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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Thread

Hugo Stiglitz

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25 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I didn't suggest he was more believable than any other type of professor.  And, your standard of proof has jack shit to do with what others should require at this job interview.

He has an exemplary record as a jurist, one completely at odds with the claims being made about him now..  That should carry more weight than uncorroborated stories.  Hell, he may be the most sinister rapist since Ted Bundy for all I know.  All I’m saying is prove it.  

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1 minute ago, Jhawk said:

Chris Matthews of all people said it right and he actually said it in a diatribe about Obama...

I hate Matthews but he is 100% right and it is 100% not limited to obama.  It is absolutely everyone in government right now and that is what will end our democracy.  Not one side or the other getting what they want, even though I completely disagree with 80% of the dem platform.  There has to be give and take and I have zero clue how to achieve that other than giving 90% of the power back to the states so the federal government is so limited it cannot represent anyone except for defensive measures and infrastructure.


Agreed. Except for one small little problem- The idiots that vote.

It's pretty easy to smear the ever loving shit out of a good person by using half truths and deceptive ads during the run up to the election to get a far right or far left loon who will do whatever their party (or lobbyist) tells them to do. If you don't vote party line on an issue it will be used against you and then guess what you won't get reelected. It's a fucking shame as there are a ton of smart people on both side AND in the middle that would do a great job ACTUALLY looking out for the greater good but we in most case get stuck with the shit sandwich of the lesser of two evils especially at the state and local levels. 


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Just now, TtomTerrific said:

Hugo Stiglitz thought Trump was a Russian Operative and would not  be able to jam the court full of his judicial nominees to last generations after he is gone.





I wonder if Kavanaugh will be impeached before or after Trump.  Vegas should put out a prop bet.

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12 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

To me he will always be Cryin' Brett Kavanaugh, a whiny little bitch. The petulant child Supreme Court appointee of a petulant child president. The video of his tantrum before the senate committee will last forever. It's going to get replayed over and over again. He should never be allowed to live that down. 

I know it is sexy to take a stand on this but the truth is, no it won't.  He won't always be cryin' brett kavanaugh to you.  Because your everyday life will almost never be touched by him.  In 5 years you won't know who he replaced.  In 15 years if the court has the same amounts of conservatives on it that it does right now you'll look at the court and say "man it's been conservative leaning for a long time" but you won't say "look at the whiny bitch kavanaugh."  The reason why is because this is the soup de jour.  You'll huff and puff over your stew but it will cool when the dems take the house and then fail to impeach kavanaugh or even get a vote up to do so.  It's all optics and nothing more.  Once the leadership stops bitching about it you'll realize how little your life is affected by this nomination and you'll go to work the next day and go home to your kids.  Our government is an experiment and many people falsely believe they are a part of the experiment when they are actually just cheering for one of the scientists to get the reaction that pleases them on a closed circuit tv, far away from the experiment.  Nobody cares and you don't either so stop acting like it.

Edited by Jhawk
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3 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

His notion of how politics works is not based in reality. It's how he wishes it worked. 

We would be better off with a system that did not allow for divided government. 

 Do you not understand that the only systems that do not allow for divided government are authoritarian dictatorships?  Wait, of course you don't, that would explain half of your posts.

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Just now, Jhawk said:

I know it is sexy to take a stand on this but the truth is, no it won't.  He won't always be cryin' brett kavanaugh to you.  Because your everyday life will almost never be touched by him.  In 5 years you won't know who he replaced.  In 15 years if the court has the same amounts of conservatives on it that it does right now you'll look at the court and say "man it's been conservative leaning for a long time" but you won't say "look at the whiny bitch kavanaugh."  The reason why is because this is the soup de jour.  You'll huff and puff over your stew but it will cool when the dems take the house and then fail to impeach kavanaugh or even get a vote up to do so.  It's all optics and nothing more.  Once the leadership stops bitching about it you'll realize how little your life is affected by this nomination and you'll go to work the next day and go home to your kids.  Our government is an experiment and many people falsely believe they are a part of the experiment when they are actually just cheering for one of the scientists to get the reaction that pleases them on a closed circuit tv.  Nobody cares and you don't either so stop acting like it.

this actually is not true. people still carry water for robert fucking bork, dude. people remember the clarence thomas hearings. you know who we don't think about? neil gorsuch. kagan. sotomayor. alito. 

people will remember brett "i like beer" kavanaugh.

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1 minute ago, EMAWesome said:

 Do you not understand that the only systems that do not allow for divided government are authoritarian dictatorships?  Wait, of course you don't, that would explain half of your posts.

Oh, really? Explain how the UK has divided government. Or Canada. Or Australia.

I'll wait.

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49 minutes ago, MixtyMotions said:

Correct.  He needs to supply the name of the person who told him about the penis waving incident.  Perhaps that person saw the penis.  Or perhaps they heard about it.  Heard about it doesn't fly.

Maybe if the FBI questioned him, he would provide that name. 

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8 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

I know it is sexy to take a stand on this but the truth is, no it won't.  He won't always be cryin' brett kavanaugh to you.  Because your everyday life will almost never be touched by him.  In 5 years you won't know who he replaced.  In 15 years if the court has the same amounts of conservatives on it that it does right now you'll look at the court and say "man it's been conservative leaning for a long time" but you won't say "look at the whiny bitch kavanaugh."  The reason why is because this is the soup de jour.  You'll huff and puff over your stew but it will cool when the dems take the house and then fail to impeach kavanaugh or even get a vote up to do so.  It's all optics and nothing more.  Once the leadership stops bitching about it you'll realize how little your life is affected by this nomination and you'll go to work the next day and go home to your kids.  Our government is an experiment and many people falsely believe they are a part of the experiment when they are actually just cheering for one of the scientists to get the reaction that pleases them on a closed circuit tv, far away from the experiment.  Nobody cares and you don't either so stop acting like it.

The first thing anyone who was alive during the early 90s thinks about when they hear the name Clarence Thomas is Anita Hill.

This will follow Brett Kavanaugh for the rest of his life.

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I am just shocked that "DRAIN THE SWAMP!" really meant "do whatever is necessary to ensure Republican victories!".  That pathetic FBI "investigation" should concern all Americans, but fuck it. Go team. 

Also congrats to the GOP for being the only basketball player on the court going in for a layup, pausing to hear the Democrats bitch about if from the bench, then going ahead and making the layup. 

Hopefully there will be some hubris attached to this "victory" and it hurts them in November. 


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9 minutes ago, sachick said:

Maybe if the FBI questioned him, he would provide that name. 



These people have all been swarmed over by the two mega operations (pro and con).  Everybody already knows their story.  There isn't somebody out there holding up their hand saying "I saw Brett put his penis in Debbie's face but nobody will talk to me."  Instead there are people saying (in so many words), "I've got some dirt on Brett which I've told to 12 Dem K-Street layers as well as countless (hundreds) of Yale liberals, but the GOP Senators don't need cover from my piss ant allegations so the FBI won't talk to me., even with all the K Street lawyers working hundreds of left-wing media sources."

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Just now, MixtyMotions said:


These people have all been swarmed over by the two mega operations (pro and con).  Everybody already knows their story.  There isn't somebody out there holding up their hand saying "I saw Brett put his penis in Debbie's face but nobody will talk to me."  Instead there are people saying (in so many words), "I've got some dirt on Brett which I've told to 12 Dem K-Street layers as well as countless (hundreds) of Yale liberals, but the GOP Senators don't need cover from my piss ant allegations so the FBI won't talk to me., even with all the K Street lawyers working hundreds of left-wing media sources."

We'll find out in the inevitable hearings to follow.

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9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

This is exactly why I see the rush to confirm Kavanaugh as a wasted opportunity for Republicans 


Republicans, and really voters in general, thrive off of anger.  They don't really reward success near as much.  The idea that Republican voters will rally around this confirmation isn't really based in reality.  The "Republican wave" is because they are pissed off at how the Democrats were treating Kavanaugh.  That becomes moot once they "win."  Not saying some new issue won't arise by November that they can rally around, but I seriously doubt Kavanaugh plays a serious role in getting out the GOP vote.

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Just now, David Dennison said:

No, voter enthusiasm has. But that will change dramatically if he is confirmed.


The Republicans will need some other lightning rod issue to manufacture outrage over before the midterms.  What will it be? 

The democrat enthusiasm has a ceiling and they’re probably close to it already.  There are only so many potential voters to capture. 

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Shumer chimes in and reminds everyone why the "reasonable request for another FBI investigation" was never a "reasonable request"

When will the GOP learn to quit trusting any show of "good will" from these fucks and stop acting surprised when the music stops and they don't have a chair?

As Flake said..."there is no currency in reaching across the aisle"...and that happened long before this chump was our President. 

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21 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

The first thing anyone who was alive during the early 90s thinks about when they hear the name Clarence Thomas is Anita Hill.

This will follow Brett Kavanaugh for the rest of his life.

To be fair, that was a different time.  My parents said the same thing about bill clinton and hillary going after the women accusers.  The truth of the matter is that nobody cared about it in 2016.  That isn't a "but hillary" statement.  That is a statement on the grounds that the voter base changes.  You can always think of him as a cry baby if you want but someone who is turning 18 in december of this year is never going to think of him that way.

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2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The Republicans will need some other lightning rod issue to manufacture outrage over before the midterms.  What will it be? 

The democrat enthusiasm has a ceiling and they’re probably close to it already.  There are only so many potential voters to capture. 

The problem for Republicans is more people in this country fall to the left of center than to the right of center.

If people on the left are near the ceiling, they are in a lot of trouble.

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1 minute ago, TtomTerrific said:

Shumer chimes in and reminds everyone why the "reasonable request for another FBI investigation" was never a "reasonable request"

When will the GOP learn to quit trusting any show of "good will" from these fucks and stop acting surprised when the music stops and they don't have a chair?

As Flake said..."there is no currency in reaching across the aisle"...and that happened long before this chump was our President. 

That's called politics. Democrats cannot block this nomination. Kavanaugh's trouble is with Republicans.

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5 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

Shumer chimes in and reminds everyone why the "reasonable request for another FBI investigation" was never a "reasonable request"

When will the GOP learn to quit trusting any show of "good will" from these fucks and stop acting surprised when the music stops and they don't have a chair?

As Flake said..."there is no currency in reaching across the aisle"...and that happened long before this chump was our President. 

wait until the shoe is on the other foot.

you ain't seen nothing yet.

and the band plays on.

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He has an exemplary record as a jurist, one completely at odds with the claims being made about him now..  That should carry more weight than uncorroborated stories.  Hell, he may be the most sinister rapist since Ted Bundy for all I know.  All I’m saying is prove it.  

Oh look another new poster with the same message jumping right into the fray
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Oh, Hayden...you and I lived through 8 years of the shoe on the other foot...now the shoe is on this foot.

When the shoe was on the other foot, the populist backlash was so severe, the dude from the "apprentice" somehow became a candidate for President. 

Fanning the flames of tribal politics might not have been our best play. 

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Just now, TtomTerrific said:

Oh, Hayden...you and I lived through 8 years of the shoe on the other foot...now the shoe is on this foot.

When the shoe was on the other foot, the populist backlash was so severe, the dude from the "apprentice" somehow became a candidate for President. 

Fanning the flames of tribal politics might not have been our best play. 

those 8 years were nothing like what we've seen in the past 2.

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9 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

Shumer chimes in and reminds everyone why the "reasonable request for another FBI investigation" was never a "reasonable request"

When will the GOP learn to quit trusting any show of "good will" from these fucks and stop acting surprised when the music stops and they don't have a chair?

As Flake said..."there is no currency in reaching across the aisle"...and that happened long before this chump was our President. 


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