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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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GOP guys, here's a tip...

Go in respectful. Start with your talk about how brave Dr. Ford was to come in and discuss her assault. Tell the world that you find sexual assault horrible and that Dr. Ford's testimony was moving and difficult to watch. Be a calm person. Be a level-headed person. Say, "It wasn't me. I believe Dr. Ford, but I know the person involved was not me. I wish her all the peace and healing in the world, and I have been an imperfect person in my life, but I am not the one who did this."


Be a screaming baby, I guess.

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  On 9/27/2018 at 7:25 PM, cabowabo said:

You pussies be sure to come back and post here when he gets confirmed.  


I'll be here. I will be unsurprised when he is.

This fucking guy is crying on camera and you think the libs are the pussies? The attempted rape victim was calmer and more composed than this snowflake bitch.

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