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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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Just now, Buzzrock said:

I just see it as she was hired to do a job, not swear fealty to the GOP.

I agree. I think how she questions Kavanaugh will really determine her credibility going forward. If she kid gloves him, she will do some actual damage to her standing though.

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15 minutes ago, Blotto said:

Nah. Stupid, exploitable people that are pissed off that life didnt go their way are rolling off the assembly line every day. Hell the factory in college station is ramping up production.

I kind of think it is a baby boomer thing.  I am 50+ myself, but you must remember time marches on, and even though I am 52 I am not a boomer.  But what I can tell you from my experience starting out in the work force way back when, is that there was a definite difference in the mindset of workers even just a few years older than me that had nothing to do with experience or knowledge.  The best way I can describe it is that the boomers were much more team or company oriented to a fault and were pretty uptight about it. of course, this is a generalization of boomers and there are exceptions.

I also noticed it when I got older.  Boomers typically wanted to do a t-shirt or a flag for everything, even when it was just for a fishing tournament or something that really had nothing to do with being a team.

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New theory that I'm sure* will be coming out soon: Ford is obviously still obsessed with Mark Judge. She was hoping he'd be at the party all those years ago; she practically threw herself at him at the Safeway a few days later. This whole thing is just a play to get attention from him all these years later by this poor pathetic scorned woman. If she got him to come in to testify she might be get a chance to tell him of the torch she's been carrying for him since those glorious high school days. Poor Brett Kavanaugh is just an unfortunate victim in her calculating designs.



*Not sure at all. But it's not the most farfetched thing I've heard, either.

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24 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

agree. if she soft plays shit with him, it will no play well. but who the fuck knows. the handling of the entire matter most closely approximates a face scrub with fecal matter. so wont be surprised if decide to add some corn their diet. 

I don't think many people on either side will see any shades of gray.  The right will claim she was too hard on BK and let CBF off easy, and the left will claim the opposite.  It's one of the most infuriating things about modern politics for me.  I get it, I'm hardly a conservative, and I side with the left far more often than not, but for fuck's sake, I try very hard to at least consider both sides of an issue before passing judgement.  I'm not perfect, and maybe not even all that adept at trying to consider all the evidence, but I try.  Most people don't.  (I actually think most of us around here do actually try.)

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12 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I'm at work and unable to watch (but screwing around on Surly over lunch) and I'm confused as to the discussion around flying on a plane.  Are they trying to pin her on a fake excuse on why she couldn't be there on Monday?  In the grand scheme of things, does a 3 day delay matter much for a lifetime appointment?

They are trying to make her a liar

11 minutes ago, Dolemite said:

They should have done it way before now. Dems are just hoping that they can get through Nov and win the senate. That is all this is. 

WTF does that even mean?  GOP controls the schedule

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7 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



She is afraid to fly, but does so for her own pleasure...so she's not creditable as a witness.



“I travel for a living..: god I hate hotels”

”Oh where you staying on vacation next week?”

”Four Seasons”

”You fuckin lying whore!”

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20 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Don't disagree.  But she's obviously trying to poke holes in Dr. Ford's testimony.  If she treats Kavanaugh with kid gloves, it will not be a good look.

Mitchell is asking the questions that the GOP members have requested her to ask.  It’s not really her personal belief or even professional judgment on display.

No one said that she was iny need to be “neutral”.

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4 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

flake just commented "i want to see the whole hearing before commenting."

talk about a coward.

I don't understand this comment?  Why wouldn't you want to see or evaluate the entire testimony of both parties before weighing in with a comment for public consumption.  Flake's a fraud but there's nothing wrong with his comment.  

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14 minutes ago, G650 said:

I originally thought that, but now listening to how unprepared she was, I'm not so sure.

That aside, they don't get any sound bites of the republicans attacking Dr. Ford, who is coming off as a credible witness.  Her maintaing that it was BK is the salient point through out her testimony IMO.  BK is done IMO. 

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3 minutes ago, scottsins said:

Mitchell is asking the questions that the GOP members have requested her to ask.  It’s not really her personal belief or even professional judgment on display.

No one said that she was iny need to be “neutral”.

To elaborate:


Mitchell wasn’t given the task of “go price this woman is lying”.  Her task was “ask these questions that would make us look bad for asking.

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