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2 hours ago, crash_davis said:

that kid will either find a cure for cancer or do something causing the death of billions. that's cartoonish level of coincidence.

I've seen this movie. It doesn't end well for the world.

  • Like 1

his friends call him Tbags.  but yea, it would suck having this condition.





He was born with a small lump on his face but it has continued to grow and form huge flaps across his face, making it impossible for him to see. But Latif, who is in no pain and takes no medication, still worries his child will be born with the same facial condition.

He said: “We can’t afford to see a doctor now, we’re too poor. And no doctor in the past has told me not to have children. I can only hope and pray that our baby will be healthy.”
So how did this happen? 

The neurofibromatoses are genetic disorders of the nervous system that primarily affect the development and growth of neural (nerve) cell tissues. These disorders cause tumors to grow on nerves and produce other abnormalities such as skin changes and bone deformities. Although many affected persons inherit the disorder, between 30 and 50 percent of new cases arise spontaneously through mutation (change) in an individual’s genes. Once this change has taken place, the mutant gene can be passed on to succeeding generations. Scientists have classified the disorders as neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). NF1 is the more common type of the neurofibromatoses. In diagnosing NF1, a physician looks for changes in skin appearance, tumors, or bone abnormalities, and/or a parent, sibling, or child with NF1. Symptoms of NF1, particularly those on the skin, are often evident at birth or during infancy and almost always by the time a child is about 10 years old. NF2 is less common.



speaking of ballsacs

Scan of a 43-year-old man's swollen scrotum "that hung past the level of his knees and had begun to rot and ooze foul-smelling pus, a team of Texas doctors report." 



Ting-a-ling, God damn, find a woman if you can.
If you can't find a woman, find a clean old man.
If you're ever in Gibraltar, take a flying fuck at Walter.
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder like a Continental soldier?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they make a lusty clamor when you hit them with a hammer?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Can you bounce 'em off the wall like an Indian rubber ball?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a hollow sound when you drag 'em on the ground?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a mellow tingle when you hit 'em with a shingle?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they have a salty taste when you wrap 'em 'round your waist?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

Do your balls hang low? Do they swing to and fro?
Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow?
Do they chime like a gong when you pull upon your dong?
Can you do the double shuffle when your balls hang low?

14 minutes ago, crash_davis said:


that's a lot of sloots.



111111111111111         11111111111111111

11111  111111111          11111  111  1111111

11111111     11111         11111111     111111111

111111111111    1          1111111111111 111111

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1
56 minutes ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

If Latif is getting some from the Mrs., what does that say about Surly posters who can't

surly posters need to find wimmin with ballsac fetishes, or probably asshole fetishes since we're all assholes. 

his friends call him Tbags.  but yea, it would suck having this condition.

He was born with a small lump on his face but it has continued to grow and form huge flaps across his face, making it impossible for him to see. But Latif, who is in no pain and takes no medication, still worries his child will be born with the same facial condition.

He said: “We can’t afford to see a doctor now, we’re too poor. And no doctor in the past has told me not to have children. I can only hope and pray that our baby will be healthy.”
So how did this happen? 

The neurofibromatoses are genetic disorders of the nervous system that primarily affect the development and growth of neural (nerve) cell tissues. These disorders cause tumors to grow on nerves and produce other abnormalities such as skin changes and bone deformities. Although many affected persons inherit the disorder, between 30 and 50 percent of new cases arise spontaneously through mutation (change) in an individual’s genes. Once this change has taken place, the mutant gene can be passed on to succeeding generations. Scientists have classified the disorders as neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). NF1 is the more common type of the neurofibromatoses. In diagnosing NF1, a physician looks for changes in skin appearance, tumors, or bone abnormalities, and/or a parent, sibling, or child with NF1. Symptoms of NF1, particularly those on the skin, are often evident at birth or during infancy and almost always by the time a child is about 10 years old. NF2 is less common.

And he's still getting laid.

CSB when I was a kid (in a small town, not city) the guy remodeling our house had transmission problems with his truck, and it would only work in reverse.  He drove it around all day in reverse going back and forth to the lumber yard and to eat lunch.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

4 hours ago, Incredulity said:


That Cory Haim can still drive like a boss.  

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

CSB when I was a kid (in a small town, not city) the guy remodeling our house had transmission problems with his truck, and it would only work in reverse.  He drove it around all day in reverse going back and forth to the lumber yard and to eat lunch.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

CSB I was that guy.  Well not that guy, but a guy.  Lived about 3/4 mile from high school.  There were back roads so mostly just people looking on in disbelief as I drove home in R.  One stretch of about 100 yards was on a main road.  That video was way more intense.

Turns out trans had no first (too many power drops?), so the next day and every day beyond until repaired someone had to get out an push.

Edited by mulletpelini

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