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11 minutes ago, RDCanecutter said:

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Moore and Cohen weren't working together on this. I doubt it, but I wouldn't be surprised.

That's more Andy Kaufman's style, wherever he is. (Also a genius).

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On 7/18/2018 at 11:03 AM, Brisketexan said:

Hell, even as Texans, our privilege to poke fun at other states should be.....sharply limited.





Ole Sid Miller.  Remember when that asshole tried to steal control of Ewing Oil from JR and Bobby?

  • 3 months later...

Aw, cute.




I love my senator.


I don’t think I’ve ever been able to say such a thing in my adult life.


Growing up, my senator was Bob Graham. I didn’t usually care about who our senator was but I loved him because I went to school with his kids when he was governor.


And my mom and little brother were in one of his campaigns commercials.


I wonder if that’s on YouTube? BRB.


Dang, doesn’t seem to be there. I’ll have to dig a little deeper.


2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

You think YOU’LL miss him? Think of his jew lawyer.

Possibly. My guess is that Roy is a slow-pay no-pay type of guy, Jeeeewwwlawyer was most likely done with him, and that's why The Sentient Chin was the lawyer who did things like go on national TV for him (easy squeezy Lemon-peasy), and is also (in my mind, don't sue me Moore campaign) still waiting for his cut of the mail-in grammaw money.

14 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

I'll miss Roy. I mean, I'm glad he lost, but he was original and entertaining.

Roy lives on in the heart of many Alabama citizens. 



  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Please run. Please Please. Best case, we get a few laughs, again, at your expense. Worst case, you win but we get years of laughs at your expense. Either way, we win.

Edited by relapse98
14 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:



On one hand, I think "There's no way the Republicans are dumb enough to allow him to win the nomination again"

On the other hand "Alabama Republicans are that dumb"

16 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

Please run. Please Please. Best case, we get a few laughs, again, at your expense. Worst case, you win but we get years of laughs at your expense. Either way, we win.

Doug Jones" "It moved!"


Um, this won't be a special election.

This would be during a 2020 general election.  Alabama loves Trump.  GOP won't split ballots.

Moore would win.

Y'all dooming yourself. 

  • Like 2
27 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:




27 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

Please run. Please Please. Best case, we get a few laughs, again, at your expense. Worst case, you win but we get years of laughs at your expense. Either way, we win.

And also this

13 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

On one hand, I think "There's no way the Republicans are dumb enough to allow him to win the nomination again"

On the other hand "Alabama Republicans are that dumb"

But most likely this.

21 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Um, this won't be a special election.

This would be during a 2020 general election.  Alabama loves Trump.  GOP won't split ballots.

Moore would win.

Y'all dooming yourself. 


  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Um, this won't be a special election.

This would be during a 2020 general election.  Alabama loves Trump.  GOP won't split ballots.

Moore would win.

Y'all dooming yourself. 

He'll have to win the nomination first. 

1 hour ago, Js1 said:

Um, this won't be a special election.

This would be during a 2020 general election.  Alabama loves Trump.  GOP won't split ballots.

Moore would win.

Y'all dooming yourself. 

Moore might win, but I think you're missing the point. Jones would have a better chance defeating Moore than probably most other Repub candidates.

So no, I don't think those who want Moore to run are dooming themselves.

1 minute ago, Asithappens said:

Moore might win, but I think you're missing the point. Jones would have a better chance defeating Moore than probably most other Repub candidates.

So no, I don't think those who want Moore to run are dooming themselves.

This was the Hillary Clinton campaign approach to Trump.

1 minute ago, Asithappens said:

Ok, so let's play this out a bit moore. 

Which candidate could the Repubs run where the Dems wouldn't be "dooming themselves"?

If you’re an Alabama resident and want the best representation for your state, you would want the best Republican candidate vs the best Democratic candidate.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

Ok, so let's play this out a bit moore. 

Which candidate could the Repubs run where the Dems wouldn't be "dooming themselves"?

In the end, if I was an Alabama resident, I'd take Byrne.  He seems the least 'nutty' and the wingnuts hate him for not being Jesus-y enough. 

I mean, he fucking SUCKS, but he's not a kiddie diddler or Mo Brooks, who Tahoe supported, so I automatically hate him. 

7 hours ago, Coors yellow belly said:

Dems aren’t going to win in 2020. May as well register to vote in R primary to make sure he isn’t your Senator.

We don't have to go register as one or the other in Alabama. We just show up, tell 'em whichever primary we feel like voting in that particular day, and do it. Freedom.

Been many a time I voted in one party's primary and then voted for their opponent in the general, for my personal entertainment value.

Now, probably they discourage that, but Alabama State Politicos are still afraid of the Arisen Zombie Blood of Charlie Graddick and how it cried out for vengeance against those who'd cling to boring laws.


I heard a whiff of a hint of a dry fart of a rumor that Ex-Gov Dr. Dr. Bentley was considering running for the Senate seat. Part of his agreement was that he could never run for office again, but he also agreed in his marriage vows not to rub his withered mummy dick on youngish church ladies not married to him, so who knows.

For Yankees (definition: Non-Alabamians) who think Roy Moore was the prime reason Doug Jones won the seat, well, pull up a stool and learn from my ravings: Moore was just one link in a chain of wombatfuckery that goes back to Governor Dr. Dr. and his wandering withered mummy dick. If Gov. Dr. Dr. doesn't try to go Banana Republic Minus Bananas, then Atty Gen Luther Comic-Book-Villain Strange doesn't do a scratch-back pardon with Gov. Dr. Dr. that nets Luther CBV Strange the temporary senatorship. If that doesn't happen, then pissed off Republicans (and perhaps others acting for their own personal amusement) do not pelt Luther CBV Strange with the most convenient rotten tomato, AKA Roy Moore.

Just going from a standing start in a normal primary, Moore wouldn't have won. It was Gov. Dr. Dr.'s pale Papa-Doc act that put him over.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Js1 said:

In the end, if I was an Alabama resident, I'd take Byrne.  He seems the least 'nutty' and the wingnuts hate him for not being Jesus-y enough. 

I mean, he fucking SUCKS, but he's not a kiddie diddler or Mo Brooks, who Tahoe supported, so I automatically hate him. 

Bradley Byrne specializes in the sort of political ad where he walks around in clean hunting clothes with a never-fired shotgun while they play a mash of "Chariots of Fire" and "Ashokan Farewell" in the background.

I'd like him better if he just rolled around in a swimming pool full of bribe money while hookers danced to reggaethon.

  • Like 2

Shit, Jones stands a chance against Dr. Creepy Ex-Governor too.

It may be a regular election not a special but as I was a lone voice saying Jones had a great shot even before the Pedo Roy stuff became public and I live here, I have a bit of a better read than most of y’all Texans.

There are a lot of female republicans in Alabama who vote for all R but not for Moore or Bentley.

And don’t forget what put Jones over the top - larger than normal turnout amongst groups that typically don’t vote.

Put Moore on the ballot again and that will happen again.

Don’t underestimate how motivating the Jones victory was to those historically apathetic groups.

They saw proof their votes mattered.

They won’t forget that.

7 hours ago, Asithappens said:

Moore might win, but I think you're missing the point. Jones would have a better chance defeating Moore than probably most other Repub candidates.

So no, I don't think those who want Moore to run are dooming themselves.


This. I'd written AL completely off. With an unremarkable candidate or even just a standard Trumpkin on the ballot the GOP cruses to a 10 point victory. If the run Moore? I agree they still probably win, but now they have to work. Now they have to deal with the media firestorm. Now they have to deal with national money coming in against Moore again. The more the GOP has to devote to taking Alabama the less they have to devote in other races, especially ones in NC and GA where the Democrats might have a puncher's chance and voters will hear a lot about Republicans and Roy Moore. 

And if Moore does run and lose, then all of a sudden Doug Jones becomes an eight-year incumbent in 2026. It is hard to knock off an entrenched Senator, even in a state with a partisan lean.

2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

Shit, Jones stands a chance against Dr. Creepy Ex-Governor too.

It may be a regular election not a special but as I was a lone voice saying Jones had a great shot even before the Pedo Roy stuff became public and I live here, I have a bit of a better read than most of y’all Texans.

There are a lot of female republicans in Alabama who vote for all R but not for Moore or Bentley.

And don’t forget what put Jones over the top - larger than normal turnout amongst groups that typically don’t vote.

Put Moore on the ballot again and that will happen again.

Don’t underestimate how motivating the Jones victory was to those historically apathetic groups.

They saw proof their votes mattered.

They won’t forget that.

What she said. 

10 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

We don't have to go register as one or the other in Alabama. We just show up, tell 'em whichever primary we feel like voting in that particular day, and do it. Freedom.

Been many a time I voted in one party's primary and then voted for their opponent in the general, for my personal entertainment value.

Now, probably they discourage that, but Alabama State Politicos are still afraid of the Arisen Zombie Blood of Charlie Graddick and how it cried out for vengeance against those who'd cling to boring laws.

1986 was an incredible year for politics in Alabama. Learned that just because you win the primary doesn;t mean you will be on the ballot.

9 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

Shit, Jones stands a chance against Dr. Creepy Ex-Governor too.

It may be a regular election not a special but as I was a lone voice saying Jones had a great shot even before the Pedo Roy stuff became public and I live here, I have a bit of a better read than most of y’all Texans.

There are a lot of female republicans in Alabama who vote for all R but not for Moore or Bentley.

And don’t forget what put Jones over the top - larger than normal turnout amongst groups that typically don’t vote.

Put Moore on the ballot again and that will happen again.

Don’t underestimate how motivating the Jones victory was to those historically apathetic groups.

They saw proof their votes mattered.

They won’t forget that.

As long as the PTB don't try to remove them from the voting rolls

6 hours ago, AUinHsv said:

1986 was an incredible year for politics in Alabama. Learned that just because you win the primary doesn;t mean you will be on the ballot.

I remember that, and I was actually a Baxley supporter because, post-Wallace, all I wanted (and still want) was representation that wasn't a detriment. Just stick a Ken doll in the chair and call it governor. I got called a Yellow Dog but you think about it, ain't nothin more true, more loyal than a good old yellow dog.

But the Alabama Dems thought they were the Mexican PRI, when that day was already 5 or 6 years in the past.

15 hours ago, gmr548 said:

And if Moore does run and lose, then all of a sudden Doug Jones becomes an eight-year incumbent in 2026. It is hard to knock off an entrenched Senator, even in a state with a partisan lean.

The far-righters hate Cousin Shelby, and if they improve robotics Shelby could stay Senator for 300 more years.

I went to hear him talk, if I didn't know which party he belonged to, I would have had trouble guessing. Dude gets stuff done for everybody (except the idealogues.)

Just now, RDCanecutter said:

The far-righters hate Cousin Shelby, and if they improve robotics Shelby could stay Senator for 300 more years.

I went to hear him talk, if I didn't know which party he belonged to, I would have had trouble guessing. Dude gets stuff done for everybody (except the idealogues.)

We're getting close to every building in Alabama either named Wallace or Shelby. 

2 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

We're getting close to every building in Alabama either named Wallace or Shelby. 

If there are any Bibbs left, they need to up their game. Morgan and Pettus romped in their day, but Pettus is unfairly linked to turmoil thanks to slapping his name on the bridge.*








*That's called irony. He totally should be linked to the plantation/Jim Crow/roll-back reconstruction system because he and Morgan were the White Knights for it, innuendo intentional. But at least Morgan shoved through the Panama Canal so that everybody can get their slave-made Asian goods cheap. Lace up those Nikes and give thanks.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

I remember that, and I was actually a Baxley supporter because, post-Wallace, all I wanted (and still want) was representation that wasn't a detriment. Just stick a Ken doll in the chair and call it governor. I got called a Yellow Dog but you think about it, ain't nothin more true, more loyal than a good old yellow dog.

But the Alabama Dems thought they were the Mexican PRI, when that day was already 5 or 6 years in the past.

I didn't do this but some people learned that you could redo the big Graddick billboards. Apparently if you cut out the first D and turned it over the color came thru so you could put it back on the sign as a B. Others replaced the G with an H and reversed the A and R. Almost drove into a tree laughing when I first saw that sign.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/28/2019 at 8:15 PM, RDCanecutter said:

I heard a whiff of a hint of a dry fart of a rumor that Ex-Gov Dr. Dr. Bentley was considering running for the Senate seat. Part of his agreement was that he could never run for office again, but he also agreed in his marriage vows not to rub his withered mummy dick on youngish church ladies not married to him, so who knows.

For Yankees (definition: Non-Alabamians) who think Roy Moore was the prime reason Doug Jones won the seat, well, pull up a stool and learn from my ravings: Moore was just one link in a chain of wombatfuckery that goes back to Governor Dr. Dr. and his wandering withered mummy dick. If Gov. Dr. Dr. doesn't try to go Banana Republic Minus Bananas, then Atty Gen Luther Comic-Book-Villain Strange doesn't do a scratch-back pardon with Gov. Dr. Dr. that nets Luther CBV Strange the temporary senatorship. If that doesn't happen, then pissed off Republicans (and perhaps others acting for their own personal amusement) do not pelt Luther CBV Strange with the most convenient rotten tomato, AKA Roy Moore.

Just going from a standing start in a normal primary, Moore wouldn't have won. It was Gov. Dr. Dr.'s pale Papa-Doc act that put him over.

That nerd Bentley Also commonly referred to in these parts as the Love Gov. 

I vote for Uncle Henry. 

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