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1 minute ago, NameWithHeld said:

Or were thinking about voting but NOW will for sure. 

It will make as much of a difference as the news that Ted Cruz caused the caravan by supporting the Honduran coup.*

* - Neither candidate is actually responsible for these things and non-morons know that.

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, elguapo said:

The only people who care about this were already voting Cruz.

That’s totally plausible, but spending campaign funds on these migrant hordes is not a good look. 

That’s totally plausible, but spending campaign funds on these migrant hordes is not a good look. 

Yep. There’s no way anyone will vote for those two campaign staffers in the video. What are they running for again?
  • Like 3
Just now, Celery Man said:

watch out it's the GOP "good look" police

Steve King: tricks a Holocaust memorial group into paying for a trip to Europe so he can meet with Nazis

Beto: People associated with his campaign give some poor people some blankets

Guess which one is causing more pearl clutching among the Surly Rs?

  • Like 8
10 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

Steve King: tricks a Holocaust memorial group into paying for a trip to Europe so he can meet with Nazis

Beto: People associated with his campaign give some poor people some blankets

Guess which one is causing more pearl clutching among the Surly Rs?

There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc. 


And this is why that video isn't going to do shit to the election. There aren't actually that many people who will be offended by the fact that low level staffers want to give blankets to poor migrants. And those who are will be countered by the number of people who think giving blankets to them makes a lot more sense than spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars to station thousands of troops at the border to stop these people:



  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc

This is a bit, right?

1 minute ago, Huckleberry said:

And this is why that video isn't going to do shit to the election. There aren't actually that many people who will be offended by the fact that low level staffers want to give blankets to poor migrants.


That word doesn’t belong anywhere near O’Keefe. But yes, even if his characterization was actually true, I’m not sure why anyone who isn’t a partisan hack would care about low level staffers discussing how to get blankets to the caravan.

10 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc. 

Oh look at you, acting like you give a shit about poor people in this country.

  • Like 2
43 minutes ago, elguapo said:

The only people who care about this were already voting Cruz.

I've yet to figure out what in that video is the gotcha moment where the big information is revealed.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc. 

Unless they are black or Hispanic....




I couldn't muster enough desire to make it to the end of that jumbled video.  At some point does it become clear that these staffers were talking about using campaign funds for people currently ~ 1000 miles from the Texas border?

What I saw was a mishmash of vague statements, sometimes responding to what appeared to be leading questions, and I couldn't figure out if they were even talking about something related to the caravan at all.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

There are plenty of CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc. 

That's always one of my favorite responses when someone shows they are a better person than you.  "Yeah, well they could have been an even better better person!"


"If LeBron James wants to champion social justice as well as basketball, he should go to Chicago and help the poor people there who are experiencing unprecedented violence," a former Fox News host wrote in a tweet that concluded by asking people to read the host's commentary. 




Just now, jimmyjazz said:

At some point does it become clear that these staffers were talking about using campaign funds for people currently ~ 1000 miles from the Texas border?

Wait, so when the election has been over for weeks and the 'caravan' finally makes it here, and those staffers are no longer employed by the campaign, they are going to buy supplies for the caravan using campaign funds? This really doesn't make any sense.

17 minutes ago, NameWithHeld said:

There are plenty of fetal CITIZENS in this country that could use those blankets etc.  Give to the Salvation Army etc. 


7 minutes ago, Stros said:

Beto wants to raise your taxes, because you’re not paying your fare share.

American Express wants to raise your minimum payment cause you are racking up $100k in unpaid debt a month.   Not fair!

Just now, Stros said:

Beto wants to decriminalize illegal immigration.

so do i.

as a matter of fact, since we are in charge of the mechanisms by which people immigrate, i'd be in full support of increasing the number of legal immigrants into this country. there are a number of policy positions involved here, with a guest worker program, family visas, and paths to citizenship i would also support. 

but it's a problem we are clearly equipped to solve, should we so choose.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Stros said:

Illegal immigration. Did you forget the first part?

what i'm presupposing is that maybe we make it legal.

it's only illegal because we want it to be illegal. we could easily fix this problem.

9 minutes ago, Stros said:

Illegal immigration. Did you forget the first part?

You can call it whatever you want. The fact remains that most of what you are calling illegal immigration is not a criminal act.

what i'm presupposing is that maybe we make it legal.
it's only illegal because we want it to be illegal. we could easily fix this problem.

So immigrants should be able to come in without being documented? Because that’s the part that’s illegal.
You can call it whatever you want. The fact remains that most of what you are calling illegal immigration is not a criminal act.

I would like the immigrants to be documented.
3 minutes ago, Stros said:


So immigrants should be able to come in without being documented? Because that’s the part that’s illegal.



1 minute ago, Stros said:


I would like the immigrants to be documented.


so, follow me here, i know my train of thought has a lot of inertia: if we increase the number of legal immigrants, i'm also assuming that part of that "legal" process would be documentation. 

hell, i propose letting in the asylum seekers in the caravan in legally. there's no reason we can't do that.

unless you can think of a reason not to do that.

our immigration policy is 100% in our control. let's let more people in. 

10 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

That didn't take long.  Cruz already running with the "Beto is funding the caravan" conspiracy theory.



Lulz.  Beto refuses to answer, I'm sure.  It's a layup.  "Should the caravan be allowed to illegally enter Texas?"  "Of course not.  We have to find some real solutions on immigration that take into account [blah blah soak blue shirt with sweat blah] and humanely [blah blah] workers that are needed [blah blah too much hand movement] bipartisan with Senator Cornyn [lots of teeth blah blah]."  Beto would love to get air time of someone asking him that question.  

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