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53 minutes ago, Caddox said:

Lol you have to be such a douche to put out one of those "in this house we believe" signs. 

Usually the meanest assholes on the block will have those virtue signaling "in this house we believe" signs.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Tony Soprano said:

Wow. Just think if there were more with that great attitude. Instead of living off of the government.

Like your fellow poor white Republicans in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Nawf and Souf Caronlia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Nebraska, and Souf Dakota?

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4 minutes ago, Pancho Negro said:

Like your fellow poor white Republicans in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Nawf and Souf Caronlia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Nebraska, and Souf Dakota?

Yep. Them too. But welfare recipients are overwhelmingly democrat.  I don’t know why race is such an issue to you.  

3 minutes ago, Tony Soprano said:

 Is everything racial to you? You are part of the problem. Quit making excuses about everything and get out there and work. 

Yes it is. 


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Aren't you a guy who adamantly opposes police brutality and corruption? Do you really think the GOP wants to work towards solving these issues? They seem to be the least likely party to appear "soft" on crime, but you keep on fucking that chicken.

Yep that’s him, the same guy that said “the only good cop is a dead cop”.
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, GopherRock said:

Paddy Power is currently offering +400 on him. 

No shit at those odds.  I dont have one of those paddy power accounts, but will lay a few hundred if someone with posting history has an account and wants to work a paypal and shave something off it.  

Edited by Anastasis
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11 hours ago, Tony Soprano said:

 Is everything racial to you? You are part of the problem. Quit making excuses about everything and get out there and work. 

I have a salaried job fool. 

What problem am I apart of exactly? 🧐

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

Yep. Them too. But welfare recipients are overwhelmingly democrat.  I don’t know why race is such an issue to you.  

Fuck you.....the overwhelming recipients of welfare are large corporations.....

About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent nearly 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance.
  • Like 4
12 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

Yep. Them too. But welfare recipients are overwhelmingly democrat.  I don’t know why race is such an issue to you.  

It must be so easy for you to type that....you know, since you helped that one black guy. 

  • Like 1
On 6/27/2018 at 9:33 AM, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

I have no idea what is going to happen in November, but I do know that Ted Cruz voted to allow your internet browsing history to be bought and sold and that he voted against net neutrality. 

Wrote a letter to his office about this yesterday 

25 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

Dang, the ignore function on this board is pretty good. 

Yep, I'm loving the ignore function. My page of ignores is piling up.

7 minutes ago, Tony Soprano said:

You love to play the race card. Be responsible. Quit blaming the white man for everything. 

I find it funny that you (presumably a white dude) is telling minorities to stop playing their race card.  That must be so easy for you to say. 

With that said, What exactly am i not responsible for?  I’m not blaming the white man for everything.  

What the fuck are you talking about?

  • Like 3
10 minutes ago, Tony Soprano said:

I don't even know what color you are. It doesn't matter. Everything is not about race. 

Of course everything is not about race. But race is a thing. Enough of a thing that people categorized as being different races often don't have the luxury of just acting like it isn't. How willfully dense do you have to be to think hundreds years of slavery and systematic official oppression, not to mention widespread and pervasive prejudice, just vaporized in less than the space of one lifetime and everything got reset to zero where it's a level playing field?

  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

I don't even know what color you are. It doesn't matter. Everything is not about race. 


Not true - some things are about race.  Like when you get to those questions in the census.  #alternatefacts

Edited by Celery Man
19 hours ago, Tony Soprano said:

Wow. Just think if there were more with that great attitude. Instead of living off of the government.

"In fact, a Texas Workforce Commission program pays half his fare each month." 

So, yes, the working poor can live with their parents, commute 24 hours a week, work nights, and only get by with minimal government support. Who here wants to bet that at some point in his life, he's received SNAP benefits?  Poor doesn't equal lazy. Never has.  There are lazy rich and there are lazy poor. 

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

Of course everything is not about race. But race is a thing. Enough of a thing that people categorized as being different races often don't have the luxury of just acting like it isn't. How willfully dense do you have to be to think hundreds years of slavery and systematic official oppression, not to mention widespread and pervasive prejudice, just vaporized in less than the space of one lifetime and everything got reset to zero where it's a level playing field?

If you were born prior to 1968, you lived in an America where people were arrested and imprisoned for marrying somebody of the wrong color.  

Meanwhile, here in 2018 you can still take a child bride in most of the states as long as a parent or judge signs off on it.    14 is the minimum age in Texas. 

Edited by atomheartbevo
44 minutes ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

Of course everything is not about race. But race is a thing. Enough of a thing that people categorized as being different races often don't have the luxury of just acting like it isn't. How willfully dense do you have to be to think hundreds years of slavery and systematic official oppression, not to mention widespread and pervasive prejudice, just vaporized in less than the space of one lifetime and everything got reset to zero where it's a level playing field?



3 hours ago, tantric superman said:

Dang, the ignore function on this board is pretty good.  Johnny Sack went from being to once in a blue moon bright to incredible tiresome asshole, and now he is gone forever I think. 

I have been thinking the same thing.

3 hours ago, tantric superman said:

Dang, the ignore function on this board is pretty good.  Johnny Sack went from being to once in a blue moon bright to incredible tiresome asshole, and now he is gone forever I think. 

You know, I’m starting to have a bit of suspicion that Johnny Sack might just be a complete and utter partisan hack, and a racist shitbag

20 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

But welfare recipients are overwhelmingly democrat.

From my experience running grocery stores in Texas, your statement is highly inaccurate.

On 6/21/2018 at 5:07 PM, Larry T. Spider said:

She will get two votes from my household. It will be tough considering the district includes round rock to just shy of ft hood. Hopefully she can pick off some of the military vote. Wilco is almost down to 50/50 but not enough to put her over the top.

Is Round Rock considered more conservative than Georgetown?

Of course everything is not about race. But race is a thing. Enough of a thing that people categorized as being different races often don't have the luxury of just acting like it isn't. How willfully dense do you have to be to think hundreds years of slavery and systematic official oppression, not to mention widespread and pervasive prejudice, just vaporized in less than the space of one lifetime and everything got reset to zero where it's a level playing field?

Of course everything is not about race. But race is a thing. Enough of a thing that people categorized as being different races often don't have the luxury of just acting like it isn't. How willfully dense do you have to be to think hundreds years of slavery and systematic official oppression, not to mention widespread and pervasive prejudice, just vaporized in less than the space of one lifetime and everything got reset to zero where it's a level playing field?

lol they clearly know this man, they just are trying to goad you into admitting black people are inferior, regardless of the circumstance.

400 years of slavery, yet everything is equal cause they let us start drinking from the same water fountain ~50 years ago.


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Posted (edited)

Luckily he's in a heavy Dem leaning district, so he's not going to win barring something crazy.  You still don't want an Illinois Nazis on the ballot in case something weird happens.

Edited by kevwun
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If I'm Beto, I parody this RIGHT NOW.


This is horrific. An avowed Cuck running for Congress. To the good people of Texas, you have two reasonable choices: write in another candidate, or vote for the Democrat. This Canadian fool should receive ZERO votes.



“I need to show I have some moral line I won’t cross, but I can’t be sure the president whose taint I’m obligated to lick won’t cross any moral line the second I draw it. I know. I’ll google “Nazi” and give the old thumbs down to whatever comes up.”

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