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The GQP: Trumpist Death Cult

Hugo Stiglitz

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Never say the quiet part out loud


One of U.S. President Donald Trump's top re-election advisers told influential Republicans in swing state Wisconsin that the party has "traditionally" relied on voter suppression to compete in battleground states but will be able to "start playing offence" in 2020 due to relaxed Election Day rules, according to an audio recording of a private event obtained by The Associated Press.

*just saw it posted in the Trump thread

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You know, it’s the little things that make the parallels to the Nazis so perfect. Like the fact that the “thought leaders” of the movement are complete social and intellectual rejects. These guys are fucking losers of the highest order. But they figured out how to band together, and play some other idiots for fools, and here we are.

It’s improbable that a band of fucking losers would take over a country that most observers would think is sane....but we’ve seen it before.
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I didn't know where to put this but blame the republicans the most for this shit for failing to stand up to Trump. 


(CNN)An Iowa woman was charged with attempted murder after running over a 14-year-old girl, saying she did so because the teenager "was a Mexican," police said.

Nicole Marie Poole Franklin, 42, was arrested on other charges and Thursday admitted to Clive police she hit the girl with her vehicle on December 9, according to a news release from the Clive Police Department. Clive is about 9 miles from Des Moines.

The girl was walking to Indian Hills Junior High when a vehicle drove onto the sidewalk, ran over her and left the scene, the release said.



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13 hours ago, Planet Houston said:

To be fair, while most of us think that the season is about family, most of us haven’t been disowned by our entire family. 

I’m ready for this national nightmare to be over. Merry Christmas!


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 Narrator: It wasn’t over.


A little more context:


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Yeah, those headlines make you think, “hey, a Republican is going to hold Trump accountable for something” (immoral behavior, financial fraud, financial conflict of interest, collusion with our enemies, attacking American law enforcement, lying to intelligence services, lying in general, broadcasting divisive and demonstrably false conspiracy theories, pardoning war criminals, smiling as all-white crowds chant racist things, etc). 

Then you click on the article and read it, and see... no.   No, they’re not fucking taking any moral or ethical stand whatsoever.  

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1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

Trump is not as popular in Oklahoma as much as one would think given how conservative the state is.  A couple other examples are Nebraska and Montana. 

Trump is most popular in the Deep South and Appalachia along with certain western states like Idaho and Wyoming.

Don't forget Alaska!

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Yeah, those headlines make you think, “hey, a Republican is going to hold Trump accountable for something” (immoral behavior, financial fraud, financial conflict of interest, collusion with our enemies, attacking American law enforcement, lying to intelligence services, lying in general, broadcasting divisive and demonstrably false conspiracy theories, pardoning war criminals, smiling as all-white crowds chant racist things, etc). 
Then you click on the article and read it, and see... no.   No, they’re not fucking taking any moral or ethical stand whatsoever.  
No, they are holding Democrats/liberals and maybe even themselves accountable to a standard, and then using that stand to justify indulging an immorality that suits their own purposes.

It’s a good example of “moral licensing”.
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4 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

That’s their strategy in the suburban congressional races.  “I personally don’t like Trump but I will support him 100% and without question and won’t hold him accountable for anything.”

and the Slorches of the world (and 100% of current Republicans) eat that shit up, hook line and sinker, vote straight ticket R, and continue their enabling, while convincing themselves that they're "not part of the problem, and don't approve of Trump at all."

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Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Wanted Sealed

More than a year after his death, a cache of computer files saved on the hard drives of Thomas Hofeller, a prominent Republican redistricting strategist, is becoming public.

Republican state lawmakers in North Carolina fought in court to keep copies of these maps, spreadsheets and other documents from entering the public record. But some files have already come to light in recent months through court filings and news reports.

They have been cited as evidence of gerrymandering that got political maps thrown out in North Carolina, and they have raised questions about Hofeller's role in the Trump administration's failed push for a census citizenship question.

Now more of the files are available online through a website called The Hofeller Files, where Hofeller's daughter, Stephanie Hofeller, published a link to her copy of the files on Sunday after first announcing her plans in a tweet last month.


Worth reading the full article. It sounds like he fucked around in Texas redistricting too and his business partner that runs the company is still on the RNC payroll.

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