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Remembering hearing wildly racist stuff from regular folks

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  On 9/14/2018 at 12:02 AM, MaybeACoordinator said:

Dunno but some people used to have little night-stick type clubs in their front seats / truck cabs called n****** beaters.


Wow. I remember that term. Haven't heard it or thought about it in decades. I recall seeing a wooden club with a molded rubber grip like you'd find on bicycle handlebars. I only saw one, in someone's car, and that was the only time I ever heard that term. I don't recall who owned it. It may have been a friend of my older brother.

<sigh>  It may have been my brother. 

  On 9/13/2018 at 4:53 PM, Pato del Muerto said:
What is this called?


Suicide knob is all I have heard it called. On my tractor and polaris. They are power steering for non power steering vehicles.


Edit: its mounted incorrectly though. Twist it 180 degrees and it becomes functional.

  On 9/14/2018 at 4:12 AM, markstanco said:

Suicide knob is all I have heard it called. On my tractor and polaris. They are power steering for non power steering vehicles.


Edit: its mounted incorrectly though. Twist it 180 degrees and it becomes functional.


Mounting side depends if operator is left or right handed.  Have seen Brodie knob mounted on both sides of steering wheel dependent operator's dominant hand. 

  On 9/10/2018 at 6:52 PM, Incredulity said:
In the amusing racial anecdote department, about a decade ago at a friends home poker game I told a guy he couldn't renege on a bet.  Everyone looked at me like I had just set the room on fire.  I wasn't trying to push a boundry or stir shit up.  Everyone else just wasn't familiar with the term and as it sounds close to the N-word they all got freaked out.

Once had a guy tell me that some football programs reload each year, but Alabama re-nigs.

When I first moved to Austin from environs significantly north and east of here, back in the 80s, I read an article in the Statesman sports section about some track guy, I forget his name, who was considered the 'last great white runner.' I was nonplussed; really didn't know what to make of it. It kept on in the same vein, talking about how there were no great white runners since this guy, etc., and comparing him to contemporary track athletes, who happened to be not white. After I finally figured out that, yes, the writer really was drawing a distinction among track athletes based on race, and yes, he was lamenting the fact that blacks had taken over the sport, and yes, the daily paper of the capital city and home of the University of Texas really printed that shit without taking out the in-your-face racism, I had a greater understanding of the place I'd come to. It really brought home to me the casual, pervasive racism that still existed. This was about the same time I saw the signs in some small towns nearby, that they had not gotten around to taking down, designating certain water fountains for whites only. In the 80s.

Now I'm sure some of y'all will get your backs up that I'm saying Texas is more racist than the northeast, and you should see the racism up there, it's turrible and all. And yeah, that's part of what I'm saying; it was open, casual racism at the biggest paper in the most enlightened city in Texas. I am 100 percent convinced that a similar piece would never have appeared in any major paper in the northeast, and any writer who submitted such a piece would find himself out of a job within the next hour. You may still be right about the racism in parts of the northeast; it certainly exists, but it's more hidden. In a town near where I grew up there was an annual tradition of some joker burning a cross on a hill overlooking the town; I'm sure a number of people must have known who was behind it, but they kept their mouths shut. Which is worse, the sub-rosa racism or the open racism? I've heard arguments for both sides.

  On 9/14/2018 at 1:44 PM, Buzzrock said:


Once had a guy tell me that some football programs reload each year, but Alabama re-nigs.



My dad told me that before it was called a "Hail Mary pass," it was called "N******s Go Deep." He also told me there was a band on the Deep South / Texas frat party circuit in the early '60s with a name like Big Al and His Nine Giant N******s. And yes, they were all black. 

God I embarrassed I know all this shit...As Brisket pointed out, I grew up around nice people. My dad never uses that word in casual conversation -- only to demonstrate the same point Brisket made. My grandmother only used that word because she didn't know what else to call a Brazil nut. My grandfather, on the other hand, would say "nigras" in the 1980s just to rile up liberals...And he would go full-nuclear in private. 


My dad told me that play was called,”N* go long.” I think he said he heard that on a Cosby album way back when, but I’m guessing it was someone else.

He did once tell me about a restaurant in Arlington back when he was at UTA.


Far and away the most racist place I’ve ever been was Quincy, Ma.  Second is not even close.  I’m talking the most racist democrats you’ll ever meet. They also think people from Texas fuck their sisters, and don’t like it when you load up their juke box with Lyle Lovett. They double hate Francine Reed. Their women all have big tits but are ugly af. Their pizza is good. That’s all I remember. 


One instance sticks out from me in middle school. Grew up in the hood but had more in common with my black friends than my Mexican friends. Had some friends over to play ncaa one night. It was cool and fun. Everything low-key. My dad pulls aside and asks if I have other friends that aren't black?? It was fucked because his ass would listen to gap band and had a ton of black friends.

  On 9/15/2018 at 1:28 AM, Zepol87 said:

One instance sticks out from me in middle school. Grew up in the hood but had more in common with my black friends than my Mexican friends. Had some friends over to play ncaa one night. It was cool and fun. Everything low-key. My dad pulls aside and asks if I have other friends that aren't black?? It was fucked because his ass would listen to gap band and had a ton of black friends.


He was just scared you'd get passed around like a sheep in College Station by the "bucks".....

  • Like 1
  On 9/14/2018 at 3:14 PM, Bat Guano said:

...Now I'm sure some of y'all will get your backs up that I'm saying Texas is more racist than the northeast, and you should see the racism up there, it's turrible and all. And yeah, that's part of what I'm saying; it was open, casual racism at the biggest paper in the most enlightened city in Texas. I am 100 percent convinced that a similar piece would never have appeared in any major paper in the northeast, and any writer who submitted such a piece would find himself out of a job within the next hour. You may still be right about the racism in parts of the northeast; it certainly exists, but it's more hidden. In a town near where I grew up there was an annual tradition of some joker burning a cross on a hill overlooking the town; I'm sure a number of people must have known who was behind it, but they kept their mouths shut. Which is worse, the sub-rosa racism or the open racism? I've heard arguments for both sides.


I believe this to be true.  Its overt in the south.  The thoughts are at the core the same in the NE.  They just don't say it.  They know at least that much.  That said i think its worse to be more "enlightened" and still hold the belief than to be an ignorant person from the south and have it. 

  On 9/10/2018 at 3:11 PM, Mojo Hand said:

I grew up in Houston in the 80s and early 90s and never once heard the N-word.   Seriously, not even once. 


Weird to me. Heard it said by only black kids at leaking if ever, hs was really any minority kid but really depended on how well off they were, then from college on it’s been different. Literally all over Austin and nyc, doesn’t matter your skin color, race, sexual preference, religion, gender, or ethnicity, if you were of a low enough economic class you said it. In queens I see kids and older school mates saying it to each other  casually and repeatedly. Sometimes there are blacks among them, sometimes not. Sometimes it’s only Arab kids, sometimes only Latinos. It’s odd hearing about the bubbles we all live in. Need to catch up on rest of thread...

  On 9/15/2018 at 5:25 PM, achooloco said:

Weird to me. Heard it said by only black kids at leaking if ever, hs was really any minority kid but really depended on how well off they were, then from college on it’s been different. Literally all over Austin and nyc, doesn’t matter your skin color, race, sexual preference, religion, gender, or ethnicity, if you were of a low enough economic class you said it. In queens I see kids and older school mates saying it to each other  casually and repeatedly. Sometimes there are blacks among them, sometimes not. Sometimes it’s only Arab kids, sometimes only Latinos. It’s odd hearing about the bubbles we all live in. Need to catch up on rest of thread...


Just to clarify, I did hear black kids say it to each other (and without the hard "r" at the end).  And I heard it occasionally in movies or media discussions, like the Mark Fuhrman thing.  I just never heard a non-black person actually use it until I got to college, and even then that was rare and shocking.

Growing up in Houston in the 80s and 90s, the mains slurs I heard used were "retard" and variants of "faggot."

The only other wildly bigoted thing I've heard was in a meeting with computer hardware engineers, one of them said he was jewed down on the price of something.   Just flowed out of him like normal conversation.   Like everyone used to do with "gyped." 

  On 9/15/2018 at 5:41 PM, Mojo Hand said:

Just to clarify, I did hear black kids say it to each other (and without the hard "r" at the end).  And I heard it occasionally in movies or media discussions, like the Mark Fuhrman thing.  I just never heard a non-black person actually use it until I got to college, and even then that was rare and shocking.

Growing up in Houston in the 80s and 90s, the mains slurs I heard used were "retard" and variants of "faggot."

The only other wildly bigoted thing I've heard was in a meeting with computer hardware engineers, one of them said he was jewed down on the price of something.   Just flowed out of him like normal conversation.   Like everyone used to do with "gyped." 


Of all those I think Gyped has lost its racial connotation.  That's something  we said and still say, but I never thought of it as coming from Gypsy, just another word for cheated.  


Growing up in my hometown I heard the N word just about every day, from both black and white individuals. 

I once picked up a date from her home and her father, after confirming that I was white, explained he couldn’t have “nigglets” running around. Sweet girl though. 


lots and lots of words follow.

Well, first I'm gonna say that over the past sixty years I've changed in some attitudes. Never was a racist I don't think, but also did and said some things back in the day I know were inappropriate. No excuse. I like to think I've gotten a bit more well-rounded and experienced after all this time. Certainly more understanding.

My family's not racist, but much of my extended family is from east Texas, and a couple of them were harsh. After UT football integrated, my uncle, a big Aggie fan, would without fail whenever he saw me say, "Hey, I guess we better start calling you the Texas Black Angus with all those niggers you got now, huh?" and that was not unusual, but very typical.

Austin integrated our public schools after Brown v Board II i think, nominally. But my schools (Gullett elementary for one) were lily white because, wink wink nudge nudge you had to live in the district, and you couldn't legally sell your house to a negro, so...

My music teacher in elementary would always use "Nigra" as the term for Blacks. Nigra spirituals, or sometimes talking about Nigras in other aspects of society. I think about 1/3 of the kids used racist terms and jokes routinely as they were familiar with them at home, 1/3 did not, and 1/3 knew better but sometimes would join in. A favorite insult if you didn't go along was, 'what, are you some kind of nigger-lover?' How do you answer that, if you're twelve?

In eighth grade, we began busing; it wasn't equitable at all, they closed the two predominantly black schools in East Austin (Anderson HS and Kealing Jr High), drew circles on the map over the East Austin neighborhoods, and randomly assigned them to the other schools in town. THey didn't bus the white kids, unless you were one of the few whites who lived in East Austin. That whole episode is beyond the scope of this post though.

After integration/busing, the percentage of people in jr high or high school who would overtly use 'nigger' was down to about 10% or so. And they almost always would look over their shoulders before saying it, except for a few hard cases that would be what today we'd call Aryan nation or ''White nationalists'  but were just dumb hicks back then.

Fast forward forty years. I now see more overt racism on Facebook than i have since the 70s probably. The worst offenders are my own high school class cohort. Several post semi-racist rants nearly daily (in between anti-Muslim manifestos) and one retired Austin cop routinely uses the N word (but couched in acronyms). If a black person anywhere in America commits a crime, he's all "See? TNB"

  On 9/15/2018 at 1:28 AM, Zepol87 said:

One instance sticks out from me in middle school. Grew up in the hood but had more in common with my black friends than my Mexican friends. Had some friends over to play ncaa one night. It was cool and fun. Everything low-key. My dad pulls aside and asks if I have other friends that aren't black?? It was fucked because his ass would listen to gap band and had a ton of black friends.


So he dropped a bomb on you...


I recall a TV reporter asking former President Truman what he thought about the growing civil rights movement in the early 1960s. He stated “There are some good nigger leaders and some bad nigger leaders”..... on national TV.

LBJ used the term “nigra” frequently back then.

(kinda funny - my iPad spell check kept trying to change it to “nitrate”)

  On 9/15/2018 at 3:35 PM, RollLeft said:

I believe this to be true.  Its overt in the south.  The thoughts are at the core the same in the NE.  They just don't say it.  They know at least that much.  That said i think its worse to be more "enlightened" and still hold the belief than to be an ignorant person from the south and have it. 


Another possibility is that it's more pervasive where it's more overt. If someone knows his peer group will largely accept him throwing out the N-bomb, he's more likely to do so. If they're going to call him out or worse, he won't.


Could have a whole other multipage thread on the homophobic shit we said as kids without a thought. 

One term still cracks me up: queerbait.

I hadn't heard in years, but then a few years back MrsMaC came out with "Sarah Palin is such a queerbait" and I almost stroked out I was laughing so hard. 

  On 9/17/2018 at 11:34 PM, MaybeACoordinator said:

Could have a whole other multipage thread on the homophobic shit we said as kids without a thought. 

One term still cracks me up: queerbait.

I hadn't heard in years, but then a few years back MrsMaC came out with "Sarah Palin is such a queerbait" and I almost stroked out I was laughing so hard. 


Hell of a story bro. 

  On 9/11/2018 at 2:51 AM, pacman said:

I grew up in East Texas, so...yeah


I find it funny how lewd this site is but you all draw the line at spelling out nigger


I know I can be lewd, and I have more than my share of faults, so if spelling it n*****, or calling it the "n word"  helps keeping from hurting or offending someone, I'm good with that.

  • 2 weeks later...

Lets start with this. Greenville Texas. 08d161d21267ecc6ecd0db6ecb7bda35.jpg

Never saw this one but did see the one on the highway leading into town at the city limits.


I'm 65. Grew up in Houston. I remenber whites only and coloreds only water fountains and bathrooms. Colored, that was the "polite" term for n****r. Brazil nuts, n rigging* bla bla bla I remember all that. Another fun game was n****r with a brick game, cars wern't air conditioned so the windows were down so you would put your arm out the window, yell "oh no a n****r with a brick!" and slap the roof, hilarious when you are in the third grade until your mom swings around over the front seat and slaps the shit out of you and tells you not to use that word.


*I now call that process macgyvering.


More thoughts on this subject later.





Posted (edited)
  On 9/29/2018 at 12:49 PM, Liteitup said:
So was I the only one to get the Little Black Sambo book for Christmas?
I'm 60 and agree with Pops above, we just didn't know any better.


So I had to take my kid to the doctor on Monday and this was sitting out in the exam room.


Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Edited by Bevo in VA

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