moderation ROFL.  Let's not go crazy.

  • 3 weeks later...

Somehow I ended up as recruiting chair for our cub scout pack. Spring JSN is coming up. Funny enough my daughter is in girl scouts and has negative interest in cub scouts despite it now being open to girls. Quoth my 3rd grader ahead our recent spring campout (to which I dragged her along) on the Friday before "all the boys I hate are excited about going." LOL  


Going on a boyscout campout tomorrow. Our grubmaster decided to make it a vegetarian campout for the adults. Anyone have any ideas on some meat snacks I could bring or some meat I could add to the meals? I'm thinking beef jerky and some salami.

17 hours ago, CleverNickname said:

Somehow I ended up as recruiting chair for our cub scout pack. Spring JSN is coming up. Funny enough my daughter is in girl scouts and has negative interest in cub scouts despite it now being open to girls. Quoth my 3rd grader ahead our recent spring campout (to which I dragged her along) on the Friday before "all the boys I hate are excited about going." LOL  

I've done 4 JSN's; 2 Fall / 2 Spring.

Spring is a great opportunity to line up possible leadership for the Lion & Tiger / Bobcat Dens (assuming you're a Lion enabled Pack) + get some Q & A out there for those who don't understand the flow chart for a "Family Pack".

Got any questions for me?  One thing I did was get a large TV & plug it into a computer & run a looped slideshow of the activities our Scouts have done.  Maybe you've got a lot of pics of YOUR Scout & that's great, but also ask for pics from other Scouting parents so it doesn't appear as though your kid is the only one in Scouts.

  • Like 1
I've done 4 JSN's; 2 Fall / 2 Spring.
Spring is a great opportunity to line up possible leadership for the Lion & Tiger / Bobcat Dens (assuming you're a Lion enabled Pack) + get some Q & A out there for those who don't understand the flow chart for a "Family Pack".
Got any questions for me?  One thing I did was get a large TV & plug it into a computer & run a looped slideshow of the activities our Scouts have done.  Maybe you've got a lot of pics of YOUR Scout & that's great, but also ask for pics from other Scouting parents so it doesn't appear as though your kid is the only one in Scouts.

Tell me about the flow chart for a Family Pack.

We will be officially chartered today and have our first Pack meeting on Monday.

On 4/25/2019 at 3:54 PM, Chad Fuck said:


Tell me about the flow chart for a Family Pack.

We will be officially chartered today and have our first Pack meeting on Monday.


Sorry for the delay; had a busy couple of days & I had most of my image hosting on Photobucket & that went to shit in a handbag.

Hopefully this will load properly.



WWW Tonkawa 99 - Wine, Women & Whoopee

I went through my OA Ordeal around 1980 out at Lost PInes.  Was nervous as all get-out at the secrecy of it all, but had a pep in my step when I got that OA sash.  Good times.

  • Like 1

What is the consensus on having parents help with selling girl scout cookies to the public? My wife was a girl scout and she refuses to buy cookies from scouts who have their parents ask us rather than the girls themselves. 

3 hours ago, HRSchenker said:

What is the consensus on having parents help with selling girl scout cookies to the public? My wife was a girl scout and she refuses to buy cookies from scouts who have their parents ask us rather than the girls themselves. 

I think it is fine for the parent to walk with the kid selling door to door.(recommended for safety)

At the office it should be low key, make a no pressure announcement.  Many people actually love the cookies.  It is like crack to some.  They sell themselves to a certain degree.  

If you like the cookies then buy them or maybe buy one box to support the kid and donate them somewhere.

A real estate lady in our neighborhood buys tons of "thanks a lots" type cookies to give as a thank you along with a thank you card for little favors.

My daughter, no pics but you can see one in the dog thread, has really grown in her ability to sell and/or present her spiel to people as she has gone door to door for the last couple years.(and she went with her brother the year before)

Buying the camp cards, the popcorn, the cookies, is something to support the kids going to camp, etc.  Plus it is a boost for self-esteem, etc.  I'm much more inclined to buy from kids now that I've seen mine go through the process.

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