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Got the Apple TV 4K through the DirectTV Now 3-month offer and used the single-sign-on trick that was posted on the old site. Unfortunately it just kicked me out of those apps and now my face DirectTV login won't work. I guess they caught on that DirectTV Now customers weren't really full fledged DirectTV customers. I can still select DirectTV Now  as my TV provider, but it makes me sign in to each app individually instead of automatically doing it.

9 minutes ago, hornfan785 said:

Got the Apple TV 4K through the DirectTV Now 3-month offer and used the single-sign-on trick that was posted on the old site. Unfortunately it just kicked me out of those apps and now my face DirectTV login won't work. I guess they caught on that DirectTV Now customers weren't really full fledged DirectTV customers. I can still select DirectTV Now  as my TV provider, but it makes me sign in to each app individually instead of automatically doing it.

The monthly sign in to each app is a pain with DIRECTV Now. Didn't know it was different with other providers? 


Not cable cutting, but if you watch sports at bars download the Tunity app.  Take a pic of the TV and magically the sound appears...

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You guys just let me know when TiVo does a Bolt + lifetime subscription for under tree fiddy. 

I feel like I was the only one who used a TiVo for OTA DVR on the old thread, but I love it. I use the streaming services too,  but being able to watch broadcast TV in full HD and pause, rewind, etc even if the internet goes out is great. 


I've been using DTVNow for a month now and am pretty happy with it.  I have the basic package, and its got the sports and 2-3 other channels I watch.  I've realized I don't watch TV much anymore, and stream mostly youtube, netflix and hulu.  I get all the locals through a HD antenna, which came with my fire tv as a bundle.  Only thing I need now is a single remote to control the whole thing.


I've been using DTVNow for a month now and am pretty happy with it.  I have the basic package, and its got the sports and 2-3 other channels I watch.  I've realized I don't watch TV much anymore, and stream mostly youtube, netflix and hulu.  I get all the locals through a HD antenna, which came with my fire tv as a bundle.  Only thing I need now is a single remote to control the whole thing.


ESPN's streaming service starts April 12 and it's going to be $5/mo. I was really excited about that price point when I saw the headline, but apparently it doesn't include the ability to watch what's actually showing on the ESPN TV channels. It's just basically for the games that aren't good enough to be on TV.

2 hours ago, tokamak said:

ESPN's streaming service starts April 12 and it's going to be $5/mo. I was really excited about that price point when I saw the headline, but apparently it doesn't include the ability to watch what's actually showing on the ESPN TV channels. It's just basically for the games that aren't good enough to be on TV.

So basically just espn3.  excluding Original ESPN and Espn2 and ESPNU.  Sounds like regional stuff that won't make it in your area. 

Yeah WTF is up w DTVNow DVR!
I’m sure it’s around the corner since some of the betas have reported that the last update was very solid and almost a finished product.
I do have the $60-65 package for $35 so it’s still worth it. 
The DVR has a long way to go. Each update is a total gamble on if it will break it more than it already is or actually improve it. Roku is just finally catching up to apple tv too; it just got DVR a few weeks ago. It's also not that feature rich, and auto deletes recordings after so many days/weeks. I haven't been that happy with it TBH.

I’ve just about given up on DVTNow getting their DVR together for public release. Crazy it’s taking them this long. I did the Apple TV deal paying for 3 months. I think I have a month to go and then will switch. Maybe YouTube tv.


Have DirecTVNow and got used to not having the DVR - so the fact that the beta kinda sucks is no big deal to me. Traditional DVRs are going the way of Betamax.

The only thing I would use it for is sports. Everything else I would consider watching is on-demand. And hopefully sports catches on to the on-demand thing. I would pay for ESPN’s new channel if I could just open it up on game day and watch the game (any game) anytime I wanted. Near real-time would be fine for me.

TL;DR - quit you bitchin’ about DVRs

9 hours ago, EverywhereMan said:

Have DirecTVNow and got used to not having the DVR - so the fact that the beta kinda sucks is no big deal to me. Traditional DVRs are going the way of Betamax.

The only thing I would use it for is sports. Everything else I would consider watching is on-demand. And hopefully sports catches on to the on-demand thing. I would pay for ESPN’s new channel if I could just open it up on game day and watch the game (any game) anytime I wanted. Near real-time would be fine for me.

TL;DR - quit you bitchin’ about DVRs

Yeah, I'm more concerned with them updating the UI and functionality rather than the DVR.


Hi, all, this may be more of a set-up question, so feel free to delete/move/ban user, etc. but on a wall mounted TV with cords hidden, how are you attaching any of these hdmi devices to your TV if they have their own power chords?

We're about to move to a new house and want to mount our TV above fireplace and have built in cabinets on either side to house hardware, devices, etc.  (including, at least initially, a cable box).

Just now, ohchaucer said:

Hi, all, this may be more of a set-up question, so feel free to delete/move/ban user, etc. but on a wall mounted TV with cords hidden, how are you attaching any of these hdmi devices to your TV if they have their own power chords?

We're about to move to a new house and want to mount our TV above fireplace and have built in cabinets on either side to house hardware, devices, etc.  (including, at least initially, a cable box).

The cleanest way would be to run them in the wall from where you have them to a wall plate hidden behind the tv.


That was not an option for us, so we used a cheap cable concealer from Amazon. Its paintable, so it looks ok, but still way better than cables hanging down.

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Okay, while I'm at it, another setup option I'm curious about....   I used to be a PS Vue customer and loved it and I'm thinking of going that route again; have 3 TVs in different rooms and don't want to interface via the playstation but rather stream from the app.    So, I'm thinking about getting a dedicated streaming device as the any-room "remote" and just have Chromecasts on all my TVs to stream Vue (and Netflix, Hulu, etc.).  Does anyone else do something along these lines?

13 minutes ago, elnimo said:

With all the big channels having apps now and on demand, are DVRs only useful for sports?  

That's my take away.  I find that most major college games (pro's are a different beast) are posted on youtube so I've never had a need for a DVR. 

That being said there are enough sources now that everyone can find one that meets their needs.

I'm nearing 2 years of cord cutting and haven't looked back.  I'm currently using DTVnow/Apple TV and I get free ATT streaming on my iPad for $35 a month and have no plans to switch/change.   


We cut the cord 2 years ago and haven't missed cable a bit. We use vue and it's pretty good.

Dropping all the time warner shit on their desk when I cut the cord was incredibly satisfying. I felt like I was in the movies throwing a cheating spouse's shit out the window.

  • Like 1
Hi, all, this may be more of a set-up question, so feel free to delete/move/ban user, etc. but on a wall mounted TV with cords hidden, how are you attaching any of these hdmi devices to your TV if they have their own power chords?
We're about to move to a new house and want to mount our TV above fireplace and have built in cabinets on either side to house hardware, devices, etc.  (including, at least initially, a cable box).

Your tv requires power, so get a splitter and plug into same outlet assuming it’s behind the tv already.

If power has already been run behind the wall just cut a small hole and run the fish tape along the existing wire and plug into those cabinets.

I had power outlets and Ethernet ports installed where I wanted to mount my TVs prior to moving in so I didn’t have to deal with that. There’s one tv, where we have the modem and router installed where I had to snake the wires behind the wall and into an outlet behind the entertainment center. There’s tons of kits to make the hole cut outs look good and make it easier to run additional wires in the future.

For the TVs where I just plugged it in to my existing wall outlet behind the tv I just plugged directly into the tv and then just zip tied the fire tv/stick to the existing tv mount.
With all the big channels having apps now and on demand, are DVRs only useful for sports?  

I think this is the correct answer. We watch almost everything else on demand now.

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Posted (edited)

I only have 1 viewer, me.

I have an Unraid server with Plex on it and all my media (2K movies and 10K tv shows, etc).  I have a couple of Fire TV's with KODI on them

I have Directv - $35/mo all channels from when they first started.

Amazon,  Hulu every now and then(if you quit, or pause they offer you a better deal), Netflix(I give my friend Amazon, he gives me Netfilx).

I currently stream most of what I watch on Kodi through the Placenta add on.  I was just wanting to watch the Andre the Giant movie, so I used I p t o r r e n t s.

If anyone would like an invite to that PM me.  I have 3 to give.



Edited by BNB

Oh, I have a couple of unused Amazon Music (like spotify,etc) accounts if someone wants one, Pm me.  I keep getting the Family plan for a little more a year, but only one of my nephews takes me up on it every year.  Free or if you want to throw 10 dollars in the Surly account for 7 more months.....


Finally cut the cord. Tired of paying for a bill I never use. Just waiting till football season starts to decide which streaming service I’ll use.

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Posted (edited)

I used to use a PI before mine died, then the Fire TV came out.  It worked great at the time.  Like I stated above, I run a server with 9 hard drives and 10s of thousands of media files.  I used to use  Kodi to manage them.  A fire tv ended up as an easy  solution for me and to use all the other apps that Amazon provides.

I got lazy, and I will eventually create a central Database for all of my media for Kodi.  Now, I use Plex to allow my away family to connect to my server, as it was easy to install on my Unraid linux server and was $120 lifetime.  

I still like the versatility and way of customizing and searching of Kodi, so I will eventually learn how to again put a database on my my Unraid Server(linux, omdb, whatever)(the size of the db files are to large to be stored on the firetv's)., when I put away the time.

I was just reading up on a Shield TV.  I may go that way, but I also appreciate not wanting to spend much money and creating the best media playing/hosting system for the money, as I used to be there.


I just learned of Terranium TV and another from this thread, so enlighten me of OSMC.





Edited by BNB
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

OSMC is based off Kodi.  Supposedly easier to setup than Kodi.  Thought about trying Kodi out, but never found the time.  I believe Kodi allows more customization.  The wife and kids can easily navigate OSMC which makes my life easier.  https://osmc.tv/about/


Edited by ColoradoHorn
Posted (edited)

Thanks I will read up on it. 

I started with Kodi.XBMC, when I hacked the original Xbox.  Then I used a small PC to run XBMC/Kodi,  It was always a chore just to get the remote to work correctly.

The Pi came out and it was still a chore to get the remote to work correctly.  So that was my main obstical.   It has been 5+ years since then.  I was constantly reading all the forums and programming my remote, it wasn't worth my time at one point.

I am interested and will read up a bit on OSMC. Thanks 

Edited by BNB

If you have any questions on OSMC let me know.  It runs fantastic on the Pi 3 full 1080P.  It's sluggish on PI 2 but still plays.  Haven't tried on the new Pi 3+ as of yet.  I might fire up a version of Kodi this weekend.


Posted (edited)


And what do you like about the Pi, or what do you use it for that a fire tv can't do?  I know it can do a ton of other stuff, but just hooked up to a tv....


Edited by BNB

Never ran Kodi.  I used to use the Western Digital Media player for attaching an external hard drive.  Problem was there was not MovieDB and you had to add image files for the movies.  Then once you got over a 1,000 movies scrolling/searching was slow.  Heard about Kodi and stumbled on OSMC.  OSMC is a breeze to install and setup.  When I cut the cord I have to have an easy solution for the wife plus DVR is a must.  Even though I can download any series for her she prefers DirecTV DVR.


That is one thing I have not explored.

I have 2 fire tv's for my 2 tv's.

I recently tried to upgrade from Ver. 1 to 3.  The remote(I hate remote issues) was fubar.  I had Amazon send me out 4, all the same.  The remote would just continue scrolling even when I took my finger off the "trigger".  I sent all of them back and said I would wait for the next version (this was even with virgin units that I had not put Kodi on... Crazy).


I just got rid of my ATT Uverse slow as shit internet and now have Xfinity that costs less and runs at a consistent 179 Mbps/  I also put in an Eero mesh sytem so I get great coverage all over the house.  I'm think about ditching my Directv and going with Vue and Netflix using Amazon fire.  This would cut my bill way down and still keep LHN and all the Disney shit my daughter likes.

On 4/4/2018 at 3:54 PM, Whitman said:

Is there a website where you can check off which channels you would want to watch/buy and it will give you the price from each service?

Not sure that anyone else answered you.  I thought this website was helpful...


You can pick the channels, number of simultaneous streams, whether you need a DVR or not and it will give you providers and prices.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

.Rageaholic type question, but some of yous guys might know:

All we get now from cable co. is of course internet.  However, still renting my modem from them, deciding that I want to can that extra $10 per month and buy one.  Sphinctrum (er, Spectrum) has a list of about 12 modems they say you can buy which will work with them.  Most of them are Arris, Netgear, or Zoom.

My question:  is it advisable to buy only one of those listed, or am I free to buy some other kind?  What's the standard? Spectrum simply lists "DOCSIS 3.0 Modems".   

I don't have a problem with buying one of them (listed here).  But I want to make sure 1) I'm getting something with more up to date standards so it doesn't go obsolete sooner, and 2) of course, reliable.

The company router they gave me (Arris) does pretty well, 1-2 quick burps, but otherwise working great.


Edited by phdhorn
2 hours ago, phdhorn said:

Posting this here for starters (maybe later the help thread).  Rageaholic type question, but some of yous guys might know:

All we get now from cable co. is of course internet.  However, still renting my modem from them, deciding that I want to can that extra $10 per month and buy one.  Sphinctrum (er, Spectrum) has a list of about 12 modems they say you can buy which will work with them.  Most of them are Arris, Netgear, or Zoom.

My question:  is it advisable to buy only one of those listed, or am I free to buy some other kind?  What's the standard? Spectrum simply lists "DOCSIS 3.0 Modems".   

I don't have a problem with buying one of them (listed here.  But I want to make sure 1) I'm getting something with more up to date standards so it doesn't go obsolete sooner, and 2) of course, reliable.

The company router they gave me (Arris) does pretty well, 1-2 quick burps, but otherwise working great.


We've been running Spectrum 60Mbps on an Arris 6141 with a Netgear N900 wireless for 2+ yrs with only a couple of issues - usually after strong storms.  At the time, they were rated very well at a good price, maybe $135 for both?  Got to be a little cheaper by now.


I think this is the correct answer. We watch almost everything else on demand now.

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We were watching everything on demand, got along just fine. Then got invited to DTNow Beta to use the dvr. Glitchy AF, but at least get to fast forward thru commercials with a 15second skip.
However, it sucks balls when the dvr cuts off last 2-3 minutes of show and then have to re-watch entire episode again on demand, commercials and all, to catch ending.
2 hours ago, oh_snap said:

We were watching everything on demand, got along just fine. Then got invited to DTNow Beta to use the dvr. Glitchy AF, but at least get to fast forward thru commercials with a 15second skip.
However, it sucks balls when the dvr cuts off last 2-3 minutes of show and then have to re-watch entire episode again on demand, commercials and all, to catch ending.

That Sucks!  I will look at other options

Posted (edited)

GREAT NEWS for sports watching... DirectTV Now has now added CBS to their basic lineup!  Very welcome, although my over the air reception for the Austin locals is stellar... just saves some back/forth.

DTVN is slowly coming around to be fucking great.  I hope they keep it up.


Edit: ABC, Fox, and now CBS are on DTVN's basic.  That leaves one more... they're workin' on it.

Edited by phdhorn
17 minutes ago, Updawg said:

That's good. Just need root sports/attached sports for the Astros and I'll be set

Yep, last big hurdle. Can't believe it isn't on there yet since At&t owns it. 

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