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26 minutes ago, Jameslaw121 said:

Ran into someone I haven't seen in a while with my 5 yo. 

Guy "Man he looks just like you."

5 yo "No I don't. I have hair."


I get the same sort of comments from my boys.  I have informed them that baldness is typically passed down by the mother.  I then remind them that their mom's brothers, who are quite a bit younger than I am, both started losing their hair in their early 20's and that I have more hair than them.  I laugh, they look sullen.

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Ran into someone I haven't seen in a while with my 5 yo. 
Guy "Man he looks just like you."
5 yo "No I don't. I have hair."

Mine says I look funny. Then I remind him that everyone says he looks just like me.
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"I have people at school calling me 'Black Jesus'."




"Yep. They call me 'Black Jesus'."


"What? Why are people calling you 'Black Jesus'?"


"Because I'm 'Black Jesus'. It's the answer to everything."


"What are you taking about?"


"Go ahead, ask me anything."






"Get out, Black Jesus."







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Telling my 3 YO to turn off the phone and give it back to me...

”Wait dada”

”Shut it down and give me the phone please”

”Dada wait! I’m just checking the weather!”

I swear that boy is training to be stone cold liar.


Safety Dance came on while we were at HEB last night.  Instead of "You can leave your friends behind,"  my son (11) and daughter (9) start singing, "You can pee in your friends behind!"

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1 hour ago, Pogo said:

Safety Dance came on while we were at HEB last night.  Instead of "You can leave your friends behind,"  my son (11) and daughter (9) start singing, "You can pee in your friends behind!"

u in her b?


Then last night, the boy says, "Dad, if I can pee in the shower, can I also poop and break it up into little pieces and squish it down the drain?"

Posted (edited)

It wouldn't surprise me if he was.  Mrs. Pogo and I often debate whether he's the smartest dumb kid we know or the dumbest smart kid.

Edited by Pogo
On 10/27/2018 at 12:14 AM, Superhero said:

Telling my 3 YO to turn off the phone and give it back to me...

”Wait dada”

”Shut it down and give me the phone please”

”Dada wait! I’m just checking the weather!”

I swear that boy is training to be stone cold liar.

"checking the weather" is the new euphemism for watching porn paw patrol?

On 10/31/2018 at 9:23 AM, Pogo said:

Then last night, the boy says, "Dad, if I can pee in the shower, can I also poop and break it up into little pieces and squish it down the drain?"

Is he @Underdog known waffle stomper?

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my oldest (12nopics), instead of brushing her teeth and going to bed, starts randomly singing the opening high vocal line to "The Immigrant Song" to which I reply, already on the way down the hall to break up the bathroom party, 'I come from the land of the ice and snow from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow".  to which she replied, "where did you hear that song?"



the same place you heard it from---the music saved on my phone.  go to bed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My 10yo (lil bro) and I picked up his 2nd grader cousin from soccer practice today...

Cuz: What would you do if you owned the world?

Lil Bro (Without hesitation): Sell it.

Kid is listening.

  • Like 3
26 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

8 yr old told me she had just wished upon a star.

A few minutes pass, then "Are you feeling a strange urge to buy me a phone yet?"

You are.

On 11/15/2018 at 5:56 PM, Snacks said:

My 10yo (lil bro) and I picked up his 2nd grader cousin from soccer practice today...

Cuz: What would you do if you owned the world?

Lil Bro (Without hesitation): Sell it.

Kid is listening.

That kid has upper management written all over him.  Also he is definitely your son.

  • Like 1

So... we're in Atlanta for Thanksgiving. At my wife's sister's place... The men folk are in the basement watching football, and the kids are down here playing with toys and whatnot... The women are upstairs cackling and one-upping each other about woman shit...

The kids (3yo nephew, 5yo niece, 5yo little boy that's visiting...) are in an adjacent space/room to us dudes... The 3 year old nephew turns off the lights in that room... We tell them to turn the lights back on. Two minutes later, the lights go back off.

Snacks: "Yo. Why is the light off in that room?"
3yo nephew: "I'm hiding bodies!"

I hope I can get out of here soon.

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4 hours ago, Snacks said:
17 hours ago, Prepuce of Doom said:
What is the child-friendly term for "shart"?
We need to discuss the topic with the Doomlet. 

I like Foop... Go with it.


Bout as good as you’ll get on a kid friendly combination. Anything else comes up with real words. 

  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Goofyboy said:

That’s a quality joke. Well timed too.

He set me up like a pro.  Lamb to slaughter. 

3 hours ago, Buffsoldier said:

Woulda taken me 45 minutes to get up off the ground from laughing....

It did. Then I kissed him on the head and told him how proud I was. 

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11 hours ago, threesheets said:

First let me preface by saying that we allow our kids a little latitude when it comes to things they can get away with saying at home, or when it's just the four of us around.  We don't allow cursing per se, but a little inappropriate isn't going to get them killed.

So with our busy schedules and all the rain this year, it's the last Thursday before closing weekend when we finally find a day we can make it to the fair (something we do every year, no exceptions).  Well it's obviously rush hour before we can go on a weekday, so it's a huge pain in the ass trying to meet the wife and kids, with me coming from downtown and them coming from up north.  So by the time we meet up in Fair Park,  the wife and I are both frazzled.  

So we park and get out, make sure we have coats, tickets, money, phones, etc, and all the valuables are covered, and cars are locked.  Exhale and start walking over to the fair (we always park at the church behind Auto Zone/JITB on Robert B Cullum or whatever that street is.  Well we get all the way to the light, and my 7 yo son (who's notorious for forgetting stuff) goes "Dad, I think we forgot something."  I of course say, "Are you kidding me?  What???"  Him:



  • Haha 1

9yo comes home and leaves front door open, allowing the dog to escape

me: why did you leave the door open?
9yo: Because I'm a dumbass?

wife opens door from kitchen to garage to get in car to drive around the neighborhood to look for the dog. The garage door was open and the dog nonchalantly walks in the house.

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"I have people at school calling me 'Black Jesus'."
"Yep. They call me 'Black Jesus'."
"What? Why are people calling you 'Black Jesus'?"
"Because I'm 'Black Jesus'. It's the answer to everything."
"What are you taking about?"
"Go ahead, ask me anything."
"Get out, Black Jesus."
So hes Vy reincarnated? When is tom signing him?
9yo comes home and leaves front door open, allowing the dog to escape
me: why did you leave the door open?
9yo: Because I'm a dumbass?
wife opens door from kitchen to garage to get in car to drive around the neighborhood to look for the dog. The garage door was open and the dog nonchalantly walks in the house.
Tag teamed!

My oldest had a concert recital at a church tonight.


My 6 yo: why is there a giant doctor symbol?

Mrs brown: that’s a cross.

6 yo: a what?

Mrs brown: Jesus died on it.

6 yo: some guy died right there?!? Did he fall off?


A few comments later...

Mrs brown: this is a church.

6 yo: a what?


At least she’s a cute little heathen.




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Went out to eat and then stopped to get ice cream on the way home. I have to use the bathroom before we leave. They only have the one with a lock on the door. I'm inside and there's a knock on the door. I say, "Just a minute." I hear my 5-yr-old son yell thru the door. "Dada? Are you in there? Are you going poop? Does it make your butt hurt?"

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23 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

My oldest had a concert recital at a church tonight.


My 6 yo: why is there a giant doctor symbol?

Mrs brown: that’s a cross.

6 yo: a what?

Mrs brown: Jesus died on it.

6 yo: some guy died right there?!? Did he fall off?


A few comments later...

Mrs brown: this is a church.

6 yo: a what?


At least she’s a cute little heathen.




Just tell her they are SERIOUS about math.  Especially addition.. 


Wen't to eat burgers and after dinner one of my six year olds spots a guy waiting near the bathroom wearing an eye patch.  

6yo: You look like a pirate (pointing at the patch)



My two year old has started saying “Yeah” to everything. Every time she does, I think I’m having a conversation with Brenden Dassey.

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3 year old daughter at daycare: 

- told her teacher that she (the teacher) had big nipples.  I didn’t verify. 

- told her teachers that her daddy poops outside. I don’t. 

- called another kid a “fucking shit”.  We’ve never used it in that context (she claims the kid told her to say it).  We didn’t really address it hoping it would just stop, but later that night she hears my wife bitching at me for something stupid and says “mommy, daddy’s being a fucking shit right??”.  We laid into her about as bad as I ever have and about 2-3 nights later before bed I reminded her about not saying bad words anymore and she says...”I promise not to say fucking shit anymore daddy”.  Just rolling right off her tongue like nothing....but that was about 4-5 months ago and she hasn’t said it since.  

She’ll be fun in her teens. 

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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, EZ$ said:

- told her teacher that she (the teacher) had big nipples.  I didn’t verify.  

You have work to do.  Report back.  With pics.

35 minutes ago, EZ$ said:

- We laid into her about as bad as I ever have and about 2-3 nights later before bed I reminded her about not saying bad words anymore and she says...”I promise not to say fucking shit anymore daddy”.  Just rolling right off her tongue like nothing....but that was about 4-5 months ago and she hasn’t said it since. 

When my kid was about 5, she walked up to me, completely out of the blue, unbidden, and with solemn and grave formality announced to me, "Daddy, we don't say the word, 'Fuck'."  Absolutely nothing in the previous 2 hours would have been a cause for her to say that.

I'm amazed that I had the wherewithal to respond with, "You're right darlin', we don't."  And then I went into the laundry room and giggled like an idiot for 10 straight minutes.

Edited by Buffsoldier

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