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Trivial things that please the ever living shit out of you

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Smell of fresh cut grass. Bottle that shit and I'd wear it. 


When I was a kid, I hated that smell because I was forced to do yard work when I just wanted to go and hang out with my friends.

Now I’m a recent first time homeowner and love the smell. After doing some yard and cracking that ice cold beer and smelling that smell is pure bliss.
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When my server makes eye contact with me and just a simple head nod to bring another beer while they're walking through the section on the way to another table.

It's a nice attention to detail to notice my drink is low. It's an automatic 25% tip minimum.


The inbound Katy Freeway comes to a grinding halt near downtown every morning because of the number of people who are trying to merge onto 45, which is always backed up.  So the I-10 to 45 merge lane is always a line/parking lot.  Then you have the line cutters/assholes/dumbasses who fail to get into the merge lane line but have no qualms whatsoever of slowing down or coming to a complete stop one lane over to wait their turn to cut in line.  The king of the cutters/assholes/dumbasses was on the road this morning and wanted to up the ante.  He was two lanes over and decided he needed on 45 pronto so, yes, he slowed down to three miles per hour so he could cut halfway across the highway, people behind him be damned.  He was successful but failed to see the cops waiting there on the entrance ramp, one of which was already waiving him to the shoulder by the time he got on the entrance ramp.


Got a 9 year old boy. Neighbor has a 3 yr old girl. Last summer they played Marco Polo in the pool and so now she thinks he’s named Marco. We tried to tell her his name is —— but she looks at us like we’re crazy. “Nu uh. That’s Marco.”  “C’mon Marco, play”. And like a good whipped guy Marco follows her everywhere. 

Posted (edited)

Grown-assed men that when speaking about multiplying numbers together say something along the lines of "now just times the 4 by the 3 and you have your answer."

"Times it?"  



wrong thread...darn it.

Edited by deadshank

Watching the odometer on my daily driver make palindromes like 192291 or repeating combos like 192192. I sometimes pull over and admire it for awhile. Maybe take a picture. Makes me smile.

I get ragey when I have been looking forward to an upcoming event and get distracted by something on the radio or actual driving duties and miss it. 192291 will be on the way home today.

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Maybe not trivial...


seeing your grown ass children laugh their asses off together.


Seeing the look in little kids' eyes when they are almost ready to order at the doughnut case on a Saturday morning.


Salve for the soul...

On 3/29/2018 at 10:02 AM, Doc Holliday said:

Being a regular at a restaurant or bar and the servers, management, bartenders know what drink I want without asking

Came to post this. Couple of places I go to know what I want to drink. But my favorite place, the bartender will see my truck and have it sitting at the bar and is usually changing the channel to the MLB network or Rangers game by the time I sit down. 

On 4/15/2018 at 1:25 PM, slorch said:

Maybe not trivial...


seeing your grown ass children laugh their asses off together.

Yup - Went up to visit my daughter stationed at Fort Sill. She just got married about a year ago. It was so cool watching them make each other laugh and them having inside jokes that nobody else understood. 

On 4/21/2018 at 9:57 AM, Henry Hill said:

Seeing people return shopping carts.

Except for the asshole employee who is pushing a train of 87 of them at once blocking an entire side of the parking lot for 10 minutes.


Having all my laundry done so when I go to get dressed in the morning, I have everything I own to chose from.

So great because it’s the extreme opposite feeling of the day before which was...way overdue on laundry and having to piece together some combination of something like my least dirty pants with an ugly ass shirt that no longer really fits me and I don’t even really know why I still own it.


Catching someone who'd blasted away from the previous light as you coast to a stop at the next light. Happened 5 times in a row the other day, kept rolling up right next to or behind some chick in an infiniti. 

On 4/1/2018 at 5:18 PM, Bama Chick said:

Getting new glasses.

I knew my vision seemed worse but fuck, when they put the lenses in it was like angels singing.

I was blessed with great vision but my Dad was blind as a bat and had no idea until he was 10+ years old. Hearing him tell the story of when he first walked outside the optometrist office with glasses on and it being like a new world almost makes me me tear up like watching the videos of people getting their Cochlear implants turned on for the first time.

On 4/1/2018 at 8:32 PM, pops said:

Smell of fresh cut grass. Bottle that shit and I'd wear it. 

A couple months late, but the sound of new metal spikes on grass at the beginning of baseball season. They might very well make the same sound all year, but at the beginning of the year after a break they just sound so sweet.

On 4/27/2018 at 12:50 PM, elfenix said:

Catching someone who'd blasted away from the previous light as you coast to a stop at the next light. Happened 5 times in a row the other day, kept rolling up right next to or behind some chick in an infiniti. 

Only thing better is when someone blasts off from one light and accelerates all the way up to a full stop while you coast from an appropriate distance back and subsequently blast past them because they were in such a hurry to reach a dead stop.

On 4/1/2018 at 8:32 PM, pops said:

Smell of fresh cut grass. Bottle that shit and I'd wear it. 

It's a hit in Brazos County...

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