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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Why would she lie about something like this in a couples therapy session six years ago just to potentially tank a supreme court nomination? If anything, the fact she talked about this in confidence to a therapist so long ago only adds to her credibility, not detracts from it.

What the fuck is so sacred about a SCOTUS nomination?  You motherfuckers act like BK was chosen by Jesus instead of dotard.  A while back nobody gave a living shit about a SCOTUS nomination.  GOP senators wouldn't even meet with the nominee.  Fuck BK if he gets voted down/is forced to withdraw.  Tough shit motherfucker. 

Edited by Gil Bang
8 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Republicans are not going to fall into the trap of how our enemies want to portray us as mean whiteys questioning this woman. The coward is the accuser if she is not going to testify. She doesn’t dictate the proceedings. 

And Trump/the GOP senators are cowards for reducing to let the FBI investigate the claim.

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2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

You don't suppose a therapist can offer an education opinion as to whether it actually happened?

That, and it undercuts the assertion that Ford concocted this lie as a political stunt to keep Kavanaugh from being seated on SCOTUS.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

What the fuck is so sacred about a SCOTUS nomination?  You motherfuckers act like BK was chosen by Jesus instead of dotard. 

At this point if i was a dem it would have nothing to do with if he is qualified. I wouldn't want that guy confirmed after you drug him through this shit. 

Talk about one scorned/vindictive conservative judge lol. He will be to the right of Thomas now. 

Edited by dOUblewide
  • Fuck You 1

And Johnny Sack, who I believe has said he's a lawyer, still hasn't answered my question about whether he would let one of his clients be questioned by a mystery questioner who apparently has some knowledge of something and might be licensed to practice law somewhere in the country, might be from a law firm, might not, might be a  government lawyer, might be a political operative.  Who the fuck knows?  But Johnny Sack would apparently produce his client for that questioning.  

13 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Is your client Ford or the DNC?  Why should Ford care who questions her?

Surely you’ve been at a deposition before. If the other sides lawyer showed up and said thanks for coming but I’m not going to ask any questions, but this person who you don’t know, is not part of my firm, and have no idea their involvement in the matter is gonna ask the questions, would you allow that?

  • Like 1
Just now, lemonlime said:

And Johnny Sack, who I believe has said he's a lawyer, still hasn't answered my question about whether he would let one of his clients be questioned by a mystery questioner who apparently has some knowledge of something and might be licensed to practice law somewhere in the country, might be from a law firm, might not, might be a  government lawyer, might be a political operative.  Who the fuck knows?  But Johnny Sack would apparently produce his client for that questioning.  

If so the sack should face state bar discipline, or at a minimum a healthy malpractice suit. 

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15 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Well, the 3 eyewitnesses she named saying they had no idea what she’s talking about make it more than he said she said. 

Which is precisely why they should testify before the committee.

2 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

And Johnny Sack, who I believe has said he's a lawyer, still hasn't answered my question about whether he would let one of his clients be questioned by a mystery questioner who apparently has some knowledge of something and might be licensed to practice law somewhere in the country, might be from a law firm, might not, might be a  government lawyer, might be a political operative.  Who the fuck knows?  But Johnny Sack would apparently produce his client for that questioning.  

Yeah...wait to they roll out Laura Ingraham as the questioner. 


here's what this all boils down to:  The GOP is dominated by a bunch of geriatric old white men, who are 40 years past their prime and are fat and lazy to boot. 

If they really wanted to earn their salary, they could spend a few hours with a sexual assault "expert" and discuss how to question the victim and what is an appropriate or inappropriate question   They're almost all lawyers afterall.   

But the fat lazy old pricks aren't willing to put in the effort.  They are gonna mail this in and let somebody else do their work while they sit there and leak into their depends. 

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Why would she lie about something like this in a couples therapy session six years ago just to potentially tank a supreme court nomination? If anything, the fact she talked about this in confidence to a therapist so long ago only adds to her credibility, not detracts from it.

don't try to insert logic into this shitshow. you should know better than that


The same "Family Values Republicans" who crucified Bill Clinton for a consensual blowjob have elected an accused multiple rapist to the presidency and are blindly defending another accused multiple rapist for the Supreme Court.

All so you can overturn Roe v Wade.  All you "Small Government Republicans" care so much about legislating your morality that you don't even see that you're committing party suicide.  You'll get what you want on Roe v Wade.  And it'll be the death rattle of the Republican Party.  And you're too stupid to realize it.  The olds are dying and you've lost all of the youngs.

You amazing hypocrites.  History will not be kind.

  • Like 3
30 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

Is your client Ford or the DNC?  Why should Ford care who questions her?

I’m starting to seriously doubt your claim that you’re a lawyer. Because if you are, you really do suck at being one. 

2 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Perfectly reasonable to have the vote 1 day after the testimony after the Dems didn't even hold a single hearing regarding Obamacare. 

Well, this would be third time they’ve “scheduled” the same vote.  I’m sure there’s absolutely nothing that could emerge now to delay it even further.

3 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

They’re not even going to get what they want on Roe v. Wade.  

I have a feeling the Chief Justice is going to become public enemy number one when he sides with the liberal justices on landmark cases. I think he's the vote that will save Roe and that will make the right's heads explode.


Y’all know he’s gonna be confirmed, right?

It wouldn’t matter if someone came forward with a video of him actually raping someone, clearly identified perjury, and receipts showing that he was bribed by folks paying down his debts who now own him.

They’ll confirm him, because fuck you, that’s why.

What this is going to do to the SCOTUS as an institution is going to be unreal, and irreparable.


So the GOP is handing over the questioning to a third party and has already set a confirmation vote for the next day.   Seems pretty clear that the hearing is pro forma and not being held to actually assess Kavanaugh's fitness for the Court. 


This whole thing is ridiculous. All the republicans had to do was nominate someone who wasn’t a complete shithead and this thing would have sailed through. Instead, they nominate a member of the cast of revenge of the nerds and are now whining about how unfair it is that they dang just plum forgot that the 70’s and 80’s were chock full of sexual harassment and sexual assault (by today’s standards anyway).

These guys couldn’t organize a one car parade if you gave them a free car and street and they’re the ones in charge of this Country.

Absolutely fucking pathetic. 

Trump America!

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Y’all know he’s gonna be confirmed, right?

It wouldn’t matter if someone came forward with a video of him actually raping someone, clearly identified perjury, and receipts showing that he was bribed by folks paying down his debts who now own him.

They’ll confirm him, because fuck you, that’s why.

What this is going to do to the SCOTUS as an institution is going to be unreal, and irreparable.

You may be right but you don’t know this. We shall see. 

  • Like 1
Just now, Mojo Hand said:

So the GOP is handing over the questioning to a third party and has already set a confirmation vote for the next day.   Seems pretty clear that the hearing is pro forma and not being held to actually assess Kavanaugh's fitness for the Court. 

Leadership is taking a huge risk. They have no idea how a handful of Republicans are going to vote. They don't even know for sure if they have the votes to get out of committee.


We're still in the same place we were last week. Dr. Ford's allegation is credible. If somebody can come through with even minimal corroboration of the events that Dr. Ford has alleged, Kavanaugh is done. So far, every individual that she has named as potential corroborators of her story have denied any knowledge of even the existence of this party, some saying that they never attending any party with Kavanaugh ever. Thursday will be a circus and is totally for show. I think maybe 75% probability Ford shows. I think that the value in the predictit market is on the Kavanaugh as next SCOTUS appointment side. This is the reality.  

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15 minutes ago, Loco said:


Excellent news. GOP Senators are getting the message that the Republican base will not excuse or allow them to back away from confirming Kavanaugh. This is not about what’s true or not or whether what the accuser says has any veracity. It’s pure power and we better win. Having a 5-4 conservative majority is worth becoming the minority party for a while.

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Just now, David Dennison said:

Leadership is taking a huge risk. They have no idea how a handful of Republicans are going to vote. They don't even know for sure if they have the votes to get out of committee.

They wlll get out of committee, but there is uncertainty with the full vote./NAME THEM! 

Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

Excellent news. GOP Senators are getting the message that the Republican base will not excuse or allow them to back away from confirming Kavanaugh. This is not about what’s true or not or whether what the accuser says has any veracity. It’s pure power and we better win. Having a 5-4 conservative majority is worth becoming the minority party for a while.

One of those votes isn't concerned one bit about the base. 

And that 5-4 majority won't last all that long.

Just now, Iconoclast Texan said:

Having a 5-4 conservative majority is worth becoming the minority party for a while.

Wait until Ginsburg goes. Fucking heads will be exploding. 

  • Like 4
Yeah...wait to they roll out Laura Ingraham as the questioner. 
Maybe Hannity can put on a wig and ask the questions. 
Y'all are very funny, but Judge Jeanine IS a former sex-crimes prosecutor...
Just now, Anastasis said:

They wlll get out of committee, but there is uncertainty with the full vote./NAME THEM! 

Flake could railroad the whole thing in committee.  I don’t think he will but it would be awesome if that ends up being his legacy. 

Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Flake could railroad the whole thing in committee.  I don’t think he will but it would be awesome if that ends up being his legacy. 

You are a glutton for being disappointed by your chosen political white knights. 

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1 minute ago, Incredulity said:

He acknowledged the mistake and apologized.  Lighten up.

Nah.  I'm where I want to be on this one.   Enjoy your lightheaded laugh over that one. 

7 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Excellent news. GOP Senators are getting the message that the Republican base will not excuse or allow them to back away from confirming Kavanaugh. This is not about what’s true or not or whether what the accuser says has any veracity. It’s pure power and we better win. Having a 5-4 conservative majority is worth becoming the minority party for a while.



I know this is off subject, but does any person think that with the sentencing of Bill Cosby, with some sour on approving Kavanaugh at his point..?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

Since we're outsourcing, would you be OK with the Dem members hiring their own mouthpiece to question BK and the accuser?

The Dems don't want somebody to GET facts or testimony.  They want somebody to GIVE testimony - not about what happened 36 years ago, but about the horrors of the way women are treated.  They want a trial on sexual harassment, not on Kavanaugh.  They want to give ten campaign speeches - speeches that make the case for them personally, not for Dr Ford.


So, there's no chance they want to give their mic to somebody else unless it's an "expert witness" on sexual harassment.

Edited by MixtyMotions
Excellent news. GOP Senators are getting the message that the Republican base will not excuse or allow them to back away from confirming Kavanaugh. This is not about what’s true or not or whether what the accuser says has any veracity. It’s pure power and we better win. Having a 5-4 conservative majority is worth becoming the minority party for a while.

And that, people, is exactly what I said. A 5-4 majority with the result being that the controlling body of an entire branch of the government cripples its legitimacy.

The harm that will do to the SCOTUS and the country is incredible. And that’s what the GOP wants. Truly unreal to watch.

They will truly “destroy the village in order to save it.” Except they really don’t have a plan beyond the first part.

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