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21 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

So I’m trying out YTTV via both Roku and LGTV. The remotes and navigation is a bit awkward as compared to Uverse. I have a dumb question. With Uverse, because the channels are numbered, if I want to go to a high numbered channel that is far down the list I just type in the channel nimber. Since YTTV doesn’t have channel numbers, is there no way to quickly go to a channel way down the list of channels in one step, like I can with Uverse?

Not really sure--- but with YTTV you can set the channels in the order you like (I've got sports, news, movies, local each clustered together). So you might be able to avoid jumping altogether (if you have some regular/predictable 'jumps').

This feature is also a GODSEND for working with older parents- I just sat down with the in-laws to set up their TV for the 25 channels they use most, and no longer need to keep answering the phone to try to troubleshoot from 500 miles away.

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IPTV Question:

Ok, I have reasonable tech knowledge but this is my first foray into this. Every channel I view freezes after 45-50 seconds. Yes, I used a stopwatch. Foreign, domestic, movie, tv, live, recorded, it doesn’t matter. 

Internet is 500Mb fiber up and down and it tests at over 600. I stream constantly and have never had an issue. It’s borderline inconceivable (yes, I know what the word means) that Internet is the issue. 

I’m using a first gen 4K AppleTV hardwired into a bridge. The connection tests fine and it’s never had any issues streaming. 

I’m using IPTV Smarters on the AppleTV because that’s what was included in the provider’s instructions, but I’m not married to it.

I’m using a low rent Samsung 4K TV, which seems unlikely to be the issue. 

I’m using novawavetv.com as the provider and whatever random-ass link they included in the setup instructions. 

I tend to think the issue is the provider, but it’s hard to imagine it’s a global issue unless they’re just a complete scam (which I don’t rule out), so I’m not sure. 

Is there anything I can try short of contacting their tech support? Am I missing something that should be obvious?

Theoretically, I can throw an IPTV app on my TV and eliminate the AppleTV and its app as the issue and that’s probably what I’ll do in the meantime, but part of me wonders if the TV will be responsive enough. I’d think even an old AppleTV has more processing power but I’ve been wrong before.

Anyway, thanks for any insight or tips.

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I’m using the UHF app on an appleTV. Different provider, but no issues.

The stream may be triggering something with your isp, which then cuts it off.

Have you tried using it in conjunction with a VPN?

UHF has the ability to use angel vpn built-in. I go a way different route, but having it in-app would be nice since it’s on automatically when using the app. 

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12 hours ago, thunderlounge said:

I’m using the UHF app on an appleTV. Different provider, but no issues.

The stream may be triggering something with your isp, which then cuts it off.

Have you tried using it in conjunction with a VPN?

UHF has the ability to use angel vpn built-in. I go a way different route, but having it in-app would be nice since it’s on automatically when using the app. 

I tried UHF on my iPad. It shows playback errors. It will hit five of those before it gives up, so at least that’s something to go on. I’ll try it with the VPN. May just try another provider if I can find a better option. 


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8 hours ago, Doc Daneeka said:

I tried UHF on my iPad. It shows playback errors. It will hit five of those before it gives up, so at least that’s something to go on. I’ll try it with the VPN. May just try another provider if I can find a better option. 


As mentioned, try a VPN first. If that doesn't fix it, it's your provider. 

There are lots of shitty IPTV providers out there run by scammers and morons. My main provider has constant buffering/skipping/looping issues on many of their channels, but refuses to admit fault and just blames it on your ISP.  Same with the previous two I used. It's a common issue, but you learn to live with it when you're only paying $9/month.

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2 minutes ago, rage-a-holic said:

As mentioned, try a VPN first. If that doesn't fix it, it's your provider. 

There are lots of shitty IPTV providers out there run by scammers and morons. My main provider has constant buffering/skipping/looping issues on many of their channels, but refuses to admit fault and just blames it on your ISP.  Same with the previous two I used. It's a common issue, but you learn to live with it when you're only paying $9/month.

I suspect it’s the provider, yeah. I sent in a ticket. Not hopeful. 

As of this morning, movies work fine. Live tv is still the same. That makes me think a VPN wouldn’t change anything, but I may have to see if I can dig out my old vpn router and just run the AppleTV through it full time. 

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