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How I Spent My Summer Vacation

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Been at my current job almost 3 years and finally took a few days PTO. Aruba? Jamaica? Belize? Vegas? None of that for me. Think...


My sister and bro-in-law moved to Missouri misery about 10 years ago and have a beautiful place just a few miles from Lake of The Ozarks. They own 400 acres and have access to 600 more their neighbor (some guy that runs a KC gas tanker fleet) owns. I saw more deer in 24 hours than I've seen in 24 years. They were in herds of 20 - 30. Of course you saw smaller groups, but I was just fucking stunned how many there were in a group. It was like looking at dove swarms. I'd never seen anything like it.

We took their boat out on LOTO and cruised around on Sunday. My 18yo niece was with us (no pics pervs) so we didn't pull into Party Cove, but it looked like things were well underway. Did a little bit of swimming but the 76 degree water cut that pretty short. I do have to say it is a beautiful lake and the Corps of Engineers did a fine job of keeping it that way.

Next day we took their Kawasaki 4x4 thru the dirt roads of Amish country. I got to hear all about the social levels of growing up Amish. (The rich kids have a horse. The really rich have a horse and buggy.) I was told the process of loading a round bale onto a horse drawn wagon by 4 men. There's also a lot of McGuyver stuff that's allowed by Amish like you can run a welding shop as long as you run a generator to power everything. (The grid is The Devil) Personal observation: It sucks to be born Amish.

They told me the story of one kid that went on Rumspringa. He chose to go to Long Island and drive a rock truck before returning home to be Amish forever. To be honest if that was the only two choices available, he chose wisely. I might have wanted to spread my wings a bit further before making that life choice.

I had to cut things short because work called, but honestly the timing was perfect. Got to catch up on family stuff. Had a short CR conversation. I like Beto, they like anything Trump. We agreed to disagree and no blood was spilled, but there were a few furious Googlings to back up statements. Bottom line we still love each other even if not completely sure why.

I usually take 44 to 69 to 82, but decided to skip all the small Okie town BS and take 44 to 35 on the way back. I was fucking with my phone finding music, missed a turn coming into Tulsa and wound up on the Creek Turnpike. The Creek Turnpike, which I had never been on, accepts exact change only. They have a bill changer, but it won't accept anything larger than a $10. All I had was $100's and credit cards. (Surly 1%) The booths were unmanned so fuck 'em.  I probably have several no knock warrants out on me for running the toll booths. The sign said they were strictly enforced. Not sure if I will sleep soundly at night over this. Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison has nothing on Okie Running The Tool Booth Prison.

On the bright side I opened the sunroof of my CTS and gave a proud Hook 'em for all the world to see when I went through Norman. The smell was horrendous.


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